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以Lightnin静态混合器(LSM)内水-空气气液两相体系为研究对象,在连续相水表观速度UL=0.071~0.127 m/s和离散相空气表观速度UG=0.007~0.042 m/s的条件下,研究内径100 mm的LSM内气液两相湍流流动阻力与气泡分散水动力学行为。使用分辨率为1920×1080的高速相机Revealer-2F04M采集混合器内不同轴向窗口的气泡群演化过程。结果表明:当UL<0.085 m/s和UG=0.025~0.042 m/s时,LSM内的流型为泡状流。随着气泡群流经混合元件数的增加,气泡群的Sauter平均直径d32逐渐减小。当液体表观速度UL≤0.085 m/s时,Sauter平均直径d32随气体表观速度的增加先减小后增大;UG =0.028 m/s时d32达到局部最小值,53%的气泡直径dB/D0在0.02~0.05范围内。Sauter平均直径、内径与无量纲停留时间τ之间的关系满足d32/D0=0.031τ-0.14We-0.41。平均气含率α的增大显著增加了单位体积内气泡数量密度,加剧气泡与元件表面碰撞频率,增大旋涡二次流强度,导致摩擦系数显著降低;采用Lockhart-Martinelli方法对实验数据回归,得到气液两相流压降预测常数C的关联式:C=5.26×105UG-0.91/Re0.74。  相似文献   

以Lightnin静态混合器(LSM)内水-空气气液两相体系为研究对象,在连续相水表观速度UL=0.071~0.127 m/s和离散相空气表观速度UG=0.007~0.042 m/s的条件下,研究内径100 mm的LSM内气液两相湍流流动阻力与气泡分散水动力学行为。使用分辨率为1920×1080的高速相机Revealer-2F04M采集混合器内不同轴向窗口的气泡群演化过程。结果表明:当UL<0.085 m/s和UG=0.025~0.042 m/s时,LSM内的流型为泡状流。随着气泡群流经混合元件数的增加,气泡群的Sauter平均直径d32逐渐减小。当液体表观速度UL≤0.085 m/s时,Sauter平均直径d32随气体表观速度的增加先减小后增大;UG =0.028 m/s时d32达到局部最小值,53%的气泡直径dB/D0在0.02~0.05范围内。Sauter平均直径、内径与无量纲停留时间τ之间的关系满足d32/D0=0.031τ-0.14We-0.41。平均气含率α的增大显著增加了单位体积内气泡数量密度,加剧气泡与元件表面碰撞频率,增大旋涡二次流强度,导致摩擦系数显著降低;采用Lockhart-Martinelli方法对实验数据回归,得到气液两相流压降预测常数C的关联式:C=5.26×105UG-0.91/Re0.74。  相似文献   

高温干燥对褐煤孔隙结构及水分复吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用卧式固定床实验炉制得不同温度下干燥处理的煤样,采用低温氮吸附法测试煤样的比表面积、孔体积和孔径分布等孔隙特征参数,使用复吸实验装置测定不同干燥程度褐煤煤样的平衡含水量,探索了高温干燥处理后褐煤孔隙结构的演变与其复吸特性之间的关联规律。结果表明:褐煤原煤及不同干燥温度(600~800℃)下半焦的等温吸附曲线均属于第Ⅱ类吸附等温线,褐煤原煤、600℃和700℃干燥半焦的吸附回线均属于L1型,800℃干燥半焦的吸附回线有从L1型转变为L2型的趋势;随着干燥温度的增加,干燥半焦的比表面积先增大后减小,介孔峰值的孔径微分同样先增大后减小,而大孔孔径微分基本保持不变;分形维数D1D2呈相反的变化趋势,且D2>D1;不同干燥程度半焦的复吸曲线变化趋势相同,且平衡含水量随着干燥温度的升高而减小;半焦复吸特性与孔隙结构有关,平衡含水率与其孔容积之间呈较好的线性关系。  相似文献   

