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山西华源电化有限责任公司将60台金属阳极电解槽改成扩张阳极改性隔膜电解槽。运行电流由4.2kA升至6kA,烧碱生产能力由3万t/a提高到4万t/a,交流电耗降低100kW·h/(t·NaOH)。同时用75kW罗茨鼓风机替代3台165kW纳氏输送泵,加入变频技术,每年可节约电费25万元。  相似文献   

采用扩张阳极改性膜电槽新技术将废、旧金属阳极片改制成扩张阳极片,缩小阴阳间距,使极距和电流分布更均匀、更合理,降低溶液电压降;再配套吸附技术,平均可降低30-Ⅲ型单槽电压0.2V以上,而且将隔膜电解槽改制成扩张阳极电解槽后,与原阳极片的互换性大,投资小,见效快,节电效果明显:  相似文献   

扩张阳极改性隔膜电解槽新技术主要是将废、旧金属阳极片改制成扩张阳极片,缩小阴、阳极间距,使极距和电流分布更均匀、更合理,从而降低溶液电压降;再配套吸附技术,平均可降低30-Ⅲ型单槽电压0.2伏以上。而且将隔膜电解槽改制成扩张阳极电解槽后,与原阳极片的互换性大,投资小、见效快、节电效果明显。  相似文献   

金属阳极电解槽改制的可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
普通金属阳极电解槽槽电压高、电耗大。金属阳极改制为扩张阳极降低生产成本,适用于运行时间长的氯碱企业的技术改造。  相似文献   

30-Ⅲ型金属阳极电槽改造成扩张阳极,改性隔膜电解槽,节电显著。年可获利880万元。  相似文献   

卢万明 《氯碱工业》2001,1(4):19-20
盐锅峡化工厂2万t/a金属阳极隔膜碱于1987年立项,1990年1月建成投产。采用30-Ⅲ小极距(极距7.5 mm)电解槽共42台,设计运行电流45kA,最大运行电流51 kA。但是,由于甘肃境内隔膜碱严重供大于求,导致金属阳极电解槽长期低电流运行,运行电流在20~25 kA,达不到行业推荐经济电流密度1.3~1.5kA/m2水平,而且开工率偏低。……  相似文献   

在原有金属阳极电解槽的基础上,应用意大利迪诺拉公司的扩张阳极、改性隔膜技术进行工业试验和改造,介绍了国产扩张阳极、改性剂的试用情况,并对扩张阳极和改性隔膜技术的生产控制要点、电流效率等进行论述  相似文献   

1 提高电流密度后出现的问题我厂原有36台16型金属阳极电解槽,使用初期,运行电流密度比较低,电流在24000A以下,电槽出现问题比较少。随着生产的发展,产量的增大,1989年10月大修后又增加了32台16型金属阳极电解槽。到1989年12月底,由于市场变化,产品积压,树脂产品停产后,烧碱受到影响,因而后上的32台金属阳极电槽仅用了两个多月就停了下来,只开原有的36台电解槽。由于电槽数目少,产量下降较大。为了提高烧碱产量,只有提高电流密度,即增大电解运行电  相似文献   

扩张阳极改性隔膜技术运用小结   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍江苏索普(集团)有限公司普通阳极改制为扩张阳极后,电耗降低80 kW.h/t,达到降本降耗的目的。指出改制过程中改性隔膜的制作非常关键,用国产改性隔膜替代进口改性隔膜后,进一步降低电耗,年创经济效益637.46万元。  相似文献   

简述了扩张阳极与改性隔膜的技术特点,介绍了该技术在巴陵石化有限责任公司19-Ⅱ型金属阳极电解槽上的使用情况。电解槽改造后,在电流密度1820A/m。下运行,平均单槽电压3.09V。根据生产实践经验,阐述了要充分发挥扩张阳极与改性隔膜的技术优势,必须加强盐水质量、隔膜吸附、电解槽组装等几个方面的控制和管理。  相似文献   

The electrochemical oxidation of maleic acid on tungsten anodes has been investigated. Glyoxal and carbon dioxide were the main products together with tartaric acid and acetaldehyde. Glyoxal is also obtained as the main product from the oxidation ofd-tartaric acid. Under the same conditions succinic acid is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. The anodic dissolution of tungsten and the oxidation of water to oxygen become predominant in the final stages of the electrolyses.  相似文献   

简要分析了阳极材料及阳极面积对镀铬溶液及镀层性能的影响。设计出一种简单实用的、符合镀铬工艺特殊要求的窗格式镀铬阳极。介绍了这种阳极的优点及El常维护。  相似文献   

Inter- and intra-layer disorder in a representative hard carbon derived from epoxy novolac resin at 1000°C have been investigated by comparing both the elastic structure factor S(Q) and radial distribution function obtained from pulsed neutron time-of-flight measurements with calculations from simple hypothetic systems with specific disorder characteristics. The spatial relationship between these building blocks, planar graphene fragments with length scale of 1 nm, is probed in terms of inter-layer alignment and intra-layer connectivity. Coupled with the density of dangling bonds obtained from ESR and residual hydrogen concentration, these simulations provide sufficient information to construct an overall model of the carbon structure. Of special interest is the physical origin of the ubiquitous broad (002)-like reflection frequently interpreted as that from layers with a uniform interlay spacing (d002) It is found to be directly related to the misalignment between layers with an average interlayer spacing as that in crystalline graphite (3.35 Å).  相似文献   

