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明渠挟沙水流中悬移质的床面平衡浓度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
钟德钰  张红武 《水利学报》2006,37(7):789-794
本文通过泥沙颗粒运动的概率密度输运方程,推导出床面附近运动的泥沙颗粒的概率密度函数及相应的泥沙颗粒向上运动和向下运动的通量,建立了计算明渠挟沙水流悬移质床面平衡浓度的关系式。通过与试验资料及经验公式的比较对本文建立的关系式进行了检验,结果表明本文所得计算公式与实际符合较好,可用于悬沙床面平衡浓度的计算。  相似文献   

本文研究了清水冲刷条件下宽级配非均匀床沙粗化的规律性。研究中不仅考虑了水流的紊动性和泥沙非均匀性对其起动规律的影响,而且还考虑了不同粒径泥沙起动引起水流相对脉动强度的变化。通过试验,分别就单峰型和双峰型初始床沙级配,给出了粗化后床面层粒径组成的计算方法,并与已有的试验资料和计算结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

王浩  范洁铃  钟强  陈槐  陈铭  彭国平 《水利学报》2020,51(8):987-996
本文开展推移质平衡输沙试验,基于图像处理、PTV方法和卡尔曼滤波算法,分析床面推移质泥沙颗粒运动规律。在此基础上使用SFM方法重构床面三维地形并与颗粒运动对比,以研究推移质运动与紊流相干结构相互作用机理。结果表明:(1)通过本文方法,可从颗粒尺度较好识别推移质运动轨迹,为推移质运动机理研究提供新思路。(2)一定水流强度条件下(Θ=0.048,0.06),推移质运动强度在床面沿横向方向存在高低间隔的带状结构,水槽中间区域明显,至水槽两侧结构逐渐消失。(3)床面形成交替间隔的沙脊和沙垄结构时,沙垄区域推移质运动强度大,沙脊区域推移质运动强度小。(4)流向涡模型能够很好地解释推移质运动强度及床面沙脊沙垄结构沿横向间隔分布的特征。推移质床面沙条带结构和大尺度流向涡结构相互耦合,形成稳定的时间平均尺度床面结构。  相似文献   

冲积河流长距离冲刷不平衡输沙过程初步研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
刘金梅  王士强  王光谦 《水利学报》2002,33(2):0047-0054
本文从悬移质扩散方程出发, 研究冲积河流长距离冲刷不平衡输沙过程. 对于天然沙质河流, 床沙均为非均匀沙, 由于较细泥沙的冲刷率总大于较粗泥沙, 因此在床面薄层内泥沙随冲刷迅速粗比, 致使挟沙力降低, 不平衡输沙距离比均匀沙情况大大延长. 文中同时提出了表层床沙粗化的概化计算模式及床沙交换速率计算公式. 床沙交换速率的大小是决定含沙量恢复饱和距离的重要因素. 本文对不同类型底部边界条件进行了计算比较, 并与黄河下游的实际冲刷资料进行了对比, 结果表明, 应用梯度型底部边界条件, 且在考虑表层床沙粗化中以作者提出的公式计算床沙交换速率, 则计算含沙量和实际符合良好.  相似文献   

非均匀沙床面粗糙度的分形特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王协康  方铎  姚令侃 《水利学报》1999,30(7):0070-0075
本文在分析非均匀沙床面颗粒随机分布特性的基础上,对床面颗粒暴露度函数关系进行了分析,通过简化颗粒的排列方式,利用分形理论研究了初始及粗化床面糙度的分形特征,结合实验资料讨论了床面糙率n与糙度分维数D的关系,并与床面糙率n和代表粒径(d50、d90)的关系进行了比较,初步认为对于初始床面分维数与床面糙率具有更好的相关关系,而粗化床面两者代表性基本一致,为更好地研究床面糙率、泥沙起动及其输沙过程提出了一种新的研究方法。  相似文献   

通过在常曲率U型弯道水槽试验中采集的流速和水深过程数据,研究了弯道内水流结构及泥沙冲淤形态,分析了水流与床面之间的相互影响。试验发现:(1)弯道水流结构水面线发生扭曲,水流动力轴线及三个方向的垂线平均流速随流程和横向分布均有变化;(2)由于弯道特有的几何特征,使弯道中水流产生特有的弯道环流运动,弯道环流运动引起弯道泥沙的横向输移,形成弯道凹岸冲刷、凸岸淤积的冲淤特性,反之,床面形态的变化也使水流结构发生改变。研究所得结果可为河流泥沙研究提供参考。  相似文献   

