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张璐  方岩 《农药》2001,40(5):46-47
美国白蛾鳞翅目Lepidoptera,灯蛾科Arctiidae,灯蛾亚科Arctiinae,又名秋幕毛虫,学名Hvphantria cunea(Drury),是危害园林植物的一种重要检疫害虫,它具有食性杂,繁殖力强,传播途径多等特点,其主要寄主有糖械,元宝槭,三球悬铃木,桑树,白桦,榆树,杨属,李属,梨属,苹果属,刺槐,槐树,紫穗槐,臭椿,香椿,板栗,山碴,水曲柳,美国白蜡树,枫杨,毛泡桐,核桃楸,紫丁香,柳属,枣树,葡萄,文冠果等植物,在国内主要分布于辽宁,河北,天津市,山东、上海市。在国外主要分布于美国、加拿大、墨西哥、匈牙利,捷克斯洛伐克,前南斯拉夫,罗马尼亚,奥地利,前苏联、波兰、,法国,意大利、土耳其、日本、朝鲜、韩国等。  相似文献   

品名 规格包装 1200税3~竖 6目采硫酸 98%,净水盐酸 31%,工业,净水硝酸 98%,净水硼酸 99.5%,俄,袋磷酸 85%,工业,桶铬酸 99.5%,国产,桶纯碱 工业,轻质,袋烧碱 I>96%,片状,袋硫化碱 60%,片状,桶 硼砂 95%,十水,袋红矾钠 98%,国产,桶红矾钾 99.5%,国产,桶硝酸钠 一级,大化,袋亚硝  相似文献   

机立窑,预防“针”,必然有,可类似,有窑喷,窑况好,架空洞,架窑后,按成因,三平衡,此情况,处理掉,可划分:观窑面,易窑喷。沾挂料,风洞喷,不上升;窑喷前,平窑面,塌窑喷,防架窑,烟气闪,继续干。爆炸喷ll]。防煤升,似停顿,用小风,最末者,严操作,似倒灌,观窑面,常伤人,常闭门;瞬间后,处风洞,操作者,如果是,火冲天,料慢添,倍小心。却得多,操作者,必要时,怎操作?窑少沉,快躲闪。把谋添[a]。牢记心:风未变,喷窑后,不多时,重点在,窑面升,怎操作?处理完。 注:【11指Co爆炸窑喷。 〔21如果原煤过多,喷窑后底火破坏不严重,此处应改为“把煤减”。(连载完…  相似文献   

去年原料商业,在一至四月份中,颇为繁荣,获利可观,新设行商甚多,五月以后,订货蜂涌而来,原料商渐趋下坡,困难重重,无法推销,而他埠以交通梗阻,工业不振,原料淤塞沪地一隅,价格一贬再贬。实力浓厚之公司,即任其货如山积,静待时机,但大多贷款经营者,其资金多为国外订货所冻结,周转不灵,不得不将所有热门货贬价销售,以偿债务。迨至中秋以后,原料商行又峰回路转,此时本市各工厂多数增产复工,而订货又久无到埠,价格蠕蠕向上。及至十一月下旬,工业原料,不论热门货,冷门货,俏俐非常,热门货固涨风炽烈,冷门货亦身价十倍,因此去年原料商业,皆可安渡年关,尤以  相似文献   

一、国家明令禁止使用的农药(23种)六六六,滴滴涕,毒杀芬,二溴氯丙烷,杀虫脒,二溴乙烷,除草醚,艾氏剂,狄氏剂,汞制剂,砷、铅类,敌枯双,氟乙酰胺,甘氟,毒鼠强,氟乙酸钠,毒鼠  相似文献   

1 头孢曲松 ,2 人白蛋白 ,3 氨噻肟头孢菌素钠 ,4 左旋氧氟沙星 ,5 头孢环己烯 ,6 头孢呋辛 ,7 吡拉西坦 ,8 克林霉素 ,9 胸腺肽 ,10 头孢他啶 ,11 舒巴坦钠 /头孢哌酮钠 ,12 昂丹司琼 ,13 奥美拉唑 ,14 脂肪乳 ,15 环胞菌素 ,16 舒巴坦 /氨苄西林 ,17 氧氟沙星 ,18 阿莫西林 ,19 羟氨苄青霉素克拉维酸盐 ,2 0 重组人粒细胞某落刺激因子 (大肠 ) ,2 1 葡萄糖 ,2 2 阿特普酶 ,2 3 紫杉醇 ,2 4 氨氯地平 ,2 5 环丙沙星 ,2 6 人白细胞干扰素 ,2 7 银杏叶制剂 ,2 8 葛根素 ,2 9 阿卡波糖 ,30 亚胺培南 ,31 二磷酸果糖 ,32 单硝酸…  相似文献   

