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李月明 《陶瓷学报》1998,19(2):111-114
本文利用天然矿物原料,采用烧结法制备具有结晶花纹,透明度高的微晶玻璃大理石,探讨了玻璃的熔制,碎玻璃的烧结等工艺,指出了合理的配方组成和适宜的玻璃颗粒组成是制造微晶玻璃大理石的关键。  相似文献   

詹晨旭 《中国涂料》2006,21(7):48-49
随着建筑节能标准的出台,建筑物也要实施外墙外保温,但外挂贴件与保温层的膨胀系数相差较大,在季节变化过程中,大理石与保温层间的结合强度远不如大理石与混凝土基面间的结合强度;再则天然大理石的干挂铆固件属金属质,插入主体墙内形成了热量传导桥,影响保温效果。故而,在建筑物实施外墙外保温后,考虑到外挂件的安全性及保温性,天然大理石将逐步被取代。而富思特的专利产品理石漆是目前较好的选择,它的最大的应用领域在于替代建筑装饰的石材幕墙,既达到大理石的装饰效果,又大幅度降低工程成本。理石漆,亦称理石幕墙漆。顾名思义,是可以喷涂…  相似文献   

我厂于1985年向意大利麦仲尼公司订购一套大理石花纹皂的香皂生产设备。1986年上半年设备到厂安装,下半年进行试生产。现将大理石花纹皂的试制情况介绍如下。  相似文献   

添加5.8%质量分数粒径约为0.003mm的稀土材料进入人造大理石,研究了产品的净化和抗菌性能。结果表明制成的人造功能大理石对金黄色葡萄球菌的3h杀抑率可达到98.7%,对大肠杆菌的3h杀抑率可达到98.39%。指示菌浓度在103cfu/mL时,抑菌圈最清晰,直径最大。人造功能大理石对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌抑菌圈直径分别为15.5mm和15mm。该产品还能有效净化室内环境中VOC、NO、NH等室内污染物。  相似文献   

通体大理石瓷砖,是大瓷砖坯体与表面纹理颜色基本一致的大理石瓷砖的升级产品。天然石材的外表和内坯具有一致性,而传统大理石瓷砖在效果上很难达到这一点,从而,后期深度加工时遇到拉槽、倒角、圆弧等处理时就可以明显看到内部不同色彩的坯体,与瓷砖釉面效果形成巨大的反差,看起来很不协调,让人遗憾。而通体大理石瓷砖制作工艺及系统就是为了改进这一问题,要把坯体色彩与纹理做到接近表面效果,甚至一致,做到真正的表里如一。  相似文献   

金属表面涂装彩色花纹漆工艺,主要是由涂覆底漆、彩色花纹漆和罩光漆等工序构成的。其中彩色花纹漆是采用特殊的喷涂方法喷涂的,漆膜具有各种美丽的花纹图案,其色泽可达数十种。这种彩涂工艺已成功地用于制笔行业,所涂装的高级英雄“400”圆珠笔和英雄“200”金笔,外观光泽丰满,花纹别致,  相似文献   

何军高 《电镀与涂饰》2007,26(10):54-56
通过CIELAB色值测量方法测定了不同生产批次的丙烯酸氨基橘纹烤漆、不同施工黏度的氨基烤漆、以不同溶剂配制的醇酸橘纹烤漆和丙烯酸氨基橘纹烤漆以及不同花纹的丙烯酸氨基橘纹烤漆的颜色参数。分析了橘纹漆在涂装过程中,由于原材料、施工黏度、溶剂种类以及喷涂后橘纹花纹大小等各种不同因素而导致的色差。提出对原材料色差和喷涂作业参数实行量化管理是控制橘纹漆色差的有效方法。  相似文献   

天然大理石具有美丽的花纹,给人们以深沉、庄重、冷静、壮观的感觉。它既美观又耐用,是一种名贵的建筑装饰材料,广泛地用于宾馆、酒家、商场等建筑物的内外装饰及柜台、桌子、花瓶和各种陈设装饰物。然而由于自然界大理石资源有限,且它的开采利用率只有30%,再加上它的采掘、运输需  相似文献   

雷子 《陶瓷工程》2009,(7):60-62
记得于艾军2003年的诗歌笔记中的其中两句:“我渴望拥有古典大理石雕像的沉重 我总是因为轻盈而不能飞得更高”。  相似文献   

记得于艾军2003年的诗歌笔记中的其中两句:“我渴望拥有古典大理石雕像的沉重 我总是因为轻盈而不能飞得更高”。  相似文献   

选用不同类型的环氧树脂作为浸渍漆树脂,酸酐类环氧固化剂为固化剂,制备出无溶剂,高固体分及溶剂型快固化环氧绝缘浸渍漆,并对其影响因素进行了分析探讨。试验证明,对无溶剂绝缘漆选择分子量低的618树脂,高固体分浸渍漆可选用6101树脂,溶剂型浸渍漆中选用分子量大的607环氧树脂,性能优异。  相似文献   

