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丙烯酰胺类聚合物是油田上应用最广的溶性聚合物,本文详细介绍了油田用丙烯酰胺类聚合物的研究现状和发展趋势,表明开发出更适用于油田的丙烯酰胺类聚合物的紧迫性。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺及其衍生物的合成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丙烯酰胺类聚合物是油田化学中应用最广泛的一种化学添加剂,本文介绍了丙烯酰胺单体与其聚合物的合成及改性反应。  相似文献   

在油田生产的过程中,最常用的聚合物为聚丙烯酰胺,而在使用该聚合物的过程中,对于聚合物的分子量是有非常严格的把控和要求的,因此在加工的过程中,需要应用到一定的加工技术,借助于这些加工技术,优化聚合物的生产,提高聚丙烯酰胺产品的质量,进而使其更加满足油田生产过程中对于聚合物的使用需求。主要结合聚合物的概念和特点,探讨聚合物的生产加工技术措施。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺聚合物作为一种高效廉价的驱油剂而被各大油田广泛应用,聚合物驱能够有效地开发水驱后的剩余油,从而实现扩大波及体积,提高原油采收率的目的。在油田实际开发过程中,二元复合体系及三元复合体系应用也极为普遍,而同时聚丙烯酰胺作为二元复合体系及三元复合体系的重要组成部分,深入研究聚丙烯酰胺的性能对于油田开发尤为重要。针对聚合物在矿场上实际开发效果,本文阐述了聚丙烯酰胺的理化性质,归纳了聚丙烯酰胺的油藏适用范围,分析了聚丙烯酰胺的驱油机理,总结了聚合物驱的研究现状,为矿场实际生产提供建议。  相似文献   

综述了近年来国内外2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)类聚合物、非AMPS类聚合物和复配聚合物三类油井水泥缓凝剂的研究现状;分析总结了现今油井水泥聚合物缓凝剂存在的不足与今后的发展趋势。指出了聚合物缓凝剂存在的不足主要在于温度敏感性大,温度适用范围小,稠化曲线线形异常,对高温沉降稳定性和水泥石强度发展影响大等问题。提出油井水泥缓凝剂的发展方向主要侧重于开发智能缓凝剂、可降解缓凝剂,以适应油田固井需求,保证固井质量稳步上升。  相似文献   

三次采油用抗温抗盐聚合物分析   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
对聚丙烯酰胺不能适应油田三次采油耐温耐盐要求的原因和目前国内外三次采油用抗温抗盐聚合物进行了分析,将国内外正在研制的三次采油用抗温抗盐聚合物分为五大类,并对不同结构聚合物的抗温抗盐作业机理进行了分析,指出当前研制抗温抗盐聚合物存在的问题,认为两性聚合物、疏水缔合聚合物、耐温耐盐单体共聚物、多元组合共聚物在目前情况下,还不适合用于油田三次采油,提出了提高油田三次采油用聚合物抗温抗盐能力的途径和抗温抗盐聚合物驱油剂的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺类聚合物中应用最广泛的是部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(以下简称HPAM),特别是在三次采油聚合物驱及水处理等方面。水解度为10%~30%的超高相对分子质量的HPAM主要用于油田采油以提高采收率。HPAM的生产有两种方法.即共聚法和均聚水解法。采用共聚法难以获得高分子量的HPAM,而在适宜的条件下,利用均聚后水解法可制备高分子量HPAM牌。目前,国内聚丙烯酰胺(以下简称PAM)行业大多采用后水解法制备HPAM,然而由超高分子量聚丙烯酰胺转化成超高分子量部分水解聚丙烯酰胺是一个重要环节。  相似文献   

油田水中部分水解聚丙烯酰胺浓度的检测技术优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着油田的不断开发,二连油田进入大面积的三次采油技术,在驱油过程中,经常要测定产出液中的聚丙烯酰胺的浓度,以判断驱油过程中聚合物溶液的流动、降解情况。目前,二连油田对产出液中聚丙烯酰胺浓度的检测方法主要是采用淀粉—碘化钾分光光度法,该方法的原理是:由于聚丙烯酰胺  相似文献   