<正>广东全福,发展之路,回首往事,创业艰苦。开创之初,礼腾等人,生于瓷都,原是农户。一九七九,作坊全福,资凑借租,四人合股。成品陶瓷,电镀水镀,观音香炉,鱼缸仿古。科技进步,贡献突出,参政议政,亦文亦武。吉尼斯版,获金牌数,儒圣等图,让人信服。缔结国宝,曜变天目,填补空白,有目共睹。中国大师,艺委常务,陶瓷神话,令人鼓舞。  相似文献   

建筑材料:陶瓷,陶瓷加工器材及陶制品,厨房及浴室、卧室纺织品,家居装饰配件,地板与地毯,房屋内部设计,塑料异型材,铝型材,修饰材料,涂料,油漆,镶边瓷砖,墙纸及墙板镶嵌,粘结剂,防水系统,建筑器材和设备,空调暖通,制冷设备等;  相似文献   

浅谈陕南地区生漆开发与利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 陕西省是我国生漆主产区之一,陕南地区又是我省生漆重要产地。全省有漆树160万亩,1.6亿多株,年产漆量达1290吨,其中陕南地区占85%以上。漆树在陕南主要分布在平利县,岚皋县,镇坪县,紫阳县,宁陕县,南郑县,镇巴县,洋县,西乡县,留坝县,佛坪县,镇安县,柞水县,山阳县,商南县,凤县,太白等县,这些县年生漆收  相似文献   

一、前言包装用膜大致可分为轻包装用和重包装用,各自要求的物性有所不同,但是,一般所要求的性能有下例几项,即:透明性,光泽度,开口性,机械强度,硬度,热密封性,印刷性,耐水蒸汽性,透气性,耐油,耐化学药品性,无毒,无味,耐热性,低温强度等。  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPx4) in rat oocytes, preimplantation embryos, and female genital organs. After copulation, Sprague Dawley female rats were euthanized with anesthetic on the first (D1), third (D3), and fifth days of pregnancy (D5). Ovaries, oviducts, and uterine horns were removed, and oocytes and preimplantation embryos were obtained. Immunohistochemical, immunofluorescent, and Western blot methods were employed. Using immunofluorescence, we detected GPx4 in both the oocytes and preimplantation embryos. Whereas in the oocytes, GPx4 was homogeneously diffused, in the blastomeres, granules were formed, and in the blastocysts, even clusters were present mainly around the cell nuclei. Employing immunohistochemistry, we detected GPx4 inside the ovary in the corpus luteum, stroma, follicles, and blood vessels. In the oviduct, the enzyme was present in the epithelium, stroma, blood vessels, and smooth muscles. In the uterus, GPx4 was found in the endometrium, myometrium, blood vessels, and stroma. Moreover, we observed GPx4 positive granules in the uterine gland epithelium on D1 and D3 and cytoplasm of fibroblasts forming in the decidua on D5. Western blot showed the highest GPx4 levels in the uterus and the lowest levels in the ovary. Our results show that the GPx4 is necessary as early as in the preimplantation development of a new individual because we detected it in an unfertilized oocyte in a blastocyst and not only after implantation, as was previously thought.  相似文献   

The ideal immunosuppressive regimen should provide for excellent immunosuppression with no side effects. Yet, current immunosuppressive therapy regimens commonly used in clinical applications fail to meet this criterion. One of the complications caused by immunosuppressive drugs is mineralization disorders in hard tissues. In this study, we evaluated the effects of three immunosuppressive therapies used after transplantation on the levels of potassium, iron, chromium, zinc, aluminum, sodium and molybdenum in the bones and teeth of female rats and their offspring. The study was conducted on 32 female Wistar rats, subjected to immunosuppressive regimens (cyclosporine A, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone; tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone; and cyclosporine A, everolimus and prednisone). The hard tissues of rats were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES, ICAP 7400 Duo, Thermo Scientific) equipped with a concentric nebulizer and a cyclonic spray chamber. All the immunosuppressive regimens included in the study affected the concentrations of the studied minerals in hard tissues of female rats and their offspring. The therapy based on cyclosporine A, everolimus and prednisone led to a decline in the levels of iron in bone, zinc in teeth, and molybdenum in the bone and teeth of mothers, while in the offspring, it caused a decline of bone potassium, with a decrease in iron and increase of molybdenum in teeth. Moreover, the regimen caused an increase in aluminum and chromium in the teeth and aluminum in the bones of the offspring, and consequently, it seems to be the therapy with the most negative impact on the mineral metabolism in hard tissues.  相似文献   

