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选取2021年7月水位大幅波动和2018年7月水位中幅波动时的水质数据为主要研究对象,通过库区的水质与水生态监测调查,初步研究了密云水库水位变化对水质及浮游藻类的影响规律。研究表明:密云水库水位大幅上升期(2021年)和中幅上升期(2018年),水位对水质及浮游藻类的影响趋势大致相同。水位上升导致密云水库库区污染物质增多,主要是因为外源输入,其中上游面源污染是最主要的部分,建议应加强密云水库上游面源污染的防治,减少上游污染物的输入。本研究分析了密云水库库区污染物来源,为库区污染控制、保障库区水质安全提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为探究钱塘江(杭州段)浮游藻类季节动态及其与环境因子的关系,于2018年1—12月对4个主要监测点位进行了月度采样调查。结果表明:浮游藻类总叶绿素质量浓度月均值为1.74~22.86μg/L,蓝藻叶绿素质量浓度月均值为0.02~10.82μg/L,全年浮游藻类组成以蓝藻和硅甲藻为主。环境因子主要选取了水温、水体pH值、浊度、电导率、溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、氨氮(NH3-N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)共9项水质参数。浮游藻类叶绿素质量浓度受水体理化因子影响较大,按月均值分析:总叶绿素质量浓度及绿藻叶绿素质量浓度均与水体温度显著正相关,蓝藻叶绿素质量浓度与水体温度极显著正相关;按季节平均值分析,硅甲藻叶绿素质量浓度与总磷质量浓度极显著负相关。由此可见,水温与总磷是影响钱塘江(杭州段)浮游藻类季节动态的主要环境因子。对主要环境因子和重要点位进行分类管理、联动监测和比对监测,尽可能防控环境风险,才能更好地实现浮游藻类环境监测分析的预警功能。  相似文献   

为了解湖泊藻类分布特征及污染相关因子发生、发展的现状,摸清湖泊生态健康状况,防控水华发生,以洪泽湖为例,对浮游藻类样品的分层采集、现场固定保存、样品的处理以及藻细胞密度计数、藻类种属识别、藻类图谱拍摄、群落构成等进行了研究,为湖泊生态监测工作积累了经验,对进一步开展湖泊藻类监测工作起到借鉴和推动作用。  相似文献   

热排水对浮游藻类季节变化影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对电厂热排水对水生生态环境的影响,通过野外监测的方法,在辽宁省大伙房水库就热排水对浮游藻类的季节变化影响进行了深入研究。研究结果表明:在春、秋、冬三季,增温对浮淤藻类的种数、密度和生物量均起促进作用,在夏季则对种数,生物量则起抑制作用。高温引起蓝、绿藻数量增另和硅藻明显减少。  相似文献   

2008-2010年的监测结果显示,密云水库浮游藻类有7门48属,硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻是主要构成部分.4、5月优势种群为硅藻、绿藻,6-9月为蓝藻,10、11月为绿藻、硅藻.密云水库浮游藻类时空分布差异明显,水温、水深及氮磷等是浮游藻类种群及藻密度变化的主要影响因子,水温与蓝藻呈正相关,与硅藻呈负相关,水深与藻密度呈负相关,氮磷比波动较大,磷为限制性因子.未来几年,在外部环境没有显著改变的前提下,密云水库浮游藻类群落结构不会明显变化,大面积水华发生的可能性较小.  相似文献   

以巢湖市封闭河道为研究对象,采用水动力模型和生态动力学模型方法,结合野外围隔试验,探讨了调水对河道水质改善和水华抑制的作用效果,并通过调水试验对模拟结果进行了验证。计算出最优的调水周期,提出了合理的涵闸工程改造与科学的引排结合的措施。结果表明:调水能够使河道的水动力条件得到显著提高,平均流速均大于0.10 m/s,高于浮游植物生长临界流速,换水频率在21 d以内。通过一次调水试验表明模型的计算结果比较合理,科学合理的调水能达到抑制有害蓝藻水华在夏季暴发的目的。  相似文献   

王勇  武栋  王琦  胡长静 《山西水利》2010,26(5):55-56,58
对漳泽水库浮游藻类的群落结构和水质情况进行了调查,结果表明,水库的浮游植物调查和理化检测指标显示水库水质已呈富营养化。经分析,造成水质富营养化的外源污染物主要为总磷、总氮,内源污染主要为网箱养鱼,结合实际提出了水库富营养化的防治措施。  相似文献   

曾骥  韩晓  张晓瑾 《治淮》2011,(12):38-38
南四湖藻类多样性偏低,主要为绿藻门,其藻类种类及密度变化主要受季节变化影响.夏季是南四湖藻类种类最丰富的季节,其藻密度也达到全年最高值.  相似文献   

