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建立和完善长江流域生态补偿机制,是促进长江经济带高质量绿色发展的重要路径。基于长江流域7省市的770份实地调查数据,选取Probit模型和Tobit模型分别分析了长江流域居民生态补偿支付意愿(WTP)和支付水平及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)家庭居住位置、家庭年均收入、环境保护政策认可度、缴纳罚款认可度、政策了解程度5个变量与支付意愿显著相关;(2)居民生态补偿支付水平受到受教育程度、缴纳罚款认可度、政策了解程度、参与积极性4个变量的影响;(3)进一步测算了流域居民的支付水平和最小受偿意愿,对比发现,居民最小受偿意愿远高于其支付意愿,二者存在严重不匹配情况。基于此,提出提高长江经济带流域生态补偿支付意愿与水平的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

以窟野河流域为调研区域,运用流域居民为改善当地生态环境支付意愿(WTP)的调研资料,对流域煤炭资源开采造成的生态环境价值损失进行研究。结果表明:上游矿区居民每户每年平均支付意愿为45.25~225.00元,下游农业区居民每户每年平均支付意愿为165.73~270.05元。影响当地居民支付意愿的主要因素是家庭人均年收入、职业、年龄。整个流域每年因煤炭开采造成的生态环境破坏价值损失约为1 210.91~2 467.77万元。  相似文献   

针对当前水环境改善后评估缺失的局面,以广州市河流水环境改善为案例,采用公众问卷调查的形式获得了公众对水环境改善的意见、想法以及支付意愿等内容。研究结果表明,海珠区公众对水环境改善工作总体上是支持的,他们愿意从行动上、资金上提供支持,通过调查发现,每户每月的支付意愿为 12 元,该结果将有助于明晰公众的环境保护意识和行为,并有助于量化评估水环境改善的效益。本文还将公众背景信息与水环境改善支付意愿进行了相关分析,获得了影响公众支付意愿的主要社会因子是年龄、受教育年数、家庭月收入和家庭工作人口占比,居住地距河边的距离影响因子最小。  相似文献   

在调查鄂尔多斯沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides L.)状况的基础上,以意愿评估法(CVM)为依据,设计了250份问卷,调查了鄂尔多斯地区居民对沙棘景观服务的支付意愿(WTP),并利用SPSS软件对影响居民支付意愿的因素进行了相关性分析。研究结果表明:WTP与收入水平和旅游意愿显著相关,与受访者的文化程度及其对沙棘生态作用的认知度也存在较显著的相关性。每位居民支付意愿的中位值为110.62元/年,平均值为221.17元/年,并基于中位值法和Spike修正模型的平均值法将此结论推广到整个鄂尔多斯地区,得出鄂尔多斯沙棘景观服务的总价值为1.759×108元/年~3.095×108元/年。  相似文献   

提出了水资源费由天然水资源价值、水资源前期基础工作投入、水资源宏观管理费用以及水源涵养和保护投入四部分构成,并应用支付意愿法测算了北京市的水资源费。通过在北京市6个区开展的居民水费支付意愿问卷调查,获取的居民生活用水支付意愿均值为4.13元/m3。使用工业用水支付意愿系数估算的工业用水户水费支付意愿为16.84元/m3。综合测算得到的天然水资源价值为4.31元/m3,水资源费为4.74元/m3。与测算结果相比,北京市现行水资源费标准偏低,亟需调整,以充分发挥水资源费的资源调节作用。  相似文献   

基于灰色理论的水环境影响因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
万星  丁晶  张少文  廖杰 《人民黄河》2005,27(5):37-38,41
水环境质量受诸多因素影响,水环境事故的内、外部影响因素是模糊的和不确定的,用回归分析方法或某种特定的分布函数难以准确、真实地反映水环境事故发生的规律,而采用灰色关联度分析方法,克服了回归分析和随机过程理论的不足。对一个发展变化的流域系统,关联度分析就是根据灰色发展态势的相似或相异程度来衡量水环境影响因素间的关联程度,从而找出主要影响因素。通过对某流域观测数据的分析,表明采用灰色理论方法对水环境质量影响因素进行分析是可行的。  相似文献   