通过一组仔细安排的试验,研究了高含沙水流中粗颗粒泥沙的运动情况,并与清水作了对比,试验在宽0.3米、高0.2米的矩形断面管路中进行,底部铺厚约0.1米的塑料沙(比重1.29,等容直径0.345厘米)作为粗颗粒,清水或不同含沙量的浑水(具有显著宾汉体特性的膨润土悬浮液)流经这一松散河床。 试验表明:颗粒在浑水中下沉较慢,其沉降规律仍可用一般的C_D与Re_1关系描述,只是这里的Re_1是一个包含宾汉切应力在内的通用雷诺致。由于宾汉切应力的存在,颗粒在浑水中较不容易起动,推导的浑水中颗粒起动条件如式(20)所示。由于较不容易起动,浑水中粗颗粒的推移质输沙率比清水中要小,由于颗粒沉速减小,粗颗粒的悬移质输沙率比清水中要大。综合的结果,在低水力强度区,浑水中的总输沙率要比清水中为小;在高水力强度区,情况刚好相反。浑水中悬移质输沙率的增加有助于沙垄床面向平整发展,试验中观察到沙垄较低、外形较平缓,并在较低水力强度条件下转化为平整床面。相应地,浑水中的沙浪形状阻力也比清水中为小。  相似文献   

非均匀推移质运动是一个复杂的物理过程,输移量的确定、关键影响因子的辨识、内在作用机理的把握等基本规律的研究尚不充分。基于此,本文开展了系列精细水槽试验,结合高速摄像、图像识别技术,获取了非均匀推移质输移、颗粒拣选度变化等过程的动态监测数据。引入非均匀泥沙粗细比η,反映床面粗糙度、黏性底层与床面泥沙特性在内的综合水流强度函数Ψb,特征傅氏数Frb等参数,采用量纲分析与数值拟合相结合的方式,研究了不同粗细比的非均匀推移质输移规律。分析表明颗粒的非均匀性是影响推移质输移的关键因子,对粗颗粒输移量及全沙输移强度影响至关重要;推移质输移率与颗粒粗细比、水流强度呈紧密依存关系。  相似文献   

在挟沙水流中,泥沙颗粒的运动是随机的。对于不同的点,泥沙组成是不一样的,即泥沙颗粒组成具有不同均匀程度,它的非均匀系数φ沿垂向存在一定规律性。通过水槽试验,分别对3种粒径泥沙颗粒探求泥沙组成的非均匀系数沿水深方向的规律。试验表明:对于粗颗粒试验泥沙,其非均匀系数随水深的增加而增大;中、细颗粒试验泥沙,非均匀系数随水深的增加而减小,但二者的减小梯度存在差异。  相似文献   

泥沙对挟沙水流流动结构影响的研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
陈立  林鹏  叶小云 《水利学报》2003,34(9):0039-0042
应用MicroADV研究了不同粒径的泥沙颗粒在不同水力条件下对水流流动结构的影响。实验发现:挟沙水流流动结构的变化不仅与颗粒的大小密切相关,而且与水流流动条件有关,颗粒对水流结构的影响随着水力条件的变化而改变:在强水流条件下,不论粗、中、细泥沙都不改变主流区的流速分布及紊动强度;在中等强度水流条件下,粗、中、细三种颗粒的加入都使流速大于相同条件的清水水流,而其紊动强度则较清水水流低;在弱水流条件下,三种颗粒的加入都不改变水流的流速分布,但粗颗粒使水流紊动强度显著增大,而中、细颗粒基本不改变其紊动强度。  相似文献   

非均匀推移质颗粒运动规律一直是泥沙研究领域的难点,提取非均匀推移质颗粒的参数信息则是推进该难点研究的基础性工作。通过进行粗化床面非均匀沙水槽试验,拍摄了大量的泥沙颗粒运动视频,选取其中部分视频进行处理和研究:先通过图像转换软件将拍摄的视频转化为图片;然后利用图像处理技术对泥沙颗粒运动图像的空间变化特征进行识别,对转化后的图片进行畸形矫正和背景除噪;最后通过选取合理阈值将图片上泥沙颗粒提取出来,并计算泥沙颗粒粒径、体积等相关参数信息。研究成果可为获取推移质颗粒输沙运动基本信息提供基础,为非均匀推移质输沙机理研究提供更科学、完善、可靠的数据。  相似文献   

