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用边界元法计算任意形状混合边界的油藏压力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立了考虑源(汇)影响、任意形状、混合边界条件、含有不渗透区油藏稳定渗流的数学模型,采用边界元方法对其进行了求解,获得了油藏内的压力分布,绘制了相应的压力剖面图。通过对比压力剖面图和平均压力发现,由于油藏的封闭边界部分不能向生产井提供能量,致使地层能量被消耗较多,油藏平均压力降低;由于油藏内不渗透区的存在,能量在绕过其向生产井传播时要有部分能量损失,所以油藏的平均压力会降低。  相似文献   

多区非均质油藏的有限元法理论分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
建立了单相流体在非均质油藏中、在不稳定渗流条件下的有限元方程,同时考虑了井筒储存效应和表皮效应的影响。将井壁视为内边界,在空间上用任意四边形单元对求解区域进行剖分,在时间上用向后差分法进行离散。用二区非均质油藏的解析解对方法进行了验证,而后对三区非均质油藏和四区非均质油藏进行了模拟分析,说明用有限元法模拟分析多区非均质油藏是准确、方便的。实际上,本模拟器可以适用于任意非均质油藏。  相似文献   

任意形状复合油藏压力动态的边界元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油气藏形状对井底压力动态响应有着显著的影响,常规的解析方法只能计算规则形状油气藏的井底压力响应。该文建立了任意形状复合油藏不稳定渗流的数学模型,并将区域分割法与边界元方法相结合,研究了任意形状复合油藏不稳定压力响应的计算方法,应用杜哈美原理考虑了表皮效应与井储系数对井底压力动态响应的影响。绘制并分析了复合油藏的典型曲线,通过分析指出油藏的边界性质会影响典型曲线后期形态,而内区形状的也可能掩盖复合油藏典型曲线的特点。  相似文献   

分形油藏渗流问题的精确解及动态特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文将油井有效半径引入分形油藏渗流问题的内边界条件之中,从而建立了分形油藏渗流问题的新模型,并在考虑到井筒讲集和表皮效应的情况下求得了外边界无限大,有界封闭和有界定压三种典型情况下分形油藏压力分布的精确解析表达式。  相似文献   

阶梯水平井生产段油藏渗流与井筒变质量管流的耦合模型   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
随着油气勘探和开发技术的迅猛发展,阶梯水平井作为水平井的一种特殊井型,日益在国内外油田得到广泛应用。基于势叠加原理和镜像反映原理,推导出了薄互层油藏中阶梯式水平井生产段的空间势分布;采用微元线汇理论和动量守恒定律建立了薄互层油藏阶梯水平井生产段沿程压降计算模型。推导出了裸眼完井方式下阶梯水平井生产段油藏渗流与井简变质量管流耦合的数学流动模型,并提出了相应的数学解法。  相似文献   

本文从圆形、复合、双孔介质油藏中Laplace空间上,考虑井筒存储(CD)及其表皮的井底瞬时压力着手,来构造圆形封闭或定压或无限大地层中的无量纲井底压力及其导数的表达式。利用叠加原理给出地层中有单一断层或供给边界,以及河道状油藏,U形油藏,矩形油藏等井底压力及其导数的双对数图。  相似文献   

低渗透油藏中水平井两相渗流分析   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
大量实验表明,在低渗透多孔介质中,渗流不再符合线性达西定律,而具有启动压力梯度,本文从Buckley-Leverret不混溶两相渗流驱替理论出发,考虑启动压力梯度的影响,对水平井两相渗流进行分析,得到了椭球形边水油藏中水平井定产时的压力分布公式和定压生产时的产量公式,以及饱和度分布公式。经图示分析得出结论:启动压力梯度不仅增大油藏的生产压差,而且使油藏的无水采收率和水驱采收率减少;增大注入量可以降低启动压力梯度对两相渗流的不利影响,从而提高水驱采收率,因此开发含启动压力梯度油藏,应小井距,大流量,大压差进行注水开发;水平井的两相渗流解析解为数值模拟中水平井的处理提供很好的方法。  相似文献   

辽河常规稠油油藏的聚合物驱问题研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
稠油油聚聚合物驱是一个很敏感的问题。本文以目前仍采用水驱的常规稠油油藏为研究对象,在天然岩心,人造岩心和平面模型中进行室内实验,主要研究了常规同油藏水驱后进行聚合珠驱的驱油效率和驱替特征;同时,用核磁共振成像技术研究了其驱油机理。  相似文献   