低溶出速率和溶解度严重影响其生物利用度和药效, 是造成药物研发候选化合物不能成药的首要因素。近年的研究发现,当颗粒粒径减小到100~200nm,其溶出速率和溶解度会出现显著提升。本文研究了利用湿法纳米研磨技术制备铝碳酸镁药物纳米晶体的工艺。铝碳酸镁是治疗胃病的有效药物,其纳米颗粒悬浮液抗酸效果更好,起效速度更快。本文选择了六偏磷酸钠为分散剂,利用湿法研磨机,考察了分散剂用量、研磨转速、铝碳酸镁含量、研磨时间等参数对颗粒粒度分布的影响规律,获得了在最佳的工艺操作条件为研磨转速3000r/min、研磨时间105min、主药体积分数2%、分散剂为固含量质量分数的1.5%时,成功得到粒径D10(76.4nm)、D50(161nm)、D90(352nm)的铝碳酸镁纳米悬浮液。制酸力实验结果证明纳米铝碳酸镁悬浮液比微米级悬浮液在盐酸中的溶出速率快5倍以上。  相似文献   

空气助力改善气化炉激冷室喷嘴特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了4种不同结构的用于气化炉激冷室内喷雾激冷的压力雾化喷嘴,采用马尔文激光粒度分析仪和数码单反照相机分别测量了不同压差、不同水流量等工况参数下的液滴粒径(SMD)D32分布和雾化角变化规律,并对4种喷嘴进行了优化选型。研究结果表明:雾滴粒径随压力的增加而减小,随水流量的减小而减小,空气助力可以明显改善液滴的雾化质量;雾化角随压差的增大先增大后趋于平缓;当压差增大到0.4 MPa时,雾滴粒径、雾化角等参数的变化渐趋平缓。通过比较气化炉激冷室中4种压力式雾化喷嘴的测量结果,1-2号内混式空气雾化喷嘴在4组喷嘴中具有最好的雾化效果,当气压为0.8 MPa,水流量为20 L/h时,SMD极小值为16,因此优选出喷嘴1-2作为气化炉激冷室冷模实验的定型喷嘴。  相似文献   

液-固混合悬浊液的压力雾化(Ⅱ)实验与结果   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
陈明功  陆守香  刘暄亚  秦俊 《化工学报》2003,54(11):1535-1538
研究了混合液压力、固体质量分数、固体微粒直径、微粒密度对雾滴的体积-表面积直径(d32)的影响.在实验中采用三维激光相位多普勒LDV/APV测试系统测定了最大概率分布的雾滴直径(d32),使用高速摄像仪记录了雾化的过程.研究发现混合液的压力和固体微粒密度对雾滴直径(d32)的影响呈非单调性,雾滴直径(d32)随其增大先减小、再增加;而雾滴直径随固体微粒的直径、混合液固体质量分数的增加而增大.实验结果与数学模型能较好地吻合,可为工业性设计提供理论依据.  相似文献   

刘曙光  钟文琪  陈曦 《化工学报》2021,72(9):4553-4563
构建了X光层析成像(XCT)气固流动参数测量系统,基于锥形束滤波反投影算法(FDK)开发了CT三维重建软件,并设计了射流识别及量化算法。基于以上方法获得了不同流化风速下床料粒径dp、布风板孔口直径d0和布风板孔口均分面积A0对射流形态结构和几何特征的影响规律。结果表明平均射流长度L、最大直径D和体积V与床料粒径dp成反比,与孔口直径d0和孔口均分面积A0成正比,最终拟合了流化床平均射流长度关联式。  相似文献   

