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对太湖地区典型小流域的近地表地质特征进行系统野外试验,分析近地表土层土壤和岩层结构特征,初步确定了含水层计算参数;采用三维地下水流数值模拟方法概化水文地质条件,识别与验证模型参数。结果表明:地表水补给地下水的量约是地下水补给地表水总量的2倍,山溪型小流域的地表地下水交互过程趋于单向交换,即河道水补给地下水。从含水层储水量变化看,除去蒸散发,通过地下通道流失的水量占据总水量的相当比重,且地下储水的减少量主要依赖降雨入渗进行补给。所建立的模型能够较好地反映研究区实际的水文地质条件,揭示地表水和地下水的交互量的变化过程,并定量研究流域水量平衡动态关系,可为变化环境下的地下水保护和滨湖区的地下水潜流计算研究提供预测分析依据。  相似文献   

陡河流域地表水与地下水转化关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对陡河流域地表水-地下水水样的氢氧同位素分布特征进行分析,发现研究区河岸带第Ⅰ含水层除了受大气降水、灌溉回归水入渗补给外,还接受河水早期的渗漏补给,第Ⅱ含水层对第Ⅲ含水层有越流补给,第Ⅱ含水层同时也受大气降水和灌溉回归水的影响,而远离河岸带的第Ⅳ含水层与上覆各含水层稳定同位素组成显著不同,河岸带水库附近的第Ⅳ含水层可能受地表水库渗漏影响。河岸带地下水与地表水水力联系的变迁严格受河岸带地下水水位变化控制,如景庄子剖面的地下水埋深为5m,雨季时河水补给地下水,旱季时地下水补给河水,而靠近地下水漏斗中心的越河乡剖面地下水水位埋深达25m,其常年受地表水补给。  相似文献   

西辽河流域平原区地下水动态补给研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于分布式水循环模拟模型MODCYCLE,建立强人类活动影响下西辽河流域水循环模拟模型,量化西辽河平原地下水补给组成,分析地下水动态补给情况及年际、年内变化。分析结果表明:西辽河流域平原区地下水补给以降水入渗补给为主,与年降水量直接相关。随降水减少,降水入渗补给比重减少,河道入渗补给及灌溉回归补给比重增加。地下水补给的年内变化差异较大,且与年内降水分布直接相关。研究结果可为西辽河平原地下水资源可持续开发利用提供依据  相似文献   

干旱内陆河地区地表水和地下水集成模型及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡立堂 《水利学报》2008,39(4):410-418
基于水动力学基础建立了地表水和地下水集成模型,分析了地表水和地下水模型集成中的尺度耦合、转化量计算和移动自由液面法等关键技术问题.并采用该模型对一维明渠地表水流、一维和二维饱和一非饱和地下水流典型算例进行了模拟,计算结果符合实际.最后将模型应用于黑河干流中游地区地表水和地下水的转化分析,结果表明,黑河干流在黑河大桥以上约有17%的渗漏,在黑河大桥以下地下水向黑河的排泄量占莺落峡来水的30%左右,而地下水向黑河干流的河泉流量逐年减少.  相似文献   

The Walla Walla Basin, in Eastern Oregon and Washington, USA, faces challenges in sustaining an agricultural water supply while maintaining sufficient flow in the Walla Walla River for endangered fish populations. Minimum summer river flow of 0.71 m3/s is required, forcing irrigators to substitute groundwater from a declining aquifer for lost surface water diversion. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) was initiated in 2004 attempting to restore groundwater levels and improve agricultural viability. The Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM) was used to compute surface and shallow groundwater conditions in the basin under water management scenarios with varying water use, MAR, and allowable minimum river flow. A mean increase of 1.5 m of groundwater elevation, or 1.5 % of total aquifer storage, was predicted over the model area when comparing maximum MAR and no MAR scenarios where minimum river flow was increased from current level. When comparing these scenarios a 53 % greater summer flow in springs was predicted with the use of MAR. Results indicate MAR can supplement irrigation supply while stabilizing groundwater levels and increasing summer streamflow. Potential increase in long-term groundwater storage is limited by the high transmissivity of the aquifer material. Increased MAR caused increased groundwater discharge through springs and stream beds, benefiting aquatic habitat rather than building long-term aquifer storage. Judicious siting of recharge basins may be a means of increasing the effectiveness of MAR in the basin.  相似文献   

