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侯佳 《海河水利》2016,(3):57-59
人工湿地生态处理作为一种自然生物处理方法,可以改进生态结构,促进物质能量的循环。填料是人工湿地的重要组成部分,湿地中的填料一方面为微生物生长提供稳定的依附表面,同时也为水生植物生长提供了载体和营养物质。选择天津地区常见、经济上可行的人工湿地基质填料为研究对象,通过室内试验测定它们的理化性质,为后续潜流人工湿地系统的建立选择合适的基质填料提供理论依据。通过研究比较,认为将页岩与粗砾石组合使用是一个双赢的填料选择方案。  相似文献   

在官厅水库黑土洼人工潜流湿地建成后,运行管理是其长期发挥效益的有力保障,水生植物布局与管理是其中最重要的一个环节。通过官厅水库黑土洼潜流人工湿地长期实际运行情况,总结潜流人工湿地系统水生植物管理方面的经验,探索湿地水生植物合理布局、植物种植方法、病虫害防治方面的运行管理方法。  相似文献   

暴雨径流人工湿地处理系统设计的几个问题   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
徐丽花  周琪 《给水排水》2001,27(8):32-34
暴雨径流人工湿地处理系统与其他人工湿地系统有很大区别。从设计的角度 ,详细论述了水文因素、水力因素、湿地容积、水生植物和填料等几个问题。  相似文献   

文中通过对石佛寺人工湿地内水生植物、野生动物、水质、沉水植物腐解及气象等监测要素的系统设计,详细阐述了大型人工湿地的生态监测的内容和方法,为人工湿地的生态监测系统设计提供借鉴.  相似文献   

某河人工湿地生态修复工程是通过修建蓄水建筑物,抬高河道水位,利用现状滩地建设人工湿地,采用爆气复氧、构建水生动植物群落等措施,改善水环境质量、恢复水生态。生态治理划分为以恢复河流生态健康稳定的生态功能和以达到人水和谐、环境友好的环境两大功能主体。根据进水水质和去除率目标要求等因素进行综合考虑,通过种植高密度的水生植物,利用水生植物对N、P的吸收作用,以及植物和在根际系统内的协同净化作用来净化水。大量研究表明,选用适宜的水生植物品种,并进行恰当的搭配,可实现对营养元素的高效去除。  相似文献   

基于不同生活型类别的水生植物,深入探讨了各种生活型水生植物对水体富营养化的作用机理和净化效果。据此,科学系统地综述了以高等水生植物为主的人工湿地技术、水生植物群落重建与修复技术以及人工生态浮床技术控制水体富营养化的工程应用状况,明确了基于水生植物的水体富营养化控制技术研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

探讨分析人工湿地基质对水生生物生长的影响、人工湿地基质和水生植物种类对生活污水水环境参数和水质的影响。  相似文献   

适用于河流治理的地面廊道污水处理系统的设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周训华 《水电站设计》2004,20(3):44-46,52
地面廊道污水处理系统类似于人工湿地技术,其优点在于该系统应用于污染河流的治理时,对河流地形适应性非常强;另外系统四周不透水的墙体结构使整个廊道起着氧化塘的作用,并且沿坡降由好氧塘逐渐过渡到厌氧塘。本文重点介绍该处理系统的设计,主要包括廊道的选址.水生植物的选择.廊道最佳长度及运行参数的确定。  相似文献   

研究从徐州地区大沙河西人工湿地基地中筛选6种挺水植物系统和2种沉水植物作为室内实验的供试植物,从丰县康达污水处理厂出水取样作为实验用水,研究人工湿地的水生植物对不同污染程度水体和水力负荷条件下的净化能力.研究可为人工湿地的实际运行和处理效果提供理论依据.  相似文献   

人工湿地是指人工筑成水池或沟槽,填充一定深度的基质,种植芦苇等根系发达的水生植物,污水由湿地的一端进入,以推流方式与布满生物膜的介质和溶解氧进行充分的植物根区接触,进行吸附、过滤、及湿硝化、反硝化作用而获得净化。人工湿地分为表面流人工湿地和潜流流人工湿地,潜流流人工湿地可分为水平潜流流人工湿地和垂直  相似文献   

