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紫砂花货,是宜兴紫砂三大造型体系之一,与紫砂光货、紫砂筋纹器并称于世。花货主要取材自然界的动物、植物、花卉、人物、器物,经艺人的创作加工,运用捏塑、雕饰、塑造等手法技艺,采用自然的紫砂原矿土,利用紫、红、黄、绿天然的成色,经过作者的提炼加工,呈现生态自然,脉理清晰的各种形态,以独特的艺术形式面世,成  相似文献   

小北 《中国搪瓷》2012,(3):74-76
古香古色的店铺里,门口、墙上、墙角都挂满了画,瓯江风光、水岸港头、碧湖香樟、古村老屋、乡间野趣……古堰画乡的景致,通通收入画中。"你在站桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。"卞之琳这首《断章》让我们无限遐想,那,小、桥、那流水、那江岸、那小楼……在瓯江,似乎更能理解这首诗。这里,最美的景致不是香樟、鹅卵石、古亭江流,而是随处可见摆开画架写生的人,在他们眼里,笔墨间的江流、青山、舟船、渔人是景,可在路过的人看来,他们才是景。  相似文献   

中国共产党党员,忠诚的爱国主义者,九三学社社员,杰出的科学家,中国科学院院士、英国皇家化学会会士,我国高分子材料学科的开拓者和奠基人之一,第三、五、六、七、八届全国人大代表,国务院特殊津贴专家,九三学社第六、七、八届中央委员会委员,原成都科技大学副校长、原高分  相似文献   

人物画的题材丰富,内容繁多,非常适应在陶瓷上进行装饰,具体分为老相、仕女、婴戏图、文人、学士、功臣武将、贤妻良母等。在众多的人物题材中,我特别衷爱婴戏图的创作。婴戏图的创作是不受时间、地点、环境、气候、故事情节约束的。创作中运用夸张的手法突出儿童的天真活泼,着重刻画灵活的双眼、圆胖的小手,并各具情态,能深刻的反映生  相似文献   

范泉明 《江苏陶瓷》2012,45(5):38-38
宜兴紫砂历经千年的发展,在历代艺人的辛勤耕耘和不断努力创新下,紫砂世界形成了花色品种繁多、形式多样、内容丰富、千奇万状的局面。紫砂壶艺各具特色,竞相争艳,堪称一绝,有将松、竹、梅、柏、桃、树、桩及动植物变形夸张的自然形,有瓜、果、鱼、虫类的象真形,有"方匪一式、圆不一相"的几何形,有有棱有角呈花卉图案的筋纹形,也有沿集古代青铜、玉器及宫廷中各类仿古的器型。紫砂造型的形式如此丰富,其  相似文献   

吴贻珍  蔡伟 《中国橡胶》2006,22(21):23-25
胶带包括输送带、V带、同步带及其它类型的传动带,是物料运输和机械传动必不可少的配套产品,是重要的橡胶制品,广泛应用于煤炭、冶金、钢铁、矿山、汽车、化工、机械、电子、通讯、建材、轻工、纺织、农机等领域,与一个国家经济的发展具有密切关系。从本期开始,本刊推出“胶带产业发展论坛”,对国内外胶带行业的现状、发展、技术进步等进行阐述和分析,以期对读者有所帮助。  相似文献   

夏、商、周三代是漆器艺术的成长时期。夏代至先商时期考古发现的漆器不多,出土的漆器有漆觚、豆、匣、盒、盘、钵、匕、勺、鼓和漆棺等。夏家店文化墓葬出现的嵌贝漆器和薄木胎漆器可谓这一时期的重要考古发现。至西周,漆器手工业发展,彩绘、嵌贝、雕饰等髹漆技术基本成熟,髹漆工艺应用领域日渐扩大,出土漆器的数量渐增,分布地域渐宽,地点亦多,漆器款式趋向多样化。器形有觚、簋、壶、罍、豆、碗、杯、盘、尊、盒、俎、案以及漆盾等等。嵌贝漆器的兴起,是西周漆器手工业发展的杰出成就。  相似文献   

盛中杰 《江苏陶瓷》2012,45(4):55-55
光素器是紫砂茗壶中三大造型体系的一种,它和花货、筋囊器并存于世,交相辉映,是茗壶造型艺术中最具代表性的造型。光素器品种较多、范围较广、形制丰富、影响力极大,自宋代问世以来,紫砂光素器历经宋、元、明、清、民国,经过诸如供春、时大彬、杨彭年、陈鸣远、邵大亨、陈寿珍、顾景舟等紫砂艺术大师的开掘、淘洗以及提炼,逐步发展和演进,使美轮美奂  相似文献   

