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本文通过烟密度、毒性试验,对用于儿童游乐设施的泡沫塑料地垫、海洋球、泡沫积木产品的火灾烟气和毒性进行了检测和分析。通过试验结果比较了三种材料的产烟性大小,并得出PVC海洋球烟气毒性较高的结论;总结了阻燃、烟气和毒性的关系,建议将产烟和毒性要求纳入燃烧性能评价体系。  相似文献   

火灾烟气是火灾中人员致死的主要原因之一,随着室内装饰材料的广泛应用,室内装饰材料的燃烧烟气毒性越来越受到人们关注。研究装饰材料的燃烧烟气毒性,确定产烟毒性危险级别,可以为合理选用装饰材料提供参考。室内的各种装饰材料燃烧会产生各种气体,因材料不同,产生气体成份复杂,无法用单一的气体指标来衡量。本文使用动物染毒法对选定的典型装饰材料进行产烟毒性分级,对选用装饰材料具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

高分子材料火灾烟气的危害及控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵敏 《塑料工业》2004,32(6):53-55
介绍了高分子材料火灾烟气的产生及主要有害成分的组成。烟气对人员逃生、火灾救援产生的影响;烟气对生态环境造成的危害;根据高分子材料燃烧机理,提出了减少烟气毒性和环境危害的措施。  相似文献   

采用单体燃烧试验法研究了8种不同聚合物保温材料的燃烧增长速率指数、热释放量、烟气生成速率指数、产烟量等燃烧性能,并根据它们进行级别判定,同时对它们的燃烧反应过程进行了分析探讨。结果表明,聚苯乙烯和聚氨酯保温材料均属于E级材料,而橡塑保温材料属于可燃的D级材料,但其烟气中含有较多的低分子聚合物。阻燃改性处理后,它们的燃烧增长速率指数大幅降低,阻燃效果显著。酚醛树脂属于B级材料,烟气产量相对较小,表面包覆钢材后可以更好地达到阻燃的效果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了高分子材料火灾烟气的产生及主要有害成分的组成。大多数高分子材料均属易燃(B3级)或可燃(B2级)材料。在火灾中由于热分解或不完全燃烧而产生大量烟气。烟气中的固体颗粒主要成分是游离碳和干馏粒子,液滴主要是高沸点液体,它们对光线有吸收、折射、散射作用,因此影响能见距离。  相似文献   

氢氰酸是卷烟烟气中含量较少且具有挥发性毒性的物质,吸烟时会随着口腔进入人体或者挥发到周围的空气中,不但会抑制人体细胞呼吸酶,造成细胞内窒息,对人体健康造成很大的危害,同时对环境安全也会造成一定的影响。介微孔材料具有较大的比表面积、孔容、孔径和材料表面可修饰性,更重要的是多孔材料大多无毒无害、易制备且能选择性的降低卷烟烟气中的有害物质,因此可以作为吸附剂或者载体应用于卷烟滤嘴中,通过物理吸附和化学吸附选择性的降低卷烟烟气中的氢氰酸。综述了几种以不同方式制备的介微孔材料降低卷烟烟气中氢氰酸的效果,并展望了介微孔材料对于降低卷烟烟气中氢氰酸释放量的研究前景。  相似文献   

以聚醚N-204、聚酯多元醇、自制脂肪族聚异氰酸酯、无机复合阻燃剂等为原料,研制出一种低烟气毒性的矿用高分子加固材料。与市售传统矿用高分子加固材料相比,该材料可大大降低火灾受热过程中释放的有毒烟气,同时具有较好的物理力学性能、阻燃性能和安全性能。  相似文献   

胡嘉宇  常若葵  刘柏君  张斌  王远宏 《农药》2020,59(5):347-351
[目的]对葡萄球菌S-35进行动物安全性评价。[方法]采用Ames体外试验、小鼠急性毒性试验、小鼠精子畸形试验、小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验及小鼠30 d喂养慢性毒性检测等方法,测定了该菌株对小鼠的毒性、血液生化指标、血项指标及脏器的影响,并做组织切片观察。[结果]在1.6×10^10~2×10^12 cfu/皿剂量范围内,葡萄球菌S-35 Ames体外试验结果为阴性;葡萄球菌S-35对小鼠的急性经口毒性为“低毒”级(LD50>4640 mg/kg);S-35在0.78~12.5 mg/L试验剂量范围内,小鼠精子畸形和骨髓细胞微核试验结果为阴性。小鼠30 d喂养试验,葡萄球菌S-35在125 mg/L的剂量下,小鼠血液生化和血项各项指标均无异常。[结论]葡萄球菌S-35对动物机体安全,该菌株有进一步研究开发为生防菌的价值。  相似文献   