基于可降解塑料的降解性能测试周期长、影响因素多导致其不确定度评定的过程较为复杂的原因,对受控堆肥条件下材料最终需氧生物分解百分率(Dt)开展了不确定度评定,并根据各不确定度分量的合成方法,对其进行归一化及可视化处理,得到Dt的主要不确定度分量为f试验组重复性f空白组重复性、碳原子摩尔质量(MC)位数修约、fTC重复性和mTC。通过对试验进行优化后的结果表明,使Dt的不确定度分量集中在f试验组重复性f空白组重复性fTC重复性3项A类标准不确定度上,其他的不确定度分量由于占比较小,均可忽略;简化后Dt的标准不确定度,只需要通过3项A类标准不确定度评定就能快速计算得到,省去了需要根据试验周期计算每天试验所产生的不确定度分量;简化计算得到的结果包含了90 %以上的经完整计算得到ucDt),为可降解塑料降解性能测试的不确定度评定提供了思路及范例。  相似文献   

雾化喷嘴是半干式喷动床的关键部件之一,其雾化性能直接影响脱硫效率。为了得到喷嘴雾化的详细信息,用激光粒度测试仪对空心锥压力旋流式喷嘴和实心锥压力旋流式喷嘴雾化性能进行了实验研究,得出不同类型、不同孔径的喷嘴的流量,索太尔直径DSM,雾滴粒径分布DSP等与压力的关系。实验表明:流量与压力平方根成正比关系;DSM与压力为e函数的单调减函数关系;实心锥喷嘴出口直径越大,雾滴粒径平均分布(■)越小,粒径分布范围越窄,雾化性能越好,空心锥喷嘴则变化不明显;压力增大,实心锥喷嘴的DSP变大,雾滴粒径在压力低时分布比较均匀。  相似文献   

雾化喷嘴系甲醇制丙烯(MTP)反应器内的关键反应物料分配构件,其雾化性能的优劣直接影响着对应催化床层覆盖区域内的传质和传热,从而影响到床层出口反应产物的分布。以反应器六级床层对应的雾化喷嘴为研究对象,分别以氮气(N2)和水(H2O)作为气相和液相模拟介质,通过“冷模”实验,考察了喷嘴气(液)流量与入口压力之间的关系,研究了喷嘴在不同气液比(G/L)下雾化粒径、雾化角度及雾化覆盖直径的变化规律。实验结果表明,喷嘴液相质量流量随着入口压力增大而逐渐增加,气相质量流量随着入口压力增加而迅速增加;当保持液相进料量为43.54 kg/h时,喷嘴由一次雾化变为二次雾化后,雾化角度由96.1°降至15.6°;当气液质量比G/L达到12.19时,雾化覆盖直径达到720mm,且雾滴的索泰尔平均粒径为16.3μm。  相似文献   

邓伟鹏  张小辉  冯立斌  王华 《化工进展》2018,37(6):2166-2174
以生物柴油替代柴油进行浸没喷吹熔池熔炼是发展低碳铜冶炼的重要途径。针对该过程建立生物柴油浸没喷吹雾化流动过程计算模型,本文模拟计算了喷枪在水模型中浸没深度为20mm时不同油气比条件下生物柴油雾化颗粒的雾化特性,并实验验证了计算模型。研究结果表明:油滴颗粒的贯穿距随着空气流速的增加而增大;在气泡内油滴颗粒以一定的雾化半角向前扩散;当油滴颗粒到达气泡底部时,油滴颗粒以气泡底部平面为中心向整个空间扩散;气泡内距离喷枪轴向越远的观察面内大颗粒数目越多;油滴颗粒的索特平均直径(SMD)沿喷枪轴向先增大后减小;气泡内距喷枪口越远油滴颗粒SMD越大,进入水区域的油滴颗粒SMD逐渐减小;雾化空气流速越大,油滴颗粒SMD最大值的位置距喷口越远。  相似文献   

