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为进一步提高HTPB推进剂的能量并抑制铝粉在燃烧过程中的团聚,制备了铝粉质量分数为16%~22%的端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)推进剂,并分别加入含氟有机化合物(OF)作为铝燃烧促进剂,研究了铝含量和OF对HTPB推进剂燃烧性能的影响;使用氧弹量热仪测定了推进剂在氩气氛围下(3 MPa)的爆热;收集在3 MPa下推进剂燃烧的凝聚相产物,采用激光粒度仪、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)及X射线衍射仪(XRD)等分别对其进行粒度分布、元素和物相分析;通过线扫描摄像机和高压燃烧室系统测定推进剂的燃速;利用高速摄影系统观察推进剂燃面上熔铝粒子的团聚过程。结果表明,HTPB推进剂在铝粉质量分数为20%时实测爆热最大,含氟有机物OF的引入使得爆热有所下降;随着HTPB推进剂中铝含量的提高,燃面上熔铝粒子的团聚愈加严重,凝聚相燃烧产物的尺寸和残留铝含量均逐渐增加;加入含氟有机物OF能够促使-Al2O3和AlF3的生成,有效抑制铝颗粒在燃烧过程中的团聚,使凝聚相燃烧产物的尺寸和残留铝含量显著降低,当铝粉质量分数为20%时,OF的加入使得残留铝的生成率降低了50%;较低的铝含量和OF的添加有利于HTPB推进剂燃速的提高。  相似文献   

为研究低铝含量推进剂的燃烧特性,以铝粉质量分数5%的低铝含量HTPB推进剂为对象,以铝粉质量分数12%~18%的HTPB推进剂为参比,通过水下声发射、BSFΦ75及BSFΦ165标准试验发动机等测试方法研究了低铝含量推进剂的燃烧性能和能量性能。结果表明,同一固含量条件下,低铝含量推进剂燃速较高,压强指数没有明显变化;铝粉粒度越细,低铝含量推进剂燃速和燃速压强指数越大;经BSFΦ75发动机内弹道p(压力)—t(时间)曲线验证,8~10MPa内低铝含量推进剂燃烧稳定;经BSFΦ165发动机试车验证,7MPa下,低燃速低铝含量推进剂实际比冲2387N·s/kg,比冲效率达到97.3%,高燃速低铝含量推进剂实际比冲2465N·s/kg,比冲效率达到98.6%。低铝含量推进剂燃烧效率高,相近燃速下低铝含量推进剂与常规铝含量推进剂能量在同一水平。  相似文献   

通过改变铝基合金燃料类型制备低铝含量推进剂,在此基础上进行铝基合金的粒度、形貌和推进剂的爆热、燃速测试,研究了不同铝基合金燃料对端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)推进剂工艺性能、燃烧性能及安全性能的影响。推进剂组分相同时,黏度数据表明,铝基合金的不规则形貌是引起推进剂工艺恶化的主要因素,粒度差异会使工艺性能有所不同;燃烧性能测试和爆热测试结果表明,添加铝基合金AN(铝-镍合金燃料)和AT(铝-钛合金燃料)后,与含球形铝粉推进剂相比,推进剂密度增加,燃速压强指数降低,爆热水平相当,燃烧性能得到了改善;添加铝基合金燃料后造成推进剂的摩擦感度上升。  相似文献   

为提升复合固体推进剂的综合性能,将不同质量分数的八苯基硅倍半氧烷(OPS)、八氨基苯基硅倍半氧烷(OAPS)、八硝基苯基硅倍半氧烷(ONPS)和八(二硝基苯基)硅倍半氧烷(ODNPS)等4种有机-无机杂化结构的多面体低聚硅倍半氧烷(POSS)加入端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)推进剂中。使用电子万能试验机、热机械分析仪测定推进剂的拉伸力学性能;使用氧弹量热仪测定推进剂在3MPa氮气下的爆热;利用线扫描摄像燃速测定系统测定了推进剂的燃速—压强关系;采用扫描电镜、激光粒度仪和X射线衍射仪(XRD)对推进剂爆热测试后的凝聚相燃烧产物进行微观形貌、粒度及物相分析;采用同步热分析仪、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)等对POSS影响推进剂燃烧的机理进行了分析。结果表明,4种POSS均可增强推进剂的拉伸力学性能,八氨基苯基硅倍半氧烷(OAPS)效果最优;4种POSS均可提高推进剂的燃速,ONPS质量分数为3%时,推进剂燃速及爆热最高;4种POSS均可促进推进剂铝燃烧,明显减小凝聚相燃烧产物的粒径,ODNPS效果最优。分析认为,ONPS和ODNPS热解、燃烧产生的纳米尺寸...  相似文献   

