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针对中新天津生态城水环境建设目标高,水资源严重匮乏、水环境现状质量差、生态用水需求量大的问题,进行了景观水体补水的多水源净化处理技术集成,重点开展了污水处理厂生物池技术改造与气浮滤池污水深度处理的一级A升级改造工艺研究,实现了普通再生水水质COD≤50mg/L、NH_3-N≤5mg/L、NO_3~--N≤15mg/L、TP≤0.5mg/L的目标。开展了浸没式超滤膜+反渗透再生水工艺研究,实现了高品质再生水COD≤30 mg/L、NH3-N≤1.5 mg/L、NO_3~--N≤10mg/L、TP≤0.3mg/L的目标。建立了以一级A出水、再生水、雨水、过境水等多水源补水的综合模式与工程示范,补水能力达到2万m3/d,为中新生态城新型水环境系统构建与实施提供了保障。  相似文献   

水环境中药物污染、检测及去除研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析国内外水体中药物污染现状及其差异,详述水环境中痕量药物残留分析典型流程及固相萃取结合色谱 质谱联用的检测方法,总结污水处理厂、传统氧化工艺、高级氧化工艺、活性炭吸附和新型水处理技术去除效果和机理,认为在我国对各类水体进行药物污染调查、明确"优先污染药物"及研究水处理工艺药物去除效果等方面是今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

药品和个人护理用品在水环境中污染状况的研究与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统地综述了药品和个人护理用品(PPCPs)对世界上不同国家和地区的水环境所造成的污染.结果表明,世界各地水环境都检出了PPCPs污染物,其浓度一般达到ng/L~μg/L水平,而且随着季节变化显著波动.水环境中PPCPs主要来源于市政污水、垃圾填埋场渗漏和农业径流等,在水环境中会发生进一步转化.目前急需建立针对性的生态安全评价方法,进行微观和宏观以及短期和长期相结合的调查研究,为确保水环境生态安全提供科学依据,为控制PPCPs污染提供技术指导.  相似文献   

饮用水臭氧应用安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对预臭氧、臭氧—生物活性炭等技术与常规水处理工艺联用中有机物去除效果、消毒副产物THMFP的消除等进行了研究。结果表明:采用适量臭氧(如1mg/L)预氧化,可有效提高混凝过程中有机物去除率;THMFP从常规处理的116μg/L降至78μg/L(1mg/LO3)。与预臭氧强化混凝联用的臭氧—生物活性炭工艺能进一步降低DOC和THMFP。研究发现:溴酸盐随着臭氧含量呈现起伏变化,溴酸盐相关前驱物不易分离去除。两次臭氧投加(预臭氧和主臭氧)均导致溴酸盐、AOC和甲醛升高;其含量可分别在后续的混凝过滤及生物活性炭过程中得到控制,仅AOC含量较原水和常规工艺出水有所升高。  相似文献   

通过实例,总结了在小规模水处理工程中,对于铁含量不高于10 mg/L且锰不超标的水质,采用曝气 絮凝 两道天然锰砂过滤工艺,具有工艺简单、投资省、建设周期短等特点,可供类似工程借鉴.  相似文献   

对深圳水源水库水、河流水以及地下水的溴离子污染情况做了广泛的调查,研究结果认为50%的水库水溴离子含量在22 μg/L以下,90%的水库水溴离子含量在50 μg/L以下,溴离子含量在15~25 μg/L的占40%.河流水的溴离子含量主要受其水体污染状况影响.海水浸渗是地下水溴离子含量高的主要原因.同时,对溴离子浓度随季节和海水影响变化也做了深入分析,为深圳地区饮用水溴酸盐风险水平的评价和水处理工艺的优化提供科学的依据.  相似文献   

项立新 《水力发电》2007,33(2):9-12,21
在对部分大中型常规水电站及抽水蓄能电站污废水来源及其污染物浓度、污水处理工艺现状调研的基础上,按照水环境功能区划要求,针对水电站废水类型,提出废水处理的基本方法及工艺流程;并结合国内外水处理发展趋势,介绍了生活污水处理新技术,为水电站污废水处理工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

探索在武汉地区建设新农村的水环境规划设计方法,新港苑小区的水环境设计将水处理与公园水景观结合在一起,水循环采用新工艺、新技术,其运行成本低,费效比高。水的生态循环大大提高了使用效率,具有较高的环境效益与经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍了邯钢新区电厂脱盐水站的水源、水质条件,在此基础上,分析了水源、水质的各项技术指标。详细论述了双膜法水处理工艺并根据其特点论证了该水处理工艺在邯钢新区电厂脱盐水站应用的可行性。实践结果表明,该水处理工艺满足了脱盐水站供水水质的要求,其应用取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

