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介绍了超薄玻璃纤维电子布织造卷取过程的受力分析,找出合理控制方法。通过试制研究,成功探索出适合不同品种超薄电子布织造分离式卷取参数,使超薄电子布卷无打滑起皱,质量稳定可靠。  相似文献   

近几年来,世界电子工业中心从欧洲逐步向亚太地区转移,极大地刺激了我国海峡两岸电子级玻璃纤维纱、布的生产.电子级玻璃纤维布是印制电路板的基础材料,而印制电路板又是电子工业的重要产品,也是电子元件工业中的最大、最有代表性的行业.因此,电子工业市场繁荣,电子布市场也随之昌盛.近几年内,世界印制电路板工业的年平均增长率为8.7%,东南亚地区年平均为10.8%,而我国则高达14.4%. 1996年,全世界玻璃纤维电绝缘材料总产值为6.8亿美元,其中电子布基印制电路板的总产值为5亿美元.2000年,全世界玻璃纤维电绝缘材料总产值上升到10亿美元,其中电子布基印制电路板的总产值也随之上升到6.47亿美元,比1996年上升29.4%.国外专家预测,2005年,全世界玻璃纤维电绝缘材料总产值将跃升到20亿美元,其中电子布基印制电路板的总产值将猛增到10亿美元,比2000年上升54.6%. 近几年来,随着亚太地区电子工业的发展,我国海峡两岸的电子级玻璃纤维纱、布生产厂家如雨后春笋,蓬勃发展. 电子级玻璃纤维纱、布是指用于电子工业的玻璃纤维纱、布的总称.根据美国于1988年4月颁布的IPC-EG-140标准,这种电子系列用的玻璃纤维布共有33个规格,其最薄的玻璃纤维布被称为104布,公称厚度只有0.028mm,最重的被称为7652布,其单位面积质量为252g/m2.但是,这些特殊规格的电子布,电子工业的用量都不多.  相似文献   

危良才 《玻璃与搪瓷》2002,30(5):30-31,34
简述了严格的气流及温度、湿度控制对玻璃纤维电子纱与电子布生产工艺的重要性.  相似文献   

关于电子级玻纤生产技术的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过介绍电子级玻璃纤维(电子纱与电子布)生产工艺全过程及各工序的生产技术关键问题,与业界同仁共同探讨以不断提高我国电子级玻璃纤维生产技术.  相似文献   

国家玻璃纤维产品质量监督检验测试中心受国家技术监督局的委托从1986年第一季度起至今,先后抽查了中碱玻璃纤维纱、玻璃纤维胶乳布、中碱无捻玻璃纤维布、无碱玻璃纤维布、无碱玻璃纤维纱、  相似文献   

玻纤织造行业,上经轴C即:上纱或上机,采用的方法,基本上都是从棉纺织造上移植过来的一套传统做法.就拿上经轴来说吧,通常都是先抬上经纱轴,挂好综框,穿好停经片的033放在停经架上,然后拉好线纱,留出与刺毛辊相等长度的纱,分成若干支,每支纱的宽度与上轴布的若干支相等宽,再与卷布辊上的上轴布一起交叉打结,打好结的每支纱都形成▽三角状.在开始织造时难免要产生两边向中间拉缩…….而玻璃纤维织造上轴基本上也是这样的顺序,在玻纤上轴打好结开车时,同样会出  相似文献   

玻璃纤维窗纱在织造过程中,经纱起毛是经常产生疵点的原因,不仅影响布的强度和外观质量,而且得经常停车处理,从而影响布机的运转效率.根根我厂多年生产实践表明:用钢半综针排织造窗纱,经纱起毛的主要原因是设备对经纱的摩擦和捻度偏低.一、经纱摩擦起毛的原因分析:织机在运转过程中,经纱不断向胸梁移动闭合,随着生产的正常进行,一米长的纱段,要经受七百次左右的摩擦.在这样频繁的开口、闭合交叉运动中,经纱在受到反复  相似文献   

玻璃纤维厂在生产纺织纤维制品的过程中,由于操作及其它方面的原因造成各种疵点纱,约占总纱量20~30%左右。这些废纱包括在拉丝过程中出现的倒生头、回过头、再生头、散丝、毛丝、碰伤、明暗喇叭、波纹和小筒纱以及在退并和织造过程中出现的毛纱、松纱、油污纱和管脚纱等。如何处理好这些废玻璃纱,并使之变废为宝,是各个玻璃纤维厂所共同关心的问题。  相似文献   

电子级玻璃纤维布生产技术发展动向珠海玻璃纤维企业有限公司危良才电子级玻璃纤维布是指用于电子工业的玻璃纤维布的总称。它是电绝缘玻璃纤维布中的高档产品。根据美国于1988年4月颁布的IPC—EG—140标准,这种电子系列用玻璃纤维布共有33个规格,其最薄...  相似文献   

温湿度的变化对玻璃纤维原丝、纱、布的断裂强力有较大影响,就秦皇岛地区而言,每年6~8月,玻璃纤维原丝、纱、布的断裂强力比较低,出现不合格次数较多,9月份之后就会恢复到正常状态,形成一个较有规律性的周期,造成以上情况的主要原因是夏季温湿度较大,为了证明以上情况,我们做了以下试验和数据统计.玻璃布烘干前后的断裂强度的试验  相似文献   

