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魏水平 《治淮》2003,(1):48-49
白龟山水库位于淮河流域沙颍河水系沙河本干上,坝址位于平顶山市西南郊,以防洪、供水为主,兼顾灌溉、养鱼等综合利用。水库总库容7.31亿m3,兴利库容2.48亿m3,是一座年调节水库。多年来,水库管理局对水库兴利调度工作非常重视,并做了很多有  相似文献   

水库调度自动化以水情自动测报为基础,是一个集通信、遥测、水文预报、水库调度、计算机网络及水务管理于一体的自动化系统,对水电厂的安全经济运行具有巨大的促进作用,是“国际一流水电厂”不可缺少的条件。本文系统地介绍了岩滩水库调度自动化系统的规划设计以及功能要求等。  相似文献   

当前,随着自动化技术的不断发展和国产化软件的使用推进,旧时使用的防汛调度决策系统已存在较大问题,不能大程度地满足水库调度的需求。主要体现在不能满足网络安全和国产化保密需求,自动化计算、人工智能演算、提高故障排查和处理效率、报表格式较为单一等功能存在一系列问题。而防汛调度决策支持系统能较好解决以上问题,并在新丰江水库调度实现应用。  相似文献   

长江三峡水利枢纽梯级水库调度自动化系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由三峡水库和葛洲坝水库组成的梯级水库的调度工作是由三峡梯调通信中心的梯级水库调度自动化系统实现的。系统的建设目标是满足三峡~葛洲坝梯级水库综合调度的需要。其主要功能是准确、及时地收集枢纽上下游水雨情信息、气象信息、枢纽运行信息、防洪调度信息、发电调度信息和航运调度信息,对这些信息进行分析、计算和综合处理,制作短、中、长期水文预报,在满足枢纽安全的前提下,为水库调度方案的优化提供决策支持。本文就梯级水库调度自动化系统的设计与实现进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

湖南省水库占全国水库总数的1/7,13000多座水库已成为全省防洪减灾体系的重要组成部分,同时.也为湖南推进防汛抗旱“两个转变”.强化水资源时空调配.提高水资源综合利用水平提供了可能和保证。随着“坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展”理论的提出.优化水库调度理念,强化水资源调度力度,在确保防洪安全的前提下,最大限度地发挥水库的综合利用效益,已成为全省共同关注的新课题。  相似文献   

石河水库是河北省在防洪、兴利等综合效益发挥最好的中型水库之一,它除具有优越的自然条件,良好的地理位置等客观因素外,应用水文预报,指挥水库合理调度运用,是其水库管理上的一大特点。石河是秦皇岛市抚宁县境内的一条独立人海的小河流,全长67.5km,集水面积  相似文献   

根据涌溪三级水库年调节性能,实行峰谷电价的优势,从合理安排日常发电时间,适当提高水库运行水位等方面入手,阐述通过提高涌溪三级水电站峰时电量、增加汛期发电量、提高运行水头、降低耗水率,从而提高水电站经济效益的发电调度策略。  相似文献   

变化环境下的水库适应性调度是国际水库调度领域的前沿课题。针对水库适应性调度,在实时调度方面需重点研究变化环境下的水文预报技术,提高预报精度;在规划和调度规则方面需构建全新的调度规则再编制技术,涉及水文频率分析、非一致性条件下评价指标体系以及水库调度规则的自适应跟踪控制等。为此,从水文时变预报预测、调度指标的动态评价、调度规则的跟踪控制以及柔性调度规则等4个方面提出研究思路与方法,为水库适应性调度理论和方法提供参考。  相似文献   

山美水库位于南安县九都乡延仲至永春东平乡,坝址座落于晋江流域东溪支流山美村鸽槽,按制集雨面积1023平方公里,水库总库容6.55亿立米,是一座以灌溉为主,结合防洪、发电、供水兼发展水利工程多种经营的大型水库。效益涉及二县二市一区。 为完成水库的降雨量、水位、流量等水文参数的及时收集和处理,以实现防洪、供水,发电等优化调度,提高防洪能力和充分利用水利资源,我库决定建立水利水文自动测报系统。  相似文献   

水库调度图优化方法研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着能源的日益紧缺,水能的有效利用对社会经济的有效发展起到了至关重要的作用.作为水库优化调度的关键,调度图的优化也成为学者关心的研究重点.在大量文献调研的基础上,对国内外在调度图优化方面的研究进展进行了归纳,基于此对调度图优化进行了分类,从问题复杂性以及不同优化方法两方面对调度图优化问题进行了分析,阐述了单一水库及水库群调度图优化研究的发展状况,对各方法的基本原理、流程、优化模型以及采用的算法进行了归纳和总结.通过对众多研究成果的整理和分析指出目前在调度图优化领域存在的问题,并提出将来的发展方向.  相似文献   

新丰江水库为多年调节水库,具有库面大,相对入库流量小特点。本文通过对水量平衡公式的蒸发流量,库容差,发电流量,泄洪流量,渗漏损失等各因素进行统计分析,找出新丰江水库反推入库流量测量推求误差的主要原因,并提出提高新丰江入库流量测量精度的方法。  相似文献   