棘洪滩水库浮游藻类变化及富营养化防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细分析了2004~2006年度棘洪滩水库浮游藻类的细胞密度及种群结构变化。2004年进水口与放水口藻类细胞密度年均值分别为3.892×106/L和2.269×106/L,冬季以硅藻为主,春季以隐藻、金藻为主,夏、秋季以蓝藻为主。2005年进水口与放水口藻类细胞密度年均值分别为6.654×106/L和5.903×106/L,冬、春季以硅藻、隐藻为主,夏季以绿藻为主,秋季则以蓝藻为主。2006年进水口与放水口藻类细胞密度年均值分别为3.001×106/L和3.687×106/L,夏末至秋季绿藻占优势,代替了先前在此阶段占优势的蓝藻,其他季节多以硅藻为主,隐藻和金藻分别在冬季和春季占有一定比例,说明2006年的水质状况较2004年、2005年有所改善。棘洪滩水库藻类峰值出现在夏末和秋季,此阶段水库的水质呈中富营养状态,其他月份为中营养或贫营养状态。Shannon-weaver多样性指数显示,目前水库的水质总体呈中度污染。入库的源水质量对水库水质影响很大,控制引入的源水质量并采取相应的生物防治措施可有效避免水库发生富营养化。  相似文献   

高原湖库饮用水源地多面临严重的富营养化问题,探寻高效的生态调度控藻技术是解决此问题的关键,水位调度是其中最为经济和有效的调控方式之一。基于MIKE 3构建了湖库三维水动力-水质生态耦合模型,以红枫湖为例,开展了水位调度对高原湖库水源地浮游藻类的影响预测研究。结果表明:水位对湖区藻类生长聚集具有明显的调节作用,其中红枫湖区的流场在水位突降期间明显增加,在南湖与北湖连接段的流速普遍增加至0.3 m/s以上,而这种水动力引起的扰动对打破藻类结构、减少湖区的藻生物量具有明显的效果,红枫湖南湖的藻浓度大幅下降。另外,库区长时间稳定在低水位运行对于藻类防控具有十分不利的影响。  相似文献   

洪泽湖混合流数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文通过构造一个二维开边界数值模式,对不同风情及出入湖流量组合情况下的洪泽湖混合流流态进行模拟研究,探讨其混合流特征。  相似文献   

洪泽湖是我国第四大淡水湖,是一典型的过水性湖泊,无论是洪水(水灾)或是枯水(旱灾)均应当引起同等重要的关注,泄与蓄要兼顾兼施,必须从资源水利的角度来审视和研讨洪泽湖的治理和改造,因此,开辟了海水道是治理淮河与洪泽湖的根本举措,蓄泄兼施,淮水在湖外分流;清淤掘底,增加蓄水量;整治湖口,淮河洪水畅流入湖,防治污染,保护水环境。  相似文献   

楚恩国 《中国水利》2007,(23):33-35
洪泽湖位于淮河中下游,地处南北气候过渡带、中纬度过渡带、海陆相过渡带,各种天气系统相互交错又相互影响,是典型的孕灾地区。在分析了洪泽湖水资源特点及地区分配南北差异、年际变化、年内分配,水污染情况,水环境恶化程度等现状的基础上,提出了洪泽湖水资源开发、利用与保护的建议与对策。  相似文献   

The current study was conducted for 2 years (2006 and 2007) during January, April and September to investigate seasonal variations in biological parameters and planktonic biodiversity observed at four sampling sites (MRM, M500, SRM and S500) in Lake Victoria. Blue‐green algae (Cyanophyta) dominated the lakeshore waters of Lake Victoria, comprising 54.1% of the total algal content, compared to 24.4% for diatoms and 14.7% for green algae (Chlorophyta). Euglenophytes and dinoflagellates both constitute <10% of the algal biomass. The algal distribution at the Sango Bay sampling sites, however, is different in that it is dominated by diatoms, in contrast to Murchison Bay, which was dominated by blue‐green algae. This study also investigated the influence of iron (Fe2+and Fe3+) and zinc (Zn2+) ions on four strains of microcystis (CYN 464, CYN 465, CYN 478 and CYN 522) isolated from Murchison Bay in Lake Victoria. The suggestion that iron species and zinc ions might limit phytoplankton growth in Lake Victoria was tested by enriching algal culture media with different metal concentrations. Based on measurements of the algal biomass of four species of Lake Victoria, the algal biomass of the four microcystis strains generally decreased with increased zinc and Fe2+ concentrations. The algal biomass of the four strains, however, increased with increased Fe3+ concentrations. This response to different metal concentrations provides evidence that high Zn2+ and Fe2+ ion concentrations limit phytoplankton growth and species distribution. The availability of Fe3+ ions is an important selective force on Lake Victoria phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

