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我国的洗涤剂目前以石油产品为原料的合成洗涤剂居多,在合成洗涤剂中合成洗衣粉最多.在液体洗涤剂中餐洗最多.用液体皂洗涤衣物不仅可省下短缺的石油资源,能和水,还有生物降解好,安全性高,成本低,排污少等洗衣粉莫所及的优点,液体皂最大的缺陷是不耐硬水影响其去污,经过调整配方和改变使用方法能抑制钙皂的生成从而提高了去污力能达到洗衣粉的水平.多用液体皂就能多节约.  相似文献   

对环氧油酸钙、锌皂的合成工艺,以及聚氯乙烯(PVC)用钙锌复合液体热稳定剂的配方进行研究,并探究了复合热稳定剂的协同效应。通过刚果红法、热老化烘箱法等,考察了钙/锌比、金属皂含量、亚磷酸酯、β-二酮、抗氧剂等对复合热稳定剂热稳定性能的影响,确定了这种液体复合热稳定剂配方。目前两种液体钙锌复合热稳定剂已经中试。  相似文献   

香皂市场新进展制皂商1994年推出新型的和改进配方的条皂,但是大量的高级的洁身清洗液和胶体类逐渐成为肥皂发展的总趋向。香皂市场的竞争日新月异,正如LeverBrothers、P&G和其它主要制皂商为此竞争已达到顶点,从而开拓出新型的条皂配方和有价值的...  相似文献   

论述了液体洗涤剂的市场现状。对各种类型的液体洗涤剂,包括重垢液体洗涤剂、液体自动餐具洗涤剂、轻垢液体洗涤剂、液体皂以及专用液体洗涤剂等的发展进行了回顾,并阐述了我国液体洗涤剂的发展趋势。  相似文献   

对衣用液体洗涤剂产品的生产现状作了陈述,对原料选择作了浅析,列举了一些有一定代表性的配方及有关原料价格,为衣用液体洗涤剂产品的开发提供了设计试验配方的技术信息。  相似文献   

液体香皂原料选择及配方研讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨卫国 《甘肃化工》2002,16(2):6-10
论述了液体香皂良好的发展前景,对液体香皂的配方设计提出了一些见解,从有关洗涤品专著中列出了10例配方,可供应用或设计液体香皂配方时参考。  相似文献   

本文综述日本近10年香皂和沐浴用液体皂的发展状况,重点分析了两类产品的市场及原料、技术及开发的动向,最后展望了香皂和液体皂的发展前景.  相似文献   

对洗浴用品市场进行了分析,指出功能单一的块皂时代已经不复存在了,而代之以多种香型、不同成分、不同色泽和花样翻新的纯天然液体沐浴用品.块皂这种个人卫生用品遭受到了来自液体皂、沐浴乳和沐浴露的残酷竞争.液体沐浴用品不仅作为清洁用品,其功能还包括保湿、抗衰老、紧肤、去角质及SPA等.目前,家庭使用沐浴乳已非常流行,液体沐浴制品逐渐趋向于使用纯天然原料.  相似文献   

有数据显示,近10年间,我国肥皂的产量减少了53%,且还有继续下降的可能性。液体皂和沐浴露都是传统肥皂的替代品,这两类产品不可避免地抢占了传统肥皂的市场份额。因此就我们香料香精行业而言,可以帮助肥皂行业跳脱行业的局限性,开拓其附加值,在配方中加入如茶树油、鼠尾草、  相似文献   

洗碗机用液体洗涤剂的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了二元表面活性剂混合体系的泡沫、表面张力、cmc及浊点等性能,并据此进行了复合配方试验,添加自制复合钙皂分散剂和其他助剂,研制出了一种去污力高、起泡力低并适用于家用洗碗机循环喷洗用的液体洗涤剂。该剂为碱性水基清洗剂,不含强酸、强碱和磷助剂等成分,可用于中温(30℃-40℃)洗涤,能有效去除碗与碟等餐具硬表面的油污,对人、畜无毒,洗涤排水合格。  相似文献   

Examination of Disinfecting Hand Cleaning Agents 8 disinfecting hand cleaning agents marketed in Germany and a conventional liquid soap were compared with respect to their ability for reducing the germ count in hand washing tests. Under identical conditions of application (identical quantity of product and duration of application) only three of the agents proved to be significantly superior to the conventional liquid soap. Compared to the liquid soap these three agents showed an improvement of germ reduction in the order of three to hundred times of the basic value.  相似文献   

