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High‐level waste feed composition affects the overall melting rate by influencing the chemical, thermophysical, and morphological properties of a cold cap layer that floats on the molten glass where most feed‐to‐glass reactions occur. Data from X‐ray computed tomography imaging of melting pellets comprised of a simulated high‐aluminum feed reveal the morphology of bubbles, known as the primary foam, for various feed compositions at temperatures between 600°C and 1040°C. These feeds were formulated to make glasses with viscosities ranging from 0.5 to 9.5 Pa s at 1150°C, which was accomplished by changing the SiO2/(B2O3+Na2O+Li2O) ratio in the final glass. Pellet dimensions and profile area, average and maximum bubble areas, bubble diameter, and void fraction were evaluated. The feed viscosity strongly affects the onset of the primary foaming and the foam collapse temperature. Despite the decreasing amount of gas‐evolving components (Li2CO3, H3BO3, and Na2CO3), as the feed viscosity increases, the measured foam expansion rate does not decrease. This suggests that the primary foaming is not only affected by changes in the primary melt viscosity but also by the compositional reaction kinetic effects. The temperature‐dependent foam morphological data will be used to inform cold cap model development for a high‐level radioactive waste glass melter.  相似文献   

If the direct feed approach to vitrify the Hanford's tank waste is implemented, the low activity waste (LAW) will comprise higher concentrations of alkali/alkaline-earth sulfates than expected under the previously proposed vitrification scheme. To ensure a minimal impact of higher sulfate concentrations on the downstream operations and overall cost of vitrification, advanced glass formulations with enhanced sulfate loadings (solubility) are needed. While, the current sulfate solubility predictive models have been successful in designing LAW glasses with sulfate loadings <2 wt.%, it will be difficult for them to design glass compositions with enhanced loadings due to our limited understanding of the fundamental science governing these processes. In this pursuit, this article unearths the underlying compositional and structural drivers controlling the sulfate solubility in model LAW glasses. It has been shown that the preferentially removes non-framework cations from the modifier sites in the silicate network, thus, leading to the polymerization in the glass network via the formation of ring-structured borosilicate units. Furthermore, though the sulfate solubility slightly decreases with increasing Li+/Na+ in the glasses, the prefers to be charge compensated by Na+, as it is easier for to break Na–O bonds instead of Li–O bonds.  相似文献   

Borosilicate glass has been adopted internationally for the treatment of nuclear waste with the object of long-term stabilization through vitrification. Aiming to facilitate experimental comparisons across laboratories, the six-component international simple glass (ISG) was developed as benchmark. The original ISG produced by Mo-SCI Corporation (Rolla, MO) was distributed and characterized for different physical properties thus serving as reference for further studies. Still, photoluminescence (PL) properties, which may be useful for scrutinizing radiation-induced damage, have not been reported. Further, the original ISG contained significant iron impurities, which may present interference in various studies (e.g., optical). Consequently, two new ISG analogs lacking iron impurities (labeled ISG-1 [closest composition to original ISG] and ISG-2 [some MgO added at expense of CaO]) were synthesized by Corning Inc. (Corning, NY) (also doped with lanthanum for subsequent corrosion tests involving atom probe tomography), which remain to be fully characterized. Accordingly, this work was undertaken to perform a comprehensive study comparing the three ISG specimens. Various characterizations were then performed on the pristine glasses: X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopy (structural properties); static-leach product consistency test (PCT, dissolution behavior); dilatometry and calorimetry measurements (thermal properties); and optical absorption with Tauc and Urbach plots analysis, followed by PL spectroscopy with decay kinetics assessment (optical properties). While the general structural features appeared similar among the glasses, the deconvolution of Raman spectra suggested a lower degree of connectivity in the silica network for ISG-2. In addition, some differences were indicated from the PCT results and thermal properties assessed, which were discussed based on compositional variations. Further on, the optical properties were shown to be the most distinct. The optical absorption of the original ISG was characterized by Fe2+/Fe3+ impurities not detected for ISG-1 and ISG-2. The glasses all exhibited two main PL features (∼1.8 and 2.5 eV) with multiexponential decay behavior apparently of intrinsic origin. In addition, ISG-1 and ISG-2 showed a third high-energy (∼3.4 eV) fast-decaying contribution tentatively credited to tin impurities, which appeared most significantly for ISG-1. The results are expected to serve as baseline for future studies simulating the effects of radioactive element decay.  相似文献   