The content of flavor precursor free amino acids in dehulled sesame seeds, subjected to roasting (R), steaming (S), roasting plus steaming (RS) and microwaving (M), was determined and compared with those of the raw (RW) seeds. R, RS, and S had major effects in reducing the content of free amino acids from 2360 μg/g to 582, 795 and 884 μg/g, respectively; M had no effect on the content of free amino acids. Meanwhile, flavor volatiles of the raw and processed seeds were compared by means of a dynamic headspace analyzer/gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Volatiles of RW seeds contained 85 compounds, whereas under the analytical conditions employed, seeds subjected to R, RS, S, and M had 117, 97, 93 and 87 compounds, respectively. Among volatiles identified in the RW seeds were 36 hydrocarbons, 8 aldehydes, 4 ketones, 8 alcohols, 2 acids, 2 esters, and 1 pyrazine. The only pyrazine identified in the RW seeds was 2,5-dimethylpyrazine. Pyrazines, generally recognized as contributors to the roasted aroma of foods, were more numerous (10 in R, 6 in RS, 2 in S, and 2 in M) and prevalent (8.71% in R, 2.97% in RS, 2.04% in S, 0.53% in M, and 0.25% in RW) in the volatiles of processed sesame seeds. The chemical nature of pyrazines also depended on the process employed. Multivariant analysis indicated a highly negative correlation between the loss of free amino acids and production of volatile flavor compounds in the R and RS samples, while the M sample remained unchanged. Furthermore, both R and RS seeds contained dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide, whereas no sulfur-containing compounds were present in other samples. Of the processed seeds, the flavors of R and RS samples were considered as acceptable, and the flavor intensity of the former was deemed stronger than that of the latter by the experimenters.  相似文献   

任平  赵洁  居莹  王玉  沈康俊  刘曙 《中国塑料》2022,36(2):139-146
汇总了国内外法规、标准、技术指南和文献中与食品接触材料相关的41种初级芳香胺(PAAs),分析了食品接触材料中PAAs的来源和迁移风险,对比了2021年以前中国、欧盟、韩国等国家及地区PAAs相关技术法规的差异。研究发现,食品接触材料中PAAs主要来源于偶氮着色剂、芳香族异氰酸酯以及其他助剂;聚酰胺餐厨具、有色塑料制品、复合材料制品中都有PAAs检出情况,以聚酰胺餐厨具最为严重;欧盟限制塑料食品接触材料及制品中所有PAAs的特定迁移量,其成员国德国限制塑料着色剂、橡胶等6种高风险材料的PAAs迁移量;韩国限制环氧树脂中4,4’?二氨基二苯甲烷,聚酰胺塑料中苯胺、4,4’?二氨基二苯甲烷、2,4?二氨基甲苯的特定迁移量;中国限制复合食品包装袋中甲苯二胺,塑料树脂中间苯二胺、4,4’?磺酰基双苯胺的特定迁移量,也限制着色剂中PAAs的使用量。当前我国塑料类食品接触材料中PAAs的迁移风险已受到广泛关注,建议生产企业密切关注国内外法规差异,严格控制偶氮着色剂、芳香族异氰酸酯以及其他助剂中PAAs的迁移风险。  相似文献   