Runoff, groundwater recharge and discharge, and surface water–groundwater interaction are the main driving forces of wetlands. The quantification of such flows is crucial information in the restoration and management of groundwater-dependent wetlands. The objective of this work is to quantify groundwater inflow at the level of the hydrogeological basin, which discharges into the wetland in the coastal plain of the Río de la Plata (Argentina). It also aims at evaluating whether such inflow is affected by groundwater exploitation in the high plain adjacent to the wetland. On the basis of water level data, a model of hydrological behaviour was developed and then a numerical simulation to quantify groundwater inflow was carried out. The evolution of groundwater levels was analyzed considering three situations: one of them in natural conditions and two others under different groundwater exploitation conditions. In the first case, the inflow originates in the recharge from precipitation, in the local groundwater discharge from the adjacent high plain and in the regional one from the semi-confined aquifer. The exploitation of the semi-confined aquifer in the high plain causes the formation of a cone of depression which modifies the hydrodynamics of the wetland in the area adjacent to the extraction wells. The quantification of flows shows that groundwater exploitation in areas of the basin located out of the wetland may cause the volume of water flowing into the wetland through groundwater discharge to decrease by approximately 25 %. The importance of considering discharge wetlands as part of regional hydrogeological systems should be highlighted, mainly as regards the management of natural resources.  相似文献   

The problem of a rising shallow water-table level in the coastal city of Dammam in eastern Saudi Arabia was investigated through data collection, analysis, and numerical modelling. The research focused on applying a coupled model that considers flow in both the saturated and unsaturated zones. Geophysical and hydrogeological data were collected through field investigations, and various analyses of this data were performed. A computer simulation model of shallow groundwater flow was developed and applied to define the recharge sources. The generalised HYDRUS and MODFLOW modelling packages were coupled to simulate the vadose zone and saturated zone, respectively. The calibrated coupled groundwater model was used to determine the contributions of each possible recharge source, and thus to identify the major causes of the rise in the water table. The shallow water-table rise was found to be a serious threat to the present and future development of this large city.  相似文献   

以第二松花江流域平原区为研究区,选择了地下水埋深、净补给量、含水层介质、土壤介质、地形坡度、包气带影响、渗透系数7个指标,运用DRASTIC评价方法对浅层地下水脆弱性进行了评价,进一步分析了地下水脆弱性评价结果的影响因素。结果表明:(1)地下水脆弱性分区在整体上具有空间分带特征性,并与地貌分区具有良好的一致性,其中河谷平原区由于地下水埋藏较浅,地下水脆弱性较高,污染风险大;(2)受地下水位变动以及净补给量的影响,具体地段的地下水脆弱性等级也具有较为明显的年际与年内变化特征,但整体区域上的地下水脆弱性的相对级别仍受地貌格局的控制。在开展区域地下水脆弱性评价时,应注意选择具有代表性的时段数据进行评价。  相似文献   

王涛  徐明 《水资源保护》2017,33(1):41-45
基于改进的DRASTIC方法,选择地下水埋深、含水层净补给量、含水层岩性、土壤介质类型、地面坡度、浅层地下水水质、包气带介质类型、含水层渗透系数和潜水蒸发量9项评价指标,分别确定其评分体系和权重体系,并利用Arc Gis 10.2中的图层空间叠加分析功能,对天山北坡经济带东段地区的浅层地下水固有脆弱性进行评价。结果表明:脆弱性较高区和中等区占研究区总面积的80.17%,地下水整体脆弱性偏高,而导致研究区浅层地下水脆弱性偏高的主要因素为地下水埋深较小、含水层渗透性较强、浅层地下水水质差。  相似文献   

地下水是指储存在地面以下饱和岩土孔隙、裂隙及溶洞的水。地下水资源量是指某时段内地下含水层接收降水、地表水体、侧向径流及人工回灌等项渗透补给量的总和。其中,地表水体渗透补给量由湖泊(水库、坑塘)周边渗透补给量、河道及渠系渗透补给量和田间灌溉入渗补给量组成。对无资料地区通常采用临近站地形、地貌等相似的地区借用其现有的水文资料来计算地下水资源量。文章对此进行探讨研究。  相似文献   