堵塞对湿地内水流流态及污水处理效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过在污水中加入氯化钠示踪剂,研究人工湿地及其对照系统内水力停留时间的分布(HRTD),探讨潜流人工湿地和垂直流人工湿地中植物在堵塞前后对水流流态的影响,探讨堵塞对上述两种人工湿地水流流态的影响。结果表明:对于潜流人工湿地(SFCW),堵塞前湿地植物缩短了水力停留时间(HRT),堵塞后延长了HRT;对于垂直流人工湿地(VFCW),堵塞前湿地植物对水流流态无明显影响,堵塞后延长了湿地内的HRT。堵塞对湿地内水流流态影响明显,潜流和垂直流湿地由于堵塞其HRT分别延长了12.3%,22.6%。堵塞后湿地对污水的净化能力都要强于堵塞前,但是湿地的污水处理量减小,堵塞严重时湿地丧失其污水净化功能。  相似文献   

不同基质和植物人工湿地净化效果试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
分别以高炉渣、瓜子片、碎石为基质,美人蕉、黑三棱草、野茭白为植被构建人工湿地模拟系统,对其净化效果进行试验研究。结果表明,种植植物的湿地系统比未种植植物的湿地系统净化效果好,不同植物同种基质湿地系统对不同指标的净化效果各不相同,如不同植物对NH3-N和TN的净化效果从高到低顺序为:黑三棱草,美人蕉,野茭白;同种植物不同基质湿地系统对不同指标的净化效果也不同,不同基质对NH3-N和TN的净化效果从高到低顺序为:碎石,高炉渣,瓜子片。对NH3-N和TN浓度较高的污染环境,采用碎石为基质、黑三棱草为植被的人工湿地系统效果最佳。  相似文献   

We investigated how water management and other covariates affected aquatic macroinvertebrate density and diversity of wetlands in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex (MWC) of the Lake Ontario watershed, New York, USA. We conducted aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling during May–July in 2016–2018 to coincide with when juvenile wetland birds require these protein foods. Models that best explained aquatic macroinvertebrate density and taxon richness included water drawdown treatment, water depth, and water drawdown treatment from the prior year. Predicted mean density of aquatic macroinvertebrates was 117.2% greater in partial drawdown than passive wetlands (i.e., wetlands without active water removal) and increased by 516.2% with 15.5–48 cm increase in water depth. Density of aquatic macroinvertebrates also was ≥ 2.6 times greater in wetlands with a full drawdown the year prior. Taxon richness and Shannon Wiener Diversity Index (H′) varied positively with water depth, and there was greater diversity in partial drawdown than passive wetlands. Taxon richness was nearly 2 times greater in areas with full drawdown the year prior than those with partial drawdowns and passive wetlands. Other competing models for H′ also included negative effects of percentage monotypic cattail and invasive plant taxa. These findings are consistent with aquatic macroinvertebrate adaptation to dynamic wetland hydrology, and we recommend that managers actively manipulate hydrology to provide abundant and diverse food resources for birds at managed wetlands in the Great Lakes region.  相似文献   

The Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy has passed new legislation that requires the wastewater from single houses and dwellings in rural areas to be treated adequately before discharge into the aquatic environment. Therefore official guidelines for a number of onsite treatment solutions have been produced. These include guidelines for soakaways, biological sand filters, technical systems as well as different types of constructed wetland systems. This paper summarises briefly the guidelines for horizontal flow constructed wetlands, vertical flow constructed wetlands, and willow systems with no outflow and with soil infiltration. There is still a lack of a compact onsite solution that will fulfil the treatment classes demanding 90% removal of phosphorus. Therefore work is presently being carried out to identify simpler and robust P-removal solutions.  相似文献   

The Sweetwater Authority's urban runoff diversion system (URDS) comprises constructed wetlands on a hillside between the town of Spring Valley and the Sweetwater Reservoir, California, USA. The URDS were designed to divert dry-weather and first-flush urban runoff flows from the Sweetwater reservoir. However, these constructed wetlands have developed into ecologically valuable habitat. This paper evaluates the following ecological questions related to the URDS: (1) the natural development of the species present and their growth pattern; (2) the biodiversity and pollutant stress on the plants and invertebrates; and (3) the question of habitat provided for endangered species. The URDS wetlands are comprised primarily of rush (Scirpus spp.) and cattails (Typha spp.). This vegetative cover ranged from 39-78% of the area of the individual wetland ponds. Current analyses of plant tissues and wetland sediment indicates the importance of sediment sorption for metals and plant uptake of nutrients. Analyses of URDS water following runoff events show the URDS wetlands do reduce the amount of nutrients and metals in the water column. Invertebrate surveys of the wetland ponds revealed lower habitat quality and environmental stress compared to unpolluted natural habitat. The value of the wetlands as wildlife habitat is constrained by low plant biodiversity and pollution stress from the runoff. Since the primary Sweetwater Authority goal is to maintain good water quality for drinking, any secondary utilization of URDS habitat by species (endangered or otherwise) is deemed an added benefit.  相似文献   