Sulfur trioxide (SO3) additions, up to 3.0 mass%, were systematically investigated for effects on the physical properties of sodium borosilicate glass melted in air, with a sulfur-free composition of 50SiO2–10Al2O3–12B2O3–21Na2O–7CaO (mass%). Solubility measurements, using electron microscopy chemical analysis, determined the maximum loading to be ~1.2 mass% SO3. It was found that measured sulfur (here as sulfate) additions up to 1.18 mass% increased the glass transition temperature by 3%, thermal diffusivity by 11%, heat capacity by 10%, and thermal conductivity by 20%, and decreased the mass density by 1%. Structural analysis, performed with Raman spectroscopy, indicated that the borosilicate network polymerized with sulfur additions up to 3.0 mass%, presumably due to Na2O being required to charge compensate the ionic additions, thus becoming unavailable to form non-bridging oxygen in the silicate network. It is postulated that this increased cross-linking of the borosilicate backbone led to a structure with higher dimensionality and average bond energy. This increased the mean free paths and vibration frequency of the phonons, which resulted in the observed increase in thermal properties.  相似文献   

Borosilicate glasses incorporating high-level nuclear waste are exposed to high-energy radiations during their storage in the deep geological repositories. However, the effect of radiation on the atomic structure of borosilicate glasses remains poorly understood. Herein, using molecular dynamics simulations, we study the irradiation-induced structural changes of a series of calcium-sodium borosilicate glasses with varying Si/B molar ratios—ranging from pure silicate to pure borate glasses. We observe that irradiation leads to an increase in disorder, both in the short- and medium-range, as evidenced by the enthalpy, coordination number, and ring distribution. In particular, the impact of the change in the atomic structure (due to radiation) on the glass volume is investigated. Interestingly, we observe a composition-dependent transition in the volumetric response of borosilicate glasses under irradiation—wherein borate-rich compositions tend to swell, whereas silica-rich glasses tend to densify. Through a detailed analysis of the structure, we demonstrate two competing mechanisms contributing to the volume change, i.e., a decrease in the coordination number of boron atoms and a reduction in the average silicon inter-polytope angle. We also show that the increase in the disorder in the medium-range order may play a major role in governing the volumetric changes in the irradiated structure in a non-trivial fashion. Altogether, the present study highlights that irradiation has a non-trivial effect on borosilicate glasses, which, in turn, could impact their corrosion kinetics.  相似文献   

张华东 《中国涂料》2010,25(2):65-68
重点讨论了粉末涂料玻璃化温度、玻璃化转变理论,并对玻璃化温度与粉末涂料稳定性、熔融黏度、热应力、分子量、化学结构和聚合物的关系做了全面的阐述。  相似文献   

The microwave heating of a crystal-free and a partially trevorite-crystallized nuclear waste glass simulant was evaluated. Our results show that a 500-mg monolith of partially crystallized waste glass can be heated from room temperature to above 1600°C within 2 minutes using a single-mode, highly focused, 2.45-GHz microwave, operating at 300 W. Using X-ray diffraction measurements, we show that trevorite is no longer detectable after irradiation and thermal quenching. When a crystal-free analog of the same waste glass simulant composition was exposed to the same microwave radiation, it could not be heated above 450°C regardless of the heating time. The reduction in crystalline content achieved by selectively heating spinels in the presence of glass suggests that microwave-specific heating should be further explored as a technique for remediating crystal accumulation in a glass melt.  相似文献   

玻璃固化是高放废物固化中较成熟、应用较广的一种技术。本文综述了玻璃固化体的浸出机理、浸出模型及浸蚀实验方法的研究进展。针对目前对温度和pH这两种因素在静态条件下的影响情况研究较多,对气体环境、压强和辐射等因素对玻璃固化体浸出行为的影响研究较少的现状,建议今后应重点进行玻璃固化体受浸泡剂-温度-辐射-压力-气流等多种因素耦合作用影响的抗侵蚀实验研究。  相似文献   