水价调整关系到百姓的基本生活而格外引人关注.通过开展水价调整支付意愿调查,可以了解不同消费群体支付水价的实际情况、支付意愿、对自来水公司供水服务满意程度,增强消费者对水价调整认识.以北票城区为试点,运用支付意愿调查方法,针对家庭用水户和非家庭用水户开展水价调整支付意愿调查活动,收集第一手资料,为北票市水价调整政策制订提供科学依据,为水价调整方案实施、缓解用水户对抗心理发挥作用.  相似文献   

从淜头水电站泥沙淤积对泉水出露的影响、电站回水对泉水出流的影响、水电站取水对泉域的影响和固体废物对水环境影响4个方面阐述淜头水电站的建设对当地水环境影响的因素、程度,并提出相应防治措施,为保护辛安泉域水环境及水电站安全生产提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

生态环境工程居民支付意愿CVA质量控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
条件估值法(Contingent valuation method, CVM)在评价环境服务产品中起着不可替代的作用.对CVM的信度、效度、置信度、质量控制方面进行了探讨,并对Logistic回归模型进行了改进.研究显示:①通过科学的问卷设计和规范操作,严格调研的质量控制可以有效地克服CVA 法的不足,减少主观随意性对访谈结果的干扰;②蚌埠居民年支付意愿为每户9.35元/月,全年支付意愿总额为7 831.56万元人民币;③不同的收入段相关性又呈现差异性,年收入15 000~30 000元的公务员、教师、律师、高薪企业工人、军人支付意愿较高.  相似文献   

在问卷调查资料汇总基础上,采用主成分统计分析、因子分析和多元逐步回归分析方法,对黄河下游滩区搬迁居民心理进行了多因素分析。搬迁居民对搬迁后生活总体评价是好的,搬迁对居民的心理主要起积极影响。搬迁居民心理的影响因素主要有:政府政策的影响、经济因素的影响、居住条件变化的影响和生产条件满意程度。  相似文献   

Knowledge of attitudes towards water conservation, potential reactions to incorporating supplementary costs into water prices, and the willingness to pay for water services is vitally important to decision makers wishing to implement policies that effectively promote more conscious water consumption and mitigate increasingly important water scarcity issues. This study aims to examine the relationships among these dimensions and their potential explanatory factors—such as family values, knowledge about problems related to water scarcity, attitude and propensity to pro-environmental behavior, and social pressure that individuals receive to behave in a certain manner—through a sample survey on 429 students enrolled at the University of Pisa (Italy). A set of hypotheses were formulated among eight latent variables that reflect the previous constructs and were tested through a structural equation model. As for key findings, we highlight the importance of family values as the main determinant of pro-environmental behaviors, which result in more responsible water use, greater support for price increases to encourage water saving practices, and a greater willingness to pay more for improved water and water service quality. Policymakers should consider these findings when developing policies and strategies to incentivize effective water saving practices among younger generations.  相似文献   

River water management is challenging not only since they are open systems with changing physical structures, but also because the water values are mostly unknown over varied sectors. If policymakers grasp water values, water management will be more efficient. This research intends to examine the values of water in agriculture, which receives the most substantial portion of water resources, with the values of water in the environment in Isfahan located in the Zayandehrood River basin of Iran. The consequences of contingent valuation and production function methods revealed that per cubic metre value of water is 13 times higher in the environment than agriculture. The government should reconsider the higher value of the environment despite it is a non‐market value. The contingent valuation model additionally proved that women exhibited 21% more willingness to pay than men in order to protect the environment; however, they are paid less by 36%.  相似文献   

陈伟 《中国水利》2014,(23):20-22
生态补偿问题已成为被关注的热点。通过全面考察水源地保护区农民生活、生产的现状,重点探讨了影响水源地保护区农民生产、生活的制约因素,以及农民对新型水源地经济发展模式的需求及意愿。根据研究,生态保护成为制约水源地经济发展的重要因素,且生态保护与经济发展的矛盾会随着国家对环保重视程度的日益加强而愈演愈烈。在认真分析影响制约当地经济发展因素和农民需求与意愿的基础上,提出了完善政策扶持机制、以项目带动经济补偿、初步建立有益于生态补偿的财政转移支付形式、加快建立水源地环境资源评估与保护标准体系等建议。  相似文献   