无铝低燃速NEPE推进剂的燃烧性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水下声发射法测定了无铝低燃速NEPE推进剂的燃速,研究了增塑剂种类、高氯酸铵(AP)与奥克托今(HMX)含量、AP粒度级配以及降速剂对无铝NEPE推进剂燃烧性能的影响。结果表明,通过选择合适的增塑剂、调整AP/HMX的相对含量、AP粒度级配以及采用有效的降速剂可使推进剂基础配方在3.5MPa下静态燃速达到4.0~5.5mm/s,2~5MPa下静态压强指数可降至0.30以下;NEPE推进剂燃烧时,NO2的生成速度越慢或NO2的含量越低,则推进剂的燃速越小,反之则越高。  相似文献   

镁铝中能贫氧推进剂燃烧性能初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
系统地研究了镁铝中能贫氧推进剂的燃烧特性,并对该类推进剂的配方进行了初步的优化设计。研究发现,高氯酸铵含量和镁铝比对贫氧推进剂燃烧特性有显著影响。增加AP含量和金属添加剂中镁粉含量均有助于提高推进剂的燃速和拓宽其低压可燃极限。另外,采用超细组分或添加燃速催化剂也是提高推进剂燃速和拓宽低压可燃极限的重要途径。  相似文献   

内弹道稳定剂对中高燃速RDX-CMDB推进剂燃烧性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一种中高燃速改性双基推进剂配方为基础配方,添加不同粒度的Al_2O_3及不同品种的内弹道稳定剂,研究了6~20MPa下推进剂燃速和燃速压强指数的变化规律,并对其燃烧机理进行了分析。结果表明,添加Al_2O_3后推进剂的燃速降低,且随着压强的升高,燃速降低的幅度减小;不同品种的内弹道稳定剂对燃速及燃速压强指数降低和提高的幅度不同,TiO2提高了推进剂高压段的燃速,MgO几乎不影响推进剂燃速,而Al_2O_3、ZrO_2均降低了推进剂的燃速。添加不同粒度的Al_2O_3后,均使燃烧表面的催化剂含量(浓度)降低,改变了催化剂的催化效率,从而导致添加芳香铅A催化剂的推进剂中Al_2O_3粒径分别为10μm和2.5μm时,燃速相应降低0.25mm/s和1.25mm/s。不同品种的内弹道稳定剂对燃烧表面催化剂含量、分散均匀性、催化活性的影响不同,TiO_2、MgO的活性高于Al_2O_3和ZrO_2,从而表现出添加TiO_2、MgO的推进剂燃速高于添加Al_2O_3、ZrO_2的推进剂。  相似文献   

为改善硼粉(B)的性能和纳米氧化铁(Fe_2O_3)在固体推进剂中的分散性,用静电喷雾法制备了B/Fe_2O_3/NC复合物,采用扫描电镜(SEM)表征了复合物的表面形貌,用TG-DSC分析了复合物的热性能及其对HTPB/AP推进剂热性能的影响,并用燃速测试和密闭爆发器实验研究了该复合物对HTPB/AP推进剂燃烧性能的影响。结果表明,所制备的B/Fe_2O_3/NC复合物均以团聚体的形式存在,复合物中B的活性提高,其氧化反应温度提前;团聚硼粉对HTPB/AP推进剂燃烧性能的改善效果明显优于原料硼粉;加入Fe_2O_3后,会进一步改善含硼推进剂的燃烧性能,而且随Fe_2O_3含量的增加,在密闭爆发器中HTPB/AP推进剂达到最高压力所需的时间逐渐减小。当Fe_2O_3的质量分数为8%时,推进剂在常压空气中的燃速最大,为不添加B/Fe_2O_3/NC复合物的HTPB/AP推进剂的2.77倍。B/Fe_2O_3/NC复合物对推进剂的热分解具有一定催化作用,且随Fe_2O_3含量的增加催化作用增强。  相似文献   

以7 MPa下动态燃速为15.6 mm/s和含能固体质量分数为88%的丁羟(HTPB)推进剂配方为基础,研究了氧化剂粒度级配、键合剂种类、扩链剂种类对异佛尔酮异氰酸酯(IPDI)体系HTPB推进剂伸长率的影响。结果表明,相对于T3/MAPO键合剂体系,采用新型T3/A4组合键合剂和扩链剂M1时,可显著提高推进剂伸长率。  相似文献   