丁羟胶玻璃化温度的模拟计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁羟胶的玻璃化转变温度(Tg)预测对丁羟推进剂的贮存、运输和使用具有重要的参考意义。根据丁羟胶的主要性质搭建合理的无定形端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)结构模型,选用COMPASS力场、在恒温恒压(NPT)系综下,采用分子动力学(MD)方法模拟计算HTPB在不同温度时的比体积。研究结果表明,比体积与温度的关系曲线斜率在Tg处会发生转折;模拟计算得到的Tg为208.00K,采用差示扫描量热(DSC)法实测得到的Tg为194.86K,两种结果在误差允许范围内基本一致,表明MD法可以用来预测丁羟胶的Tg。  相似文献   

Studies on the glass transition temperature (Tg) of chitosan are difficult to pursue because of the difficulty in sample preparation and the hydroscopicity of samples. There are a few works concerning this principal relaxation of chitosan. Among them, several quite different values (150°C, 161°C, and 203°C) have been reported. In this paper, the Tg of chitosan (140 ~ 150°C) was determined by means of four techniques, namely, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermally simulated current spectroscopy (TSC), and dilatometry (DIL). DSC measurement has been assumed not to be sensitive enough to detect the relaxation temperature of polysaccharides. We propose a new method to improve the sensitivity of the DSC measurement. After a physical aging treatment of samples, the transition in DSC traces became much more distinct because of the enthalpy relaxation. This technique was also used to distinguish the Tg from other relaxations. The Tg of chitosan with different degree of deacetylation (D.D.) was examined by DSC. No influence of D.D. on Tg was found. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 93: 1553–1558, 2004  相似文献   

A series of epoxy networks were synthesized in which the molecular weight between crosslinks (Mc) and crosslink functionality were controlled independent of the network chain backbone composition. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of these networks was found to increase as Mc decreased. However, the rate at which Tg increased depended on crosslink functionality. The dependency of Mc on Tg is well described by two models, one based on the concept of network free volume while the other model is based on the principle of corresponding states. Initially, neither model could quantitatively predict the effect of crosslink functionality in our networks. However, our tests indicated that both the glass transition and the rubbery moduli of our networks were dependent on Mc and crosslink functionality, while the glassy state moduli were independent of these structural variables. The effect of crosslink functionality on the rubbery modulus of a network has been addressed by the front factor in rubber elasticity theory. Incorporation of this factor into the glass transition temperature models allowed for a quantitative prediction of Tg as a function of Mc and crosslink functionality. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 66: 387–395, 1997  相似文献   

Atom probe tomography (APT) is a novel analytical microscopy method that provides three dimensional elemental mapping with sub‐nanometer spatial resolution and has only recently been applied to insulating glass and ceramic samples. In this paper, we have studied the influence of the optical absorption in glass samples on APT characterization by introducing different transition metal optical dopants to a model borosilicate nuclear waste glass. A systematic comparison is presented of the glass optical properties and the resulting APT data quality in terms of compositional accuracy and the mass spectra quality for two APT systems: one with a green laser (532 nm, LEAP 3000X HR) and one with a UV laser (355 nm, LEAP 4000X HR). These data were also compared to the study of a more complex borosilicate glass (SON68). The results show that the analysis data quality, particularly the compositional accuracy and sample yield, was clearly linked to optical absorption when using a green laser, while for the UV laser optical doping aided in improving data yield but did not have a significant effect on compositional accuracy. Comparisons of data between the LEAP systems suggest that the smaller laser spot size of the LEAP 4000X HR played a more critical role for optimum performance than the optical dopants themselves. The smaller spot size resulted in more accurate composition measurements due to a reduced background level independent of the material's optical properties.  相似文献   

Sodium borosilicate (NBS) and barium sodium borosilicate (BBS) glasses, used for immobilization of high‐level nuclear waste with compositions (SiO2)0.477(B2O3)0.239(Na2O)0.170(TiO2)0.023(CaO)0.068(Al2O3)0.023 and (SiO2)0.482(B2O3)0.244(Na2O)0.220(BaO)0.054 were subjected leaching experiments under hydrothermal conditions in an autoclave at 200°C for different time durations. Morphological and structural transformations associated with leaching, have been monitored with techniques like XRD, SEM, solid‐state nuclear magnetic resonance. XRD and SEM along with NMR studies have confirmed that, upon leaching, formation of an aluminosilicate phase, Zeolite‐P (Na6Al6Si10O32·12H2O), occurs with NBS glass. BBS glass upon subjecting to the same conditions leads to formation of multiple amorphous phases having Q4 (silica rich phase) and Q3 structural units of Silicon along with structurally modified residual glass. Upon leaching BO3 structural units preferentially get released from BBS glass. Comparison of results with international simple glass confirmed that, for the latter, mass loss rates are one order of magnitude lower.  相似文献   