Emulsions composed of sub-micrometer size droplets were obtained by a high-pressure wet-type jet mill. Liquid paraffin as dispersed phase, aqueous sucrose solution as continuous phase, and anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate as emulsifying agent were used as the model emulsification system. Droplet size distribution, Sauter mean diameter (d32), geometric standard deviation of the droplet size distribution (σg), and emulsion viscosity (ηe) were investigated under the various combinations of process variables: dispersed phase volume fraction (Φ), dispersed phase viscosity (ηd), continuous phase viscosity (ηc), processing pressure, and number of passages through the wet-type jet mil. d32 and σg were correlated with the process variables. For the entire experimental range, maximum droplet diameter was varied with d32 in the range of 1.7-1.9-fold, and a correlation was proposed with K (=ηdc) as a variable. Above a marginal value of d32, at Φ ≥ 0.1, emulsions exhibited Newtonian behavior and could be described well by the Yaron and Gal-Or model. Below the marginal values, emulsions strongly depended on d32 and exhibited a shear-thinning behavior. The relation between ηe and d32 for such emulsions was modeled by use of particle Reynolds number.  相似文献   

引言 在燃烧过程中,喷油器的功能是使燃料和氧化剂充分雾化和混合,以产生高效、稳定的燃烧.喷嘴的雾化燃烧特性关系到整个燃烧装置的性能及其工作稳定性[1].旋流式气液同轴喷油器拥有优良的雾化和混合特性,能够满足大范围负荷调节下的雾化质量要求,是增压锅炉喷油器的最佳选择[2].  相似文献   

A novel motionless mixer named the Ramond Supermixer® (RSM®) was employed to produce O/W emulsions composed of micrometer and submicrometer-size droplets. Liquid paraffin as dispersed phase, aqueous sucrose solution as continuous phase, and anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate as emulsifying agent were used as the model emulsification system. Pressure drop, droplet size distribution, Sauter mean diameter (d32), and geometric standard deviation of the droplet size distribution (σg) were investigated under the various combinations of process variables; superficial liquid velocity, number of mixing units, number of passages through RSM®, dispersed phase viscosity (ηd), continuous phase viscosity (ηc), and dispersed phase volume fraction. Different modes of droplet size variations with process variables were obtained, with respect to micrometer- and submicrometer-size ranges, and theoretical explanations are forwarded. For the micrometer-size range, maximum droplet diameter (dmax) was proportional to d32. For the submicrometer-size range, dmax varied with d32 in the range of 1.53-2.19-fold, and a correlation is proposed with K (=ηdc); d32 and σg were well correlated with the process variables. Furthermore, a semi-empirical mechanistic model was developed for the formation of droplets obtained under inertial sub-range to interpret the effect of process variables.  相似文献   

Drop size distribution(DSD) or mean droplet size(d32) and liquid holdup are two key parameters in a liquid–liquid extraction process. Understanding and accurately predicting those parameters are of great importance in the optimal design of extraction columns as well as mixer–settlers. In this paper, the method of built-in endoscopic probe combined with pulse laser was adopted to measure the droplet size in liquid–liquid dispersions with a pump-impeller in a rectangular mixer. The dispersion law of droplets with holdup range 1% to 24% in batch process and larger flow ratio range 1/5 to 5/1 in continuous process was studied. Under the batch operation condition, the DSD abided by log-normal distribution. With the increase of impeller speed or decrease of dispersed phase holdup, the d32 decreased. In addition, a prediction model of d32 of kerosene/deionized system was established as d_(32)/D = 0.13(1 + 5.9φ)We~(-0.6). Under the continuous operation condition, the general model for droplet size prediction of kerosene/water system was presented as d_(32)/D = C_3(1 + C_4φ)We~(-0.6). For the surfactant system and extraction system, the prediction models met a general model as d_(32)/D = bφ~nWe~(-0.6).  相似文献   

