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涂料用防霉剂、抗菌剂和抗藻剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细阐述了涂料中的防霉剂、抗菌剂及抗藻剂的种类、特点,并简要介绍了防霉涂料、抗菌涂料和抗藻涂料的应用状况及发展趋势。  相似文献   

环境友好涂料已成为21世纪涂料发展的主题,无机涂料的发展已经受到普遍重视。本文详述了无机涂料的种类、成膜机理和发展现状,并对代表无机涂料发展方向的水性无机纳米陶瓷涂料进行了重点论述,希冀开发出各种优异性能的纳米陶瓷涂料。  相似文献   

陶培亚 《中国涂料》1994,(1):6-11,14
随着经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,各种新型涂料应运而生,象多彩涂料、仿瓷涂料和标志涂料等都成为当前涂料的热点。这里就这几种涂料的发展情况谈点看法。一、多彩涂料我国五、六十年代在美术漆中有裂纹漆和疙瘩漆,利用底漆和面漆之间表面张力的不同而使涂膜形成条状或粒状的彩色花纹,这种花纹是需两次施工才能形成的。多彩涂料是指一次性涂装能形成彩色花纹的涂料、其特征是用液状或胶体状二种或多种颜色的粒子制成悬浊状的涂料,主要用喷涂方法一次涂装形成彩色花纹。目前,国外只有日、美、英、荷等国生产多彩涂料,市售商品主要是…  相似文献   

杨文远 《上海涂料》2010,48(12):50-51
介绍了聚酯涂料和聚氨酯涂料的传统概念。叙述了聚酯涂料和聚氨酯涂料概念的演变。指出应该在业内外规范涂料名称概念,以利于消费者选用。  相似文献   

朱传棨 《中国涂料》2006,21(3):9-10
关于从“漆”、“油漆”到“涂料”的转变过程,曾在社会上引起一些混乱认识,为澄清并解释其演变过程,本刊2005年第8期赵全生先生一文——“‘涂料’与‘油漆’解读”已叙及此,并提出了个人观点——涂料包括液体涂料(包括油性涂料和水性涂料)及固体涂料(即粉末涂料)。此文一经发表,遂引起业内专家的共鸣,本刊先后又收到涂料届老专家朱传棨、马庆麟的有关“漆”的起源、沿革及对“涂料”理解的撰文。而最终归为:“涂料”一词替代“油漆”一词的科学性,在行业内已成共识,此共识行业协会等相关部门应加大宣传,使国家统计局及社会对“涂料”的含义给予认可,以期更科学规范地制定涂料及其分类标准。  相似文献   

湖北华邦化学有限公司开发的高耐候、超耐污环保型氟碳外墙涂料和高耐污、耐擦洗硅丙内墙涂料、超值负离子健康涂料等系列产品开创了新一代环保型建筑涂料的时代。  相似文献   

结合“2012防腐蚀涂料年会”专家观点,对当前海洋涂料市场和技术发展热点进行介绍。新技术、新领域和新法规正在推动我国海洋涂料新一轮的增长,而节能、环保和高功能化将是行业新一轮发展的主线。  相似文献   

浅论涂料、涂装技术的发展原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方震 《涂料工业》2000,30(2):29-31
浅析了化学烟雾的组成及有机溶剂在涂料施工各阶段的排放比例,提出了涂料发展的原则,分析了环保型涂料及涂装工艺和节能型涂料及涂装工艺的内涵。  相似文献   

超细硅微粉在塑料、橡胶、涂料中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏宪君 《中国玻璃》2002,27(6):10-14
本文简述了硅微粉在塑料、橡胶、涂料中的应用,介绍了硅微粉超细粉碎、提纯,改性方面的研究状况。  相似文献   

韩永奇 《中国涂料》2014,(9):20-22,43
当前,我国国民经济的基本面发生了重大的变化,就是转入新常态。涂料行业在新常态、新机遇和新挑战的背景下,行业发展会面临哪些变化?作者从行业概况、走势分析、细分领域各方面做出了总结和预测。  相似文献   

清漆光泽对涂膜颜色的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王健犀  马庆林 《涂料工业》2004,34(12):49-50
在不同测色几何条件下,讨论不同光泽的清漆喷涂在相同的面漆上,对面漆的颜色的影响。并通过最小二乘法线性拟合后进行显性检验。  相似文献   

粉末涂料技术新进展(Ⅰ)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张昱斐 《涂料工业》1998,28(1):36-38
简述了90年代粉末涂料市场的发展。评述了为满足汽车罩光漆所需的外观、性能,以及坯料、木材、塑料涂装等新应用的要求,粉末生产厂和施工设备供应厂在粉末涂料技术、工艺方面的新发展和新趋势。  相似文献   

