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C2H2 zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) play important roles in plant development and response to abiotic stresses, and have been studied extensively. However, there are few studies on ZFPs in mangroves and mangrove associates, which represent a unique plant community with robust stress tolerance. MpZFP1, which is highly induced by salt stress in the mangrove associate Millettia pinnata, was cloned and functionally characterized in this study. MpZFP1 protein contains two zinc finger domains with conserved QALGGH motifs and targets to the nucleus. The heterologous expression of MpZFP1 in Arabidopsis increased the seeds’ germination rate, seedling survival rate, and biomass accumulation under salt stress. The transgenic plants also increased the expression of stress-responsive genes, including RD22 and RD29A, and reduced the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These results indicate that MpZFP1 is a positive regulator of plant responses to salt stress due to its activation of gene expression and efficient scavenging of ROS.  相似文献   

Melilotus albus is a high-quality forage, due to its high protein content, and aboveground biomass and salt tolerance. Rab (Ras-related protein in the brain) proteins are the largest GTPase family which play a key role in intracellular membrane transport, and many Rab genes have been identified in eukaryotes. The growth and distribution of M. albus are severely hampered by soil salinization. However, little is known about candidate genes for salt tolerance in M. albus. In this study, 27 Rab family genes were identified for the first time from M. albus, and divided into eight groups (Groups A-H). The number of introns in MaRabs ranged from one to seven, with most genes containing one intron. In addition, most MaRab proteins showed similarities in motif composition. Phylogenetic analysis and structural-domain comparison indicated that Rab family genes were highly conserved in M. albus. Members of the MaRab gene family were distributed across all eight chromosomes, with the largest distribution on chromosome 1. Prediction of the protein interaction network showed that 24 Rab proteins exhibited protein–protein interactions. Analysis of the promoter cis-acting elements showed that MaRab-gene family members are extensively involved in abiotic stress responses. RNA-seq data analysis of the MaRab-gene-expression patterns suggested that the Rab gene family possesses differentially expressed members in five organs and under salt stress, drought stress, and ABA (Abscisic Acid) treatment. Differentially expressed genes under drought stress, salt stress and ABA stress were validated by quantitative real-time PCR. Furthermore, heterologous expression in yeast was used to characterize the functions of MaRab1 and MaRab17, which were upregulated in reaction to salt stress. In summary, this study provided valuable information for further research into the molecular mechanism of the response of M. albus to saline stress, as well as the possibility of developing cultivars with high salt-resistance characteristics.  相似文献   

FSN1, a gene isolated from the sugar‐cane pathogen Fusarium sacchari, encodes a 4707‐residue nonribosomal peptide synthetase consisting of three complete adenylation, thiolation and condensation modules followed by two additional thiolation and condensation domain repeats. This structure is similar to that of ferricrocin synthetase, which makes a siderophore that is involved in intracellular iron storage in other filamentous fungi. Heterologous expression of FSN1 in Aspergillus oryzae resulted in the accumulation of a secreted metabolite that was identified as ferrirhodin. This siderophore was found to be present in both mycelium and culture filtrates of F. sacchari, whereas ferricrocin is found only in the mycelium, thus suggesting that ferricrocin is an intracellular storage siderophore in F. sacchari, whereas ferrirhodin is used for iron acquisition. To our knowledge, this is the first report to characterise a ferrirhodin synthetase gene functionally.  相似文献   

Fruit plants are severely constrained by salt stress in the soil due to their sessile nature. Ca2+ sensors, which are known as CBL-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs), transmit abiotic stress signals to plants. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate the molecular regulatory role of CIPKs underlying salt stress tolerance in kiwifruit. In the current study, we have identified 42 CIPK genes from Actinidia. valvata (A.valvata). All the AvCIPKs were divided into four different phylogenetic groups. Moreover, these genes showed different conserved motifs. The expression pattern analysis showed that AvCIPK11 was specifically highly expressed under salt stress. The overexpression of AvCIPK11 in ‘Hongyang’ (a salt sensitive commercial cultivar from Actinidia chinensis) enhanced salt tolerance by maintaining K+/Na+ homeostasis in the leaf and positively improving the activity of POD. In addition, the salt-related genes AcCBL1 and AcNHX1 had higher expression in overexpression lines. Collectively, our study suggested that AvCIPK11 is involved in the positive regulation of salt tolerance in kiwifruit.  相似文献   