丙烯酰胺类荧光聚合物的合成   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对国内外丙烯酰胺类荧光聚合物的合成进展进行了综述。丙烯酰胺类荧光聚合物可通过可参与聚合的荧光染料及其标记的单体与丙烯酰胺类水溶性单体共聚,或荧光染料与丙烯酰胺类水溶性聚合物及其衍生物反应制得。这类聚合物的荧光检测的下限已达到01×10-6~001×10-6。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺是一种重要的水溶性高分子聚合物,由于聚丙烯酰胺具有高分子化合物的水溶性以及主链上活泼的酰基,所以在油田化工污水处理,采用聚丙烯酰胺不仅能够使油田化工污水高效净化,而且还能够增加水回用循环的使用率。下面详细进行研究分析聚丙烯酰胺在油田化工污水处理中的应用及其效果。  相似文献   

JH系列絮凝剂的合成与净水性能评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对现有有机絮凝剂品种少、破乳除油和去除污水中有机污染物能力差的问题,通过阳离子单体、疏水单体与丙烯酰胺反相悬浮共聚,研制了JH系列新型絮凝剂,并对比研究了其对含油污水的净水效果。结果表明,JH系列有机絮凝剂具有良好的絮凝除浊、破乳除油和去除有机物的能力;优于现有有机絮凝剂。絮凝剂分子中含有15%的阳离子基团和l%左右的疏水基团则更有利于其净水效果的发挥。  相似文献   

According to trials with model compounds the annexed methylol amide groups in N-hydroxymethyl acryl amide polymers are linked with each other by ether and methylene bridges under elimination of water and formaldehyde. The proton catalysis favours methylene cross-linking. Part of the methylol groups escape the cross-linking reaction by reforming of carbonamide groups. The purely thermal condensation of the methylol ethers occurs by elimination of alcohol and leads to a cross-linking by N-substituted methylene-bis-carbonamide groups, while in the presence of protons alkyl formal additionally develops under formation of methylene bridges.  相似文献   

介绍了淀粉系高吸水性树脂的制备引发方式,阐述了利用化学引发法合成的淀粉接枝丙烯腈类、丙烯酸类和丙烯酸酯或丙烯酰胺类3个系列吸水树脂的研究进展,并且介绍了淀粉接枝共聚高吸水树脂在个人卫生、医药、农业园林等方面的应用。简要指出了高吸水树脂的研究及发展方向。  相似文献   

雒贵明  林瑞森 《化学世界》2004,45(8):413-415,399
采用胶束聚合的方法合成了三次采油用聚合物PL-2,室内研究了表面活性剂的浓度、疏水单体、阴离子单体含量以及在盐水中聚合物溶液表观粘度的影响,并进一步评价了合成聚合物的抗剪切性与热稳定性。实验结果表明:疏水单体与阴离子单体含量分别在0.6%与10%时,该聚合物驱油剂PL-2具有很好的增粘效果,且抗剪切及热稳定性能优良,其性能可以满足高温、高矿化度油藏聚合物驱油的要求。  相似文献   

In the past few years, great emphasis has been placed on developing the water-based mud system in drilling operations because its properties are suitable for the environment and it is a better choice than oil- and synthetic-based muds. Despite research and development in this field, water-based muds still have filtration issues that lead to drilling problems, and attempts must be continued in this regard. Therefore, this work aims to reduce the filtrate loss of water-based mud by affecting the drilling cake and making the permeability as low as possible with enhanced properties that resist the filtration of the drilling fluid. Special care was taken to develop suitable mud rheological properties in terms of plastic viscosity, yield point, and gel strength compared to API standards. To this end, some hydrophilic materials were added to the mud, such as thinners (spersene and trisodium phosphate [TSP]) and some polymers (sodium silicate [SS] and poly acryl amide [PAA] (to compare with the basic mud. The results showed that using thinners and polymers without carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and baryte reduced filtrate loss and permeability by a small percentage. On the other hand, adding CMC and baryte to the four additives (spersene, TSP, SS, and PAA) each separately reduced the permeability by 66.1%, 67.7%, 74.1%, and 79%, and reduced filtrate loss by 50.1%, 51.4%, 55.3%, and 58.6%, respectively. It was concluded that adding PAA with CMC and baryte can effectively reduce filtrate losses due to its ability to provide a membrane of low permeability.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties and the swelling behaviour of aqueous poly(acryl amide) and poly(acryl amide-co-Na acrylate) gels were investigated. The ionic networks were prepared by hydrolysis of the nonionic ones, in this way preserving the network topology. By measurement of the modulus it was detected that networks prepared in solution contain a rather large portion of elastically ineffective rings. Hydrolysing a part of the amide groups resulted in a considerably increased swelling ratio. The modulus of such ionic gels did not show the predicted decrease with rising swelling ratio, but on the contrary increased up to a fivefold value. The reason for this behaviour is seen in the limited extensibility (non-Gaussian behaviour) of the network chains. At constant swelling ratio, the modulus of gels having identical topology decreased with rising degree of hydrolysis. This reflects the influence of the ionic groups on the mean-square end-to-end distance of the free polymer chains.  相似文献   

Kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs) are water-soluble polymers designed to delay gas hydrate formation in gas and oilfield operations. Inhibition of growth of gas hydrate crystals is one of the mechanisms by which KHIs have been proposed to act. One class of commercial KHIs is the hyperbranched poly(ester amide)s. We have investigated the ability of a range of structurally different hyperbranched poly(ester amide)s to inhibit the crystal growth of tetrahydrofuran (THF) hydrate which forms a Structure II clathrate hydrate, the most common gas hydrate structure encountered in the upstream oil and gas industry. The results indicate that there is an optimum size of hydrophobic groups attached to the succinyl part of the polymer, which gives best crystal growth inhibition. However, total inhibition was impossible to achieve even at a concentration of 8000 ppm of one of the best polymers at a subcooling of 3.4 °C, tentatively suggesting that polymer adsorption onto natural gas hydrate crystal surfaces is probably not the primary mechanism of kinetic inhibition operating in field applications with this class of KHI.  相似文献   

Poly(ester amide)s have emerged in the last years as an important family of biodegradable synthetic polymers. These polymers present both ester and amide linkages in their structure and they gather in the same entity the good degradability of polyesters with the good thermo-mechanical properties of polyamides. Particularly, poly(ester amide)s containing α-amino acids have risen as important materials in the biomedical field. The presence of the α-amino acid contributes to better cell–polymer interactions, allows the introduction of pendant reactive groups, and enhances the overall biodegradability of the polymers.  相似文献   

Starch is one of the richest natural polymers with low-cost,non-toxic and biodegradable,but is seldom directly used as corrosion inhibitor due to its poor inhibitive ability and low water solubility.To solve this problem,cassava starch-acryl amide graft copolymer (CS-AAGC) was prepared through grafting acryl amide (AA) with cassava starch (CS),and it was firstly examined as an efficient inhibitor for 1060 alu-minum in 1.0 mol·L-1 H3PO4 media.The adsorption behavior of CS-AAGC and its electrochemical mech-anism were investigated by weight loss and electrochemical methods.Additionally,the inhibited aluminum surface was fully characterized by a series of SEM,AFM,contact angle measurements and XPS.Results confirm that CS-AAGC performs better inhibitive ability than CS,AA or CS/AA mixture,and the maximum inhibition efficiency of 1.0g·L-1 CS-AAGC is 90.6% at 20 ℃.CS-AAGC acts as a mixed-type inhibitor while mainly retards the anodic reaction.EIS has three time constants,and the polarization resistance is significantly increased in the presence of CS-AAGC.The micrograph of inhibited aluminum surface is of hydrophobic nature with low surface roughness and little corrosion degree.  相似文献   

以二甲基乙酰胺为溶剂,叔胺为盐酸吸收剂,将4,4′-二氨基二苯醚与2,6-二(4-氯甲酰苯氧基)苯甲腈进行低温缩聚反应,合成含氰侧基及醚基结构的聚芳酰胺。结果表明:当反应体系摩尔浓度为0.45~0.55mol/L,初始反应温度为0℃,以2-甲基吡啶为盐酸吸收剂时,制得的聚芳酰胺相对分子质量较高,该聚合物热分解温度(失重5%)为419℃。  相似文献   

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