提出一种新型同轴四通道喷嘴——由内到外采用气-液-气-液设置,最外环液体可以将合成气和氧气隔离,大幅降低喷嘴出口温度,可望延长气化炉中喷嘴使用寿命。为研究喷嘴雾化效果的影响因素,以水和空气为介质,利用马尔文激光粒度分析仪对同轴四通道喷嘴的气流式雾化液滴索特平均直径进行实验研究。发现对雾化效果影响程度从大到小依次为通道三、通道四、通道二和通道一;增大通道二、四液量分配比可以降低雾化粒径;增大外环液膜厚度会增大雾化粒径;通道一、三气量分配比对雾化颗粒的影响是非单调性的,雾化粒径先增大后减小。基于实验结果进行数值分析,拟合获得了同轴四通道喷嘴雾化液滴粒径关系式。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to investigate the spray behaviors of biodiesel and dimethyl ether (DME) fuels using image processing and atomization performance analysis of the two fuel sprays injected through a common-rail injection system under various ambient pressure conditions in a high pressure chamber. In order to observe the biodiesel and DME fuel spray behaviors under various ambient pressures, the spray images were analyzed at various times after the start of energization using a visualization system consisting of a high speed camera and two metal halide light sources. In addition, a high pressure chamber that can withstand a pressure of 4 MPa was used for adjusting the ambient pressure. From the spray images, spray characteristics such as the spray tip penetration, cone angle, area, and contour plot at various light intensity levels were analyzed using image conversion processing. Also, the local Sauter mean diameters (SMD) were measured at various axial/radial distances from the nozzle tip by a droplet measuring system to compare the atomization performances of the biodiesel and DME sprays.The results showed that the ambient pressure had a significant effect on the spray characteristics of the fuels at the various experimental conditions. The spray tip penetration and spray area decreased as the ambient pressure increased. The contour plot of the biodiesel and DME sprays showed a high light intensity level in the center regions of the sprays. In addition, it was revealed that the atomization performance of the biodiesel spray was inferior to that of the DME spray at the same injection and ambient conditions.  相似文献   

Biodiesel, which is a renewable and environmentally friendly fuel, has been studied widely to help remedy increasing environmental problems. One of the key processes of biodiesel production is oil extraction from oilseed materials. Switchable solvents can reversibly change from molecular to ionic solvents under atmospheric CO_2,and can be used for oil extraction. N, N-dimethylcyclohexylamine(DMCHA), a switchable solvent, was used to extract oil from Jatropha curcas L. oil seeds to produce biodiesel. The appropriate extraction conditions were:1:2 ratio of seed mass to DMCHA volume, 0.3–1 mm particle size, 200 r·min-1agitation speed, 60 min extraction time, and 30 °C extraction temperature. The extraction ratio was about 83%. This solvent extracted the oil more efficiently than hexane, and is much less volatile. By bubbling CO_2 under 1 atm and 25 °C for 5 h, the oil was separated, and DMCHA was recovered after releasing CO_2 by bubbling N_2 under 1 atm and 60 °C for 2 h. The residual solvent content in oil was about 1.7%. Selectivity of DMCHA was evaluated by detecting the protein and sugar content in oil. Using the oil with residual solvent to conduct transesterification process, the oil conversion ratio was approximately 99.5%.  相似文献   

张承全  高军  吕立鹏  贺廉洁 《化工学报》2019,70(11):4181-4190
通过直径为3、4 mm不同长度的圆柱颗粒填充床的阻力特性实验,研究了颗粒密度对填充床孔隙率的影响,结合文献孔隙率数据修正了孔隙率模型使其在高球形度时预测更准,分析了等效直径的计算方法对Ergun常数的影响,得到圆柱颗粒填充床的阻力特性并与Nemec和Wu的阻力预测模型进行对比,提出新的拟合方法对Ergun常数进行拟合。结果表明:颗粒密度在1156~7947 kg/m3范围内对填充床的孔隙率没有影响;结合文献数据得到圆柱颗粒填充床的孔隙率修正模型;文献中预测不同L/D的圆柱颗粒堆积床的阻力时结果相差较大,Nemec模型要比Wu模型预测准确度高,但也不适用所有L/D下的阻力预测;结合圆柱颗粒填充床孔隙率提出新的拟合方法,拟合Ergun常数时,采用dep作为等效直径的拟合优度最高;提出新的Ergun常数表达式,适用于圆柱直径3~4 mm,L/D=1~10的圆柱颗粒,相比于Nemec模型其R2更高,适用范围更明确,因此实用性更强。  相似文献   

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