建筑火灾中产生的有毒烟气是造成人员伤亡的主要原因,随着我国经济的发展,建筑的数量越来越多,更有大量的可燃以及阻燃建筑材料被应用,这就大大增加了发生烟气毒性伤害的几率。开展对火灾烟气毒性的研究具有重要的意义。本文介绍了几大类建筑材料产烟毒性的测定和比较,阐述了烟气毒性定量评价方法,并介绍了其在建筑性能化评估中的应用。  相似文献   

以纳米有机蒙脱土和改性纳米硼酸铈制得改性酚醛树脂,采用对甲苯磺酸及自制的季戊四醇磷酸酯复合固化,经手糊工艺制得酚醛复合材料板材,经英标BS 6853—1999防火测试,该材料的火焰传播指数,火焰表面延伸等级、烟密度、烟气毒性指标均达到了其Ⅰa级水平,可用于地铁或高铁车辆相关内饰部件的制造。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于图像传感器的推进剂发烟量测试方法。用平行光管代替传统测试装置中的卤素钨灯,用图像传感器代替传统测试装置中的光电二极管或光敏电阻,设计了一种表面有镂空条纹的遮光罩对光源信号进行调制,采取图像数据处理方法消除环境噪声对测试结果的影响。测量了SQ2推进剂、Al-CMDB推进剂和NEPE推进剂燃烧烟雾的发烟量。结果表明,SQ2推进剂和Al-CMDB推进剂的烟雾透过率曲线在点火后50s左右基本稳定;NEPE推进剂燃烧的烟雾光透过率曲线在点火50s后稳定,但有缓慢上升趋势;3种推进剂烟雾光透过率分别为84.1%、65.9%、22.3%,与传统测试方法一致。  相似文献   

低烟聚醚聚氨酯弹性体材料研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以聚醚多元醇(N220等)、甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)、三羟甲基丙烷及阻燃抑烟型填料为原料,制备了低烟雾聚氨酯弹性体。对聚醚及阻燃剂作了选择试验。测试了试样在高温状态下产生的烟雾信号的透过率以及常温力学性能。测试结果表明,材料烟雾信号的大小与受热温度有关,选择600℃作为测试温度较能区别烟雾性能的好坏;不同结构的聚醚型聚氨酯与不同种类的阻燃抑烟剂对材料产生的烟雾信号都有影响。选择聚氧化丙烯二醇N220作为聚醚原料,三聚氰胺或联二脲作为阻燃抑烟剂,可以得到低烟和符合使用要求的聚醚型聚氨酯弹性体材料。  相似文献   

氨是烟草中天然存在的成分,在烟草中以NH4+形式存在,在烟草抽吸过程中以游离氨的形式被释放出来,而烟气中氨的含量对卷烟的吸味和劲头有很重要的影响。综述了烟草和烟气中氨的分析方法和技术,简要论述各种方法的原理和优缺点,并对烟草和烟气中氨的测定方法的发展趋势做了简要分析。  相似文献   

The science of understanding how fires burn and how heat smoke and gases are generated and affect people has progressed substantially in the last half century. The principles of facility design for life safety in fires have reached a degree of maturity. Standards and code provisions for fire detection, suppression and control have become the norm. Real‐scale (or nearly real‐scale) test methods for the flammability of furnishings and interior finish have been established. In addition, some tests have been developed that measure the results of the burning of a small sample from the finished product. Yet, while there have been numerous small‐scale apparatuses developed for assessing the generation of heat, toxic gases, and visible or corrosive smoke, these facets of life and property safety have not found widespread inclusion in building and fire codes. There has been an invigorated effort in ISO TC92 SC3, Fire Threat to People and the Environment, to develop a coherent and comprehensive set of fire safety standards and guidance documents for life safety. Smaller efforts are ongoing within some national and regional standards bodies. In November 2008, experts in this field gathered at The Royal Society in London to hear papers that captured the state of the art and to discuss where we might go from here. This paper summarizes the papers and the discussion from that meeting. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据实践经验,总结出若干建筑工程防排烟系统设计中容易忽视的问题,提出值得借鉴的经验和需要吸取的教训,以便引起广大审核人员特别是初学者的注意,防止类似的错误发生。  相似文献   

硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料广泛用于高层建筑的外保温,但由于它易燃且放出有毒气体而对人体和环境造成危害。研究了三聚氰胺对硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的阻燃及消烟作用。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantitatively investigate some characteristics of the smoke transportation in multi‐floor buildings. Eight experiments were conducted for worst scenario. The effects of an open window in the burning room on the smoke transportation are also analyzed. The time‐dependent smoke densities at 39 locations in a half‐scale building with an atrium were measured through a digital smoke detector system. The results indicate that the chimney effect plays an important role in the smoke transportation in multi‐floor buildings with atriums. For the effects of the open window, the results suggest that the smoke densities at most locations in the building increase earlier when a window is open but have a smaller peak value than those results in the cases without any outer vents. It is suggested that a building without vertical atrium would be safer than those with long ones. More attention should be paid to those spaces when the fire protection systems are designed for buildings with atriums. The data of the time‐dependent smoke densities at tens of locations in the building are useful for the validation of smoke transportation models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fei Tang  Yuantao Zhu  Lei Chen 《火与材料》2020,44(7):1004-1012
Smoke is the main cause of death in tunnel fires. It is one of the important measures to maintain smoke stratification in the early stage of tunnel fire. This article focused on experimentally studying the combined effect of lateral concentrated smoke extraction and longitudinal ventilation on the smoke stratification, which never be revealed before. The velocity of the smoke layer and air layer, vertical temperature distribution, and the flow patterns of the smoke were measured. It was found that the longitudinal ventilation and lateral concentrated smoke extraction would affect the flow of the smoke and change the shear velocity between the smoke layer and air layer, then, the patterns of the smoke layer will be affected. And the flow patterns with Froude (Fr) number can be classified into three categories: (a)Fr < 0.6 , with stable smoke stratification; (b) 0.6 < Fr < 0.85 , with a stable smoke stratification but the blurring interface; and (c) Fr > 0.85 , the smoke layer is completely unstable. The result can provide a reference for ventilation design of immersed tube tunnels.  相似文献   

具有洁净燃烧特征的高分子钝感枪药   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
总结了具有洁净燃烧特征的高分子钝感枪药的研究情况。对钝感枪药进行了配方设计、球型药制备、钝感药制备和性能测试,结果表明,高分子钝感枪药具有枪口烟雾小,燃烧洁净,膛压低、初速高,温度系数小,抗迁移能力强等显著优点。新型发射药主要采用了高氧含量的高分子钝感剂、新型安定剂等新材料和新工艺。  相似文献   

An evaluation of actual and simulated smoke properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Federal regulations require that aircraft cargo compartment smoke detection systems be certified by testing their operation in flight. For safety reasons, only simulated smoke sources are permitted in these certification tests. To provide insight into smoke detection certification in cargo compartments, this research investigates the morphology, transport and optical properties of actual and simulated smoke sources. Experimental data show the morphology of the particulate in smoke from flaming fires is considerably different from simulated smoke. Although the detection of smoldering fires is important as well, only a qualitative assessment and comparison of smoldering sources was possible; therefore, efforts were concentrated on the quantitative comparison of smoke from flaming fires and smoke generators. The particulate for all three different flaming fires was solid with similar morphological properties. Simulated smoke was composed of relatively large liquid droplets, and considerably different size droplets can be produced using a single machine. Transport behavior modeling showed that both the actual and simulated smoke particulates are sufficiently small to follow the overall gas flow. However, actual smoke transport will be buoyancy driven due to the increased temperature, while the simulated smoke temperature is typically low and the release may be momentum driven. The morphology of the actual and simulated smoke were then used to calculate their optical properties. In contrast to the actual smoke from a flaming fire, which is dominated by absorption, all of the extinction for the simulated smoke is due to scattering. This difference could have an impact on detection criteria and hence the alarm time for photoelectic smoke detectors since they alarm based on the scattering properties of the smoke. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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