LEAFY (LFY) plays an important role in the flowering process of plants, controlling flowering time and mediating floral meristem differentiation. Owing to its considerable importance, the mango LFY gene (MiLFY; GenBank accession no. HQ585988) was isolated, and its expression pattern and function were characterized in the present study. The cDNA sequence of MiLFY was 1152 bp, and it encoded a 383 amino acid protein. MiLFY was expressed in all tested tissues and was highly expressed in flowers and buds. Temporal expression analysis showed that MiLFY expression was correlated with floral development stage, and two relative expression peaks were detected in the early stages of floral transition and floral organ differentiation. Moreover, 35S::GFP-MiLFY fusion protein was shown to be localized to the nucleus of cells. Overexpression of MiLFY in Arabidopsis promoted early flowering and the conversion of lateral meristems into terminal flowers. In addition, transgenic plants exhibited obvious morphological changes, such as differences in cauline leaf shape, and the number of lateral branches. When driven by the MiLFY promoter, GFP was highly expressed in leaves, floral organs, stems, and roots, during the flowering period. Exogenous gibberellin (GA3) treatment downregulated MiLFY promoter expression, but paclobutrazol (PPP333) upregulated it. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays showed that the MiLFY protein can interact with zinc-finger protein 4 (ZFP4) and SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 (MiSOC1D). Taken together, these results indicate that MiLFY plays a pivotal role in controlling mango flowering, and that it is regulated by gibberellin and paclobutrazol.  相似文献   

The hydroxamate moiety of the natural product actinonin mediates inhibition of metalloproteinases because of its chelating properties towards divalent cations in the active site of those enzymes. Owing to its antimicrobial activity, actinonin has served as a lead compound for the development of new antibiotic drug candidates. Recently, we identified a putative gene cluster for the biosynthesis of actinonin. Here, we confirm and characterize this cluster by heterologous pathway expression and gene‐deletion experiments. We assigned the biosynthetic gene cluster to actinonin production and determine the cluster boundaries. Furthermore, we establish that ActI, an AurF‐like oxygenase, is responsible for the N‐hydroxylation reaction that forms the hydroxamate warhead. Our findings provide the basis for more detailed investigations of actinonin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA coding for hydroperoxide lyase (CsHPL) was isolated from cucumber fruits of No. 26 (Southern China type) and No.14-1 (Northern China type), which differed significantly in fruit flavor. The deduced amino acid sequences of CsHPL from both lines show the same and significant similarity to known plant HPLs and contain typical conserved domains of HPLs. The recombinant CsHPL was confirmed to have 9/13-HPL enzymatic activity. Gene expression levels of CsHPL were measured in different organs, especially in fruits of different development stages of both lines. The HPL activities of fruit were identified basing on the catalytic action of crude enzyme extracts incubating with 13-HPOD (13-hydroperoxy-(9Z,12E)-octadecadienoic acid) and 13-HPOD + 9-HPOD (9-hydroperoxy-(10E,12Z)-octadecadienoic acid), and volatile reaction products were analyzed by GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry). CsHPL gene expression in No. 26 fruit occurred earlier than that of total HPL enzyme activity and 13-HPL enzyme activity, and that in No. 14-1 fruit was consistent with total HPL enzyme activity and 9-HPL enzyme activity. 13-HPL enzyme activities decreased significantly and the 9-HPL enzyme activities increased significantly with fruit ripening in both lines, which accounted for the higher content of C6 aldehydes at 0–6 day post-anthesis (dpa) and higher content of C9 aldehydes at 9–12 dpa.  相似文献   

Little information is available on gene expression profiling of halophyte A. canescens. To elucidate the molecular mechanism for stress tolerance in A. canescens, a full-length complementary DNA library was generated from A. canescens exposed to 400 mM NaCl, and provided 343 high-quality ESTs. In an evaluation of 343 valid EST sequences in the cDNA library, 197 unigenes were assembled, among which 190 unigenes (83.1% ESTs) were identified according to their significant similarities with proteins of known functions. All the 343 EST sequences have been deposited in the dbEST GenBank under accession numbers JZ535802 to JZ536144. According to Arabidopsis MIPS functional category and GO classifications, we identified 193 unigenes of the 311 annotations EST, representing 72 non-redundant unigenes sharing similarities with genes related to the defense response. The sets of ESTs obtained provide a rich genetic resource and 17 up-regulated genes related to salt stress resistance were identified by qRT-PCR. Six of these genes may contribute crucially to earlier and later stage salt stress resistance. Additionally, among the 343 unigenes sequences, 22 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were also identified contributing to the study of A. canescens resources.  相似文献   

