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非洲是一个水电蕴藏量巨大的地区,尽管有一些障碍,但非洲大陆的水力发电正在增长。  相似文献   

关于雅鲁藏布江水能资源开发的建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1引言我国西藏地区地域辽阔,资源丰富,人烟稀少,经济相对落后。党和国家提出要开发西部地区,江泽民主席在中共十六大代表大会上提出:“积极推进西部大开发,促进区域经济协调发展,关系全国发展的大局,关系民族团结和边疆稳定”犤1犦。在新的世纪中,我们将投入巨大的人力物力来开发包括西藏在内的西部地区。开发哪些项目,怎样开发,这些具有战略性决策的问题的确应提上议事日程。2开发雅鲁藏布江水能资源的必要性及可行性2.1西藏地区的资源优势西藏自治区面积为122万km2,占全国总面积的12.7%。全区平均海拔在4000m以上,有“世界屋脊”之称。西…  相似文献   

付宁 《黑龙江水利科技》2003,30(4):49-49,56
文章论述了黑龙江省水利资源开发规划,以及利用现状,提出了今后对黑龙江、松花江、乌苏里江三大水系水利资源开发规划的要求与重点,阐述了加速黑龙江省水电建设的对策。  相似文献   

文章分析了英国《国际水电与大坝》季刊出版的《2 0 0 0年水电地图集》与世界能源会议 1974 ,1980年的统计数字对比 ,说明 2 0世纪后半叶对水电开发的认识和规划有了变化。中国目前正在进行水能资源的复查 ,本文对这次水能资源复查提出了意见和建议  相似文献   

结合《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》的实施为农村水电发展带来新的机遇,分析江西水能开发利用现状、存在的问题,介绍江西在水能资源开发管理方面的主要做法和经验,提出新时期江西水能资源管理工作的总体思路和今后的主要工作。  相似文献   

全世界现存技术上可开发的水能资源估计每年可达15000TWh,其中大多分布在那些急需增加清洁和可再生能源供给的国家,这些国家通过水电开发来推动其社会进步和经济的发展。认为可以在短期甚至中期内就能开发利用所有水能资源的想法是不现实的,但可以肯定的是水电开发在世界能源供给中将会扮演十分重要的角色,而且在诸如避免石化燃料发电等方面,水电开发还具有环境和技术上的明显优势。本文概述了水电开发的现状和地位以及水能资源的特点,调查研究了现存的水能资源蕴藏量以及全世界各地区一些具体的水电开发项目。特别值得指出的是,作为水利综合开发项目的一部分,水电开发的优势还表现在它通常能够为水库或河道水利枢纽工程的其它重要功能提供资金上的补偿。研究表明:亚洲是未来新建大型水电开发项目的主要地区,其次是拉丁美洲和非洲;与此同时,世界上已建水电工程还存在着巨大的水电装机扩容潜力。  相似文献   

保康县水电资源十分丰富,中小水电开发建设已初具规模,对当地的经济发展起到了较大作用。在实现经济体制和经济增长方式根本转变过程中,为优化配置水能资源,进一步发挥中小水电强劲的经济拉动作用,推进水电强县战略目标的顺利实施,提出了加快发展小水电的主要措施。  相似文献   

水能资源开发利用程度国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对国内外水能资源数据和研究成果的持续追踪,对主要国家尤其是发达国家水能资源开发、储水设施建设的分析比较,从国际角度定位我国水电开发利用程度。研究结果表明:我国水能资源丰富,居世界第一,水电年发电量也位居世界前列,2013年我国水电经济开发度为52%,低于主要发达国家水电经济开发度(70%以上);我国水能资源开发利用程度低于人类发展指数介于0.7~0.8的中等人类发展水平国家的水能资源开发程度。我国水能资源方面的多项总量指标位居世界前列,但在开发利用程度、与社会经济发展匹配程度方面与发达国家相比,差距依然存在。  相似文献   

合理、有序地开发陕南贫困山区的水能资源是转化资源优势,助推区域经济社会发展的重要举措。本文重点分析陕南东部的旬阳县近年来水能开发中存在的问题,并结合自身工作实践提出了促进旬阳县水能开发与管理的相关建议,以期为旬阳县水能资源工作提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

从西部地区的实际情况出发,分析了西部地区水电开发的优势、经济效益、环境效益与社会效益,以及开发中的问题。从坚持“流域、梯级、滚动、综合”开发原则,明确各利益主体的权、责、利,制定合理的电价政策等方面提出了进一步开发的策略。  相似文献   

介绍了金华电航桥工程建成10年的历程,阐述了涪江上的水电明珠--金华水电站的重要性,展望了四川明珠集团美好的远景.  相似文献   

随着我国建设有中国特色社会主义市场经济的不断深入,紧密围绕水电建筑企业发展和人才工作面临的新形势,就开发人才资源与水电建筑企业发展的重大意义、重要关系以及对策措施进行了分析探讨,总结了经验.  相似文献   