分析了玻璃纤维无捻粗纱布纬纱位移形成的原因,介绍了不同后道工序与纬纱位移的关系,以及产品卷长、幅宽、织物组织对纬纱位移的影响,提出了预防和纠正纬纱位移的措施,从而解决了玻璃纤维无捻粗纱布纬纱位移这一生产难题,提升了玻璃纤维无捻粗纱布产品质量。  相似文献   

通过对GA747剑杆织机的引纬机构、边剪机构、送经机构、卷取机构进行研究与改造,使GA747剑杆织机不仅能织造玻璃纤维有捻薄布,还能织造玻纤无捻粗纱方格布。通过研究与改造,提高了GA747剑杆织机设备利用率,降低了生产成本,拓宽了可用玻璃纤维品种范围,实现了一机多品种织造工艺技术要求。  相似文献   

王玉萍 《合成纤维》2011,40(10):1-5
介绍了中国涤纶工业丝2001—2010年的产能增长情况、生产厂家及其产能和纺丝设备配置情况,详细叙述了涤纶工业丝在织带、安全带、土工材料、工业用布、经编布和机织布、安全气囊、输送带、胶管、特斯林、线绳上的发展情况,对中国涤纶工业丝下游需求作出了预测,并对涤纶工业丝的发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

Conclusions A technological process has been developed for the preparation of triacetate-polyamide pneumatically connected yarn on a machine for spinning triacetate yarn.Triacetate-polyamide pneumatically connected yarns have been processed into silk-like dress fabrics and tricotage cloth. The ease of yarn passage in textile processing, and also on warping and knitting equipment, is good. The development has been adopted for industrial development.Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 4, pp. 22–24, July–August, 1986.  相似文献   


The presence of filler in a matrix phase greatly alters and also complicates the diffusion process, making experimental data very difficult to handle analytically. In this study both diffusion and permeability data were obtained in unfilled cellulose acetate films and cellulose acetate films filled with cheese cloth. Cheese cloth being highly permeable, the permeabilities and diffusivities of gases in the filled films are greater than in unfilled films due to reduced effective film thickness for molecular diffusion. A mathematical model has been developed which considers molecular diffusion to occur in that part of the film having no filler, while diffusion through the low-resistance cheese cloth is approximated by convective flow controlled only by the pressure gradient across the thickness of the cheese cloth yarn. The mathematical model predicts permeability values somewhat lower than experiment at low flow rates, but agrees well with experimental permeabilities at higher rates. The poor agreement between theoretical and experimental diffusivities is attributed mainly to errors involving the measurement of time lags. Morphological studies of the composite surfaces and cheese cloth filaments show that the cellulose acetate did not penetrate into the cheese cloth yarn which essentially retains its porous structure in the composite.  相似文献   

We investigated the actual factor determining the softening effect of a fabric softener. The adsorption area of the softener on model cotton cloths and yarns was identified using bromophenol blue. There was almost no softener at the cross-points of the yarns in the cloth samples or in the inner part of the yarns. The softening performance was better when there was less softener at the cross-points of the yarns than when the yarns were evenly covered by the softener. Thus we conclude that the presence of softener at the cross-points of yarns is not a vital factor in the softening effect. In addition, more softener was found on the outer part of the yarn than the inner part, indicating gradation in the adsorption pattern of the softener. Thus, we propose that more softener is adsorbed on the exposed part of the yarn in a cloth, and the formation of a hydrogen-bonding network containing bound water is inhibited, thus softening the outer part of the yarn. However, the presence of a small amount of softener in the inner part of the yarn preserves the hydrogen-bonding network. Favorable elasticity, or bounce, of the yarns and cloth is realized when an appropriate amount of softener is used. Excess softener would reach the inner part of the yarn, reducing the diameter of the core part of the yarn, making the cloth appear wilted.  相似文献   

占海华 《合成纤维》1998,27(2):47-49
采用具有不同染色性能的PET和CDP切片,在SP23纺丝机和M—402拉伸机上,通过对纺丝、拉伸工艺的合理选择,可制得具有异染和异收缩特性的特种混纤网络丝.该丝加工成平纹织物,经阳离子染料染色后,布面具有独特风格.  相似文献   

亚麻/聚丙烯机织复合材料薄板的制备与研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文以聚丙烯长丝作为基体,亚麻纱线为增强体,二者按一定体积含量进行捻合,形成合股纱,采用机织的方法织造亚麻/聚丙烯共织平纹布.选取五层平纹布进行层合热压,制备出亚麻增强聚丙烯(PP)热塑性复合材料薄板.对其拉伸性能进行测试,并分析破坏机理.  相似文献   

PTFE/GF透波复合材料成型工艺与性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为制备高性能聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)基透波复合材料,对玻璃布(GF)增强PTFE的成型工艺进行了研究。通过差示扫描量热法确定了PTFE/GF复合材料的烧结温度,考察了烧结时间、冷却速率、压制压力及组分配比等因素对复合材料性能的影响。结果表明,当GF质量含量为40%、压制压力为45MPa时,PTFE/GF复合材料的拉伸强度最大,可达81.2MPa,介电性能也满足透波复合材料的要求。  相似文献   

In experiments with a thin bed of cloth, the maximum rate of uptake of dye by a wool yarn has been found to be limited by the concentration gradient of the dye across the yarn. A type of unlevelness observed in a conventional cross-wound package is attributed to the same concentration gradient.  相似文献   

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