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High-alumina high-level waste (HLW) glasses are prone to nepheline precipitation during canister-centerline cooling (CCC). If sufficient nepheline forms, the chemical durability of the glass will be significantly impacted. Overly conservative constraints have been developed and used to avoid the deleterious effects of nepheline formation in U.S. HLW glasses. The constraints used have been shown to significantly limit the loading of waste in glass at Hanford and therefore the cost and schedule of cleanup. A 90-glass study was performed to develop an improved understanding of the impacts of glass composition on the formation of nepheline during CCC. The CCC crystallinity data from these glasses were combined with 657 glasses found in the literature. The trends showed significant effects of Na2O, Al2O3, SiO2, B2O3, CaO, Li2O, and potentially K2O on the propensity for nepheline formation. A pseudo-ternary submixture model was proposed to identify the glass composition region prone to nepheline precipitation. This pseudo-ternary with axes of SiO2 + 1.98B2O3, Na2O + 0.653Li2O + 0.158CaO, and Al2O3 was found to divide glasses that precipitate nepheline during CCC from those that do not. Application of this constraint is anticipated to increase the loading of Hanford high-alumina HLWs in glass by roughly one-third.  相似文献   

Lithium and sodium aluminosilicates are important glass‐forming systems for commercial glass‐ceramics, as well as being important model systems for ion transport in battery studies. In addition, uncontrolled crystallization of LiAlSiO4 (eucryptite) in high‐Li2O compositions, analogous to the more well‐known problem of NaAlSiO4 (nepheline) crystallization, can cause concerns for long‐term chemical durability in nuclear waste glasses. To study the relationships between glass structure and crystallization, nine glasses were synthesized in the LixNa1‐xAlSiO4 series, from x = 0 to x = 1. Raman spectra, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (Li‐7, Na‐23, Al‐27, Si‐29), and X‐ray diffraction were used to study the quenched and heat‐treated glasses. It was found that different LiAlSiO4 and NaAlSiO4 crystal phases crystallize from the glass depending on the Li/Na ratio. Raman and NMR spectra of quenched glasses suggest similar structures regardless of alkali substitution. Li‐7 and Na‐23 NMR spectra of the glass‐ceramics near the endmember compositions show evidence of several differentiable sites distinct from known LixNa1‐xAlSiO4 crystalline phases, suggesting that these measurements can reveal subtle chemical environment differences in mixed‐alkali systems, similar to what has been observed for zeolites.  相似文献   

The article reports on the structural dependence of crystallization in Na2O–Al2O3–B2O3–P2O5–SiO2-based glasses over a broad compositional space. The structure of melt-quenched glasses has been investigated using 11B, 27Al, 29Si, and 31P magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy, while the crystallization behavior has been followed using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy. In general, the integration of phosphate into the sodium aluminoborosilicate network is mainly accomplished via the formation of Al–O–P and B–O–P linkages with the possibility of formation of Si–O–P linkages playing only a minor role. In terms of crystallization, at low concentrations (≤5 mol.%), P2O5 promotes the crystallization of nepheline (NaAlSiO4), while at higher concentrations (≥10 mol.%), it tends to suppress (completely or incompletely depending on the glass chemistry) the crystallization in glasses. When correlating the structure of glasses with their crystallization behavior, the MAS NMR results highlight the importance of the substitution/replacement of Si–O–Al linkages by Al–O–P, Si–O–B, and B–O–P linkages in the suppression of nepheline crystallization in glasses. The results have been discussed in the context of (1) the problem of nepheline crystallization in Hanford high-level waste glasses and (2) designing vitreous waste forms for the immobilization of phosphate-rich dehalogenated Echem salt waste.  相似文献   

