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针对宁夏永利地区影响石油地震勘探数据采集质量的主要因素,结合野外实际试验和生产资料,对表层结构调查、激发、接收等环节,进行了较深入的分析。指出采用小折射、微测井等表层结构调查方法,取全、取准表层静校正数据,对获得高品质的地震剖面至关重要;井深24-27m深度井炮激发,可以保证记录有足够的能量;对不同地表条件,采用相应的观测系统和施工方法,有利于提高资料品质,可以保证数据采集的完整性和地质任务的完成。  相似文献   

目前常用的表层结构调查技术较难清楚探明复杂地区的近地表结构,并且在实际生产过程中存在一些问题.通过建立低降速带模型并运用射线追踪与褶积方法进行正演,对生产中遇到的一些问题进行了较系统的分析与论证,结合经验对目前微测井采用的施工方法提出相应改进,12道1m近偏移距均匀分布与15m,20m远偏移距结合方式,优化微测井采集数据,精确解释速度与界面埋深,使井深设计与野外静校正量的求取更加精确,使基于理论模型的数据得到了更加准确的解释结果。此方法在复杂地区微测井解释中能够得到更加准确的近地表结构数据。  相似文献   

微测井是塔里木盆地开展近地表调查的主要方法,由于该区地表干燥、松散,P波在近地表中旅行速度显著降低,主要表现在微测井所测低速层速度变化异常,微测井时距曲线不归零现象突出。针对此,在对微测井纵波原理分析的基础上,于野外现场开展了针对性的验证试验。试验结果证明了干燥、松散的近地表中,微测井测试低降速层速度偏低现象是存在的,特别是在表层松散且被气体充填的情况下更为常见;微测井时距曲线归零时差受仪器记时系统时差、低速层观测密度影响,其对高速层埋深计算影响较小,完全能够满足依据高速层埋深进行井深设计的精度要求;严谨的现场作业是保证表层成果准确的最基础条件。  相似文献   

静校正是影响地震勘探效果的关键技术之一,本文研究的低测成果约束下的层析反演方法,综合了模型静校正和层析静校正的优点,通过约束层析反演建立近地表模型,计算静校正量,既弥补了大炮初至由于缺少近道而丢失的浅层精细速度信息,又解决了小折射和微测井点少而疏的问题,提高了模型的精度。通过在胜利滩浅海过渡带地区的实际应用,表明了该静校正技术的有效性。  相似文献   

随着石油勘探程度的不断提高,新勘探到的油藏逐渐的趋向小型化和复杂化。在这种情况下,常规的测井方法已经逐渐的不能满足要求。成像测井技术在小油藏、复杂油藏的解释评价中发挥着越来越重要的作用,微电扫描成像测井技术是一种新型的成像测井技术,该技术的测井准确高,更能直观的反映出井下的地层的特征。文章通过调研研究,分析了微电阻率扫描成像测井的工作原理和微电阻率扫描成像测井资料解释的预处理方法,最后通过实例验证了利用微电阻率扫描成像测井资料解释的优势。通过研究提高了随钻测井资料解释方法的研究水平。  相似文献   

深度是测井信息的关键,如果深度测量不准,可能导致测井失败,严重可能导致生产事故,对测井深度进行分析,找出制约深度测量不准的原因,可以提高测井资料的可靠性。本文主要介绍了影响测井深度的原因和实际解决办法,为测井现场施工中的测井深度准确性提供了保障。  相似文献   

在刚果(金)开展低速带调查工作,获取了该区域表层结构情况,为地震生产及室内处理做了储备。本文通过相遇小折射方法的原理描述,解释方法及在刚果(金)Ndunda区块应用效果,很好的指导了井深的设计及为地震资料处理静校正量数据提供了一手资料。  相似文献   

为了使得石油勘探工作效率更高,勘探的更加精确,需要对石油的测井资料进行全方位的分析,而在优选测井资料的过程中,还需要减少测井深度误差降到最低,主要分析了测井深度校正系统的改进和应用。  相似文献   

深层地震勘探技术是世界上许多高成熟油气区新增地质储量的重要技术依托。然而深层地震勘探工作由于其自身的特点和难点 ,给地震资料的采集、处理和解释都提出了一个全新的课题。我们针对东濮凹陷的地质特点和三维地震勘探已连片的实际 ,开展了深层地震勘探技术的研究 ,近年来取得了一定的成果。1 深层地震采集技术1 .1 进行基于模型的三维观测系统设计方法研究。采集前使用绿山软件 ,在建立地质模型的基础上进行射线追踪 ,优选观测系统。1 .2 采用大非纵距的全三维观测系统 ,精细表层调查 ,宽频档接收 ,保护深层的低频信号。1 .3 加大炮检距 ,增加覆盖次数 ,保证速度分析精度并使深层叠加有足够多的道数 ,进一步提高深层资料的信噪。1 .4 改变检波器的联接方式 ,使得检波器的阻抗与仪器输入阻抗更匹配。1 .5 采用高精度卫星照片进行设计 ,更加科学合理地控制野外激发点的位置。1 .6 加强表层结构的精密调查。采用小折射、微测井、双井微测井等方法对表层结构和虚反射界面进行调查 ,选取最佳激发井深 ,加强下传能量。1 .7 在过河施工中采用中继站的新方法 ,避免以往相遇法过河造成覆盖次数不合理的弊病。1 .8 进行井地联合勘...  相似文献   

密度测井技术是利用岩层对伽马射线的吸收来获取岩层密度,通过中子源放射性测井,完成对井身不同岩层密度的准确测量,录取井深不同岩层密度资料。通过密度测井可以识别岩层的性质,特别是可以利用密度测井数值计算出储层的上覆压力,了解储层的压实效应,进行裂缝形态研究。  相似文献   