非均匀推移质瞬时输沙率试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
推移质输沙率是泥沙运动力学的重要内容。目前,推移质输沙率的研究大多集中于时均输沙率,对瞬时输沙率的研究则相对较少。首先,介绍了Ballio提出的均匀沙瞬时输沙率的计算方法,对其进行推导得到非均匀沙瞬时输沙率计算公式;其次,通过非均匀沙水槽试验中得到不同颗粒泥沙的瞬时运动速度,代入改进的Ballio输沙率公式中,计算得到瞬时输沙率;然后,采用定义方法计算瞬时推移质输沙率,并与Ballio方法进行比较,结果表明两种方法得到的推移质瞬时输沙率较为接近,说明采用改进的Ballio方法计算非均匀推移质瞬时输沙率是可行的。同时,通过大量试验,揭示了非均匀推移质瞬时输沙率在时间上不稳定性、在空间上不均匀性以及运动过程中间歇性等特性。  相似文献   

This paper studies the flow structure and the bedload transport regime in backwater flows, to provide a theoretical support for solving the sediment transport and bed scour problems in rivers or reservoirs with backwater. The bedload transport rates under different conditions are analyzed first on the basis of theoretical analysis, measurement comparison and flume experiment, and it is pointed out that the existing formulas for the bedload transport rate are not applicable for the bedload transport rate in backwater flows. Next, the flow structure in a non-uniform flow is observed by flume experiments, and by introducing the backwater degree index, the quantitative relation between the relative bed shear stress and the backwater degree is obtained. Finally, the formula for the bedload transport rate applicable for the reservoir channel segment with backwater flows is obtained through measurements and flume experiments.  相似文献   

河床冲刷粗化计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先分析了沙质河床和卵石夹沙河床不同的冲刷粗化机理.讨论了卵石夹沙河床发生粗化的条件,探讨了粗颗粒对小于起动粒径的细颗粒不同程度的隐蔽作用,针对现有非均匀沙起动公式存在的不足,得到了一个能反映河床冲刷粗化特点的起动流速公式,建立了粗化过程中床沙级配的计算公式.在此基础上按冲刷过程中水位不变和水位下降两种情况提出了河床清水冲刷粗化计算方法,文中选用水槽和天然资料对两种情况下的粗化计算方法进行了验证.计算结果表明,无论是冲刷深度、粗化层级配还是水位下降值均与实测值接近  相似文献   

泥沙运动统计理论前沿研究成果   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
韩其为 《水利学报》2018,49(9):1040-1054
本文是作者数十年来以力学和概率论相结合的途径,广泛、深入研究泥沙运动统计理论的主要成果。其中包括泥沙运动的概化模式;单颗泥沙运动力学及统计规律;床面泥沙4种状态之间的转移概率及交换强度;不同状态之间的多种输沙率(而不是现有的两种)研究;泥沙起动规律及起动流速;从理论上导出的床面泥沙的边界条件;一维不平衡输沙规律及相应的数学模型;推移质与床沙和悬沙同时交换的不平衡输沙;床沙冲刷粗化与交换粗化规律;推移质点源、线源及退化面源扩散。另外,文中还给出了由泥沙运动统计理论带动的泥沙研究领域其他成果,如挟沙能力级配及有效床沙级配、粗细泥沙交换、挟沙能力多值性以及黄河高含沙量时的"揭底冲刷"。  相似文献   

利用华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室的波-流-泥沙变坡水槽,进行系列二维均匀流平衡输沙情况下悬沙扩散特性研究实验.根据实验数据,计算不同水流情况下的悬沙浓度垂向分布,确定悬沙垂向扩散系数及它的垂向分布.所得结果表明悬沙垂向扩散系数与水流扩散系数成正比,其比例系数正比例于摩阻流速;悬沙扩散系数的垂向分布可用抛物线来描述.  相似文献   