Nepheline (Na6K2Al8Si8O32) is a rock‐forming tectosilicate mineral which is by far the most abundant of the feldspathoids. The crystallization in nepheline‐based glass‐ceramics proceeds through several polymorphic transformations — mainly orthorhombic, hexagonal, cubic — depending on their thermochemistry. However, the fundamental science governing these transformations is poorly understood. In this article, an attempt has been made to elucidate the structural drivers controlling these polymorphic transformations in nepheline‐based glass‐ceramics. Accordingly, two different sets of glasses (meta‐aluminous and per‐alkaline) have been designed in the system Na2O–CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 in the crystallization field of nepheline and synthesized by the melt‐quench technique. The detailed structural analysis of glasses has been performed by 29Si, 27Al, and 23Na magic‐angle spinning — nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR), and multiple‐quantum MAS NMR spectroscopy, while the crystalline phase transformations in these glasses have been studied under isothermal and non‐isothermal conditions using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), and MQMAS NMR. Results indicate that the sequence of polymorphic phase transformations in these glass‐ceramics is dictated by the compositional chemistry of the parent glasses and the local environments of different species in the glass structure; for example, the sodium environment in glasses became highly ordered with decreasing Na2O/CaO ratio, thus favoring the formation of hexagonal nepheline, while the cubic polymorph was the stable phase in SiO2–poor glass‐ceramics with (Na2O+CaO)/Al2O3 > 1. The structural origins of these crystalline phase transformations have been discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The glass transition temperature (Tg) is a key parameter to investigate for application in nuclear waste immobilization in borosilicate glasses. Tg for several glasses containing iodine (I) has been measured in order to determine the I effect on Tg. Two series of glass composition (ISG and NH) containing up to 2.5 mol% I and synthesized under high pressure (0.5 to 1.5 GPa) have been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The I local environment in glasses has been determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and revealed that I is dissolved under its iodide form (I). Results show that Tg is decreased with the I addition in the glass in agreement with previous results. We also observed that this Tg decrease is a strong function of glass composition. For NH, 2.5 mol% I induces a decrease of 24°C in Tg, whereas for ISG, 1.2 mol% decreases the Tg by 64°C. We interpret this difference as the result of the I dissolution mechanism and its effect on the polymerization of the boron network. The I dissolution in ISG is accompanied by a depolymerization of the boron network, whereas it is the opposite in NH. Although ISG corresponds to a standardized glass, for the particular case of I immobilization it appears less adequate than NH considering that the decrease in Tg for NH is small in comparison to ISG.  相似文献   

Unlike ambient pressure silicate glasses, some phosphosilicate glasses contain sixfold-coordinated silicon (Si6) units even when prepared at ambient pressure. The variation in the fraction of Si6 with composition remains a topic of interest, both for technological applications of phosphosilicate glasses and for fundamental understanding of the glass structure. In this work, we use statistical mechanical modeling to predict the composition–structure relationships in Na2O–P2O5–SiO2 and CaO–P2O5–SiO2 glasses. This is achieved by accounting for the enthalpic and entropic contributions to the interactions between each pairwise modifier ion and structural unit. The initial enthalpy parameters are obtained based on experimental structural data for binary Na2O–SiO2, CaO–SiO2, Na2O–P2O5, and CaO–P2O5 glasses, which can then be transferred to predict the structure of mixed former glasses. This approach has previously been used to predict the short-range structure of borosilicate and aluminoborate glass systems. However, here we show that the formation of Si6 must be specifically included to make accurate predictions of the composition–structure relationships in phosphosilicate glasses. After incorporating the formation mechanism of Si6 in the statistical mechanics model, we find an excellent agreement between model predictions and experimental structure data for Na2O–P2O5–SiO2 and CaO–P2O5–SiO2 glasses.  相似文献   

玻璃固化是高放废物固化中较成熟、应用较广的一种技术。本文综述了玻璃固化体的浸出机理、浸出模型及浸蚀实验方法的研究进展。针对目前对温度和pH这两种因素在静态条件下的影响情况研究较多,对气体环境、压强和辐射等因素对玻璃固化体浸出行为的影响研究较少的现状,建议今后应重点进行玻璃固化体受浸泡剂-温度-辐射-压力-气流等多种因素耦合作用影响的抗侵蚀实验研究。  相似文献   

For fiber‐optic mid‐infrared bio‐ and chemical‐sensing, Ge–Sb–Se glass optical fibers are more attractive than Ge–As–Se because of: (i) lowered toxicity and (ii) lower phonon energy and hence transmission to longer wavelengths, with potential to reach the spectral “fingerprint region” for molecular sensing. There is little previous work on Ge–Sb–Se fibers. Here, fibers are fabricated from two glass compositions in the GexSb10Se90?x atomic (at.) % series. Both glass compositions are of similar mean‐coordination‐number, lying in the overconstrained region, yet of different chemical composition: stoichiometric Ge25Sb10Se65 at. % and non‐stoichiometric Ge20Sb10Se70 at. %. Thermal analysis on bulk glasses has previously shown that the former exhibited the maximum glass stability of the series. However, during fiber‐drawing of Ge25Sb10Se65 at. %, the preform tip is found to undergo surface‐devitrification to monoclinic GeSe2 alone, the primary phase, no matter if the preform is an annealed, as‐melted rod or annealed, extruded rod. The heating rate of the preform‐tip to the fiber‐drawing temperature is estimated to be up to ~100°C/min to ~490°C. Lower heating rates of 10°C/min using thermal analysis, in contrast, encourage crystallization of both Sb2Se3 and GeSe2. The non‐stoichiometric: Ge20Sb10Se70 at. % composition drew successfully to low optical loss fiber, no matter whether the preform was an annealed, as‐melted rod or annealed, extruded rod.  相似文献   