基于排污权银行的太湖流域排污权交易模式探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张郁 《水资源保护》2009,25(3):72-75
针对太湖流域水质型缺水和水环境污染严重的特点,借鉴国外先进的水环境管理经验,提出整合太湖流域管理局中水资源环境相关管理部门的职能,建立政府宏观调控与市场机制相结合的基于"太湖流域排污权银行"的交易制度,以价格激励机制激发排污企业的主动参与意识;以信息发布制度、排污权转让价格调节机制、排污权交易活动监管、监控等政府宏观调控手段以及公众参与机制,促进流域内有限水环境容量资源的合理流向,化解跨行政区的环境管理属地限制,处理跨行政区的水事纠纷,确保流域水环境保护目标的实现。  相似文献   

Kameel Virjee 《国际水》2013,38(3):285-297
Trinidad and Tobago's 1.3 million residents are provided water supply and sewerage services by a national utility whose service levels have been inadequate and deteriorating through the recent past, largely due to a lack of investment in utility infrastructure. A “willingness to pay” study assessed the degree of coverage and quality of service and the residents' willingness to accept water tariff increases for an increase in service level. Willingness to pay for change is low, below current tariffs, due to scepticism about the likelihood of change and due to the ability to cope with bad service through the pervasive use of local storage.  相似文献   

陈一  张逢  张媛  姜文超 《给水排水》2007,33(7):40-43
居民的付费意愿和承受力一直是水价改革中最受关注并制约改革的焦点问题.结合世界银行资助项目--重庆西部缺水地区城镇水价改革付费意愿调研,对区域调水供水工程覆盖的城镇居民的承受力和支付意愿进行了量化分析,提出了承受力指数,反映出公众参与在水价改革中的地位与作用,为水价改革提供了参考.  相似文献   

吉婷婷  倪立奇 《人民长江》2018,49(21):49-55
运用耦合协调度模型及评价指标体系,测度了苏州市2006~2015年间城市化与水资源环境耦合协调发展的时序特征。研究结果表明:(1)苏州市城市化综合指数总体呈现出较明显的增长趋势,人口、经济、空间和社会城市化等4项指数为总体升高的趋势,但是空间城市化与社会城市化指数相对而言波动较大;(2)水资源环境综合水平呈现为波动上升的趋势,但是水资源水平、水资源压力和水资源保护指数的波动较大;(3)城市化与水资源环境的耦合关系经历了早期低水平耦合后期高水平耦合的变化过程,二者的协调度也经历了初期协调性弱,而后过渡期磨合,并进入到协调发展的过程;(4) 2006~2008年和2009~2015年分别为城市化滞后于水资源环境发展、水资源环境滞后于城市化发展的两大阶段。目前,城市化与水资源环境已进入到优质协调发展阶段。明晰苏州城市化与水资源环境耦合的合关系,对促进该地区可持续发展具有重要的意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the use of choice modelling for obtaining implicit prices for attributes associated with changes in the reliability of household water services. While not often estimated in practice, the collection of information about willingness to accept compensation is relevant for utilities as customers often have implicit or explicit property rights for particular levels of customer service. Given ageing infrastructure in many cities, maintaining customer service standards requires large capital expenditures. It may be more economically efficient to allow standards to decline in some areas and compensate consumers. Therefore it is useful to understand the value of attributes of water service provision using willingness to accept and how this differs from willingness to pay. We therefore estimate both willingness to accept and willingness to pay measures, and find that respondents value a larger range of attributes using the willingness to accept approach.  相似文献   

This study highlights the methodological challenges in determining the value of water in informal water markets. As the decision to participate in water markets is unlikely to be random, self-selectivity is an important issue for an unbiased estimation of the participating farmers’ revealed willingness to pay. The relevance of these issues is illustrated for an informal irrigation water market in Iran. A two-stage random sampling was carried out in pistachio-growing farms which are irrigated by water from the Rafsanjan aquifer in Iran during 2008–2009. A Heckman sample selection model shows that the real willingness to pay can be less than the observed prices in an informal water market.  相似文献   

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