周可 《湖北水力发电》2014,(4):61-62,74
重点从安全管理的角度分析海外施工管理的现状、存在的问题以及需要改进的方法,目的在于总结经验教训,提升公司海外项目的安全管理质量,减少人身伤害事故和财产损失,提高公司的正面形象,为深入进行海外经营活动做好铺垫。  相似文献   

国家亟待建立重大灾害救助基金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是灾害频发和深重的国家,又正处在经济快速增长期,发生巨灾及巨大损失的可能性日益增大,而灾区及无辜的灾民无力承受重大灾害及损失,政府不仅应实施灾害救援,更应对灾民根本性救助,补偿其损失;国家建立重大灾害救助基金是解决这一难题的唯一可靠途径.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出由于经济法律制度不完善,近几年由水电资源开发导致各种经济利益主体之间的矛盾明显增多,属于正常现象,无可厚非。发展是硬道理,发展过程中出现的矛盾事实上在推动我国市场经济制度体系走向完善。政府部门不能只承认矛盾的正面作用,而更应该去探究引起矛盾的各种因素,  相似文献   


The use of water for food production accounts for about 75 percent of the total withdrawal in developing countries and is crucial for sustenance. It is also important for addressing poverty and rural development. With developing countries endeavoring to enter the mainstream of development, a formidable challenge in water resources development, resource use efficiency and environmental conservation is faced by these countries, in which management of water for food will continue to remain prominent. A review of the current state of the sector in the developing countries is presented with a brief case study in India for realism. It is clear that although considerable development in the area has occurred, there are serious policy, engineering, environmental and management deficiencies. Approaches for modernisation of the sector are suggested in terms of quantum change in concepts, policies, planning approaches, institutions. and attitudes. Approaches for implementation are proposed  相似文献   

A companion paper in the previous issue of this journal (Briscoe, 1999) describes the changing face of infrastructure financing in developing countries. This paper deals with the financing of major infrastructure in the water-related sectors-hydropower, water supply and sanitation, irrigation, and overall water resources management (including the environment). The overall level of investment in water-related infrastructure in developing countries is estimated to be of the order of $65 billion annually, with the respective shares about $15 billion for hydro, $25 billion for water and sanitation and $25 billion for irrigation and drainage. About 90% of this investment comes from domestic sources, primarily from the public sector. Water-related infrastructure accounts for a large chunk-about 15%-of all government spending. This heavy dependence on the public sector means that the global 'winds of change' in the respective roles of government and the private sector have major implications for the financing and structure of the water economy. The paper describes how each of the 'sub-sectors' is adapting to these winds of change. First, in recent years competition and private sector provision have emerged as the characteristicsof the new electricity industry. This change poses a fundamental challenge to hydro which, to a much greater degree than thermal, has risks (hydrological, geological, social and environmental) which are better assumed by the public than the private sector. The future of private hydro, and thus of hydro itself, depends heavily on the ability of the public sector to both share risks with the private sector, and to provide predictable social and environmental rules of the game. Second, the urban water supply sector is in the early stages of equally profound change. In recent years there has been a dramatic shift towards the private sector, in developed and developing countries alike. An outline of the future shape of a competitive urban water sector is emerging: it is one in which a growing number of private companies will compete with revitalized (and often corporatized) public utilities. Capital will, increasingly, come from the private capital markets, with the critical government role being that of light, transparent benchmarking and regulation. Third, the adaptation to the winds of change is least advanced in the public irrigation sector, which has long been characterized by public financing and 'rent seeking' by bureaucracies, politicians and private beneficiaries. It is only in recent years, and only in a few countries, that the irrigation sector has modernized. In these cases irrigation has become like any other utility, in which accountable, autonomous agencies provide users with the services the users want. In many instances, farmers have become responsible for the costs of operating and maintaining their systems; in some instances they are responsible for meeting the full costs of replacement, rehabilitation and new investments. Where these changes have taken place, there have not only been sharp swings in the relative proportion of private and public spending, but there have been dramatic improvements in the efficiency of investment and operation and, in most cases, major positive environmental impacts.  相似文献   


Part 1 of this paper analyzes the concepts of institutional capacity building and of integrated water resources management, on the basis of recent publications. The authors, building on the work of others, combine this into a conceptual framework for institutional capacity building in the water resources sector. A matrix approach is developed that allows the analysis of project activities, projects and possibly even complete sector programs. At the same time various aspects of process orientation of projects and programs are distinguished and described. The result is a set of analysis tools specifically oriented towards the evaluation of institutional capacity building projects and programs in the water resources sector. Part 2 presents a number of case studies and shows the application of the set of analysis tools. The same set of tools can also be used for the design of such projects or programs, but this is not covered in the present papers.  相似文献   

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