Optical glasses with high indices of refraction and Abbe values are very desirable for wide angle lenses. In order to determine the range of compositions in which glasses of this type could be produced, oxides of lithium, beryllium, calcium, boron, lanthanum, or thorium were substituted for barium oxide or silica in a three-or-four component base glass. Substitutions were made on a mole-for-mole basis. The indices of refraction for the C, D, F, and G lines and the liquidus were determined for each glass. Experimental glasses with indices of refraction (nD) and Abbe values from 1.600 to 1.714 and 62.2 to 52.7, respectively, were made in small platinum crucibles.  相似文献   

The evidence obtained in this work would indicate that bentonites are mixtures of two or more materials rather than one. The exact composition of these is not known but they are probably mixtures of colloidal silicates and fine-grained kaolinite in varying proportions. They are characterized by the following properties: Conchoidal fracture; an index of refraction between 1.48 and 1.54; high water of plasticity and volume drying, shrinkage varying from that of highly plastic clays to 114.61% and 195.9%, respectively; and a high alkali plus alkali earth content, usually above 5%. When added in small amounts to certain clays, some bentonites increase the dry strength to a remarkable extent. In firing they vitrify between 1000°C, soften at cones 1–14 and burn to a buff to brown color and therefore can only be used in small amounts in white ware. It is possible by adding finely ground quartz and small amounts of bentonite to certain fire clays to produce mixtures approaching the Arkansas and certain other glass pot clays in physical properties and in index of refraction. Adding too much bentonite to clays causes them to crack in drying.  相似文献   

The apparent lack of optical homogeneity in good optical glass may be the result of small differences in temperature during annealing. That this can be eliminated to a large extent by careful furnace control has been demonstrated. Furthermore, this may be done without appreciable change in the average index of refraction if the “thermooptical” constants of the glass are predetermined.  相似文献   

负折射是光与物质相互作用表现出来的一种非线性现象,相应的负折射材料已成为物理学、材料科学、电子科学等交叉学科领域的研究热点。该论文综述了负折射材料的发展现状和一些基本特性,并详细介绍了实现负折射效应的3种途径——左手介质、手征介质和光子晶体。  相似文献   

Density and orientation describe, besides other characteristics, the structure of high polymers. They can be obtained as a function of the radius by measurement of the refraction index of the fibre. The influence of refraction of light on the obtained index of refraction n(r) is demonstrated by an optical model of the fibre. For fibres having a radius R < 30 μm and changes in the refraction index < 0.02 the influence of refraction is less than ± 0.0002 and therefore of no significance for most textile fibres. Important is the exact adaption of the refraction index of the embeding medium to the margin of the fibre. The computed index at the margin of the fibre takes always the refraction index of the embeding medium. An incorrect adaption can be traced up to 0.2·R into the fibre. A spline function used for the approximation of the relative displacement of interference fringes gives the opportunity to calculate extreme variations in refractive index, this is demonstrated using hollow fibres filled with paraffin-oil. Using a HeNe-laser interference-holographie became possible.  相似文献   

Twenty-one soda-silica and twenty-one soda-lime-silica glasses were made in platinum crucibles and the index of refraction and chemical compositioii of each glass were determined. From the data obtained equations were derived and a diagram was prepared showing the relations between index of refraction and composition of these glasses. The diagram makes it possible to predict with considerable accuracy (1) the index of refraction of any glass in the range of compositions considered, from its composition. and (2) the cwpositions of the various glasses which have the same index of refraction. Some evidence is presented indicating that index of refraction of the soda-silica glasses may be a simple function of certain soda-silica compounds which may be present in glass.  相似文献   

根据湍流场理论,将近地大气层折光系数作为具有先验统计特性的随机参数,按照滤波的方法计算三角高 程测量从测站到目标间的视线上各点的大气垂直折光系数,改善了折光系数的计算精度。  相似文献   

对文西地区地层、构造、生、储、盖及后期保存条件进行研究 ,指出该区含油层系较多 ,但主力层系突出 ;油气藏数量较多但规模较小 ,油气藏类型以小断块油气藏为主 ;文西地垒带油气富集程度高而文西顺向屋脊带油气富集程度低。并结合近几年的勘探实践说明 ,文西地区下步滚动勘探应以沙二下、沙三中层系为主 ,采用打“聪明井”进行多层兼探 ,着重寻找“墙角式”断块油藏、小断块油藏及岩性油气藏。  相似文献   

The internal friction of silicate glasses containing mixtures of Li-Na, Li-K, Li-Rb, Li-Cs, Na-K, Na-Rb, Na-Cs, and K-Rb was measured from -180° to 500°C at a frequency of 0.4 Hz. Values for the density, index of refraction, and dynamic shear modulus are also reported. With small additions of a second alkali, a new internal friction peak was observed in addition to the two peaks originally present in the glasses containing only one alkali. The magnitude of this new peak was especially sensitive to small amounts (less than 1 mol%) of a second alkali. Activation energies are given for the alkali peak in Li-Cs glasses and for the new internal friction peak in Li-Na glasses.  相似文献   

Conclusions The summary index of refraction of chamotte, during the firing of clay increases up to a certain temperature. Above that temperature the summary index of refraction of chamotte decreases. The transition temperature of most clays is higher than of those used under production conditions in making chamotte.The summary index of refraction of chamotte refractories is lower after retiring. With mullite crystals of over 7–10 m, it is possible to determine individually the index of refraction of mullite and of other phases by immersion.The distribution of glass in chamotte fragments and clay varies according to firing temperatures which affects the properties of refractories. In selecting firing temperatures for chamotte refractories the distribution of glass should be taken into account.  相似文献   

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