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为了探索Mg O-C砖在电磁搅拌、电弧炉和感应炉等电磁场环境下使用时的抗渣侵蚀性,采用w(C)分别为6%、14%的Mg O-C砖和m(Ca O)/m(Si O2)=3.5的炉渣在中频感应炉中进行抗熔渣侵蚀试验,并对渣蚀后试样进行了XRD和SEM、EDAX分析。结果表明:在电磁场环境下,w(C)=6%的镁碳砖渣蚀后低熔点相为镁黄长石,w(C)=14%的镁碳砖渣蚀后低熔点相为黄长石。镁碳砖渣蚀过程中,w(C)=6%的镁碳砖中镁砂未完全形成镁铁(锰)固溶体或镁铁尖晶石即剥落于熔渣中;而w(C)=14%的镁碳砖中镁砂形成镁铁(锰)固溶体或镁铁尖晶石后剥落于熔渣中;在渣蚀后镁碳砖过渡层中,电磁场促进了Al2O3、Mn O、Fe O、Fe2O3的渗透,生成镁铁(锰)固溶体、镁铁尖晶石、镁铝尖晶石或金属单质,w(C)=14%的镁碳砖渗透较弱,生成的固溶体或尖晶石较少,易剥落于熔渣中。  相似文献   

电磁场对MgO-C耐火材料抗熔渣侵蚀性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用碳含量为14%(质量分数)的MgO-C砖和CaO与SiO2的质量比为0.8的转炉渣,分别在中频感应炉和电阻炉中进行抗渣侵蚀实验.结果表明:感应炉环境中存在的电磁场使抗渣试样中出现明显的渗透层,MgO与渣中氧化铁形成的固溶体在温度降低时以镁铁尖晶石相存在,而低熔相主要为钙镁橄榄石和镁橄榄石.在无电磁场存在的电阻炉中,...  相似文献   

为了研究电磁场作用下熔钢和熔渣对镁铝尖晶石质耐火材料的侵蚀和渗透行为,采用MgO和Al_2O_3含量(w)分别为84.40%和12.77%的镁铝砖,配制碱度为4的碱性渣,选用GCr15Si Mo钢,利用具有电磁场、真空、惰性气氛等多因素的抗渣炉,在1 600℃下进行侵蚀试验,测量试验后试样的侵蚀和渗透深度,并利用SEM、EDS、XRD对试验后试样进行表征。结果表明:电磁场作用下,熔渣和熔钢在1 600℃侵蚀1 h后,对镁铝尖晶石质耐火材料的侵蚀和渗透并不明显。因此,可以选择镁铝尖晶石质耐火材料来抵抗电磁场下熔渣和熔钢的侵蚀。  相似文献   

以方镁石-尖晶石微孔陶瓷、电熔镁砂为骨料,以电熔镁砂细粉、鳞片石墨、金属铝粉为基质材料,以酚醛树脂为结合剂制备了含微孔陶瓷骨料的镁尖晶石碳试样.采用感应炉浸渍法对试样进行了抗渣试验,并对渣蚀后的试样进行了SEM和EDAX分析.结果发现:熔渣和熔钢冲刷是损毁的主要原因,熔损并不显著.显微结构分析表明,在侵蚀层和原质层之间可以发现MgO致密层的形成,MgO致密层的形成可抑制渣对试样进一步的侵蚀和渗透.渣对MSO颗粒的侵蚀主要是FeO和MnO等在方镁石中的固溶,导致MgO颗粒出现结构剥落;方镁石-尖晶石微孔陶瓷骨料的蚀损主要是尖晶石被渣中的CaO和SiO2所侵蚀,而渣对微孔骨料渗透并不严重.  相似文献   