Poor water resource management is an important factor in soil salinization in arid areas. In this study, the status of soil salinization and its controlling factors are summarized for the Yinchuan Plain, North-West China. The conjunctive use of surface water diverted from the Yellow River and groundwater abstracted from a shallow aquifer is proposed to alleviate soil salinization in the plain. Scenarios are designed and simulated to determine the optimal proportions at which groundwater should be exploited for irrigation in the three cities of the plain. Policies and suggestions regarding sustainable water resources and soil salinization research in the plain are recommended.  相似文献   

为实现石川河地下水位的有效回升进而维持采补平衡,需在该区实施地下水人工补给工程,并确定合理的 补给位置及有效的补给方式。选取地下水埋深、坡度、含水层厚度、含水层渗透系数、与环境敏感区距离和给水 度 6 个指标,运用空间分析技术对人工补给地下水地点适宜性进行评价;在此基础上建立三维地质模型分析典型 人工补给潜力区的地层结构,探索可行的地下水人工补给方式。结果表明:适宜进行人工补给的高潜力和较高潜 力区域主要分布在研究区中部及东南部,面积达 48.01?km2,占研究区总面积的 32.0%。建议:在石川河河道中上 游高潜力和较高潜力区域的北部修建地表入渗池或渗坑;在河道中上游高潜力和较高潜力区域南部和河道中下 游的较高潜力区域布设反滤回灌井群;可沿石川河河道中上游高潜力与较高潜力区域之间布置一条长约 4.5?km 的渗渠,利用河道进行入渗补给。研究结果可为地下水库的修建提供参考。  相似文献   

新型蒸渗仪及其在农田水文过程研究中的应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
一台用于测定农田蒸腾蒸发和地下水—土壤水转化的新型称重式蒸渗仪在中国科学院禹城试验站建造完成,并连续数年成功运行。新型蒸渗仪主要有以下特点:(1)蒸渗仪精度0.016mm,可同时准确测量蒸腾蒸发量和地下水对土壤水的补给量与入渗量;(2)蒸渗仪面积3.14m2,深度5m,充分允许农作物根系发育与吸水、土壤水和地下水水分转化、地下水位变化等过程的进行,可以较好的代表大田的情形;(3)蒸渗仪的供排水系统能够在蒸渗仪内模拟实际地下水位变化;(4)土柱重30~34Mg,包含非饱和与饱和土壤,土壤质地以粉沙和轻壤为主。自1998年10月至1999年6月冬小麦生长期蒸渗仪运行结果表明:在冬小麦生长期,当地下水在1.6~2.4m变动时地下水对土壤水的补给量约占总蒸腾蒸发量的16.6%.过多的灌溉量不仅削弱了地下水对土壤水的补给,而且多余的灌溉水下渗补给地下水。中子仪和负压计数据表明潜水对土壤的水分分布和土水势分布有很大影响。  相似文献   

The consequences of unsustainable use of groundwater are becoming increasingly evident worldwide, particularly in developing nations. Groundwater management is a serious problem in many parts of the world. The prime concern is how to achieve groundwater sustainability. Artificial recharge techniques coupled with water harvesting hold a great promise for groundwater sustainability. The main intent of this paper is to highlight salient cost-effective and easy-to-use methods for augmenting groundwater resources in the alluvial hydrogeologic setting. Based on the intensive field investigation in a groundwater basin of Japan, three low-cost and easy-to-implement recharge techniques are suggested for alluvial aquifer systems, viz., augmentation of river flow, recharge through irrigation/drainage canals, and recharge from paddy fields. The source of recharge water for these recharge techniques is surface water supply. The efficacy of these methods or approaches has been demonstrated. It is emphasized that such cost-effective methods of groundwater recharge are key to sustainable groundwater management in both developing and developed countries. These methods must not be overlooked in the midst of sophisticated and highly expensive methods.  相似文献   