张海 《中国橡胶》2003,19(10):24-25
密炼机上辅机是指炼胶所需的炭黑、胶料、小料、油料等的储存、输送、称量、投料等设备。不同的企业上辅机差别很大,但一般都包含有以下内容:炭黑的输送、储存、称量、投料;油料输送、储存、称量、压注;塑炼胶或母炼胶导开、称量、投料等。在很多企业,生胶还是靠人工搬运、切割、搬上投料称。一、密炼机上辅机的优点随着密炼机的发展,每一车混炼的物料越来越多,转速越来越快,人工投料在混炼周期中所占用时间的百分比也越来越大,严重影响密炼机效率的发挥和混炼胶的质量。此外,随着企业的发展,所需物料很多,都需靠人工搬运、称量、投料,工人…  相似文献   

正在陶瓷文化的历史长河中,陶瓷衍生出的各类品种瓷器多不胜数,就拿景德镇陶瓷来说,分为如下种类:雕塑、青花、釉里红、斗彩、粉彩、古彩、五彩、新彩、颜色釉、综合装饰以及现代陶艺。就釉来说分为釉上彩、釉中彩和釉下彩。瓷器一直是收藏界的宠儿,不管是高古瓷、青瓷、白瓷、黄瓷、蓝瓷、绿瓷等单一色泽釉色的瓷器,还是官、哥、汝、定、均五大宋窑、明清瓷器等等,都一直是藏家追寻热门。值得注意的是,瓷器  相似文献   

探究了以磷酸分解磷矿,关键酸解工艺参数对磷及Fe、Al、Mg、Pb、As浸出的影响规律,并从热力学角度进行了分析。结果表明,磷矿内磷及Fe、Al、Mg浸出率随磷酸质量分数、反应温度、反应时间和液固比的增大而增大,搅拌速度影响不明显;Pb浸出率随磷酸质量分数、反应温度和液固比的增大而增大,搅拌速度、反应时间影响不明显;As浸出率随反应温度升高呈先增大后减小趋势,随反应时间增加略有减小,磷酸质量分数、搅拌速度和液固比影响不明显。控制磷酸质量分数为30%(以P2O5计)、反应温度为80 ℃、搅拌速度为300 r/min、反应时间为150 min、液固质量比为10∶1,在此条件下,磷及Fe、Al、Mg、Pb、As的浸出率分别为98.65%、68.56%、48.54%、95.84%、32.85%和84.62%。通过热力学分析表明磷矿内Mg、As浸出率较高,Pb浸出率较低,而Fe、Al浸出率大小主要取决于磷矿中褐铁矿及高岭土含量。  相似文献   

Conclusions A correlation is shown between the high-temperature, physicochemical processes in basic refractories, changes and reactions in the gaseous phase, and the nature of the wear of the roof of a tunnel kiln.As a result of dissociation, oxidation, and volatilization the waste gases are enriched with vapors of alkalis, CrO3, sulfur trioxide, and oxides of iron and magnesium, and become corrosive with respect to the kiln lining. The reaction of the oxides vapors with each other and with the lining of the roof and their condensation determines the nature of the wear in the magnesite-chromite refractories, the chemical and mineral compositions of the resulting deposits and crusts. The main source of alkalis and sulfur trioxide is the sulfite yeast dregs (sulfite lye) present in the goods being fired.We determined the temperature relationship with the composition and amounts of deposits and crusts. Carcase and skeletal deposits and crusts formed on the firing section of the kiln, mainly periclase and spinel compositions; in the warming-up section the deposits were brittle, granulated, consisting of sulfates, chromates, chromium oxide, periclase, and spinels.It was found that the deposits on the walls of the pores in the MKhS refractories consist of sulfates and chromates, forming solid solutions.Translated from Ogneupory, No. 5, pp. 13–16, May, 1980.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,随着计算机技术和测量仪器的迅速发展,化学工程的研究水平日益提升,由经验规则的判断逐渐提高到计算机模拟量化分析. 化学工程的研究范围也日益扩大,下至纳微尺度结构与界面的观察与量化,上至宏观尺度设备与工厂的系统集成. 化学工程的服务对象也由化学工业扩展到冶金、材料、能源、环境、生物等诸多进行物质转化的过程工业. 目前化工科技界正在呼吁寻求继第一里程单元操作、第二里程传递过程和化学反应工程之后的第三里程. 化学工程中以往惯用的忽视非均匀多尺度结构和界面存在的平均方法是造成预测偏差和调控、放大困难的主要原因. 必须关注结构、界面和多尺度问题,研究多尺度结构、界面的量化预测理论和优化调控方法,建立多尺度结构、界面与"三传一反"的关系模型,与当代先进的计算方法、计算流体力学和计算机模拟相结合,有望解决化工过程与设备的优化调控与放大的难题,成为化学工程发展的新里程.  相似文献   