含LLM-105无烟CMDB推进剂的燃烧性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用燃速-靶线法研究了2,6-二氨基-3,5-二硝基吡嗪-1-氧化物(LLM-105)的含量和粒度、不同复合燃烧催化剂(A-Pb/A-Cu/CB、B-Pb/B-Cu/CB、C-Pb/C-Cu/CB)及辅助增塑剂(三醋酸甘油酯(TA)、邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP))对含LLM-105无烟复合改性双基(CMDB)推进剂燃烧性能的影响。结果表明,随着LLM-105含量的增加,不同压强下推进剂的燃速均有明显降低,添加质量分数25%的LLM-105可使10MPa下推进剂的燃速下降达53.3%;粗颗粒LLM-105降低推进剂燃速的效果优于细颗粒,用粗颗粒LLM-105替代等量细颗粒LLM-105,可使不同压强下推进剂的燃速降低,10MPa下推进剂的燃速降低1.5mm/s;添加C-Pb/C-Cu/CB催化剂,推进剂在6~18MPa下的压强指数由0.43降至0.25。用TA替代DEP,可降低推进剂的燃速及压强指数。  相似文献   

Hydroxyl‐terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) based propellants containing fixed aluminum content (18 wt %) and different amounts of organic fluoride (OF) additive were studied. Explosion heat of propellant samples and particle size distribution of the solid combustion products were experimentally measured to generally assess the effect of the organic fluoride compounds on propellants. Heats of explosion decreased approximately by 9.5 %, from 7209 (±259) to 6525 (±146) kJ kg−1, with the increase in OF content from 0 % to 6 %, and the volume fraction of particles size above 10 μm was sharply decreased. In addition, scanning electron microscope images showed the solid combustion products to be well separated, the titration analysis results also gave the amount of unburned metallic aluminum decreased. These results indicated that OF as an additive would be helpful to reduce agglomeration in the combustion products of aluminized HTPB propellants. Furthermore, a mechanism for suppression of agglomerate size can be postulated based on the X‐ray diffraction analysis data that addition of OF promotes increased content of γ‐Al2O3 (aluminum oxide) in the solid combustion products.  相似文献   

为改善高压强下HTPB推进剂的燃烧特性,研究了碳酸盐复合调节剂、二茂铁衍生物G、高氮化合物M、纳米铝粉和纳米金属氧化物对HTPB推进剂燃烧性能的影响.结果表明,碳酸盐复合调节剂能够降低推进剂的燃速和压强指数;二茂铁衍生物G能够提高推进剂的燃速,同时将推进剂在8.60~17.12MPa下的压强指数降至0.27;高氮化合物也可降低推进剂的燃速和压强指数;将高氮化合物M与二茂铁衍生物G配合使用可将推进剂在8.63~16.48MPa下的压强指数降至0.24; 纳米铝粉和包覆的纳米金属氧化物可明显降低推进剂的燃速压强指数.  相似文献   

Nitramines are known to produce lower burning rates and higher pressure exponent (η) values. Studies on the burning rate and combustion behavior of advanced high‐energy NG/PE‐PCP/HMX/AP/Al based solid propellant processed by slurry cast route were carried out using varying percentages of HMX and AP. It was observed that propellant compositions containing only AP and Al loaded (total solids 75 %) in NG plasticized PE‐PCP binder produce comparatively lower pressure exponent (η) values similar to AP‐Al filled HTPB based composite propellants. However, energetic propellants containing high level of nitramine (40–60 %) produce high pressure exponent (0.8–0.9) values in the same pressure range. Incorporation of fine particle size AP (ca. 6 μm) and change in its concentration in the propellant composition reduces η value marginally and influences the burning rate. However, such compositions have higher friction sensitivity.  相似文献   

The effect of nitramine particle size on the combustion behavior of inert binder based propellants has been extensively studied for RDX and HMX, but not CL‐20. Although materials such as RDX and HMX are useful for particular combustion applications, CL‐20 has a greater potential to improve the oxygen balance and energy density of a propellant. The current work investigates the effect of CL‐20 particle size on the combustion of CL‐20/HTPB propellants down to submicrometer sizes. An influence of particle size on the burning rate and combustion mechanism is reported. The 30 micrometer formulation burning rate data showed evidence of convective burning specifically at higher pressures, but the pressure dependence was comparable to neat CL‐20 at pressures below 8 MPa. A change in the combustion mechanism of the submicrometer formulation as a function of pressure was determined to be a result of the interaction of the propellant flame and the combustion residue. Data suggested that at low pressures diffusion in terms of active cooling was dominant for the submicrometer formulation. Higher pressure data for both the submicrometer and 3 micrometer formulations suggest the degree of active cooling is decreased as the burning rate pressure exponent is near 0.5 for both propellants. The indirect evidence for the presence of a melt layer for CL‐20 propellants is discussed.  相似文献   