三重介质复合油藏压力动态特征研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
建立了三重介质复合油藏试井解释模型,采用数值方法对模型进行了求解。讨论了地层的内外渗透率比、内径的大小以、窜流系数、弹性储容比、外边界条件以及表皮系数等参数对于这种类型油藏压力响应动态的影响。表明:当油藏内外区的渗透率不同时,类似于在井的周围存在封闭边界或者定压边界;内区的大小决定着反应外区渗透率影响的压力响应出现的早晚;窜流系数影响着窜流阶段出现的早晚;弹性储容比影响着导数曲线上“凹陷”的深度和宽度;而外边界的影响则由于油藏内外区渗透率的差异而和普通的三重介质油藏不同;表皮系数对压力动态的影响与内外区域渗透率比对压力动态的影响也有着很大的差别。  相似文献   

不完全可逆变形介质油藏流体渗流模型及其数值解   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
由于地层压力变化引起地层变形具有不完全可逆性,导致地层渗透率和孔隙度随压力变化也具有不完全可逆性。本文建立了不完全可逆变形介质油藏流体渗流模型,综合采取了状态方程隐式处理和Richtmyer线性化方法,有效地对不完全可逆变形介质油藏流体渗流问题进行了数值解,并讨论了由储层介质变形的不可逆性对油田开发的影响。  相似文献   

The stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) method faces computational difficulties when used to determine the optimal operation of multiple storages. A new approach, a combined SDP-statistical disaggregation approach is introduced to determine releases for a special situation relating to multiple reservoir systems, that is, for a system of multiple storages where operational data are available. The approach consists of defining an equivalent single reservoir which represents the system of multiple reservoirs. The optimal releases from the equivalent single reservoir are derived by the use of SDP. Disaggregation of the optimal releases from the equivalent single reservoir, to produce the releases from the individual storages is based on historical operational data. The Melbourne (Australia) water supply system is considered as the example. The releases derived from the combined SDP-statistical disaggregation approach are tested by operating a simulation model, and the conclusion is made that the approach produces satisfactory releases for a system of multiple reservoirs where operational data are available. The method cannot be applied to existing systems where insufficient or no operational data are available, or to proposed systems where operational data are not available. The method uses a small amount of computer time.  相似文献   

Optimization of a multi-reservoir system operation is challenging due to the non-linearity, stochasticity, and dimensionality involved in such a problem. In this research, a long-term planning model is presented for optimizing the operation of Iranian Karoon-Dez reservoir system using an interior-point algorithm. The system is the largest multi-purpose reservoir system in Iran with hydropower generation, water supply, and environmental objectives. The focus is on resolving the dimensionality of this problem while considering hydropower generation and water supply objectives. The weighting and constraints methods of multi-objective programming are used to assess the trade-off between water supply and hydropower objectives so as to find noninferior solutions. The computational efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated using historical data taken from Karoon-Dez reservoir system.  相似文献   

长江小江流域水文比拟研究及设计应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
小江流域是长江三峡工程库区左岸的一条支流,主流全长182.4km,流域面积为5276km2,是库区的重要防护区域。由于小江流域防护规划工作需要,针对流域内水文资料短缺的具体条件,进行了区域水文比拟研究,并深入现场进行历史洪水、泥沙资料调查和水文测验以补充资料不足。依据区域水文比拟研究成果,采用小江雨洪计算模型、推理公式等计算方法,推算了小江防护规划需要的设计洪水、径流和泥沙成果,得到了较正确、合理的水文分析成果。  相似文献   

小浪底水库投入运用后三门峡水库运用方式将作调整,本文运用黄河水库一水动力学泥沙数学模型通过典型条件下的方案对比计算与分析,从减少库区淤积及增加电站出力两方面综合考虑,认为水库非汛斯运用的第4方案较好;从排沙效果来看,汛期水库降低水位开始排沙的入库流量应选择大于1500m^3/s为宜。  相似文献   

An automatic calibration of water quality model is developed in this research. Automatic calibration as the process to determine the parameters appearing in the equations of a 2-dimensional, hydrodynamic, and water quality models (CE-QUAL-W2) is carried out with Particle Swarm technique as an optimization tool. In the calibration of the CE-QUAl-W2 model, evaporation as a significant parameter influences the thermal profile and water surface elevation in reservoir, simultaneously. Therefore to consider the simultaneous effects of the water temperature variations on water surface elevation in the reservoir, a multi objective technique is used to minimize the weighted sum of total deviations of temperature from field data at check points on monitoring days and those of water surface elevation on daily monitoring period. The proposed approach overcomes the high computational efforts required if a conventional calibration search technique was used, while retaining the quality of the final calibration results. The automatic calibration approach is applied in temperature and water budget calibration of Karkheh reservoir in Iran. Applying the proposed automatic calibration approach, shows the produced results by the CE-QUAL-W2 model with the calibrated coefficients agree closely with a set of field data.  相似文献   