为了实现水煤浆气化炉炉衬材料的无铬化,研究开发合适的耐火材料代替水煤浆气化炉用高铬砖,以尖晶石骨料及细粉、α-Al_2O_3微粉和轻烧Mg O微粉为原料,于1 600℃保温5 h烧成,制备了φ50 mm×40 mm、内孔为φ25 mm×25 mm的镁铝尖晶石质坩埚试样。采用静态坩埚法,借助XRD、SEM+EDS研究了高温煤熔渣对试样的侵蚀行为。结果表明:1)侵蚀后的镁铝尖晶石材料结构疏松,出现较明显的裂纹,煤熔渣完全渗入试样内部。2)经煤熔渣侵蚀后的镁铝尖晶石材料,物相组成发生变化,除原有的镁铝尖晶石外,还有新物相镁铁铝复合尖晶石相存在。3)煤熔渣对镁铝尖晶石材料的侵蚀机制是物理渗透为主,化学熔蚀为辅。  相似文献   

采用真空感应炉抗渣法,研究了半再结合镁铬耐火材料在碱度分别为0.6、1.1、1.5和1.8的CaO-SiO2渣与Al2O3含量为37.98%的CaO-Al2O3渣中的抗侵蚀性,试验条件是真空度5kPa、1650℃保温25min。对侵蚀后的试样进行观察与测量,并用SEM与EDAX分析了试样的断面形貌和化学组成变化。结果发现:在CaO-SiO2渣中,随着炉渣碱度的升高,镁铬试样中的尖晶石更易于受到熔渣的侵蚀,并且尖晶石中的Cr2O3、Fe2O3被CO与钢水中的C还原为金属态的铬铁合金,试样的直接结合被破坏,侵蚀量变大。在CaO-Al2O3渣中,镁铬试样在边界层生成致密的MA尖晶石,抑制了熔渣的进一步侵蚀和Cr2O3、Fe2O3的还原,显示出较好的抗侵蚀性。  相似文献   

采用静态坩埚法研究了添加3种不同性质尖晶石的刚玉-尖晶石不烧砖的抗渣性能,并通过XRD、SEM和EDAX分析了尖晶石的晶粒尺寸、晶格畸变对试样抗渣性的影响.结果表明:(1.尖晶石的晶粒尺寸影响试样的抗侵蚀能力,晶粒尺寸越大,试样抗侵蚀能力越强;(2.晶格畸变较大时,尖晶石在渣/耐火材料界面处吸收熔渣中Fe、Mn离子能力更强;(3)尖晶石的晶格畸变影响试样的抗渗透性能,当晶格畸变较大时,可吸收渣中更多的阳离子,改变渗透渣的成分,使渣富硅化,黏度增大,阻碍了熔渣进一步渗透.  相似文献   

利用感应熔炼炉研究了低碱度钢包精炼渣对钢包渣线部位常用的3种MgO基耐火材料(镁碳、镁碳化硅、镁尖晶石)的侵蚀,同时利用黏度试验研究了耐火材料的基质组分与熔渣混合后形成新渣相的黏度变化。研究结果表明:1)低碱度炉渣在与MgO基耐火材料中的MgO接触过程中会形成低熔点物相钙镁橄榄石(CMS),与镁铝尖晶石接触会促进钙铝黄长石(C2AS)的生成而使渣黏度增加,处于熔渣区域的SiC被氧化成SiO2而提高渣的黏度。2)熔渣对耐火材料的侵蚀程度取决于熔渣和耐火材料之间的润湿情况,熔渣黏度的增加只是在一定程度上缓解了熔渣对耐火材料的侵蚀,反应层的耐火材料在钢水和熔渣的冲刷下仍会流失到熔渣中去。  相似文献   

选取冶炼取向硅钢和铝镇静钢的精炼终渣及钢包用铝镁铬砖,采用静态坩埚法于1600 ℃×3 h下进行熔渣侵蚀试验,对渣蚀后试样作显微结构分析,并测定熔渣的化学成分和熔化温度.结果显示,随着熔渣中Al2O3含量的升高和碱度的增加,熔渣的熔点升高,粘度增加.粘度较大的熔渣与耐火材料接触后扩散较慢,对耐火材料的侵蚀和渗透减弱.并且当熔渣与耐火材料的反应产物为高熔点的CA2、CA6和MA尖晶石相且连续交错分布时,能堵塞液相扩散通道,抑制熔渣向耐火材料内部的进一步渗透.  相似文献   

