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高伟  杜佳 《河北化工》2015,(3):57-58,61
通过对邢台矿选煤厂重介A系统预先脱泥改造前后关键脱介和介质回收设备工艺效果进行分析,预先脱泥改造后重介系统煤泥含量大大降低,脱介和介质回收效果得到明显改善,介质消耗得到有效降低。  相似文献   

神东洗选中心煤制油选煤厂因煤泥量大,系统处理能力不足,无法满足实际生产需要;通过改造原煤脱泥筛,将原有的湿法1.5 mm全脱泥改造为前段13 mm干法预先分级,后段1.5 mm湿法脱泥两段筛分的方式;改造后减少了小于13 mm粒级入洗量,从而减少了全系统的煤泥量,解决了生产瓶颈问题。  相似文献   

采用Ф25 mm小锥角水力旋流器对煤泥进行预先脱泥,通过顺序评价试验对旋流器脱泥前后煤泥进行可浮性评定。结果表明:煤泥脱泥前,当精煤灰分定为12%时,精煤产率为13.68%,可燃体回收率为17.94%,可浮性为极难选;经过Ф25 mm水力旋流器脱泥后,底流合格精煤产率为36.47%,可燃体回收率为42.44%,可浮性为难选。顺序评价试验结果表明,各产品灰分均减小,说明旋流器预先脱泥对后续浮选有效,煤泥可浮性得到有效改善。  相似文献   

2006年11月30日,“预先脱泥无压给料重介质旋流高效分选新工艺”通过了由中国煤炭工业协会组织的技术鉴定。“预先脱泥无压给料重介质旋流高效分选新工艺”是由北京华宇工程有限公司和西曲矿选煤厂共同完成的。该项目是针对不脱泥无压重介质旋流器分选中大量煤泥进入介质系统,致使生产过程中介耗高,[第一段]  相似文献   

分析了不脱泥重介质分选以及跳汰粗选、重介质精选工艺的优缺点;根据响水矿煤质特点,提出了预先脱泥无压入料重介质旋流器+TBS干扰床粗煤泥分选新工艺;在响水矿选煤厂的实际应用表明,采用新工艺可提高选煤效率和精煤产率,大大降低介质消耗,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

预先脱泥无压给料重介质旋流器高效分选新工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了传统重介质旋流器分选工艺的优缺点,提出了预先脱泥无压给料重介质旋流器高效分选新工艺;该工艺继承了传统工艺的优点,摒弃了缺点;在西曲选煤厂的应用表明,可提高选煤效率和精煤产率,获得更高的经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍了选煤厂预先脱泥与不脱泥两种煤泥回收工艺流程及特点以及在恒源公司各选煤厂的应用情况;分析了浮选、水介质旋流器分选工艺、煤泥重介质分选工艺及干扰床分选工艺的分选原理、优缺点及应用情况;提出要根据不同的规模、现场条件、煤泥特性、产品结构来选择相应的煤泥处理工艺。  相似文献   

尹茂 《洁净煤技术》2013,(6):113-116
介绍了新庄选煤厂工艺改造后,重介分选系统工艺环节存在的问题,对比分析了2种解决方案的优缺点。在结合现有工艺特点、厂房设备布置、原煤可选性多样化、改造资金投入的基础上,选择了预先脱泥无压给料分选工艺解决方案,并且通过从分选精度、数量效率、产品带介、脱泥效果、经济效益方面的比较,表明预先脱泥无压给料分选工艺在新庄选煤厂应用效果显著,每年可多创利润780多万元,也为其他选煤厂新建、改扩建提供了新的设计思路。  相似文献   

例举对比试验数据说明湿法预先脱泥的必要性,重点介绍SFS-1型湿法振筛机的结构,工作原理、主要技术参数以及在煤粉(泥)筛分试验中的应用.  相似文献   

例举对比试验数据说明湿法预先脱泥的必要性,重点介绍SFS-1型湿法振筛机的结构,工作原理、主要技术参数以及在煤粉(泥)筛分试验中的应用。  相似文献   

煤制合成天然气项目工艺方案与技术经济比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了煤制天然气(SNG)典型工艺流程;论述了KBR工艺(流化床)、BGL工艺(固定床)、Shell上行水激冷工艺(气流床粉煤气化)的技术方案、工艺装置和公用工程配置;对比了3种不同类型煤气化工艺的主要原料、公用工程消耗和技术经济测算。结果表明,煤气化技术的选择,不仅要考虑煤质特点、原料煤来源和价格以及产品的经济性,而且要从技术的成熟可靠、环境影响和社会效益等多方面因素进行综合评价和对比。  相似文献   

Coal is an important energy resource for meeting the future demand for electricity, as coal reserves are much more abundant than those of other fossil fuels. In this study, the percolation model, which can account for swelling due to devolatilization and ash agglomeration, is applied to particulate matter formation process in coal combustion, and the effects of coal properties, ambient temperature, ambient pressure and initial coal size on the characteristics of a burning coal particle are studied. The devolatilization rate of coal is given by the first-order reaction model with FLASHCHAIN® model [Niksa, S., Combust. Flame, 100, (1995) 384-394.]. The characteristics of a burning coal particle are investigated under the atmospheric and high pressure conditions. The results show that in the atmospheric pressure condition, the characteristics of the burning coal particle obtained by the percolation model are in general agreement with the experimental data. The particle diameter of Newlands coal with higher fuel ratio and ash content is larger than that of Plateau coal in the char-combustion-dominant process. As the ambient temperature increases, the particle diameter becomes small in the early stage of the char-combustion-dominant process, but becomes large afterward. The porosity in the char-combustion-dominant process decreases with decreasing the initial coal size. It is also observed that the effect of ambient pressure is prominent in the char-combustion-dominant process. The particle diameter and porosity in the pressurized condition are greater than those in the atmospheric pressure condition. These behaviors can be explained by the interaction between char reaction and ash agglomeration.  相似文献   