氮素通过干湿沉降、地表径流、农业灌溉等途径进入湿地中,导致湿地N2O的产生和排放发生变化,而N2O是一种温室气体,具有较高的温室效应潜力,会对环境造成严重影响。本研究模拟白洋淀芦苇湿地,构建人工模拟湿地系统进行外加氮素试验,用静态暗箱-气相色谱法进行N2O的通量观测,研究外源氮素输入对湿地N2O排放通量的影响。结果表明,外源氮素形态的不同不仅影响湿地系统中环境因子的改变,还会影响氮素进入湿地系统后的迁移转化。硝态氮是湿地N2O产生和排放的主要影响因子,芦苇湿地系统中氮素的反硝化作用强于无植被湿地系统,N2O的排放主要发生在反硝化过程中。  相似文献   

湿地净化污水作用及其机理研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
湿地能改善水质,为多种水污染提供了一个有效、廉价的治理场所。人工湿地作为近20年来发展起来的一种传统的污水处理技术已越来越受到各国的重视。系统的阐述了湿地土壤、植物、微生物在污水净化中的作用及机理,并展望了湿地未来发展前景。  相似文献   

秦明 《人民黄河》2012,34(7):82-84
人工湿地污水处理是由相互关联的基质、植物和微生物通过物理、化学、生物过程的协同作用完成的,它只需要投入极少的人力和能源,就可以去除有机污染物、营养物质、固体悬浮物、重金属物质,实现对生活污水、面源污染径流、农田废水、二级污水处理厂出水、河道末端水进行长期稳定的净化处理。目前,该工艺在郑州和成都得到了应用,均取得了很好的效果,然而人工湿地在城市水污染治理中还存在有机质积累、占地面积大、受季节影响等问题。人工湿地是耐用而高效的系统,不断完善人工湿地的设计、性能、操作及维护,将能够更有效地改善水质。  相似文献   

构建了美人蕉-红蛋(MH)和彩叶草-风车草(CF)两种不同植物组合的复合垂直流人工湿地系统,以不种植物的垂直流人工湿地系统(CK)为对照,研究不同湿地系统基质微生物数量和酶活性及其与无机废水中镉的去除效果的相关性。结果表明,在不同的植物系统中,微生物数量和酶活性为:MHCFCK;在同一个湿地系统中为下行池大于上行池;在有植物的系统中其微生物数量和酶活性的垂直分布为0~5 cm5~15cm15~20 cm;基质中真菌、放线菌数量和蔗糖酶活性与镉去除率呈显著正相关,而细菌数量和脲酶活性与镉去除率相关性不显著。  相似文献   

Integrated, GIS-based, wetland predictive models were constructed to assist in predicting the responses of wetland plant communities to proposed new water-level regulation plans for Lake Ontario. The modeling exercise consisted of four major components: 1) building individual site wetland geometric models; 2) constructing generalized wetland geometric models representing specific types of wetlands (rectangle model for drowned river mouth wetlands, half ring model for open embayment wetlands, half ellipse model for protected embayment wetlands, and ellipse model for barrier beach wetlands); 3) assigning wetland plant profiles to the generalized wetland geometric models that identify associations between past flooding / dewatering events and the regulated water-level changes of a proposed water-level-regulation plan; and 4) predicting relevant proportions of wetland plant communities and the time durations during which they would be affected under proposed regulation plans. Based on this conceptual foundation, the predictive models were constructed using bathymetric and topographic wetland models and technical procedures operating on the platform of ArcGIS. An example of the model processes and outputs for the drowned river mouth wetland model using a test regulation plan illustrates the four components and, when compared against other test regulation plans, provided results that met ecological expectations. The model results were also compared to independent data collected by photointerpretation. Although data collections were not directly comparable, the predicted extent of meadow marsh in years in which photographs were taken was significantly correlated with extent of mapped meadow marsh in all but barrier beach wetlands. The predictive model for wetland plant communities provided valuable input into International Joint Commission deliberations on new regulation plans and was also incorporated into faunal predictive models used for that purpose.  相似文献   

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