浇注料的抗渣侵蚀性能与钢渣的碱度密切相关。以烧结刚玉、缺陷尖晶石微粉、活性α-Al2O3微粉、电熔镁砂细粉和铝酸钙水泥(Secar71)为主要原料,制备了刚玉-尖晶石浇注料,采用静态坩埚法于1 600℃保温3 h进行抗渣试验,并用热力学模拟计算了液相量和液相组成,研究了刚玉-尖晶石浇注料对3种不同碱度渣(1.6、2.3和7.6)的抗渣侵蚀性能。结果表明:刚玉-尖晶石浇注料在高碱度渣中溶解能力有限,在熔渣-耐火材料界面极易形成尖晶石固溶体和六铝酸钙等高熔点物相,形成致密层阻挡熔渣渗透和侵蚀。而其在低碱度渣中溶解度较高,在浇注料-熔渣达到较高反应程度时,才开始形成尖晶石固溶体和六铝酸钙等高温相,无法形成有效的致密层阻止熔渣对浇注料的侵蚀和渗透。因此,刚玉-尖晶石浇注料对高碱度渣抗渣侵蚀能力较强,对低碱度渣抗渣侵蚀能力较弱。  相似文献   

Using MgO–C refractories containing 6% carbon and the slag with a basicity (CaO/SiO2) of around 0.8, the melting slag resistance experiments of low carbon MgO–C refractories were carried out in induction furnace and resistance furnace, respectively. The microstructure of low carbon MgO–C refractories corroded by slag under the different conditions was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDAX). The results show that in induction furnace having electromagnetic field (EMF), there are MgFe2O4 spinel with a little of Mn ions generated in the interfacial layer. Part of the solid solution is monticellite [CaMgSiO4] containing a little MnO and FeO. While under the condition of EMF free, there is not MgFe2O4 spinel in the interfacial layer and the solid solution is monticellite (CaMgSiO4). At a high temperature, EMF increases the diffusion coefficient of Fe2+/3+ ions, which displaces Mg2+ and forms MgFe2O4 with a little of Mn ions. There are MgAl2O4 spinel in the penetration layers under the conditions of both EMF and EMF free. EMF speeds up corrosion of low carbon MgO–C refractories.  相似文献   

富铝尖晶石对镁质耐火材料抗侵蚀性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了富铝尖晶石对镁质耐火材料抗钢渣与抗钙处理钢侵蚀性的影响。结果表明 :随着富铝尖晶石加入量的增加 ,镁质耐火材料的抗钙处理钢和钢渣熔蚀性逐渐减弱 ,而抗钢渣渗透性逐渐增强 ;纯镁质和镁尖晶石质耐火材料在抗钢渣与抗钙处理钢侵蚀方面远远优于铝锆碳质材料  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2022,48(13):18180-18189
In order to analyze the sintering densification and copper smelting slag corrosion resistance of periclase-spinel refractories, the periclase-spinel refractories were prepared with fused magnesia, magnesia-rich spinel, industrial alumina, and yttrium oxide as the main raw materials. The different particle sizes of spinel in material and with or without Y2O3 additive were studied. The study demonstrated that: (1) The different particle sizes of spinel in periclase-spinel refractories can result in different effects. Adding particle spinel to the refractory can improve the strength and corrosion resistance of the periclase-spinel refractories. The addition of spinel and magnesia powders in the matrix resulted in cracks due to the great difference of coefficient of thermal expansion between magnesia and spinel. The reduction in bulk density and strength of the material decreased slag penetration resistance because of its poor sintering properties. While adding the alumina in the matrix can further fill the crack and prevent slag penetration by the volume expansion of in-situ reaction to form spinel. (2) The periclase-spinel refractories can be reacted with Cu slag to form a Mg2FeO4 insulating layer as the iron ion becomes oxidized. Adding Y2O3 in periclase-spinel refractories can result in grain boundary phase reconstruction, which can promote sintering densification, improve the slag physical infiltration resistance, and improve the chemical corrosion resistance of materials.  相似文献   