李建章  唐瑾 《中国水利》2007,(22):65-67
和谐世界、和谐社会,离不开和谐的水。维护和谐的水环境,确保人类生存和发展的用水安全,是包括各国政府、国际社会和每一个企业在内的全世界的共同责任。全球企业500强之一的GE公司,其水处理及工艺过程处理集团大中华区总裁周威方先生在接受采访时是这么说的。  相似文献   

Dissolved natural organic matter (NOM) occurs widely in the aquatic environment and affects the fate of microorganic pollutants (e.g. intake, accumulation, movement, degradation, toxicity). The effect of NOM on the intake into biota (living cells) is very important. In the present study, the effects of coexisting NOM on the intake of microorganic pollutants into aquatic biota were experimentally evaluated. The NOM was concentrated from Lake Biwa water using a reverse osmosis filtration membrane. Two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH; pyrene and phenanthrene) were used as representative microorganic pollutants. Liposomes were synthesized in the laboratory to simulate living cell membranes and were used to investigate the intake of microorganic pollutants into aquatic biota. The experimental results (PAH onto NOM, NOM into liposomes, and PAH into liposomes) indicated that the sorption of PAH into liposomes was suppressed, apparently by PAH binding with NOM in the aqueous phase. This suggests that the accumulation and/or toxicity of microorganic pollutants can be retarded by NOM in the aqueous environment. Moreover, the experimental results indicated that sorption into liposomes (the liposome/water sorption coefficient, Klipw) could be a better parameter for estimating the intake of microorganic pollutants into aquatic biota than the n-octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow) in the aqueous environment.  相似文献   

Riparian forests and streams are interlinked by cross‐system subsidies and alterations of the terrestrial environment can have substantial effects on aquatic biota and ecosystem function. In the Midwestern USA, the exotic shrub Lonicera maackii (Amur honeysuckle) has successfully invaded many riparian habitats, creating near‐monocultures in some locations. This terrestrial invasion has strong potential to modify cross‐system subsidies and impact stream ecosystems. We removed L. maackii from a riparian forest to assess impacts on the aquatic environment. In August 2010, removal occurred along a 150 m stream reach, 10 m downstream of a non‐removal reach, before natural leaf senescence. Over 74 days, in‐stream leaf litter [organic matter (OM)] was collected weekly from plots located in riffles (five/reach). Benthic algal biomass, above stream canopy cover, and macroinvertebrate density were measured for 18 months. L. maackii removal was associated with decreased canopy cover and a significant increase in total in‐stream leaf OM in early autumn (P < 0.05). Removal also differentially influenced the timing and abundance of specific leaf litter genera within the stream (P < 0.05). Macroinvertebrate density was significantly higher in the removal reach, especially during autumn 1 year after removal (P = 0.0294). In both reaches, macroinvertebrate density peaks lagged behind benthic algal biomass peaks. In summary, the removal of an invasive riparian shrub influenced the timing, deposition, quality and abundance of leaf litter habitat into a headwater stream, ostensibly driving bottom‐up effects on aquatic primary producer biomass and the macroinvertebrate community. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以江苏省苏州太仓港口开发为例,研究涉水工程所造成的水环境和生态问题,包括对水质、河势和水生群落的影响。泥沙测验结果表明,泥沙含量在局部地区偏高,而施工区附近距岸约80m处水域含沙量与工程所在江段平均含沙量为相同的数量级;采用数学模型模拟了污染物的扩散,CODCr的最大影响污染带范围为排污口以下14m,石油类浓度增量值0 01mg/L的分布范围为排污口以下6m;采沙区附近局部区域流态有所变化,该江段的总体流态基本不发生变化;工程对水生生物有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

新兴污染物有机滤光剂对水生生态环境和人类健康造成威胁,对其在水环境中的污染调查及控制已成为研究热点。通过对现有研究的分析,归纳了当前国内外水环境中有机滤光剂的污染现状,综述了有机滤光剂的主要去除方法,并展望了该领域进一步的研究重点与方向。  相似文献   

Estrogen-like chemicals, so-called xenoestrogens, have become a topic of concern because they are potentially capable of disturbing the hormonal balance of wildlife and humans. Effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are presumably the major source of xenoestrogens in the aquatic environment. In this study, we investigated eight WWTPs with respect to their input, elimination efficiency, and output of estrogenic activity by means of a reporter gene-based bioassay. All WWTPs employed activated sludge treatment with nitrification/denitrification and tertiary treatment (second nitrification and/or filtration). Estradiol equivalents (EEQs) in the influents of the WWTPs were between 5.7 and 65.8 ng/L. The greatest inputs were found in plants treating pure domestic sewage and in samples collected in winter. Process waters either had no estrogenic activity or EEQs in the range of raw sewage, depending on the source of the process water. EEQs of effluents ranged from mostly below quantification limit (0.8 ng/L) to a maximum of 5.4 ng/L in secondary and 1.4 ng/L in tertiary effluents. These findings demonstrate the elimination efficiency of the activated sludge treatment and the further improvement by additional tertiary treatment. However, several concentrated effluents elicited little, but detectable estrogenic responses in the bioassay.  相似文献   

