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潮汐河口污染带影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍潮汐河口污染物混合问题的研究现状,建立了应用贴体坐标和有限体积法求解二维水流水质方程的数学模型,并在此基础上,着重研究了潮汐河口水域水力要素及污染物排放特性与污染带范围的变化规律,得到了该水域水深、比降、纵向及横向混合系数,污染物排放量,污染物排放开始时间及污染物降解系数等因素与污染带范围的定量关系,并对各影响因素进行了灵敏度分析。  相似文献   

为研究明渠交汇水流污染物混合规律,针对90°等宽顺直明渠水流交汇口,建立三维水动力-污染物耦合输运数学模型,对6 种不同汇流比情况进行数值模拟研究。计算结果表明:交汇水流污染物分布存在明显的三维特征,且与二次流密切相关;水体表层污染带最大宽度与汇流比的关系和水体内部不同,表层水体污染带最大宽度在小汇流比工况下为主渠宽度,不随汇流比的变化而改变,在大汇流比工况下与汇流比呈良好的一次函数关系;中下层水体污染带最大宽度与汇流比呈二次曲线关系;汇流比越接近0. 5,污染物混合越不均匀,且汇流比越大,污染物混合速率越快。  相似文献   

水质模型中污染物衰减系数敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对于河流纳污能力数值模拟问题,污染物扩散衰减系数是一个重要参数,决定了模型的准确性和可靠性。本文针对三峡大坝至葛洲坝之间河段,基于Mike21建立平面二维水质模型,以氨氮为典型污染物分析河流纳污能力,在此基础上进行了衰减系数对流量、本底浓度及有无衰减过程等因素的敏感性分析。模拟结果表明:相比本底浓度,流量的改变对污染物扩散过程的影响更为明显;污染物扩散范围随流量的增加而增加,随本底浓度的增大而降低;增大衰减系数将使污染物扩散范围减小,且高流量低本底浓度时衰减系数的取值范围较大,使得影响范围变幅最大。  相似文献   

伶仃洋三维流场数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
使用σ坐标变换技术,将(x,y,z,t)坐标系中的三维非线性Navier-Stokes方程转换成(x,y,a,t)坐标系中的方程,采用有限差分方法进行离散求解,用垂向(σ向)积分的连续方程求解水位,用动量方程求解流速垂直结构,在水平方向上使用非交错正方网格,σ向等间距分层,从而建立三维流场数学模型。应用本模型对多口门、多岛屿、地形及岸线复杂的伶洋的枯季、洪季流场进行了数值模拟。将模拟结果与多个水位、流速同步测站的实测资料进行比较,无论是水位、垂线平均流速、流向过程线还是流速的垂向分布形式与量值,二者均吻合较好。根据模拟计算结果,对伶洋流场的平面及空间结构特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

无论采用解析计算还是数学模拟对河流污染混合区开展分析,其计算参数的准确性比选择不同数学模型对预测结果的影响更大,应予以重视。基于宽阔河流污染混合区几何特征尺度的理论公式,分析并提出了采用多年平均枯水期流量确定环境设计流量的方法和考虑排污风险修正系数的排污强度确定方法,给出了河流污染混合区各计算参数正、负误差分别引起的最大长度、最大宽度和面积误差的敏感性排序。结果表明,水深、流速和横向扩散系数的正误差会减小污染混合区范围,而排污强度的正误差则会增大污染范围,而且,污染混合区几何特征尺度的误差变化幅度远超过其计算参数的误差变化幅度,揭示了计算误差的放大效应。  相似文献   

太湖风生流及污染物输移扩散数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立高精度的太湖三维风生流数值模型和风生流-污染物耦合数值模型,分析了盛行风作用下的太湖风生流特征和风生流驱动下的太湖污染物输移特征。结果表明:稳定后的太湖风生流场,表层流速大于底层流速,表层流向基本上同风向一致,底层流向则与表层大致相反,具有补偿流的特征;风向能显著影响太湖风生流的形态和结构;在垂向扩散作用下,太湖污染物质量浓度沿水深方向上近似均匀分布;在定常风作用下,太湖北部的湖湾区出现多个小尺度闭合环流,不利于污染物的输移扩散,对太湖水环境会产生不利影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents major findings from a recent study aiming to systematically determine suitable river sections for local domestic water supply along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, China. On the basis of analysis on the current riverbank utilization and bank stability, accessible and stable river sections in the region were selected. The water quality in these river sections was then studied using a two-dimensional unsteady flow and pollutant transport/transformation model, RBFVM-2D. The model was calibrated and verified against the hydrodynamic data, water quality data and remote sensing data collected from the river. The investigation on the pollution sources along the river identified 56 main pollution point sources. The pollution zones downstream of these point sources are the main threat for the water quality in the river. The model was used to compute the pollution zones. In particular, simulations were conducted to establish the relationship between the extent of the pollution zone and the wastewater discharge rate of the associated point source. These water quality simulation results were combined with the riverbank stability analysis to determine suitable river sections for local domestic water supply.  相似文献   

