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A simulation-optimization framework is presented for reliability-based optimal sizing, operation, and water allocation in the Bashar-to-Zohreh inter-basin water transfer project. The problem was formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear program (MINLP), for which two solution approaches were tested, including gradient-based nonlinear programming and simulation-optimization (SO). The SO framework linked the water evaluation and planning system (WEAP) simulation module, benefiting from fast, single-period linear programming, to the multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) for multiperiod optimization. The objective functions were minimizing the sizes of the project’s infrastructures and maximizing the reliability of supplying water to agricultural lands. The combination of nonlinear programming and the branch-and-bound algorithm was not able to solve the resulting MINLP. The results of the MOPSO-WEAP framework indicated that the project can supply water for land development in the Dehdasht and Choram agricultural plains, located in the less developed Kohgiluye and Boyer-Ahmad Province of Iran at an acceptable reliability level. For example, for one of the Pareto solutions found corresponding to maximum land development (30,000 ha), an average volume of 237 million cubic meter (MCM) is transferred annually at a 73.2% reliability level with average sizes of water transfer and storage elements. Further, design-operation and hydropower scenarios were also evaluated, and the Pareto solutions were obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, two new solution concepts for fuzzy cooperative games, namely Fuzzy Least Core and Fuzzy Weak Least Core are developed. They aim for optimal allocation of available water resources and associated benefits to water users in a river basin. The results of these solution concepts are compared with the results of some traditional fuzzy and crisp games, namely Fuzzy Shapley Value, Crisp Shapley Value, Least Core, Weak Least Core and Normalized Nucleolus. It is shown that the proposed solution concepts are more efficient than the crisp games. Moreover, they do not have the limitation of Fuzzy Shapley Value in satisfying the group rationality criterion. This paper consists of two steps. In the first step, an optimization model is used for initial water allocation to stakeholders. In the second step, fuzzy coalitions are defined and participation rates of water users (players) in the fuzzy coalitions are optimized in order to reach a maximum net benefit. Then, the total net benefit is allocated to the players in a rational and equitable way using Fuzzy Least Core, Fuzzy Weak Least Core and some traditional fuzzy and crisp games. The effectiveness and applicability of the proposed methodology is examined using a numerical example and also applying it to the Karoon river basin in southern Iran.  相似文献   

Equitable Waste Load Allocation in Rivers Using Fuzzy Bi-matrix Games   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper presents a new game theoretic methodology for equitable waste load allocation in rivers utilizing fuzzy bi-matrix games, Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms II (NSGA-II), cooperative game theory, Bayesian Networks (BNs) and Probabilistic Support Vector Machines (PSVMs). In this methodology, at first, a trade-off curve between objectives, which are average treatment level of dischargers and fuzzy risk of low water quality, is obtained using NSGA-II. Then, the best non-dominated solution is selected using a non-zero-sum bi-matrix game with fuzzy goals. In the next step, to have an equitable waste load allocation, some possible coalitions among dischargers are formed and treatment costs are reallocated to discharges and side payments are calculated. To develop probabilistic rules for real-time waste load allocation, the proposed model is applied considering several scenarios of pollution loads and the results are used for training and testing BNs and PSVMs. The applicability and efficiency of the methodology are examined in a real-world case study of the Zarjub River in the northern part of Iran. The results show that the average relative errors of the proposed rules in estimating the treatment levels of dischargers are less than 5?%.  相似文献   

In this paper, two fuzzy cooperative games are utilized for modeling equitable and efficient water allocation among water users in both inter-basin and intra-basin water allocation problems. The proposed all-inclusive water allocation approach consists of three main steps, following Sadegh et al. (Water Resour Manage 24(12):2991?C2310, 2010). In the first step, an initial water allocation is carried out using an optimization model taking into account an equity criterion. In the second step, the water users form crisp coalitions with fuzzy characteristic functions to increase the total net benefit of the system and also their own benefits. In the methodology used in this step, the water users do not need to have exact information about their payoffs and they can evaluate their payoffs as fuzzy numbers. In the second step, based on the Hukuhara difference of fuzzy numbers, optimum water allocation strategies are determined using a game with fuzzy characteristic function. In the third step, we applied another methodology which considers a class of fuzzy games with fuzzy characteristic functions and also fuzzy coalitions for water allocation. The methodology of this step is on the basis of the Hukuhara difference and the Choquet integral. The usefulness of the mentioned methodologies is studied by applying them to three defined real life scenarios in a case study of water allocation in Iran. The results showed that the proposed methodologies are professionally appropriate to real-world uncertain problems of equitable and economic inter-basin and intra-basin water resources allocations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new methodology based on interval optimization and game theory is developed for optimal operation of an inter-basin water transfer system considering efficiency, equity and sustainability criteria. A linear version of the agricultural water production function is proposed and used for incorporating deficit irrigation. The interval programming and cooperative game theory are utilized for equitable reallocation of benefits to water users in both water donor and receiving basins. To assess the sustainability of water allocation policies, water quality and environmental flow in the donor basin and groundwater table drawdown in the receiving basin are taken into consideration. The effectiveness of this methodology is examined by applying it to a large scale case study of water transfer from the Karoon river basin in south-west to the Rafsanjan plain in the central part of Iran.  相似文献   