Waters in the Great Lakes basin contain more than 400 contaminant chemicals that potentially affect fishery resources, commerce, and human inhabitants. We determined in the laboratory the effects of selected contaminants on the toxicity of the widely used lampricides TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) and Bayer 73 (2′,5-dichloro-4′-nitrosalicylanilide) to three species of fish—rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), white sucker (Catostomus commersoni), and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). The fish were exposed to paired mixtures of lampricides and selected contaminants in standardized, acute static toxicity tests to determine the resulting type of response—less than additive, additive, or greater than additive (synergistic). As expected, the toxicities of combinations of lampricides with organic pesticides, metal, industrial or municipal pollutants, and tannic acid were mostly additive. However, the toxicity of a combination of TFM, Delnav, and malathion was synergistic, and extremely small quantities of each chemical became lethal when mixed. The concentration that produced 50% mortality was 1.64 mg/L for TFM alone but only 0.041 mg/L for TFM with the pesticides. Toxicities of the pesticides in the combination also increased commensurately. The triple combination of chemicals produced extraordinary synergism and effectively demonstrated the hazards that may result if certain chemical combinations occur in the aquatic environment. However, synergism is not the only kind of toxic action that produces hazards to aquatic organisms. All three types of toxic action are of concern because toxic units produced by contaminant chemicals add to the toxic units of applied management chemicals. Since the toxicity of the majority of chemical combinations is simply additive, this cumulative toxic action contributes more total units to aquatic environments than the extreme actions of less than additive and synergism. The toxicity of the lampricide TFM, as well as other management chemicals, is reinforced by the presence of any contaminant that contributes additional units of toxicity. Therefore, all types of cumulative toxic action should be of concern to people and agencies involved with protecting the environment.  相似文献   

吕相龙  吕敏 《红水河》2010,29(5):55-58
笔者通过桥巩水电站工程建库前水环境质量及水生生物资源的调查,以及建库后水环境质量及水生生物资源变化趋势的预测,为建坝形成的库区水生生态环境、生物多样性的保护提供科学依据及建议。  相似文献   

Contamination of surface waters by pharmaceutical chemicals is an emerging environmental problem. This study evaluated the toxic effects of the antibacterial agents levofloxacin (LVFX) and clarithromycin (CAM), which are widely used in Japan, on aquatic organisms. Ecotoxicity tests using a bacterium, alga and crustacean were conducted. Microtox test using a marine fluorescent bacterium showed that LVFX and CAM have no acute toxicity to the bacterium. From the results of the Daphnia immobilisation test, LVFX and CAM did not show acute toxicity to the crustacean. Meanwhile, an algal growth inhibition test revealed that LVFX and CAM have high toxicity to the microalga. The phytotoxicity of CAM was about 100-fold higher than that of LVFX from a comparison of EC50 (median effective concentration) value. From the Daphnia reproduction test, LVFX and CAM also showed chronic toxicity to the crustacean. Concentrations of LVFX and CAM in the aquatic environment were compared with PNEC (predicted no effect concentration) to evaluate the ecological risk. As a result, the ecological risk of LVFX is considered to be low, but that of CAM is higher, suggesting that CAM discharged into an aquatic environment after therapeutic use may affect organisms in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

介绍了水体中氟西汀的来源及归趋,阐述了该物质在不同水环境介质中的赋存状态,以及其在水生生物体内的累积规律和不同的生态毒理效应。最后,基于目前的研究现状提出了未来氟西汀研究中亟待解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

Ethidium monoazide (EMA) was used to quantify DNA selectively from viable cells with healthy membrane/cell wall system, but not from dead cells, of a target bacterium in the aquatic environment using real-time PCR. Spiking experiments to determine the EMA treatment conditions showed that EMA treatment with EMA at 10-25 microg/ml and subsequent halogen light exposure for 2 min was suitable for selective quantification of DNA from viable cells in an aquatic sample using real-time PCR coupled with EMA treatment (real-time EMA-PCR). Optimized real-time EMA-PCR was applied in combination with culture-based method and conventional real-time PCR without EMA treatment to elucidate the behavior of an Escherichia coli strain inoculated into a pond water microcosm. Quantification results obtained using real-time EMA-PCR were lower than those by conventional real-time PCR without EMA treatment and higher than those by culture-based method. The results suggest that quantification by real-time EMA-PCR seemed to represent the viable population, which would partly include viable but non-culturable state bacteria. Real-time EMA-PCR optimized here can be a useful tool for selective monitoring of the viable population of a target bacterium in the aquatic environment, and thereby contribute to assessment of potential microbial risks generated from waterborne pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

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