长江口盐水入侵数值模型研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文利用ECOM模式建立了一个长江口水动力盐度三维数值模型。当水底地形变化比较剧烈时,原ECOM模式中水平扩散项的计算就可能产生虚假的流场和物质输运,所以文中首先对ECOM模式物质输运方程的水平扩散项计算方法进行改进,采用返回z坐标系计算,离散变量利用σ层二次Lagrange插值得到。对于改进方法,文中采用Huang&spaulding提出的数值试验进行验证,证明此方法大大地提高了水平扩散项的计算精度。改进模型采用长江口实测水文资料进行率定验证,计算和分析了南北槽垂向盐度分布和盐水通量过程,结果表明,模型能较好反映测点盐度变化过程,也能较好地模拟出垂向表底层的盐度差异。  相似文献   

A high-frequency radar system has been deployed in Galway Bay, a semi-enclosed bay on the west coast of Ireland. The system provides surface currents with fine spatial resolution every hour. Prior to its use for model validation, the accuracy of the radar data was verified through comparison with measurements from acoustic Doppler current profilers(ADCPs) and a good correlation between time series of surface current speeds and directions obtained from radar data and ADCP data. Since Galway Bay is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, it is subject to relatively windy conditions, and surface currents are therefore strongly wind-driven. With a view to assimilating the radar data for forecasting purposes, a three-dimensional numerical model of Galway Bay, the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code(EFDC), was developed based on a terrain-following vertical(sigma) coordinate system. This study shows that the performance and accuracy of the numerical model, particularly with regard to tide- and wind-induced surface currents, are sensitive to the vertical layer structure. Results of five models with different layer structures are presented and compared with radar measurements. A variable vertical structure with thin layers at the bottom and the surface and thicker layers in the middle of the water column was found to be the optimal layer structure for reproduction of tide- and wind-induced surface currents. This structure ensures that wind shear can properly propagate from the surface layer to the sub-surface layers, thereby ensuring that wind forcing is not overdamped by tidal forcing. The vertical layer structure affects not only the velocities at the surface layer but also the velocities further down in the water column.  相似文献   

武周虎 《水利学报》2015,46(10):1172-1180
倾斜岸坡深度平均理论对其水质模型的构建、验证和参数率定具有十分重要的指导作用。在等强度连续点源岸边排放条件下,对倾斜岸坡深度平均浓度分布及污染混合区的几何特征参数进行了理论求解和曲线拟合。分别给出了深度平均浓度分布方程、深度平均污染混合区最大长度、最大宽度和相应纵向坐标、面积和面积系数的计算公式以及外边界标准曲线方程。分析表明,倾斜岸坡水体中污染物扩散宽度远大于扩散深度,对同一岸坡倾角的深度平均污染混合区形状具有相似性。提出了岸坡倾角分区的简化条件和相应污染混合区几何特征参数的计算公式,可为倾斜岸坡河流和水库深度平均浓度分布、污染混合区几何尺度和控制排污量的计算,提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In the numerical modeling of a toxic chemical in a lake, it is necessary to solve the hydrodynamics of the transporting flow as well as the transformation processes of the pollutant in the lake. It is important to calibrate and verify the model before predictive applications. A simple numerical hydrodynamic model which includes wind stress, bottom friction, Coriolis force, inflow, outflow, and the bottom topography of the lake has been developed and verified with field data for Lake St. Clair. The overall root mean square differences between predicted and measured current magnitudes and directions were 1.30 cm s-1 and 22.5°, respectively, while the correlation coefficients were 0.99 and 0.95, respectively. The hydrodynamic model was tested for stability, convergence, and sensitivity to parameters such as wind shear, wind direction, and vertical eddy viscosity effects. This model is used to generate the typical lake circulation patterns for different steady state wind and ice conditions that are required for the long-term pollutant simulation models such as the EPA (TOXIWASP) model. The depth average velocities were also used in a finite element pollutant transport model. An upwind finite element formulation was used to obtain a stable solution for the convective transport phenomena. The predicted pollutant (chloride ion) concentration pattern was compared with observed field data and fairly good agreement was obtained.  相似文献   