洪泽湖60年的变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴晓兵 《中国水利》2009,(14):21-23
洪泽湖是我国五大淡水湖之一,是淮河流域大型调蓄水库,对淮河流域的防洪以及周边地区的经济社会发展至关重要。以新中国成立后洪泽湖60年的发展变化为主线,记述了新中国60年来国家对洪泽湖治理、开发利用以及保护的努力.反映了60年来国家治水思路和理念的变化。  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal variation of the water quality in Hongze Lake were studied with the least favorable value method and the anomaly coefficient method based on the monthly monitoring data from 2010 to 2020. The results show that TN, CODMn, and TP are the most important factors that affect the water environment of Hongze Lake. With regard to the temporal distribution, the monthly TN concentration in Hongze Lake decreased continuously, the monthly CODMn concentration gradually stabilized, and the monthly TP concentration increased first and then decreased. The annual TN concentration decreased significantly, while the annual TP concentration decreased slightly from 2010 to 2020. The least favorable value of TN showed a downward trend, with the dry season having a significantly greater effect on the increase of TN than the flood season. The least favorable value of TP showed a slight upward trend, which mainly occurred in August, September, and October, with a probability up to 81.8%. With regard to the spatial distribution, the TN and CODMn anomaly coefficients in the lake area in Huai’ an were mostly positive, while the coefficients in the lake area in Suqian were mostly negative. The TP anomaly coefficient was mostly negative in the lake area in Huai’an, while mostly positive in the lake area in Suqian. Currently, control of TN and reduction of the total emissions of CODMn are the two prominent issues needed to be addressed in the Huai’an area, and TP control is an urgent issue to be strengthened in the Suqian area. © 2022, Editorial Board of Water Resources Protection. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

为研究洪泽湖换水能力的时空分布特征,基于MIKE21建立洪泽湖二维水动力模型,模拟分析了洪泽湖不同湖区的换水周期;考虑洪泽湖的流场呈现风生流和吞吐流双重特点,分析了不同季节和不同风场条件下换水周期的空间变化特征。结果表明:洪泽湖换水周期空间异质性明显,从南到北梯度递增,冬季和春季全湖平均换水周期较长,分别为75 d和60 d,秋季和夏季的全湖平均换水周期较短,分别为49 d和31 d;实际风场对洪泽湖的换水能力起到正向作用,东南风对洪泽湖的换水能力起正向作用,东北风对洪泽湖的换水能力起到抑制作用。  相似文献   

Water samples were collected on a monthly basis at three locations along the north–south axis of the lake at 1 m depth intervals for 1 year. A sedimentation technique was used for microscopic examination of the samples. The monthly mean and seasonal phytoplankton densities were calculated. The original data were square‐root transformed, and analysis of variance performed with SPSS version 10.0. The significant treatment effects were determined using Fisher's least significance difference at the 5% probability level. The mean phytoplankton population per millilitre was very high for the entire sampling period. There was a phytoplankton bloom formation in the early rainy season, with the mean total phytoplankton population density for the rainy season (April–October) being significantly higher than that of for the dry season (November–March). A population increase was observed during the late part of the dry season to the early part of the rainy season. During the rainy season, Chlorophyceae (mostly desmids) were most abundant, followed by Cyanobacteria, Bacillariophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Dinophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Chrysophyceae and Xanthophyceae, in decreasing order of abundance. This order changed slightly in the dry season, when there was relative abundance of Bacillariophyceae over Cyanophyceae, and Dinophyceae over Euglenophyceae. The low population of Euglenophyceae indicates that the organic pollution is still low, with the predominance of desmids, indicating an oligotrophic lake condition.  相似文献   

An investigation of three particle-associated microcystin (MC) congeners (MC-LR, MC-RR, and MC-YR) was performed in 2013 from August to November in Hongze Lake, China. All MCs congeners exhibited significant spatial and temporal variability. Particle-associated MCs were commonly found in this lake, but MC-LR was present at low levels (0.075–1.252 μg/L). All three MC congeners were found to be significantly correlated with non-toxic phytoplankton (e.g., chlorophyte, cryptophyte and diatoms), while only MC-YR and total MC were correlated with cyanobacteria biomass. Copepods, rotifers and three genera of Cladocera were positively correlated with MC concentrations, but feeding habits of these zooplankton species might have different effects on different MC congeners and total MC distributions. Linear mixed effects (LME) model results showed that the interactions between cyanobacteria and other non-toxic phytoplankton or zooplankton species may drive MCs dynamics. Physiochemical parameters also may affect MC congener variability individually or through their effects on toxic cyanobacteria. The results of this study suggested that MCs distribution in Hongze Lake was site-specific and could be influenced by biotic and abiotic factors both individually and through their interactions.  相似文献   

基于洪泽湖区域21景ETM+遥感影像,解译得到洪泽湖的水面变化时间序列数据;结合三河闸(闸上)实测水位数据,推导了洪泽湖水位水面面积函数关系,运用积分方法得到洪泽湖库容曲线,并与现有库容曲线进行了对比分析。结果表明:洪泽湖周边水域圈圩养殖区是早期形成的,2000—2015年间圈圩总体上得到一定的控制,但在洪泽湖西岸有进一步加剧的趋势;水位-水面面积函数的选取对低水位水面面积推算有影响,进而对湖泊死库容计算产生累计误差影响;遥感影像数据越丰富、影像之间的湖泊水位差越小,则库容曲线越准确。  相似文献   

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