The changes in particle size of sewer sediment particles rapidly eroded from a previously deposited sediment bed are described, using a rotating annular flume as a laboratory scale sewer simulator. This is the first time that particle size distributions of eroded sewer sediments from a previously deposited sediment bed have been monitored in such a controlled experimental environment. Sediments from Loenen, The Netherlands and Dundee, UK were used to form deposits in the base of the annular flume (WL Delft Netherlands) with varying conditions for consolidation in order to investigate the effect of changing consolidation time, temperature and sediment type on the amount and size of particles eroded from a bed under conditions of increasing shear. The median size of the eroded particles did not change significantly with temperature, although the eroded suspended solids concentration was greater for the higher temperature under the same shear stresses, indicating a weaker bed deposit. An increase in consolidation time caused an increase in median size of eroded solids at higher bed shear stresses, and this was accompanied by higher suspended solids concentrations. As the shear stress increased, the solids eroded from the bed developed under a longer consolidation time (56 hours) tended towards a broad unimodal distribution, whilst the size distribution of solids eroded from beds developed under shorter consolidation times (18 or 42 hours) retained a bi- or tri-modal distribution. Using different types of sediment in the flume had a marked effect on the size of particles eroded.  相似文献   

In the case of steady flow, an equilibrium state for an alluvial reach referring tothe input of sediment over a sufficiently long time (time interval in the order of months) is equalto the output of sediment. A nonequilibrium state exists under steady flow when the sedimenttransport rate changes with time and space, so that there is no balance between input and outputof sediment. The experiments were performed in an open circuit tilting flume with the bed slope of 0.001-0. 009, the flume length of 30m and flume width of 0. 5m. The boundary condition atupstream and in all experiments, the rate of sedimant supply was zero. The coal or sand was se-lected as the Wed material. The grain diameter of the bed material varied in the range of 0.05-20. 00ram. The equation of nonequilibrium transport of nonuniform bedload is derived. Thegrain distribution of the size distribution of bedload is calculated by modified Gessler's formula.The grain size distribution of bed material is calculated by CARICHAR mixed layer model. These equations are applied to numerical simulation of armoring of riverbeds. The results ofthe bedload transport rate and the grain size distribution of the bedload at the end of the down-stream in the process of time, as well as the grain size distribution of the bed material in the pro-cess of time and distance are all in close agreement with the measurements.  相似文献   

Nest (redd) construction by female salmonids involves sequences of pit excavation and filling that winnow fines, loosen grains, and moves sediment downstream into a tailspill mound shaped like a dune. Prior research suggests that such bioturbation may destabilize streambeds by reducing friction between grains and converging flow that elevates shear stress on tailspills. Bed stability may alternatively be enhanced by form drag from redds that lowers basal shear stress, an effect that varies with the proportion of the bed that is occupied by redds (P). I used simulated redds and water‐worked (“unspawned”) beds in a laboratory flume to evaluate these competing influences on critical conditions and bedload transport in experiments with P = 0.11 (1 redd), 0.29 (2 redds), and 0.38 (3 redds). Results from competence (largest grain) and reference transport rate estimates of Shields stress indicate that particle entrainment inversely related to P. Bedload transport rates also increased as exponential functions of P and the boundary shear stress that exceeded critical conditions. Therefore, redd form drag did not overcome the destabilizing effects of redd construction. Instead, grain mobility and bedload transport increased with P because larger bed areas were composed of relatively loose grains and redd topography that experiences elevated shear stresses, as suggested in prior research. By winnowing fines and increasing bed surface mobility that exposes small particles in subsurface areas to flow, bioturbation by salmon can mitigate fine sedimentation of streambeds, which suggests an active role for salmon in restoring fish habitat in streams.  相似文献   

The paper presents an investigation of injection effects on the bedload transport rate. According to dimensional analysis, two dimensionless groups, an Einstein's parameter group and a modified densimetric Froude number group, were chosen to examine how injection affects the bedload transport rate. Experimental studies were conducted in an open-channel flume with an upward seepage zone. The sediment particles used for the test were 0.9 mm in diameter. The experimental results show that an increase in the injection velocity causes a reduction in the shear velocity excess, which is defined as the difference between the shear and critical shear velocities, leading to a reduction in the bedload transport rate. The equation for predicting the bedload transport rate in the presence of upward seepage was derived empirically. The proposed prediction method is suitable for engineering practice, since it only requires the undisturbed flow condition, properties of sediment particles, and the injection velocity.  相似文献   

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