大坝基岩帷幕宾汉姆浆液灌浆的三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于灌浆工程的掩蔽性和地质条件的复杂性,如何准确地确定复杂地质条件下浆液的扩散规律是灌浆数值模拟分析的关键及难点。目前,在水利工程中灌浆数值模拟的相关研究未考虑宾汉姆浆液扩散过程中两相流特征和大坝基岩的复杂地质条件;且主要以单一裂隙或单个灌浆孔为研究对象,均未进一步涉及浆液锋面的模拟。针对上述问题,本文建立包含不同地层、不良地质体和帷幕孔的三维精细地质信息统一模型,在CFD商用软件STAR-CCM+中采用耦合VOF法的三维非稳态宾汉姆浆液气液两相流灌浆模型,实现了宾汉姆水泥浆液在大坝基岩中的多孔分序灌浆精细模拟,并分析了浆液的扩散规律和灌后帷幕搭接情况。运用该模型模拟某水电站的基岩帷幕灌浆过程,结果表明:在一定时间范围内,浆液扩散半径随灌注时间而增加,但其变化率呈递减趋势;各序孔灌注完成后,浆液锋面搭接良好;将灌浆量和灌浆时间的模拟值与现场实测值相比,平均误差分别为9.08%和6.32%,模拟值与现场实测值基本吻合,验证了该模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

水流交汇区的水动力学特性数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为开展水流交汇区污染物浓度分布研究,进行水流交汇区水动力学特性的数值模拟,建立适用于水流交汇区的水气两相流数学模型。模型采用Weber试验数据进行验证,验证结果表明模型模拟的自由水面、流场与试验结果吻合较好。针对交汇区浓度分布试验的研究需要,模拟分析了不同交汇角、流量比和动量比对交汇区水动力学特性的影响。研究结果表明:分离区的范围随交汇角、流量比和动量比的减小而逐渐缩小直至分离区消失,交汇角、流量比和动量比越小,交汇口上游水位的壅高及分离区内水位的下降程度越不明显。  相似文献   

明渠的侧向和垂向扩散系数是衡量岸边水流对污染物质混合输移能力的重要水质参数之一, 其值的准确与否直接关系到明渠水质预测预报成果的可靠性。基于污染混合区的理论计算方法,推导了污染混合区外边界标准曲线和曲面的统一方程,包含最大长度Ls、最大宽度bs和最大深度ds等特征尺度。该曲线形状近似于半椭圆,曲面形状为近似椭球体的一部分,表明污染混合区具有相似性。给出了由岸边污染混合区外边界最大长度、最大宽度或最大深度和平均流速确定侧向或垂向扩散系数的计算公式,提出了采用污染混合区面积或体积进行总体控制的侧向或垂向扩散系数计算方法和采用水面横向积分浓度确定垂向扩散系数的实用方法。通过现场观测结果分析,给出了洸府河下游河段枯水期的侧向扩散系数0.27 m2/s。  相似文献   

针对等宽矩形断面明渠交汇口建立三维两相流水动力-污染物耦合数学模型,将污染物视作保守物质,不考虑其降解作用。该耦合模型以雷诺应力模型为基础,定量研究不同交汇角工况下交汇口的分离区几何特性及污染物输运规律。计算结果表明:交汇口分离区几何形状、污染物分布特性均存在明显的三维特征,且受交汇角影响;交汇角较大时分离区的几何对称性更强,不同交汇角下断面环流的位置不同,污染物的分布也不同,污染带最大宽度、混合界面宽度均随交汇角的增大而增大;分离区及其上游污染物混合速率随交汇角的增大而加快,在流速恢复区及其下游,混合速率基本不受交汇角影响,其沿程变化符合指数函数关系。  相似文献   