为提高MgO-C耐火材料的寿命,以电熔镁砂(5~3、3~1、≤1、≤0.074 mm)、鳞片石墨(≤0.15 mm)、Si粉(≤0.044 mm)、Al粉(≤0.044 mm)、六铝酸钙(≤0.044 mm)为原料,以热固性酚醛树脂为结合剂,以150 MPa压力机压成型制备了MgO-C砖试样.试样经过1200、1400...  相似文献   

Alumina magnesia in situ spinel castables are used as ladle refractory lining in the steel industry. In contact with slag, they suffer degradations which limits their performance. The purpose of this article is to predict the thermochemical attack of a slag on alumina magnesia refractory using Factsage® thermodynamic modeling. To evaluate the reliability of the thermodynamic results, a validation step was carried out, which supported that the database was well adapted to the alumina magnesia spinel system. The corrosion phenomenon was then computed for a simple to a complete system to understand the mechanism and the influence of specific oxides. The model was also compared to corroded microstructures from a steel ladle to evaluate the contribution of each constituent in the castable. The aggregates of alumina react with slag to produce monomineral layers of lime aluminates (CA6 and CA2), while complex spinels (Mg, Fe, Mn)O (Fe2, Al2)O3 are formed from the reaction of the slag with the matrix of the castable. Several oxides (MnO, FeO, Fe2O3) from the slag contribute to the formation of the spinel structures. The microstructures of refractories used in steel ladles confirm the main conclusions and the thermodynamic approach.  相似文献   

Calcium magnesium aluminate,with the commercial name of MagArmour,is a synthetic material consisting of 70 mass%Al2O3,20 mass%MgO and 10 mass%CaO,approximately.It is characterized by porous microstructure,intergranular aluminates phases and micro-crystalline spinel.Since globally launched in 2017,MagArmour has been successfully applied to various carbon-containing refractories serving for steel refining process.Lots of cases have demonstrated the role of MagArmour in enhancing the service life of carbon containing bricks for ladle lining.The benefits embody in formation of protective coating on hot surface,relief of drilling corrosion in joint positions,and elimination of grooves or cracks caused by mechanical stress concentration.In addition,MagArmour is effective in protecting graphite from deep oxidization so as to be capable of replacing the metallic or carbide anti-oxidants in carbon-containing bricks entirely.By means of chemical analysis and microstructural dissection,postmortem investigations on the used MgO-C bricks from both metal and slag zones of 120t steel refining ladle were conducted to clarify the working mechanism of MagArmour.The formation of protective coating on hot face is attributed to the dissolution of micro-crystalline spinel into contacting slag,which changes the slag chemistry so as to enhance viscosity.The improvement in corrosion/erosion resistance is highly related to the porous microstructure and dispersive aluminates.As well known,evaporation of Mg,Al and SiO,and/or internal migration,occurs in MgO-C bricks at elevated temperatures.The gaseous phases are absorbed by MagArmour particles due to the high surface area of porous microstructure and condense as corresponding oxides.These oxides react with the intergranular calcium aluminates forming liquid phase.With increasing temperature,the liquid phase seeps into the matrix under capillary force.The increased liquid amount improves the flexibility of the matrix and thus releases the internal stresses concentration resulting from mechanical stress and temperature gradient.Meanwhile,densification of the matrix microstructure occurs under the static pressure generated by liquid steel and molten slag,which blocks the channels of oxygen infiltration.  相似文献   

为取代RH炉用镁铬材料,以电熔镁砂为主原料,分别加入单斜锆、脱硅锆、单斜锆与脱硅锆的混合粉、锆英石制备了ZrO2质量分数分别为15%和20%的镁锆砖,并利用静态坩埚法对比研究了镁锆砖和镁铬砖的抗RH炉渣侵蚀性。结果表明:对于Al2O3含量高且碱度(CaO/SiO2比)大的RH炉渣,镁锆砖抗侵蚀性能优于镁铬砖的;镁锆砖的侵蚀机理是砖中的ZrO2与渣中的CaO迅速反应,形成高熔点物相CaZrO3,能堵塞砖中的孔隙而形成致密保护层,从而阻止钢渣对镁锆砖的进一步侵蚀;而镁铬砖的侵蚀机理是渣中的Al2O3、Fe2O3等R3 和镁铬尖晶石中Cr3 交换,渣与砖反应生成的镁铝尖晶石和镁铁尖晶石使得材料变性,同时由于体积效应使镁铬材料鼓胀开裂,从而导致镁铬砖的严重侵蚀。  相似文献   