以水溶性丙烯酸树脂为成膜物质,以水为助溶剂,以二甲醚(DME)为抛射剂,制备了一种水性气雾漆。通过单因素试验法,对树脂、分散剂、消泡剂、料气比等影响因素进行探讨。试验结果表明:当分散剂EFKA-4330用量为0.35%,消泡剂Nopco8034L用量为0.2%,m(漆料)∶m(二甲醚)=1∶1~1∶1.5,缓蚀剂ATC701用量在0.1%~0.3%时,水性气雾漆的性能可与溶剂型气雾漆相媲美,且不含有大量有机溶剂,VOC含量大幅度降低,满足人们的环保要求。  相似文献   

阴极电泳漆几项性能评价及测试方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对阴极电泳漆的干膜密度、溶剂含量、烘干减量的测试方法、影响因素进行了探讨。介绍了阴极电泳漆的几种性能测试方法。  相似文献   

外墙涂料耐候性的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从探讨外墙涂料粉化机理入手,简述了PLIOLITE树脂体系外墙涂料的性能及配方设计原则,对溶剂型外墙涂料的国标制订提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

Styrene/acrylic emulsion copolymer and water‐based short oil urethane alkyd resin were used as binders to prepare water‐based, environmentally friendly paints by using 0.5% emulsified methylamine adduct as corrosion inhibitor. The choice of the two above‐mentioned binders was based on the fact that styrene/acrylic emulsion copolymer is a nonconvertible binder, whereas short oil urethane alkyd resin is a convertible binder. The physical, chemical, mechanical, and corrosion properties of the paint films were evaluated and compared with a commercially known anticorrosive water‐based paint. It was found that the prepared paints have unique desirable properties such as the following: they do not contain anticorrosive pigments (which contain heavy metals in their main chemical structure); they are solvent‐free; and they can be produced to match any color. Corrosion tests on the films of the formulated paints revealed that the short oil urethane alkyd resin is superior to the styrene/acrylic copolymer. Moreover, the corrosion inhibition properties of the paint films prepared from both binders are comparable with the commercially available paints containing anticorrosive pigments. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 85: 879–885, 2002  相似文献   

An epoxy–cardanol resin was developed using epichlorohydrin, bisphenol-A and cardanol. On evaluation it was found that epoxy–cardanol resin exhibits better properties as compared to epoxy resin in terms of increase in tensile strength, elongation, bond with steel and lowering of water vapour transmission of the film. The improvement in these properties indicated that the paints based on modified resin would be more durable than the epoxy based paints. Accordingly, paints were formulated using the developed resin and their performance were compared with their counterparts made with unmodified epoxy resin. Zinc powder, zinc phosphate, micaceous iron oxide and synthetic iron oxide were used as pigments along with fillers, additives and an aromatic polyamine adduct hardener. For both types of paints similar doses of pigments and additives were used. Physico-mechanical properties, chemical resistance and corrosion protection efficiency of the formulated paints were determined. It was found that the anticorrosive properties of epoxy–cardanol resin based paints are superior to that of the paints formulated with the unmodified epoxy resin. Micaceous iron oxide based paints in epoxy–cardanol resin showed the best performance followed by zinc phosphate based paints. It is concluded that the developed resin is a better binder media for the formulation of paints.  相似文献   

醇酸树脂被广泛应用于油漆、涂料、粘合剂、船舶等领域,但醇酸树脂大多以有机溶剂为分散介质,对环境造成严重污染,因此醇酸树脂的水性化已迫在眉睫。基于此,本文综述了水性醇酸树脂的制备方法及其合成原理,并结合近几年水性醇酸树脂的发展及研究现状,总结了原料种类、油度、醇酸比、酸值等对水性醇酸树脂漆膜性能的影响,并对其原因进行了分析总结。最后,对水性醇酸树脂今后的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

王志敏 《中国涂料》2010,(10):59-61
主要探讨硝化纤维素与酯、醇、芳香烃类等混合溶剂制成的、涂装于飞机蒙布上的硝基涂布漆的抗张强度检测过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to formulate and evaluate high-build, soluble matrix antifouling paints showing reduced solvent retention in the film and sufficient bioactivity to protect structures submerged in sea water for long immersion periods.

The variables analyzed were binder composition, pigment content, toxicant type and thixotropic agent content.

Binder dissolution in sea water was achieved by employing WW rosin or calcium resinate; the control of the binder dissolution rate was achieved by using a vinyl resin as a cobinder. The paints were formulated with pigment volume concentrations of 40 and 45%; red cuprous oxide and triphenyl tin fluoride were used as the main toxicants. The rheological additive employed was hydrogenated castor oil at levels of 2.0 and 2.5 wt.% in the paint.

The bioactivity of the antifouling paints was determined in the natural environment (30 month immersion in sea water).  相似文献   

涂料用溶剂的组成与性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周润根 《电镀与涂饰》1999,18(1):33-36,56
简要介绍了涂料用溶剂的组成及作作。涂料用溶剂多为混合溶剂,由真溶剂、助剂和稀释剂组成,阐述了其选用原则,并通过分析不同性能的溶剂地漆膜性能的影响,提出了涂料用溶剂的配方原则。  相似文献   

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