High-alumina high-level waste (HLW) glasses are prone to nepheline precipitation during canister-centerline cooling (CCC). If sufficient nepheline forms, the chemical durability of the glass will be significantly impacted. Overly conservative constraints have been developed and used to avoid the deleterious effects of nepheline formation in U.S. HLW glasses. The constraints used have been shown to significantly limit the loading of waste in glass at Hanford and therefore the cost and schedule of cleanup. A 90-glass study was performed to develop an improved understanding of the impacts of glass composition on the formation of nepheline during CCC. The CCC crystallinity data from these glasses were combined with 657 glasses found in the literature. The trends showed significant effects of Na2O, Al2O3, SiO2, B2O3, CaO, Li2O, and potentially K2O on the propensity for nepheline formation. A pseudo-ternary submixture model was proposed to identify the glass composition region prone to nepheline precipitation. This pseudo-ternary with axes of SiO2 + 1.98B2O3, Na2O + 0.653Li2O + 0.158CaO, and Al2O3 was found to divide glasses that precipitate nepheline during CCC from those that do not. Application of this constraint is anticipated to increase the loading of Hanford high-alumina HLWs in glass by roughly one-third.  相似文献   

A method for analyzing the fluorine content of glass using a microwave oven to digest the glass is presented. Analysis time and secondary waste generation are reduced using this method, without sacrificing accuracy.  相似文献   

Optimizing the concentration of molybdenum incorporated in a borosilicate glass matrix is essential in the vitrification of high-level radioactive waste. However, the incorporation limit of MoO3 in fundamental borosilicate systems has been rarely correlated with the local structure of the molybdenum cations. This study investigates the variations in the incorporation limit of MoO3 in ternary sodium borosilicate glass upon varying the B2O3/(SiO2 + B2O3) ratio (i.e., B). The incorporation limit of MoO3 was less than 3 mol% in the low-B region (B < 0.7), where molybdenum cations mainly existed as [MoO4]2−. However, when B was higher than 0.85, the incorporation limit was higher than 6 mol%, and the Raman spectra indicated the presence of octahedrally coordinated molybdenum cations, essential to stabilize the Mo–O–Mo linkage. The variation in the local structure of molybdenum cations can be explained by the available amount of non-framework cations compensating for the negative charge near [MoO4]2−. These results allow the development of glass compositions with a high incorporation limit of MoO3 simply by controlling the local structure near the molybdenum cations.  相似文献   

Scanning calorimetric determination of the glass transition temperatures (Tg) of sodium disilicate doped individually with 25 wt.% of the oxides of La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu reveals the presence of the so-called “lanthanide tetrad effect” in their glass transition temperatures. This is to the best of our knowledge the first observation of a tetrad effect in the macroscopic properties of a high-temperature silicate phase.  相似文献   

A glass-ceramic waste form is being developed for immobilization of waste streams of alkali (A), alkaline-earth (AE), rare earth (RE), and transition metals generated by transuranic extraction for reprocessing of used nuclear fuel. Benefits over an alkali borosilicate waste form are realized by the partitioning of the fission product fraction insoluble in glass into a suite of chemically durable crystalline phases through controlled cooling, including (AE,A,RE)MoO4 (powellite) and (RE,A,AE)10Si6O26 (oxyapatite). In this study, a simplified 8-oxide system (SiO2-Nd2O3-CaO-Na2O-B2O3-Al2O3-MoO3-ZrO2) was melted, then soaked at various temperatures from 1450 to 1150°C, and subsequently quenched, in order to obtain snapshots into the phase distribution at these temperatures. For these samples, small angle X-ray and neutron scattering, quantitative X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance, Nd3+ visible absorption, and temperature-dependent viscosity were characterized. In this composition, soak temperatures of 1250°C were necessary to nucleate calcium molybdate (~10-20 nm in diameter). Further cooling produced oxyapatite and total crystallization increased with lower soak temperatures. Both Na and Nd entered the crystalline phases with lower-temperature soak conditions. Slow cooling or long isothermal treatments at ~975°C produced significantly higher crystal fractions.  相似文献   

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