Optimum reservoir operation is a challenging problem in water resources systems. In this paper, Intelligent Water Drops (IWD) algorithm is applied in a reservoir operation problem. IWD is a population based algorithm and is initially proposed for solving combinatorial problems. The algorithm mimics the dynamics of river system and the behavior of water drops in the rivers. For this purpose data from Dez reservoir, located in southwestern Iran, has been used to examine the performance of the model. Moreover, due to similarities between IWD and the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms, the results are compared with those of the ACO algorithm. Comparison of the results shows that while the IWD algorithm finds relatively better solutions, it is able to overcome the computational time consumption deficiencies inherited in the ACO methods. This is very important in large models with too many decision variables where run time becomes a limiting factor for optimization model applications.  相似文献   

Reservoir operation problems are challenging to efficiently optimize because of their high-dimensionality, stochasticity, and non-linearity. To alleviate the computational burden involved in large-scale and stringent constraint reservoir operation problems, we propose a novel search space reduction method (SSRM) that considers the available equality (e.g., water balance equation) and inequality (e.g., firm output) constraints. The SSRM can effectively narrow down the feasible search space of the decision variables prior to the main optimization process, thus improving the computational efficiency. Based on a hydropower reservoir operation model, we formulate the SSRM for a single reservoir and a multi-reservoir system, respectively. To validate the efficiency of the proposed SSRM, it is individually integrated into two representative optimization techniques: discrete dynamic programming (DDP) and the cuckoo search (CS) algorithm. We use these coupled methods to optimize two real-world operation problems of the Shuibuya reservoir and the Shuibuya-Geheyan-Gaobazhou cascade reservoirs in China. Our results show that: (1) the average computational time of SSRM-DDP is 1.81, 2.50, and 3.07 times less than that of DDP when decision variables are discretized into 50, 100, and 500 intervals, respectively; and (2) SSRM-CS outperforms CS in terms of its capability of finding near-optimal solutions, convergence speed, and stability of optimization results. The SSRM significantly improves the search efficiency of the optimization techniques and can be integrated into almost any optimization or simulation method. Therefore, the proposed method is useful when dealing with large-scale and complex reservoir operation problems in water resources planning and management.  相似文献   

邹强  丁毅  何小聪  洪兴骏 《人民长江》2018,49(13):84-89
由于洪水预报、洪水类型、工程状态、管理决策等诸方面不确定性因素,水库实际防洪调度不可避免地存在各种风险,水库防洪调度风险分析研究显得尤为重要。为确保防洪安全,降低大坝及下游综合洪灾损失,对水库防洪调度风险分析进行了全面梳理,分析和识别了水库防洪调度风险的关键影响因素,探明了洪水预报误差、不同典型洪水、初始起调水位和防洪调度滞时等不确定性因素。研究了基于蒙特卡罗随机模拟的不确定性因素模拟手段,建立了并行计算模式下水库防洪调度风险分析模型及其计算流程,并定量分析了不确定条件下的水库防洪调度风险。相关成果可为快速方便、科学合理的水库防洪调度运行方式和安全管理提供技术支持。  相似文献   

BREACH模型常用来模拟水库大坝漫顶及管涌溃坝模式并获取溃口流量与时间关系,MIKE21模型常用来模拟湖泊、河口、海湾等二维水动力学并获取洪泛区内洪水风险信息要素,两大模型耦合分析在保障水库大坝安全运行及风险管理方面发挥了积极作用。以BREACH模型模拟溃口流量动态数据过程与溃口演变尺寸为基础,通过ArcGIS预处理地形文件、工程建筑物参数与水文数据,构建MIKE21二维水动力学模型并计算网格差值空间,利用Flow Model模块生成溃坝洪水模拟文件,采用判别溃口流量差值是否满足精度要求的迭代法来耦合两大模型,最终结合所要分析水库大坝的工程概况,计算不同风险情况下的水库大坝溃坝洪水淹没水深与范围,进而模拟溃坝洪水演进过程。该方法已成功应用于郑州常庄水库风险分析,结果表明,该方法能客观反映溃坝洪水行洪情况,使用方便,为水库大坝运行管理与应急处置提供了一定的技术支持。  相似文献   

尹忠武 《人民长江》1998,29(3):38-39
水利枢纽的水库淹没处理补偿,历来是争论的焦点之一,目前主要是对受淹项目根据原规模、原标准或以恢复其功能原则,按重置价格给予合理补偿。从补偿投资概念,补偿投资基础上的多学科性、补偿标准制订中的心理因素,补偿与发展的关系等方面分析水库淹没处理补偿投资不同于单项工程投资计算的特点,为决策机构制订合理的水库淹没处理补偿投资计算方法及标准提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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