赵玲 《当代化工》2005,34(2):124-126
为研制具有长久保持润肤效果的营养型浴液,试验室采用正交试验法对浴液的多种主剂、助剂及配比进行了评价和优化,结果表明:在适当的工艺条件下,采用ω(AESA)=8%、ω(4201):15%、ω(APG)=5%和ω(ASB)=10%作为主剂复配后,再加入ω(CD-39)=2%、ω(FS-8)=0.3%和ω(6501)=1%助剂,研制出一种高营养型润肤浴液。经相关部门检测,该产品性能完全符合QB1994—1994标准和化妆品卫生规范。  相似文献   

对洗浴用品市场进行了分析,指出功能单一的块皂时代已经不复存在了,而代之以多种香型、不同成分、不同色泽和花样翻新的清洁用品。块皂这个美国个人卫生用品的基本组分也同样遭受到了来自液体皂、沐浴液和凝胶的残酷竞争。块皂除了仅仅作为清洁用品外,还得到了广泛的应用,其功能包括护肤、防晒、晒黑、抗黑斑、抗衰老和减脂等。目前,家庭使用洗液和沐浴露已非常流行,洗液制品逐渐趋向于不同年龄段的男、女消费者,目标已纷纷瞄准了少女群体和成年女性群体以及男性消费者。  相似文献   

烷基葡糖苷合成反应的动力学模型与复配性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李和平  张淑芬  杨锦宗 《精细化工》2003,20(1):22-25,31
在烷基葡糖多苷 (APG)合成反应研究的基础上 ,探讨了葡萄糖与脂肪醇反应直接合成APG的反应机理 ,提出了直接法合成APG时葡萄糖浓度cA 和反应时间t的反应动力学模型为 :ln(cA- 0 0 0 0 2 5 ) =- (Kt +2 0 8)。同时 ,以APG为主要原料〔w(APG) =10 %~ 15 %〕 ,通过多种表面活性剂的复配及添加特效吸附渗透剂 ,研制开发出一种适宜于各种行业工人使用的劳保浴液 ,产品集净洗、调理、护肤、洗发等多种功用于一体。该浴液经推广应用 ,并采用“模糊数学综合评价法”对其质量进行评判 ,证明APG复配产品的质量性能优异  相似文献   

利用竖直流动皂膜装置,使用纹影光学方法观察了由于丙酮从皂液中解吸,在微米级厚度皂膜上出现的滚筒状Marangoni对流结构;通过建立皂膜传质数学模型及求解,分析了丙酮从皂膜解吸过程中浓度及表面张力的变化。结果表明:由于微米级的皂膜厚度,在皂膜平面法向方向皂膜内皂液丙酮浓度变化很小,但浓度梯度较大,对应的表面张力梯度较大,此较大表面张力梯度是丙酮从皂膜解吸过程中出现Marangoni对流的主要成因。  相似文献   

Two new phases in anhydrous sodium palmitate have been demonstrated. On heating, the crystalline curd phase transforms not directly to liquid crystalline neat soap, as previously believed, but (near 125° C.) to “waxy soap.” At 195°, a softer “sub-neat” phase appears. The familiar phases, neat soap and isotropic liquid nigre do not appear until 255° and 297° respectively. All of these phases have a stable range of existence, the transitions being reversible on cooling. Photomicrographs of each phase, and a typical dilatometer curve with data illustrate the nature of the evidence.  相似文献   

Automatic Fine Soap Production Line and the Machines Involved therein The author describes the structure and working principle of a production line for the manufacture of high quality fine soap using new machines, which were developed recently. An important unit of this plant is a new type of drier which works exclusively in the liquid phase. This means that the soap is solidified only after the predetermined fatty acid content (up to 84%) is attained. The resulting dust-free working condition combined with the absence of any overdried particles (spikes) strongly reduces the power requirement of the following aggregates. Besides this, the liquid drying allows the soap to be dried immediately in the form of ribbons, thus enabling to prepare fully homogeneous, compact and non-cracked fine soaps.  相似文献   

Soapstock was converted into a liquid soap from its acid oil and formulated with varying amounts of rosin. The characteristics of the acid oil and rosin were experimentally estimated. Liquid soaps were characterized by density, pH, total fatty matter, free caustic alkali, critical micelle concentration, foaming capacity, wetting power, and washing performance. The foaming results indicated that the liquid soap is best used as an ingredient in a washing-machine detergent. The dark aspect of a formulation with 10% rosin precluded higher substitution.  相似文献   

Many materials made from fats and oils derive their importance from their ability to modify the surface behavior of the liquid in which they are dissolved. These compounds are grouped under the broad classification of surface active agents or surfactants. Depending on their use, they are classified as detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, dispersing agents, etc. The oldest, and still one of the most important surfactants, is ordinary soap; twentythree percent of all the tallow produced in the United States goes into soap. This paper covers the present state of the art of soap technology, and the most important classes of fat-based surfactants.  相似文献   

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