Uranium brannerite phases with terbium(III) or dysprosium(III) ions have been investigated. The precursors with molar ratio of 0.5:0.5:2 (Ln: U: Ti with Ln = Tb or Dy) were prepared and calcined at 750°C in argon. Sintering the pelletized samples in argon at 1200°C led to the formation of pyrochlore phases with TiO2 rutile and U-rich oxides while sintering in air led to the formation of brannerite phases with the nominal composition close to Ln0.5U0.5Ti2O6 together with trace amounts of TiO2 rutile and LnUO4. Incorporating an excess of TiO2 (20 wt%) and sintering at higher temperature (1300°C) resulted in no obvious change to the phase equilibrium. As designed, pentavalent uranium has been proven to be dominant in these brannerite phases with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The relationships between the cell parameters and the ionic radii of the A-site cations have been explored and rationalized from the structure point of view for a range of titanate brannerite phases (ATi2O6). In addition, the crystallization of Ln0.5U0.5Ti2O6 brannerite in glass has been achieved via heat treatment at 1200°C and confirmed with X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy–selected area electron diffraction.  相似文献   

Germanate glasses are of particular interest for their excellent optical properties as well as their abnormal structural changes that appear with the addition of modifiers, giving rise to the so-called germanate anomaly. This anomaly refers to the nonmonotonic compositional scaling of properties exhibited by alkali germanate glasses and has been studied with various spectroscopy techniques. However, it has been difficult to understand its atomic scale origin, especially since the germanium nucleus is not easily observed by nuclear magnetic resonance. To gain insights into the mechanisms of the germanate anomaly, we have constructed a structural model using statistical mechanics and topological constraint theory to provide an accurate prediction of alkali germanate glass properties. The temperature onsets for the rigid bond constraints are deduced from in situ Brillouin light scattering, and the number of constraints is shown to be accurately calculable using statistical methods. The alkali germanate model accurately captures the effect of the germanate anomaly on glass transition temperature, liquid fragility, and Young's modulus. We also reveal that compositional variations in the glass transition temperature and Young's modulus are governed by the O–Ge–O angular constraints, whereas the variations in fragility are governed by the Ge–O radial constraints.  相似文献   

The crystallization behaviors of As–Se–Bi chalcogenide glasses were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X‐ray diffraction (XRD). Three models were used to study the glass transition behavior and the activation energy. Results showed thermal stability of glass against crystallization decreased with Bi addition in As–Se–Bi system. The mechanism of crystal growth in glasses was also studied by the Avrami exponent n. For B0, B2.5, and B5, n values are 3.12, 1.59, and 2.21 (low temperature) and 4.61 (high temperature), respectively. The thermal stability of glass is in good agreement with glass network structure. It was found that glass network structures closely associated with the Bi content and As/Se ratio were studied by X‐ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. And the different ratios lead to the change in Bi2Se3 crystalline orientation.  相似文献   

Due to their excellent optical properties, glasses are used for various applications ranging from smartphone screens to telescopes. Developing compositions with tailored Abbe number (Vd) and refractive index at 587.6 nm (nd), two crucial optical properties, is a major challenge. To this extent, machine learning (ML) approaches have been successfully used to develop composition–property models. However, these models are essentially black boxes in nature and suffer from the lack of interpretability. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of ML models to predict the composition-dependent variations of Vd and nd. Further, using Shapely additive explanations (SHAP), we interpret the ML models to identify the contribution of each of the input components toward target prediction. We observe that glass formers such as SiO2, B2O3, and P2O5 and intermediates such as TiO2, PbO, and Bi2O3 play a significant role in controlling the optical properties. Interestingly, components contributing toward increasing the nd are found to decrease the Vd and vice versa. Finally, we develop the Abbe diagram, using the ML models, allowing accelerated discovery of new glasses for optical properties beyond the experimental pareto front. Overall, employing explainable ML, we predict and interpret the compositional control on the optical properties of oxide glasses.  相似文献   