中国盐湖资源开发利用现状与发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国现代盐湖发育,卤水中无机盐资源丰富,除蕴含钾、钠、氯、镁等元素外,锂、硼、铷、铯、碘、溴等总体储量也颇为可观,开发与应用前景极为广阔。高效开发与综合利用盐湖资源是矿业公司降低成本、提升效益、优化结构、转型升级和增强企业核心竞争力的必然选择与重要途径。概述了中国盐湖资源特点、论述了盐湖资源综合利用研究与开发利用现状,指出国内盐湖产业开发利用进程中面临的主要问题,进而为维护国家粮食安全、能源资源与新材料安全、保障全国盐湖资源的可持续发展提出加强资源利用管理、提高资源利用效率、加大战略资源储备、强化生产要素保障、构建领先产业体系和推动产业跨界合作等相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

根据市场需求研究制定了林业行业标准《日用樟脑》。该标准主要规定了日用樟脑的外观、性状、嗅味感、要求、试验方法、功能添加剂、形状、大小、包装、标识、贮存、运输、卫生和管理,适用于以合成樟脑或者天然樟脑为基本原料制得的各种不同形状的日用樟脑制品。研究建立了以气相色谱分析为主的相应检测和分析试验方法,确定了含量、密度等主要技术参数及取值范围。同时还研究了日用樟脑中相关掺假制假物质的分析检验方法。  相似文献   

萤石作为一种重要的非再生非金属战略矿产资源,受到各国重视。随着科学技术和国民经济的快速发展,其经济价值和战略地位日益突出,广泛应用于冶金、建材、氟化工等传统领域和新能源、新材料、新医药等战略性新兴产业。近年来,氟化工产业链不断深化,对萤石资源的需求急剧增加,由于全球萤石资源储量有限、资源分布不均、贸易保护主义以及逆全球化势力等因素,全球氟化工产业呈现出高度集中和高度垄断的现象,不同国家和地区的经济发展和萤石资源清洁高效利用、精深加工技术水平存在较大偏差,对萤石产品的供需和消费格局产生严重影响,激化萤石资源储备与萤石产业发展之间的矛盾。本工作从资源储备、主要产业结构、供需消费结构及清洁高效利用技术等方面详细阐述了萤石资源的经济地位和战略意义,提出萤石资源的全球战略布局,通过强化萤石资源整合重组、清洁高效利用、精深加工技术与装备研发、高端产品制造,进一步推动萤石产业朝着精细化、复合化、轻量化、环保节能、循环经济氟化工产品应用领域以及高新技术产业的应用研究开发方向发展,保障萤石资源储备与供给,实现全球萤石资源优化配置和萤石产业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology is already having a significant commercial impact, and will very certainly have a much greater impact in the future. The research on process engineering and scale-up will be very important for the commercial production and application of nanomaterials, because the properties and structure of nanomaterials are not only determined by the nucleation and growth process, but also strongly affected by the engineering properties, such as the mixing, the heat and mass transfer, and also the distribution of temperature, concentration, etc. This paper will present some research work in our laboratory on the fabrication of nanomaterials. Based on the chemical engineering principle and methods, many kinds of novel nanomaterials can be synthesized and their structure can be easily controlled through adjusting the parameters of the fluid mixing, and the distribution of temperature, residence time and concentration, etc. By using the micro-mixing, heat and mass transfer and reaction control methods, the host-guest nanocomposites have been assembled and assumed as the novel electroanalytical sensing nanobiocomposite materials. Based on the principles of chemical engineering, the manufacturing technologies for magnetic powders, calcium carbonate, and titanium dioxide have been developed for commercial-scale production, and the largest production scale has reached 15 kt/year.  相似文献   