A green house experiment was conducted to study the interaction effect of Zn and N in wheat (S-308). Zinc was applied as ZnSO4.7H2O at 0, 5, 10 and 20 mg per kg, and nitrogen as urea at 0, 75 and 150 mg per kg. In the absence of added N and lime 5 mg Zn per kg increased the grain, straw and root weight, but the application of either N (75 and 150 mg per kg) or lime (4000 mg CaCO3 per kg), 10 mg Zn per kg responded significantly. However, when N and lime were added together, 20 mg Zn per kg increased the grain, straw and root weight significantly. Irrespective of Zn and N, the grain, straw and root weights were higher in limed that in unlimed soils.The application of N increased the Zn concentration in wheat tops and roots in unlimed soils, and decreased it in limed soils. However, because of an increase in wheat yield, the uptake of Zn by wheat tops and roots also increased with N application both in limed and unlimed soils. The addition of Zn to 10 mg per kg, increased the N concentration in the absence of N, but in the presence of N, the addition of Zn to 20 mg per kg decreased the N concentration in wheat tops and roots. The applied Zn to 10 mg per kg in unlimed soils and to 20 mg per kg in limed soils increased the N uptake by wheat tops and roots, respectively. The Zn concentration was higher in absence of lime than in its presence while a reverse trend was true for N concentration.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2020,46(8):11443-11465
Doping hydroxyapatite (HAp) with foreign ions has been increasing in popularity as a chemical approach to augment the existing and impart new properties to it. However, it is uncertain whether this approach can elicit properties strong enough to make HAp competitive for commercial applications in biomedicine and elsewhere. In particular, material properties, such as grain size, morphology, surface charge, porosity, topology and others may prove to be more effective in controlling properties of HAp than the dopant choice and concentration. This study tackles this question through a meta-analysis of the dependence of selected materials properties on dopant concentrations reported across the literature, showing that doping is a convenient way of controlling some, but not all properties in HAp and should be implemented ideally in combination with other structural and compositional factors of influence. This meta-analysis is coupled to a bibliographic analysis of the evolution of trends in terms of the type, frequency and concurrency of dopants in HAp, covering the entire Periodic Table, all 72 elements incorporated into HAp so far and the 1990 – 2019 period split into successive lustra. The study demonstrates a continuously ascending trend in popularity of certain elements, such as Sr, Ce and Se, and a continuously declining trend of others in the past two decades, including F, Y, I, Ti and most lanthanides. For the fourth period transition metals a trend of constancy was observed and for yet other elements, including Ag and Mg, a period of ascent was succeeded by a steady decline, the onset of which coincided in the case of Ag with the peak in the airing of the concerns over its cytotoxicity by the scientific community. Reasons for these trends with respect to most elements are explained and connected with trends governing broader realms of materials science. It is shown that the choice of ions as dopants in HAp is largely driven by broader trends in materials science, rendering the doped HAp a mirror to view these existing and past trends in. Theoretically, by following the historic progression of these trends, a gaze in this mirror could assist in extrapolation of future trends, which normally come at the cost extinguishing some of the existing ones. This immersion in more general developments in materials science opened the path toward drawing connections between the bibliographically assessed geopolitical trends in doped HAp and in broader aspects of the scientific community, including the growing gap between the rich and the poor pervading it. The analysis reported here is conceptually novel and could be applied to numerous other materials.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted. In the first, male rats were immersed for 25 min in fresh water or water previously swum in by another rat. Control rats were not immersed in water. Rats tested in water previously swum in by another rat were significantly less immobile than rats tested in fresh water. Water immersion resulted in significant increases in serum corticosterone, glucose, and phosphorus levels, a decrease in potassium levels, and a higher phosphorus/potassium ratio, compared to nonimmersed controls regardless of water condition. When the two water-immersed groups were compared, rats tested in previously swum water had significantly higher glucose and significantly lower potassium levels and a higher phosphorus/potassium ratio than rats tested in fresh water. Immobility times were significantly correlated with the phosphorus/potassium ratio. In the second experiment, blood gases were measured prior to testing and at 25 min after immersion in rats tested in fresh and previously swum water. Rats in soiled water hypoventilated to a significantly greater extent than rats in fresh water but did not differ significantly in blood oxygenation. These two studies demonstrate that alarm chemosignals can produce physiological effects in conspecifics.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and peroxidase (POD) are considered important biochemical markers in host plant resistance against pest insects. Constitutive activity of these enzymes was analyzed in resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars against cereal aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) at various developmental stages, i.e., tillering, stem elongation, flag leaf, and ear. Following aphid infestation, the activity of these enzymes was determined at the flag leaf and ear stages. Resistant cultivars exhibited greater constitutive PAL activity than susceptible ones at the tillering, stem elongation, and flag leaf stages. Aphid infestation enhanced levels of PAL activity in the flag leaf and ear stages in both resistant and susceptible cultivars. Constitutive PPO activity was higher in the resistant cultivars at all developmental stages. Aphid infestation induced increases in PPO activity in the flag leaf and ear stages of one susceptible cultivar, whereas induction in resistant cultivars was weaker. Resistant cultivars showed greater constitutive POD activity in the tillering, stem elongation, and flag leaf stages, while aphid infestation induced POD activity in all cultivars, especially in susceptible ones. The potential role of PAL, PPO, and POD in wheat defense against aphid infestation is discussed.  相似文献   

抚顺西露天矿西排土场土地复垦植被构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对抚顺西露天矿西排土场进行了土壤养分及环境质量分析,调查了西排土场植被演替现状,进行排土场植物复垦研究。结果表明排土场矸石土壤土壤贫瘠,为3类土壤,需对排土场进行生态恢复与重建。筛选出适合于排土场不同土地类型的复垦植物,提出排土场植物配置应以乔、灌、草的带状、块状、丛状复合混交,形成立体结构相对稳定的人工植物群落。  相似文献   

Urine and vaginal mucus samples from female white-tailed deer in estrus and mid-cycle were analyzed by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Forty-four volatiles were found in mucus and 63 in urine. The volatiles common to both vaginal mucus and urine included alcohols, aldehydes, furans, ketones, alkanes, and alkenes. Aromatic hydrocarbons were present only in the vaginal mucus, whereas pyrans, amines, esters, and phenols were found only in urine. Both estrous mucus and estrous urine could be identified by the presence of specific compounds not present in mid-cycle samples. Numerous compounds exhibited dependency on ovarian hormones.  相似文献   

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