The condensed combustion products of two model propellants consisting of ammonium perchlorate, aluminum, nitramine, and an energetic binder were studied by a sampling method. One of the propellants contained HMX with a particle size D 10 ≈ 490 μm, and the other RDX with a particle size D 10 ≈ 380 μm. The particle-size distribution and the content of metallic aluminum in particles of condensed combustion products with a particle size of 1.2 μm to the maximum particle size in the pressure range of 0.1–6.5 MPa were determined with variation in the particle quenching distance from the burning surface to 100 mm. For agglomerates, dependences of the incompleteness of aluminum combustion on the residence time in the propellant flame were obtained. The RDX-based propellant is characterized by more severe agglomeration than the HMX-based propellant — the agglomerate size and mass are larger and the aluminum burnout proceeds more slowly. The ratio of the mass of the oxide accumulated on the agglomerates to the total mass of the oxide formed is determined. The agglomerate size is shown to be the main physical factor that governs the accumulation of the oxide on the burning agglomerate. __________ Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 78–92, July–August, 2006.  相似文献   

An experimental study on the effects of an applied external electric field on the combustion behavior of solid fuels and solid propellants has been conducted. In an opposed flow burning configuration, application of an electric field was shown to extinguish a paraffin fuel and gaseous oxygen flame over a broad range of operating conditions. When subjected to the electric field, burning paraffin fuel strands were found to extinguish at various axial locations relative to the exit of the oxidizer gas jet. Extinguishment location was found to be a function of field strength as well as electrode surface area, while changes in polarity did not significantly alter the results. In addition, the combustion behaviors of two composite solid rocket propellants were studied while subjected to an external electric field. Both propellants were based on HTPB/AP combinations, with one propellant containing aluminum and the other being non‐aluminized. Application of an electric field to the composite solid rocket propellant strands demonstrated decreases in propellant burning rate under all operating conditions for both propellants including changes in polarity. The flame structure of the aluminized propellant was examined closely as the luminosity, flame length, and flame width varied significantly with field strength and burning location of the strand relative to the electrodes.  相似文献   

A comparison of various experimental results for combustionrelated properties evaluation, including burning rates, deflagration heat, flame structures and thermal decomposition properties, of AP/RDX/Al/HTPB composite propellants containing nano metal powders is presented. The thermal behavior of n‐Al (nano grain size aluminum) and g‐Al (general grain size aluminum i.e., 10 μm) heated in air was also investigated by thermogravimetry. The burning rates results indicate that the usage of bimodal aluminum distribution with the ratio around 4 : 1 of n‐Al to g‐Al or the addition of 2% nano nickel powders (n‐Ni) will improve the burning behavior of the propellant, while the usage of grading aluminum powders with the ratio 1 : 1 of n‐Al to g‐Al will impair the combustion of the propellant. Results show that n‐Al and n‐Ni both have a lower heating capacity, lower ignition threshold and shorter combustion time than g‐Al. In addition n‐Al is inclined to burn in single particle form. And the thermal analysis results show that n‐Ni can catalyze the thermal decomposition of AP in the propellant. The results also confirm the high reactivity of n‐Al, which will lead to a lower reaction temperature and rather higher degree of reaction ratio as compared with g‐Al in air. All these factors will influence the combustion of propellants.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of a modified composite propellant formulation to meet future requirements. The composite propellant mixtures were prepared using nitro functionalized Hydroxyl‐Terminated Polybutadiene (Nitro‐HTPB) as a novel energetic binder and addition of energetic plasticizer. The new propellant formulation was characterized and tested. It was found that the Nitro‐HTPB propellant with and without energetic plasticizer exhibited high solid loading, high density, and reasonable mechanical properties over a wide range of temperatures. It was shown that the burning rate of Nitro‐HTPB propellant is up to 40% faster than that of the HTPB propellant. These results are encouraging and suggest that it should be possible to improve the ballistic performance of popular HTPB propellants through use of the studied Nitro‐HTPB binder.  相似文献   

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