华北平原区地表水与地下水统一评价的二元耦合模型研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
谢新民  郭洪宇  唐克旺  尹明万 《水利学报》2002,33(12):0095-0100
在系统分析华北平原区“四水”转化机理和地下水补、径、排规律的基础上,研究和提出一种基于“四水”转化水文模型和地下水数学模拟模型的二元耦合模型,并结合安阳市水资源评价实例,较好地解决了大埋深条件下平原区水资源统一评价问题,为华北地区乃至全国开展第二次水资源评价工作进行了有益的尝试,并积累了一些宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

利用地下水-地表水半松散耦合数值模拟方法, 选取北京市苏密怀地区为典型地区, 以长时间序列 SWAT 模型获取的平原区地下水补给量和山区对平原区地下水补给量作为传递变量, 分别代替 MODFLOW 模型中降雨入 渗补给量和山前侧向补给量的研究思路, 建立半松散式 SWAT2MODFLOW 耦合模型, 利用地下水位校验耦合模型 并对苏密怀地区地下水水量平衡进行分析。结果表明: 该方法可以提高地下水模型的精度, 耦合模型较传统算法计 算得到的降雨入渗补给量减少了 01 54 亿 m3 / a, 反映出当下垫面条件发生变化和包气带厚度增加时, 含水层的降水补给量减少。本研究为水资源的准确评价提供技术支持。  相似文献   

This paper refers to the development and verification of a groundwater artificial recharge model in Xanthi plain, Thrace, Greece. The relative geological and hydrogeological research of the study area is described, as well as the artificial recharge application by reactivating an old stream bed of Kosynthos River, since 1994. The simulation of the aquifer system of the study area was achieved by the use of MODFLOW and involves both the model calibration and prediction of the aquifer system response. The verification of the 9-year-period model prediction for the first 7 years (1995–2001) proved successful, while the respective procedure for the last 2 years, 2002 and 2003, could not result in acceptable estimations.  相似文献   

滹沱河大型入渗试验地下水补给量计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用水均衡法计算了滹沱河入渗试验期间的河道入渗补给量,并求取了滹沱河水源地一带获得的河道入渗补给量。研究表明:试验期间河道入渗水量为1 482.75万m3,河道入渗补给地下水量为1 382.89万m3,河道渗漏补给系数为93%;滹沱河水源地接受的补给量为742.53万m3,水源地范围内的观测井最大水位上升幅度6.823m,地下水补给效果明显。  相似文献   

A coupled unsaturated-saturated water flow numerical model was developed. The water flow in the unsaturated zone is considered the one-dimensional vertical flow, which changes in the horizontal direction according to the groundwater table and the atmospheric boundary conditions. The groundwater flow is treated as the three-dimensional water flow. The recharge flux to groundwater from soil water is considered the bottom flux for the numerical simulation in the unsaturated zone, and the upper flux for the groundwater simulation. It connects and unites the two separated water flow systems. The soil water equation is solved based on the assumed groundwater table and the subsequent predicted recharge flux. Then, the groundwater equation is solved with the predicted recharge flux as the upper boundary condition. Iteration continues until the discrepancy between the assumed and calculated groundwater nodal heads have a certain accuracy. Illustrative examples with different water flow scenarios regarding the Dirichlet boundary condition, the Neumann boundary condition, the atmospheric boundary condition, and the source or sink term were calculated by the coupled model. The results are compared with those of other models, including Hydrus-1D, SWMS-2D, and FEFLOW, which demonstrate that the coupled model is effective and accurate and can significantly reduce the computational time for the large number of nodes in saturated-unsaturated water flow simulation.  相似文献   

A Distributed Forest Wetland Hydrologic Model (DFWHM) was constructed and used to examine water dynamics in the different climates of three different watersheds (a cold region, a sub-tropic region, and a large-scale watershed). A phenological index was used to represent the seasonal and species changes of the tree canopy while processes of snow packing, soil freezing, and snow and ice thawing were also included in the simulation. In the cold region, the simulated fall of the groundwater level in winter due to soil f~eezing and rise in spring due to snow and ice melting compare well with the observed data. Because the evapotranspiration and interaction of surface water and groundwater are included in the model, the modeled seasonal trend of the groundwater level in the sub-tropic region is in agreement with observations. The comparison between modeled and observed hydrographs indicates that the simulations in the large-scale watershed managed to capture the water dynamics in unsaturated and saturatedzones.  相似文献   

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