Cr2+-doped II-VI crystals have witnessed an excellent gain media for continuously tunable and femtosecond-pulsed lasers. Despite this, major challenges persist toward realizing ultrabroad emission bandwidth and efficient Cr2+-doped fiber due to the valence diversity of Cr, especially in chalcogenide glasses. Here, we propose to prepare Cr2+:ZnSe/As2S3-xSex composite glasses by Hot Uniaxial Pressing (HUP), a method that sinters uniformly mixed crystal and glass powders into geometrically designed composite chalcogenide glasses. The densification of the composite glasses reached 99.88%, indicating that a few or none pores remain. Our research shows that Cr2+:ZnSe crystals have good performance in chalcogenide glasses, and the composite glasses have the potential to be made into mid-infrared–doped fibers. It was demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) that the composite glasses have a uniform Cr2+:ZnSe distribution and no crystal disintegration. The transmittance of the composite glasses was significantly improved by tailoring the refraction index. The mid-infrared (MIR) fluorescence and decay of the glasses were measured. The lattice constant was measured, calculated, and discussed to reveal the influence of sintering process on lifetime.  相似文献   

Glass corrosion data from the ALTGLASS database were used to determine if gel compositions, which evolve as glass systems corrode, are correlated with the generation of zeolites and subsequent increase in the glass dissolution rate at long times. The gel compositions were estimated based on the difference between the elemental glass starting compositions and the measured elemental leachate concentrations from the long-term product consistency tests (ASTM C1285) at various stages of dissolution, ie, reaction progress. A well-characterized subset of high level waste glasses from the database was selected: these glasses had been leached for 15-20 years at reaction progresses up to ~80%. The gel composition data, at various reaction progresses, were subjected to a step-wise regression, which demonstrated that hydrogel compositions with Si*/Al* ratios of <1.0 did not generate zeolites and maintained low dissolution rates for the duration of the experiments. Glasses that formed hydrogel compositions with Si^*/Al^* ratios ≥1, generated zeolites accompanied by a resumption in the glass dissolution rate. The role of the gel Si/Al ratio, and the interactions with the leachate, provides the fundamental understanding needed to predict if and when the glass dissolution rate will increase due to zeolitization.  相似文献   

If the direct feed approach to vitrify the Hanford's tank waste is implemented, the low activity waste (LAW) will comprise higher concentrations of alkali/alkaline-earth sulfates than expected under the previously proposed vitrification scheme. To ensure a minimal impact of higher sulfate concentrations on the downstream operations and overall cost of vitrification, advanced glass formulations with enhanced sulfate loadings (solubility) are needed. While, the current sulfate solubility predictive models have been successful in designing LAW glasses with sulfate loadings <2 wt.%, it will be difficult for them to design glass compositions with enhanced loadings due to our limited understanding of the fundamental science governing these processes. In this pursuit, this article unearths the underlying compositional and structural drivers controlling the sulfate solubility in model LAW glasses. It has been shown that the preferentially removes non-framework cations from the modifier sites in the silicate network, thus, leading to the polymerization in the glass network via the formation of ring-structured borosilicate units. Furthermore, though the sulfate solubility slightly decreases with increasing Li+/Na+ in the glasses, the prefers to be charge compensated by Na+, as it is easier for to break Na–O bonds instead of Li–O bonds.  相似文献   

Hollandite has been studied as a candidate ceramic waste form for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste due to its inherent leach resistance and ability to immobilize alkaline-earth metals such as Cs and Ba at defined lattice sites in the crystallographic structure. The chemical and structural complexity of hollandite-type phases developed for high-level waste immobilization limits the systematic experimental research that is required to understand phase development due to the large number of potential additives and compositional ranges that must be evaluated. Modeling the equilibrium behavior of the complex hollandite-forming oxide waste system would aid in the design and processing of hollandite waste forms by predicting their thermodynamic stability. Thus, a BaO–Cs2O–TiO2–Cr2O3–Al2O3–Fe2O3–FeO–Ga2O3 thermodynamic database was developed in this work according to the CALPHAD methodology. The compound energy formalism was used to model solid solution phases such as hollandite while the two-sublattice partially ionic liquid model characterized the oxide melt. Results of model optimizations are presented and discussed including a 1473 K isothermal BaO–Cs2O–TiO2 pseudo-ternary diagram that extrapolates phase equilibrium behavior to regions not experimentally explored.  相似文献   

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