刘流  张颂红  贠军贤  姚克俭 《化工进展》2018,37(12):4726-4734
纳凝胶(nanogels)具有比表面积大、负载量高、分散稳定、刺激响应性等优点,在生物医药、化工和新材料等领域有广阔的应用前景。本文对制备纳凝胶的物理和化学交联等常规方法及微流控、电喷射、电芬顿法等新方法进行了综述,阐述了各种方法的制备原理与优缺点;对纳凝胶的生物相容性和降解性、溶胀性、稳定性等基本性能作了介绍,特别对其刺激响应性作了重点调研;并对其在药物控释、生物传感器、酶固定化、分子成像、增塑剂、水处理等方面的应用研究进展进行了归纳。最后结合纳凝胶在制备方法及应用中存在的实际问题,指出新型凝胶基质、纳凝胶表面改性及绿色可控制备方法等是今后纳凝胶研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology is already having a significant commercial impact, and will very certainly have a much greater impact in the future. The research on process engineering and scale-up will be very important for the commercial production and application of nanomaterials, because the properties and structure of nanomaterials are not only determined by the nucleation and growth process, but also strongly affected by the engineering properties, such as the mixing, the heat and mass transfer, and also the distribution of temperature, concentration, etc. This paper will present some research work in our laboratory on the fabrication of nanomaterials. Based on the chemical engineering principle and methods, many kinds of novel nanomaterials can be synthesized and their structure can be easily controlled through adjusting the parameters of the fluid mixing, and the distribution of temperature, residence time and concentration, etc. By using the micro-mixing, heat and mass transfer and reaction control methods, the host-guest nanocomposites have been assembled and assumed as the novel electroanalytical sensing nanobiocomposite materials. Based on the principles of chemical engineering, the manufacturing technologies for magnetic powders, calcium carbonate, and titanium dioxide have been developed for commercial-scale production, and the largest production scale has reached 15 kt/year.  相似文献   

Conclusions The most common and characteristic forms of scrap of magnesia parts differing in form, dimensions, and composition are shown. These include deviations of the dimensions from the nominal, breaking off of the corners and edges, nonuniformity, welding together, spots, voids, fire cracks, spalls, and cracks of different origin.The reasons for formation of scrap were determined. The primary of them are the reduced quality of the raw material (chromite, magnesite) with a larger quantity of impurities containing limited silicon and calcium oxides, sometimes insufficient density, grain size, and completeness of hydration of the magnesite powders, nonconformity of the bunker, proportioning, mixing, and pressing equipment to the requirements of modern production of progressive high-quality refractories, the insufficiently high binding capacity of lignosulfonates, deviations in the quality of assembly and finishing of press equipment and automatic ejectors, of the car floor lining, and in firing conditions, a high variation in density of the green parts, and nonuniform heating and cooling in the volume of the parts and of the whole charge during firing. More than 50% of the total scrap of all forms is due to firing scrap of parts.The primary means of reducing or eliminating scrap of parts and simultaneously increasing their quality based on the reasons for formation of different forms of it were noted. These above all else, are increasing the volumes and improving and introduction of new methods of concentration of magnesite and chromite, a successive increase in the share of chrome concentrates, chromium-containing broken parts, and powders by firing of magnesite and caustic dust in the production of magnesia refractory parts as the result of a decrease in the share of commercial natural chromite and magnesite, the use in the production of parts of high-quality type PMSP-93 powder produced in shaft kilns and used as the charge for production of fused materials, the use of the prospect of processes for production of dense periclase powders uniform in chemical analysis from recovered caustic dust, replacement of obsolete mixing and press equipment by more modern, increasing the strength of green parts by above all else improving the binding properties of LST and increasing pressing pressure, forming of the taper of parts by the side plates of the die, improving the quality of assembly and increasing the reliability of functioning of press equipment and automatic ejectors, improving car floor linings, introduction of new methods and increasing the volumes of production of progressive unfired refractories in place of certain forms of fired parts, observation of all production parameters, and a relationship of the wages of labor to the quantity of scrap and the quality of refractories.Introduction of the new management system and the active work of the quality groups created will open up and lead to the action of unutilized reserves for reduction of scrap.Translated from Ogneupory, No. 2, pp. 31–38, February, 1989.  相似文献   

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