介绍了开滦动力煤选煤厂的主要工艺流程,通过对原煤资料的分析提出洗选炼焦精煤的方案,对主要选煤环节进行了能力校核,并对经济效果进行了评价,论述了在当前煤炭市场下利用现有流程洗选十二级炼焦精煤的可行性。  相似文献   

煤质对Texaco气化装置运行的影响及其选择(上)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了水煤浆加压气化适宜的煤种,对煤质的要求和煤质对Texaco气化装置运行的影响及其选择适应性。论述了Texaco煤气化工要求的最关键因素是煤灰的熔融性,腐蚀性,粘温特征和煤的成浆性,反应性等。提出了煤质评价及优化开发原料煤的方法。介绍了配煤,配焦在Texaco煤气化工艺中应用的新技术。分析了陕西渭化,山东鲁化的Texaco煤气化装置原料煤的开发及试验过程,总结了开发经验,为Texaco煤气化装置工业化应用原料的开发提供理论依据和选择方法。  相似文献   

动力煤选煤厂设计中应注意的有关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对动力煤选煤厂普遍遇到的提高筛分效率、稳定末煤灰分和块煤入洗量、增加系统灵活性和完善煤泥水系统等问题提出了一些见解。  相似文献   

煤加压气化废水处理方法的现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤加压气化废水中含有许多难降解有机物,其成分受原煤性质和气化工艺的不同而复杂多变,属于难处理工业废水。本文介绍了煤加压气化废水的酚、氨回收利用等预处理方法;活性污泥、A-O和A1-A2-O法以及低氧、好氧曝气、接触氧化等生物处理方法;活性炭吸附、混凝沉淀和臭氧氧化等深度处理方法。展望了煤加压气化废水处理新技术。  相似文献   

重介旋流器选煤工艺的试验与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了鲍店选煤厂重介旋流器选煤工艺的改造与试验情况。实践证明, 改造后的重介旋流器选煤工艺, 运行稳定, 并生产出合格的精煤, 为重介选煤工艺在中国的推广奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

Tonnage of coal samples were collected from Kaitai Coal field, Puan County, Guizhou Province and sieved into different particle size catalogs. The analysis of the overall coal suggested that the coal has low ash but high sulfur content of 3.17 wt.% with medium to high volatile content. The heating value of the coal is 31.668 mJ/kg.The coal sample with different particle size ranges were tested for float-sink using gravity separation method, in which ZnCl2 solutions with different density are used. It is showed that decreasing sulfur to 2.12 wt.% can give coal yield of 94.55%, suggesting that the coal's floatability is good with sulfur. The coal yield is only 85.4% when reducing sulfur to 1.5 wt.%, and 76.7% when sulfur is decreased to 1.2% through the ZnCl2 float-sink process. The δ ± 0.1 is 20.55, which is in the 20.1-30 range, suggest that Kaitai coal is difficult to float-sink for depyritisation.Characterization of the floated coal at different sizes showed that the organic sulfur may mainly be present in the small size, the pyrite sulfur is mainly present in the coal with bigger particle size, which can be easily removed through float-sink process. The ash in the small particle sized coal is mainly from kaolinite and quartz, while the pyrite is the main ash contributor to the coal with big size.  相似文献   

The results of introducing ultrasound into three different drying processes has been discussed. The processes included: (1) static drying of a layer of powdered coal with airborne ultrasound, (2) rotary kiln drying with airborne ultrasound, and (3) drying of powdered coal on a sloping, ultrasonically vibrated metal trough. In all three processes, the introduction of ultrasound increased the drying rate.

The frequency of ultrasound used was 20 kHz with sound intensities up to 165 dB. The pulverized coal used had a size range from 400 μm to less than 2 smm, with 65% being less than 150 μm in size. Air temperatures used varied from 65 to 300 °C.

The most energy-efficient drying process with ultrasound was found to be the sloping, ultrasonically vibrated trough. However, this process was limited to the use of an initial coal powder feed containing less than 10% moisture. For moisture contents above 10%, a dual drying system could be used. For example, the rotary kiln drier could be used ahead of the trough drier.

Both the static airborne ultrasound drying process and the ultrasonically vibrated trough drying process work best with a relatively thin layer of powdered coal. However, the residence time for the powdered coal being dried is measured in seconds for the sloping trough process in contrast to minutes for the static drying process. The static drying of a layer of powdered coal is also a batch-drying process while the rotary kiln and sloping trough are continuous processes. The advantages of the static airborne ultrasonic drying process would be: (1) closer control of the drying process, and (2) smaller quantities of powder can be used.  相似文献   

Recent developments in microbiological desulfurization of coal are reviewed. Microbiological removal of organic sulfur from coal remains to be proven conclusively, but is under active study for petroleum biodesulfurization. Microbiological removal of pyritic sulfur from coal is well established in the laboratory and recent efforts have been aimed at scale-up designs and process considerations. Microbiological depyritization may be as inexpensive as other forms of advanced coal desulfurization but it has not been tested on a large scale. Processes based on ‘indirect’ bioleaching of pyrite from coal may also have applications. Other forms of sulfur in coal, such as elemental sulfur, are usually quantitatively insignificant, but nonetheless can be removed microbiologically. Thermophilic bacteria remove pyritic sulfur from coal at faster rates than mesophilic bacteria, in part due to faster abiotic rates of pyrite oxidation at elevated temperatures. Future work in biological desulfurization of coal should include studies on treatment of waste coal or refuse material.  相似文献   

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