Oxyfunctionalization of non-activated carbon bonds by P450 monooxygenases has drawn great industrial attraction. Self-sufficient P450s containing catalytic heme and reductase domains in a single polypeptide chain offer many advantages since they do not require external electron transfer partners. Here, we report the first P450 enzyme identified and expressed from Azorhizobium caulinodans. Firstly, expression conditions of P450 AZC1 were optimized for enhanced expression in E.coli. The highest P450 content was obtained in E.coli Rosetta DE3 plysS when it was incubated in TB media supplemented with 0.75 mM IPTG, 0.5 mM ALA, and 0.75 mM FeCl3 at 25 °C for 24 hours. Subsequently, the purified enzyme showed a broad substrate spectrum including fatty acids, linear and cyclic alkanes, aromatics, and pharmaceuticals. Finally, P450 AZC1 showed optimal activity at pH 6.0 and 40 °C and a broad pH and temperature profile, making it a promising candidate for industrial applications.  相似文献   

Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (EC is a highly conserved enzyme that is involved in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. In this study, we cloned the fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase gene from Euphausia superba (EsFBA). The full-length cDNA sequence of EsFBA is 1098 bp long and encodes a 365-amino-acid protein. The fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase gene was expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli). A highly purified protein was obtained using HisTrap HP affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography. The predicted three-dimensional structure of EsFBA showed a 65.66% homology with human aldolase, whereas it had the highest homology (84.38%) with the FBA of Penaeus vannamei. Recombinant EsFBA had the highest activity at 45 °C and pH 7.0 in phosphate buffer. By examining the activity of metal ions and EDTA, we found that the effect of metal ions and EDTA on EsFBA’s enzyme activity was not significant, while the presence of borohydride severely reduced the enzymatic activity; thus, EsFBA was confirmed to be a class I aldolase. Furthermore, targeted mutations at positions 34, 147, 188, and 230 confirmed that they are key amino acid residues for EsFBA.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) catalyze a great number of biochemical reactions and play vital roles in plant growth, development and secondary metabolism. As yet, the genome-scale investigation on P450s is still lacking in the model legume Medicago truncatula. In particular, whether and how many MtP450s are involved in drought and salt stresses for Medicago growth, development and yield remain unclear. In this study, a total of 346 MtP450 genes were identified and classified into 10 clans containing 48 families. Among them, sixty-one MtP450 genes pairs are tandem duplication events and 10 MtP450 genes are segmental duplication events. MtP450 genes within one family exhibit high conservation and specificity in intron–exon structure. Meanwhile, many Mt450 genes displayed tissue-specific expression pattern in various tissues. Specifically, the expression pattern of 204 Mt450 genes under drought/NaCl treatments were analyzed by using the weighted correlation network analysis (WGCNA). Among them, eight genes (CYP72A59v1, CYP74B4, CYP71AU56, CYP81E9, CYP71A31, CYP704G6, CYP76Y14, and CYP78A126), and six genes (CYP83D3, CYP76F70, CYP72A66, CYP76E1, CYP74C12, and CYP94A52) were found to be hub genes under drought/NaCl treatments, respectively. The expression levels of these selected hub genes could be induced, respectively, by drought/NaCl treatments, as validated by qPCR analyses, and most of these genes are involved in the secondary metabolism and fatty acid pathways. The genome-wide identification and co-expression analyses of M. truncatula P450 superfamily genes established a gene atlas for a deep and systematic investigation of P450 genes in M. truncatula, and the selected drought-/salt-responsive genes could be utilized for further functional characterization and molecular breeding for resistance in legume crops.  相似文献   

Free proline has multiple functions in plant cells, such as regulating osmotic potential and protecting both proteins and cell membranes. The expression of Δ1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase (P5CS), a key enzyme in the proline biosynthetic pathway, increases under drought, salt and cold stress conditions, causing plant cells to accumulate large amounts of proline. In this study, we cloned and identified the P5CS gene from Stipa purpurea, which has a full-length of 2196 bp and encodes 731 amino acids. A subcellular localization analysis indicated that SpP5CS localized to the cytoplasm. The ectopic overexpression of SpP5CS in Arabidopsis thaliana resulted in higher proline contents, longer roots, higher survival rates and less membrane damage under drought stress conditions compared with wild-type controls. SpP5CS-overexpressing A. thaliana was more resistant to drought stress than the wild type, whereas the deletion mutant sp5cs was less resistant to drought stress. Thus, SpP5CS may be a potential candidate target gene for increasing plant resistance to drought stress.  相似文献   