Ant Colony Optimization for Multi-Purpose Reservoir Operation   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
In this paper a metaheuristic technique called Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is proposed to derive operating policies for a multi-purpose reservoir system. Most of the real world problems often involve non-linear optimization in their solution with high dimensionality and large number of equality and inequality constraints. Often the conventional techniques fail to yield global optimal solutions. The recently proposed evolutionary algorithms are also facing problems, while solving large-scale problems. In this study, it is intended to test the usefulness of ACO in solving such type of problems. To formulate the ACO model for reservoir operation, the problem is approached by considering a finite time series of inflows, classifying the reservoir volume into several class intervals, and determining the reservoir release for each period with respect to a predefined optimality criterion. The ACO technique is applied to a case study of Hirakud reservoir, which is a multi-purpose reservoir system located in India. The multiple objectives comprise of minimizing flood risks, minimizing irrigation deficits and maximizing hydropower production in that order of priority. The developed model is applied for monthly operation, and consists of two models viz., for short-time horizon operation and for long-time horizon operation. To evaluate the performance of ACO, the developed models are also solved using real coded Genetic Algorithm (GA). The results of the two models indicate that ACO model performs better, in terms of higher annual power production, while satisfying irrigation demands and flood control restrictions, compared to those obtained by GA. Finally it is found that ACO model outperforms GA model, especially in the case of long-time horizon reservoir operation.  相似文献   

在水库长期优化调度问题中,一般以发电量最大为优化调度模型。考虑到电力市场的影响,综合水电站水库自身约束和电力系统调峰要求,建立以水电站发电效益最大为目标的优化调度模型,并通过实例计算比较这两种模型,发电效益最大模型较发电量最大模型更为符合实际。  相似文献   

为促进水利工程安全运行、降低工程运行事故发生率、提高水利工程运行管理水平,广州市以水库运行管理督查为抓手,加强水行政主管部门对水库的监管作用,在督查中,对水库运行管理中存在的共性、典型问题进行了总结和梳理,提出整改对策.经过督查和整改之后,各级水行政主管部门监管力度不断加大,水库安全运行进一步得到重视,管理更加规范,体制更加顺畅,运行管理水平得到有效提升.  相似文献   

山东省水库洪水调度工作已进行了方案的编制和审批、几期洪水实时调度的监督及汛后总结制度,初步走上了科学化、正规化、规范化管理的轨道.但存在着一些水库在设计中未考虑汛期防洪限制水位,大、中型水库的运行多数年份汛木蓄水达不到指标等问题.为此提出的对策有:(1)科学界定水库洪水调度“汛期”;(2)划分汛期时段,核定分期控制水位;(3)复核设计洪水校正水库特征水位.还应加强执行有关法规、抓紧除险加固以及改善技术装备、提高人员素质等工作.  相似文献   

在进行水库群长期优化运行的研究中,讨论了一种适合于寻求水资源系统优化运行决策规则调度模型。该模型包括双状态动态规划(BSDP)和混合回归的疏系数模型。该调度模型充分反映了水库群最优运行的规律,且大大节省了计算时间的内存量。模拟运行结果表明,该模型是可行的。  相似文献   

Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) is widely used in reservoir operation problems. Besides its advantages, a few drawbacks have leaded many studies to improve its structure. Handling the infeasible conditions and curse of dimensionality are two major challenges in this method. The main goal of this paper is proposing a new method to avoid infeasible conditions and enhance the solution efficiency with new discretization procedure. For this purpose, an optimization module is incorporated into regular SDP structure, so that, near optimal values of state variables are determined based on the available constraints. The new method (RISDP) employs reliability concept to maximize the reservoir releases to satisfy the downstream demands. Applying the proposed technique improves the reservoir operating policies compared to regular SDP policies with the same assumptions of discretization. Simulation of reservoir operation in a real case study indicates about 15% improvement in objective function value and elimination of infeasible conditions by using RISDP operating policies.  相似文献   

介绍了9662.LG-OA高精密水位计的特点以及其如何结合新丰江水库水位观测的要求,通过分析,改进工艺,实现水位自动采集、自动消浪处理、定时报送水位数据功能,最终满足水电站水务计算需要。  相似文献   

Fuzzy multiobjective decision makingmodels generally rely on the aggregation of theobjectives to form a decision function. The generalizedaveraging operator is usually adopted for aggregatingmultiple and unequal objectives because it allows trade-off amongst the objectives, and has been shown to besuitable to model human decision making behavior. In thefield of water resource management, most of the decision-making problems involving the generalized averagingoperator implicitly assume the decision maker (DM) israther optimistic. The analysis of the DM's behaviorduring the aggregation process and its impact on theperformance of the system, has therefore never beenaddressed by many researchers and decision makers. Theaim of this paper is to investigate the relationshipbetween decision makers' index of optimism and the long-term performance of a reservoir resource. Morespecifically, the generalized averaging operator, whoseparameter can be interpreted as the DM's index ofoptimism, is imbedded into a fuzzy stochastic dynamicprogram (FSDP). This approach is developed andimplemented to derive optimal operating policies for thehydroelectric complex of the Uruguay River basin inSouthern Brazil. FSDP-derived policies with differentindices of optimism are then compared with simulation. Weshow that system performance may be influenced by thedecision maker's behavior during the aggregation, andthat the optimistic assumption may not yield tosatisfactory results, especially during critical timeperiods.  相似文献   

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