基于模糊多目标决策的城市水资源优化配置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对城市用水系统的多水源、多用水户的特点,建立了城市水资源多目标分配模型.为对模型求解,首先计算各目标的模糊隶属度,将模型转化为模糊多目标决策模型,通过逐步缩小决策空间,最终得到模型的满意解.并以大连市为例,得到其2010、2020水平年的多水源多用水户的水资源配置结果.最后,分析了模糊多目标决策模型中各目标权重不同时对结果的影响.结果显示,该优化模型及模糊决策是合理可行的.  相似文献   

国内跨流域调水配置方法研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
跨流域调水的水量配置涉及到工程调度运行、水价体制、政策调控措施等多方面因素,以及同本地不同水源的联合调配问题.现从技术、管理和理念等不同角度总结了已有的跨流域调水配置相关研究方法和进展并作了相关评述,提出了跨流域调水水量配置和工程运行管理中必须考虑的若干技术问题,指出了未来研究的发展趋势.  相似文献   

In this study, an interactive multi-stage stochastic fuzzy programming (IMSFP) approach has been developed through incorporating an interactive fuzzy resolution (IFR) method within an inexact multi-stage stochastic programming framework. IMSFP can deal with dual uncertainties expressed as fuzzy boundary intervals that exist in the objective function and the left- and right-hand sides of constraints. Moreover, IMSFP is capable of reflecting dynamics of uncertainties and the related decision processes through constructing a set of representative scenarios within a multi-stage context. A management problem in terms of water resources allocation has been studied to illustrate applicability of the proposed approach. The results indicate that a set of solutions under different feasibility degrees (i.e., risk of constraint violation) has been generated for planning the water resources allocation. They can not only help quantify the relationship between the objective-function value and the risk of violating the constraints, but also enable decision makers (DMs) to identify, in an interactive way, a desired compromise between two factors in conflict: satisfaction degree of the goal and feasibility degree of constraints. Besides, a number of decision alternatives have been generated under different policies for water resources management, which permits in-depth analyses of various policy scenarios that are associated with different levels of economic penalties when the promised water-allocation targets are violated, and thus help DMs to identify desired water-allocation schemes under uncertainty.  相似文献   

随着人口的增长和经济的发展,生活和生产需水日渐增多,水资源供需矛盾日益突出,而用水效率低、用水浪费现象也没有得到有效的控制.我国水资源当前所面临的严峻形势要求我们必须对水资源进行公平而合理的分配,提高水资源的利用效率,缓解供需矛盾.首先构建了多层次半结构性多目标模糊优选模型,并以赣江为例,用该模型对其水资源在各用水区域...  相似文献   

摘要:基于水资源优化配置方案具有多目标性和模糊不相容性的特点,在模糊理论分析的基础上,结合欧氏贴近度的概念,建立了基于欧氏贴近度的水资源优化配置方案综合评价的模糊优选模型。模型中基于信息熵建立了专家自身权重模型来修正层次分析法得到的指标主观权重,得到的指标融合权重减少了权重确定的主观性。以天津市水资源优化配置方案综合评价为例介绍了该模型的具体运用,结果表明,该模型用于水资源优化配置方案评价是合理、可行的,为水资源优化配置方案综合评价提供了一种新的决策方法。 关键词:模糊理论;欧氏贴近度;信息熵;水资源配置;综合评价  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Water resources scarcity and competition among stakeholders in water allocation always highlights the optimal operation of water resources. This research examines the...  相似文献   

跨流域调水是解决水资源时空分布不均衡、缓解区域资源性缺水的一条重要途径.根据跨流域调水规划的特点,归纳提出跨流域调水规划应遵循的原则;分析拟定跨流域调水规划的技术路线;提出跨流域调水的主要工作内容,阐述主要工作方法及需要关注的问题;提出对跨流域调水规划的认识.  相似文献   