三峡库区支流中水体的垂向掺混对于藻类生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三峡水库蓄水之后库区支流水华问题给当地生态环境造成了较大影响,也引起了广泛的关注和重视,然而针对这一问题尚未取得很好的解释和解决方案。本文采用EFDC模型对于2008年坝前库区干支流的三维水动力和水质进行了数值模拟,并从水体垂向掺混的角度分析支流的水华现象。模拟结果成功再现了香溪河库湾中的温度分层和异重流现象,流场、温度场的计算值和实测值吻合较好。统计结果表明:长江干支流水动力特性的差异显著,干支流垂向紊动黏性系数、垂向紊动扩散系数沿垂线分布呈现出不同的形态,且长江干流的垂向掺混强度明显高于香溪河。同时,叶绿素浓度与垂向紊动扩散系数呈显著的负相关关系,随着水体垂向紊动扩散系数的增加,叶绿素浓度逐渐降低,这一规律的发现可为采用物理方法防治三峡库区支流水华打下基础。  相似文献   

对不同畦块类型和畦灌人流方式,进行了田问灌溉试验.根据田间试验数据,对微地形随机模拟和二维灌溉模型的数值模拟评价方法进行验证.通过随机生成和实测的畦面相对高程模拟所得的畦灌过程和畦灌性能与田间实测结果的对比,得出基于微地形随机模拟和二维灌溉模型对畦灌过程和畦灌性能进行数值模拟具有较好的可行性和实际效果,相比而言,对水流推进时间、平均灌水深度的模拟效果较好;地表水深变化过程、灌溉效率次之;水流消退时间、灌水均匀度稍差.利用基于最小样本容量随机生成的一组畦面相对高程开展微地形空间变异性对畦灌系统影响的数值模拟评价比基于单个典型田块的实测高程数据进行评价更为合理.  相似文献   

以黄海中山河口近岸海域水动力、污染物输移扩散规律及污染物排放量对附近海域影响为主要研究内容。建立二维水流、水质模型,利用有限体积法离散方程并对中山河口近岸海域的水动力状况及污染物输移扩散规律进行数值模拟;选用COD为主要的污染物指标,模拟计算污染物混合区,然后确定混合区内相对不利的3个敏感点,应用统计学原理,统计混合区近岸边缘污染物访问几率。  相似文献   

波浪作用下污染物的混合和离散   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
袁德奎  林斌良  陶建华 《水利学报》2004,35(8):0076-0080
本文建立了基于Sigma坐标的对流扩散数学模型,提出了通过数值模拟结果计算波浪场中纵向离散系数的方法,并通过数值模拟对波浪作用下污染物的混合和离散进行了研究。文中研究了水质点垂向振动和波浪参数对混合过程和纵向离散系数的影响;非各向同性扩散系数对纵向离散系数的影响;以及扩散系数的垂向分布对纵向离散系数的影响。研究结果表明,水质点的垂向速度对纵向离散系数有显著影响;若按波浪场中常用的湍流模型确定湍动扩散系数的分布规律,扩散系数的垂向分布对纵向离散系数的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

In this study, a series of laboratory tests were performed to investigate the effects of side ramp slope, crest length, and porous media properties on the flow regimes, water-surface profiles, discharge coefficients, and energy dissipation in embankment gabion weirs with upstream and downstream slopes. 24 physical models of solid and gabion weirs with three different upstream/downstream slopes (90°, 45° and 26.5°) were created. To investigate the complexity of flow over the porous-fluid interface and through the porous material, three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulations were developed. In numerical simulation, the standard k-ε turbulence model was utilized. A structured mesh domain was used to simulate the physical model. Water surface profiles above the porous weirs were used for comparison between the numerical simulations and measured data. These comparisons helped determine variables in the numerical simulations. Numerical simulation enables visualization of streamlines around and through the gabion weirs. In addition, mean stream wise velocity profiles above and within the porous structures were obtained. Numerical simulations showed that a reduction in the slope of the upstream face leads to an increased curvature of streamlines and the velocity distribution exhibits a non-uniform wavy shape due to the geometrical properties of the weirs. As the velocity profiles move downstream, the velocity distribution within the porous structures were more affected by the presence of the pores. The experimental results show that decreasing upstream slopes, from 90° to 26.5°, leads to decreased discharge coefficients. However, in all cases, gabion weirs lead to greater discharge coefficients than those of similar solid weirs. For milder side slopes, discharge ratios (flow passing through all faces of the gabion weirs over the inlet discharge) decreased nonlinearly. Moreover, with increasing the inlet discharge, relative energy dissipation was reduced up to 45% in gabion weirs.  相似文献   

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