The characteristics of anodic dissolution of nickel electroplating anodes produced from compacted nickel powder by a liquid phase sintering process have been determined. Sulphur incorporated in the sintered product was found to increase the electrodissolution activity and inhibit passivation. The activity of the anodes increased with increase in sulphur content and approached that of commerical sulphur-depolarized anodes produced by electroforming. Sintering temperature and rate of cooling during preparation of the anodes had little influence on the dissolution activity and resistance to passivation. No direct relationship was found between activity and the generation of anode fines. The rate of anodic dissolution of sulphur-containing anodes has been found to be comparable to that for synthetic heazlewoodite (Ni3S2 electrodes). The influence of the presence of sulphur on the kinetics of nickel dissolution is interpreted in terms of the development on the metal surface of Ni3S2 from which nickel is extracted to leave a sulphide of lower nickel content; the latter sulphide then reacts with underlying elemental nickel to reform Ni3S2.  相似文献   

1 概述 金属阳极替代石墨阳极是氯碱工业的一次重大变革,二者比较而言,金属阳极的网状极片减小了电解过程中的气泡效应,稳定的阴、阳极极距,大大地降低了单槽槽电压。金属阳极电解槽由阳极、阴极箱、阳极底板3大部分组成,其中阳极底板包括钢底板、钛衬板、导电铜板。每台电解槽受隔膜质量和其它因素限制运行时间不同,除槽解体后发现了下列情况。(1)钛衬板孔、钢底板孔发生了轻微和较严重的腐蚀。(2)金属阳极片钛法兰以下无螺纹部分发生腐蚀。(3)经修补后的钛衬板的孔腐蚀更为严重。对以上发生的情况做如下分析和探讨。  相似文献   

高性能多用途的DSA阳极   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涂层钛阳极在阴极保护、氯碱生产、废水处理、电解工业、电镀等工业中具有广阔的应用前景,使用涂层钛阳极能节省能源消耗、减轻污染、降低成本以及有效治理工业废水,适应了目前清洁生产的要求。介绍了DSA阳极的制备方法及其应用,并对其采用梯度功能材料的设计思路来制备等发展方向提出了展望,  相似文献   

A study has been made of the passivating process at a zinc electrode in KOH solutions. Zinc electrodes were passivated at a constant overpotential and the current response during passivation was measured. The potential response after the passivating potential was removed was also measured.The current during passivation soon reached a semi-steady-state value which increased with increasing overpotential but varied only slightly with changing KOH concentrations.When electrodes were passivated at overpotentials >325 mV, the open circuit voltage decay showed an arrest, the duration of which decreased with increasing KOH concentration. This duration increased when ZnO was dissolved in the electrolyte, when the temperature was decreased, and when the passivating overpotential was increased.The results are interpreted by assuming that passivation is due to the formation of a film, possibly Zn(OH)2, which can dissolve in the electrolyte. The potential of the electrode is a mixed potential.  相似文献   

A process has been developed for the fabrication of sulphur activated basket anodes from nickel powder for use in the electroplating industry. These anodes have satisfactorily high anode current efficiency, lead to high cathode current efficiency, give good quality electroplate and yield anode residues of 0.5% or less.  相似文献   

An activated titanium electrode with an oxide layer, composed of a mixture of Cr2O3, TiO2 and Sb2O3 (optimal mole ratio chromium:titanium:antimony about 211) has been fabricated by thermal decomposition of the chlorides on a titanium substrate at 650°C. The black-green layer adheres well and has a thickness in the order of micrometres. Its structure is explained using a pore model, based on SEM, AES and electrochemical results. Service life time of electrodes in 1 M H2SO4 for oxidation of isopropanol in terms of the turn over factor of Cr2O3 is between 100 and 400.Preparative electro-organic oxidation of isopropanol, tetrahydrofuran and ethylbenzene have been performed with current densities of 0.5 to 5 mA cm–2. The current efficiencies for the main products, acetone, -butyrolactone and acetophenone are 100, 53 and 20%, respectively. These results parallel those of the homogeneous oxidation with chromic acid in solution.  相似文献   

In this work, a new method for the synthesis of perbromate, based on the use of conductive-diamond electrodes is described. The procedure developed is able to produce significant amounts of perbromates by electrolyses of bromate solutions. Hydroxyl radicals seem to play a very important role in the process. For this reason, high current densities (that promotes its occurrence) and raw material concentrations around 0.1 M of bromates are required to obtain an efficient process. Temperature in the range 20–30 °C seems to be recommended to obtain good efficiencies of the electrosynthetic process although the explanation of this observation is still unclear.  相似文献   

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