通过对供水区水资源优化配置和联合调度,针对南水北调中线一期工程实施后供水区内多种水源联合运用的局面,提出了优先利用引江水,合理配置地表水,充分回用中水,逐步改善生态用水,控制开采地下水,强化全民节约用水的调配思路和措施建议,并对南水北调工程实施后的水资源联合调度提供指导.  相似文献   

Areas of water shortage comprise many smaller sub-areas into which water is transported from external sources. Fairness and efficiency of distribution are overriding principles. Each local area requires adequate water for community and ecological purposes as well as a supply sufficient to maximise economic growth. Within arid and semi-arid areas, there are conflicts between the sub-areas and between these three types of water use, which can erupt into violent confrontations between different user groups. This study has developed a dynamic model for equitable distribution of water in water-shortage areas and aims to optimally satisfy the requirements of each locality, given limited supplies, and to maximise the total economic benefit of the entire area. The Heihe River Basin in northwest China was chosen as the area for the pilot study.  相似文献   

基于混合算子遗传算法的水资源优化配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
构建了以经济效益、社会效益、生态效益为多目标的水资源配置模型,针对模型中存在的多目标多约束优化问题,对基本遗传算法进行改造,设计了一个混合算子遗传算法,并用算例进行验证,最后将水资源优化配置模型和算法应用于东江流域。实例计算结果表明,基于混合算子遗传算法的多目标水资源优化配置模型配置结果合理可行,可作为研究流域水资源配置的决策依据。遗传算法作为新型智能算法,可应用于水资源配置领域。  相似文献   

在以渠灌为主的灌区,设计合理的渠系工作制度,将水资源在渠系间进行高效配置具有重要意义。在实际灌溉中,同级渠道的灌水时间往往存在较大差异。为此,在灌区渠系建立0-1线性整数规划优化配水模型,并考虑了此过程中的不确定性,将模型运用到汾东灌区,进行求解。首先将支渠划分为两个灌溉组同时进行灌水,然后对每个灌溉组内的斗渠划分轮灌组,最后再将斗渠下的农渠划分为若干个轮灌组,实现在某次灌溉过程中的轮流输水。这样就缩短了各条渠道的输水时间,有利于提高灌水效率,且因不确定性信息的加入,结果更符合实际。通过上述优化过程,可以得到整个灌区的渠系工作制度,为决策者提供决策参考。  相似文献   

馆陶县水资源优化配置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,水资源日益紧缺,供需矛盾尖锐.如何合理配置本区域内的有限水资源,以实现社会、经济及环境的协调发展成为摆在水资源管理者面前的一个首要问题.以2005年为现状水平年、2015年为规划水平年,对馆陶县规划水平年P=50%和P=75%2种保证率情况下的水资源量通过建模进行优化配置,并用Matlab软件进行求解,得到水资源优化配置结果,从而为水资源管理者提供参考.  相似文献   

在保证基本的用水约束如总量平衡约束、生态用水和基本生活用水约束条件的前提下,水资源配置制度目标是用水收益最大化。最优的水资源优化配置制度的实质是在满足基本的用水约束的前提下,将水资源在工业、农业和第三产业之间进行合理分配,使水资源的使用收益最大。建立了水资源配置制度的理论框架,提出了水资源配置制度的有效性判别标准以及如何使现有水资源配置制度向最优水资源配置制度逼近,即从规范角度利用机制设计原理,通过寻找最小化的制度外利润 , 构建合作博弈模型,探讨同时满足参与约束和激励相容约束的制度设计。  相似文献   

天津市水资源多目标优化配置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在综合考虑经济、社会、生态、水环境等因素的基础上,建立天津市区域水资源多目标优化模型,利用遗传算法结合理想点法对多目标模型进行求解,在最终对各用水部门给予政策倾斜的前提下,给出不同水资源优化配置方案,以协助决策者制定切实可行的用水方案,实现水资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   


Allocation of water use is one of the most important challenges of water resources management that needs to evaluate water reuse options, especially in areas with limited water resources, arid climate, increasing water demand due to population growth. In this study, the modified TODIM method (Multi-Criteria Decision-Making in Portuguese with considering the risk preferences of decision makers) that can be used with goal programming (GP) by considering Leopold matrix outputs in order to preform Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The present study is aimed at optimally allocate water reuse to multiple stakeholders in Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran. The results showed that the numerical model developed with an integration of optimization and quantitative evaluation can be considered as a useful tool to develop feasible guidelines for adapting the requirements of different stakeholders for optimized allocation of recycled water.


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