The heterologous expression of the biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) of natural products enables the production of complex metabolites in a well‐characterized host, and facilitates the generation of novel analogues by the manipulation of the genes. However, the BGCs of glycopeptides such as vancomycin, teicoplanin, and complestatin are usually too large to be directly cloned into a single cosmid. Here, we describe the heterologous expression of the complestatin BGC. The 54.5 kb cluster was fully reconstituted from two overlapping cosmids into one cosmid by λ‐RED recombination‐mediated assembly. Heterologous expression of the assembled gene cluster in Streptomyces lividans TK24 resulted in the production of complestatin. Deletion of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes (open reading frames 10 and 11) and heterologous expression of the modified clusters led to the production of two new monocyclic and linear derivatives, complestatins M55 and S56.  相似文献   

In spite of increasing use in the food industry, high relative levels of palmitic acid (C16:0) in cottonseed oil imposes harmful effects on human health when overconsumed in the diet. The limited understanding of the mechanism in controlling fatty acid composition has become a significant obstacle for breeding novel cotton varieties with high-quality oil. Fatty acyl–acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesterase B (FatBs) are a group of enzymes which prefer to hydrolyze the thioester bond from saturated acyl-ACPs, thus playing key roles in controlling the accumulation of saturated fatty acids. However, FatB members and their roles in cotton are largely unknown. In this study, a genome-wide characterization of FatB members was performed in allotetraploid upland cotton, aiming to explore the GhFatBs responsible for high accumulations of C16:0 in cotton seeds. A total of 14 GhFatB genes with uneven distribution on chromosomes were identified from an upland cotton genome and grouped into seven subfamilies through phylogenetic analysis. The six key amino acid residues (Ala, Trys, Ile, Met, Arg and Try) responsible for substrate preference were identified in the N-terminal acyl binding pocket of GhFatBs. RNA-seq and qRT-PCR analysis revealed that the expression profiles of GhFatB genes varied in multiple cotton tissues, with eight GhFatBs (GhA/D-FatB3, GhA/D-FatB4, GhA/D-FatB5, and GhA/D-FatB7) having high expression levels in developing seeds. In particular, expression patterns of GhA-FatB3 and GhD-FatB4 were positively correlated with the dynamic accumulation of C16:0 during cotton seed development. Furthermore, heterologous overexpression assay of either GhA-FatB3 or GhD-FatB4 demonstrated that these two GhFatBs had a high substrate preference to 16:0-ACP, thus contributing greatly to the enrichment of palmitic acid in the tested tissues. Taken together, these findings increase our understanding on fatty acid accumulation and regulation mechanisms in plant seeds. GhFatBs, especially GhA-FatB3 and GhD-FatB4, could be molecular targets for genetic modification to reduce palmitic acid content or to optimize fatty acid profiles in cotton and other oil crops required for the sustainable production of healthy edible oil.  相似文献   

L-asparaginase (L-ASNase) is a vital enzyme with a broad range of applications in medicine and food industry. Drawbacks of current commercial L-ASNases stimulate the search for better-producing sources of the enzyme, and extremophiles are especially attractive in this view. In this study, a novel L-asparaginase originating from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus sibiricus (TsA) was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and characterized. The enzyme is optimally active at 90 °C and pH 9.0 with a specific activity of 2164 U/mg towards L-asparagine. Kinetic parameters KM and Vmax for the enzyme are 2.8 mM and 1200 µM/min, respectively. TsA is stable in urea solutions 0–6 M and displays no significant changes of the activity in the presence of metal ions Ni2+, Cu2+, Mg2+, Zn2+ and Ca2+ and EDTA added in concentrations 1 and 10 mmol/L except for Fe3+. The enzyme retains 86% of its initial activity after 20 min incubation at 90 °C, which should be enough to reduce acrylamide formation in foods processed at elevated temperatures. TsA displays strong cytotoxic activity toward cancer cell lines K562, A549 and Sk-Br-3, while normal human fibroblasts WI-38 are almost unsensitive to it. The enzyme seems to be a promising candidate for further investigation and biotechnology application.  相似文献   

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