Six kinds of Cr2O3 Al2O3 fused grains ( the mass percent of Cr2O3 was 15% ,40% ,50% ,60% ,85% and 99% ,respectively) were prepared using chrome green and Al2O3 powder as starting materials by electrofusion,named as CR15,CR40,CR50,CR60,CR85, and CR99,respectively. The corrosion resistance of the six kinds of Cr2O3 Al2O3 fused grains ( 4 1 mm) was studied using rotary slag corrosion method. The results show that: ( 1) the corrosion resistance of the fused grains increases with the Cr2O3 content and the grain size increasing; ( 2) the grains of CR99 and CR85 with higher Cr2O3 content are corroded at the slag surface layer,because FeO and Al2O3 in the slag corrode the grains; FeO reacts with Cr2O3 in the aggregates forming ( Fe,Cr) 3O4 spinel firstly,and the spinel reacts with other phases forming composite spinel; when FeO is fully consumed,Al2O3 penetrated into the grains reacts with Cr2O3 forming Al2O3 Cr2O3 solid solution on the grains surface; ( 3) for CR60,the corrosion exists both in the slag surface layer and in the penetration layer; in the penetration layer,CaO and SiO2 react with Al2O3 in Al2O3 Cr2O3 solid solution forming anorthite, gehlenite, and glass phase; the grains of CR50,CR40 and CR15 have the same corrosion mechanism with CR60 in the penetration layer.  相似文献   

Ladle refining is an efficient process for improvement of quality of steel on secondary metallurgy under harsh conditions. Magnesia refractories with high purity are important raw materials for ladle lining in high-quality steel production. However, the penetration by CaO–MgO–SiO2 slags damages magnesia refractories, which considerably limits their service life. Abundant grain boundaries in magnesia create channels for slag penetration and lead to the destruction of the structure. The effect of the microstructure on the slag corrosion behavior of magnesia aggregates requires further systematic investigation. In this study, a corrosion model was established to describe the slag penetration process of magnesia aggregates. The effects of the grain-boundary size and slag CaO/SiO2 mass ratio (C/S ratio) on slag penetration were investigated, and the possibility of the microstructure optimization of magnesia aggregates was discussed. The results indicated that magnesia aggregates exhibited excellent slag resistance for slag with a C/S ratio above 1.5 or even 2.0. When the slag C/S ratio was lower than 1.5, the dissolution rate of magnesia decreased more rapidly with the increase in the slag C/S ratio. In addition, the much smaller grain-boundary size increased the slag penetration resistance by promoting the formation of a dense isolation layer and inhibiting further penetration processes. The calculation results agreed well with the experimental results, suggesting that the corrosion model is promising for predicting slag corrosion.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2022,48(24):36629-36637
The adhesion of Na2CO3 slag to the surface of refractories in an alkali recovery furnace can cause corrosion and spall. Magnesia refractories can be used as linings in alkali recovery furnaces owing to their strong corrosion resistance to alkali slag. However, the permeability resistance of magnesia refractories is relatively poor. Hence, the interface and corrosion behaviours of slag cladding on magnesia refractories were studied using sessile drop and static crucible tests. The experimental results showed that an increase in the heating rate positively affected the cladding of the molten column on the refractory surface. The microstructure, element changes, and chemical composition changes of the corroded refractories were analysed using SEM-EDS and XRD. Thermodynamic simulation of the reaction between the slag and refractory was performed using Factsage 7.3. The results indicate that the generated forsterite filled the pores of the magnesia refractories. The microstructure of dense slag-refractory interface layer was formed, which prevented the infiltration of slag phases and alleviated the corrosion of refractories by the slag.  相似文献   

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