涤纶POY和FDY油剂开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张瑞波 《合成纤维工业》2006,29(2):21-23,26
分析了涤纶POY,FDY生产工艺对油剂及单体的要求,探讨了各油剂单体的性能。POY油剂组成以聚醚、聚氧乙烯脂肪酸酯为主,FDY油剂组成以聚醚、合成酯、聚氧乙烯脂肪醇醚为主。分别在60 kL/a POY和40 kt/a FDY的涤纶熔体直纺工业生产装置上进行应用,考察了油剂性能指标,并与德国SS公司 POY油剂、竹本F-1641 FDY油剂进行了比较。结果表明:油剂可纺性良好,POY,FDY油剂的断丝次数分别为1.6,1.7次/d·锭,FDY油剂的染色A级品率达1000A%较对比油剂高0.54%,油剂的可纺性、集束性、耐热性及染色性等使用性能,满足生产工艺要求。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the correlation between the thermo-rheological properties of a thermosetting powder coating system with its surface structure build-up. Epoxy powder coating systems, which displayed surface matting and surface wrinkling, were examined. Firstly, the evolution of the complex viscosity was correlated with the cure kinetic. Secondly, the structure build-up on the surface of the coatings was investigated with a combined SEM-CLA profilometry analysis at different stages of curing process for both EFB and CHDFB coating processes. Different finishes were found to characterize the films applied by using EFB and CHDFB coating processes as a result of the different way the film is heated by. Finally, a strict relationship of film morphology to the degree of conversion and to the evolution of the complex viscosity was found out for both EFB and CHDFB coating processes. The surface structure is built up after gelation point and continues to evolve after gelation with a full development of the film fine structure. Differences were observed in the surface structure build-up when different curing temperature was used, thereby indicating an influence of minimum viscosity on achievable finishing.  相似文献   

Metal-flake powder coatings are a special class of metallic paint finishes composed of two superimposed layers: a pigmented decorative base coat and an overlaying transparent protective top coat. In the present investigation, a novel curing procedure for such bilayer coatings is proposed. Flash IR pre-curing of the base coat promotes the formation of a surface diffusion barrier and limits movement of the decorative pigments and metal flakes around their initial positions. Oven baking after deposition of the top coat then completes curing of the bilayer coating. The influence of the IR intensity and irradiation time on the final properties of bilayer coatings was investigated. The visual appearance, surface morphology and scratch resistance were evaluated. Experimental findings revealed that the hybrid IR/oven baking curing procedure is a viable method for obtaining bilayer powder coatings with outstanding properties in a shorter processing time and with considerable energy savings.  相似文献   

通过对轮胎帘子线油剂的特性分析 ,介绍了对该油剂的设计依据 ,以及帘子线油剂的应用和油剂对帘子线纺丝加工过程、产品质量的影响  相似文献   

Clay-based nanocomposites have already shown their great potential. In this study, clay–acrylate nanocomposite formulations, for wood finishes, were prepared in four differents ways. High-speed mixing, ball milling, bead milling and three roll milling were used to disperse clay into the neat acrylate formulation. The viscosity of the formulations was determined. Small angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy experiments were performed on these samples in order to study the quality of the dispersion. Then, photo-calorimetry and real-time infrared spectroscopy were used in order to investigate the effects of clay loading and clay dispersion on the ultraviolet curing. These studies have shown that UV curing is related to the quality of clay dispersion. Presence of large clay aggregates decreases the conversion of the acrylate functional groups, even at a small clay loading. However, a small amount of clay, well dispersed, can help UV curing.  相似文献   

分别采用国产油剂1#,2#及进口油剂3#生产83 dtex/72 f涤纶DTY,对3种DTY油剂的应用性能进行了比较.结果表明:1#油剂的上油性能最好;1 #和3#油剂的抗静电性能优于2#油剂;1#和2#油剂的飞溅性能优于3#油剂;2#油剂有严重的刺激性气味.综合性价比,在涤纶DTY生产中,1#油剂的应用性能最优.  相似文献   

对 FDY生产装置中的溢流油剂的性能和处理方法进行了研究 ,结果表明 :FDY溢流油剂的有效组成和性能与新配制油剂基本一致。经处理后的 FDY溢流油剂可用于 FDY装置的生产 ,满足生产要求  相似文献   

There is an increased need to develop environmentally benign (no pollution or release of hazardous materials into the air, water or soil from a coating or adhesive either during their manufacture, use and disposal or recycle lifetimes), coatings and adhesives that have equivalent or superior properties to their conventional (non-environmentally benign) counterparts. This paper discusses some of the new concepts or technologies associated with environmentally benign barrier coatings for packaging, abrasion resistant coatings for plastic substrates, new developments in wood finishes, antifouling coatings and new chemistry associated with the design of advanced coating systems. This paper also discusses how Battelle is helping the US Air Force to eliminate hazardous waste associated with structural adhesive technology through the identification of equivalent adhesive systems reducing the number of adhesives used to repair current aircraft and missile equipment. This paper also discusses advances in the area of repulpable/recyclable pressure sensitive adhesives and silicone release coatings used in a variety of commercial applications.  相似文献   

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