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作为超大型城市,上海通过持续建设形成长江水源供水系统和黄浦江水源供水系统"两江并举、多源联动"供水格局,并通过水专项支持实现了"十一五"关键技术点攻关和"十二五"供水线技术综合示范,构建了长江青草沙水源饮用水安全保障技术体系,显著提升了上海饮用水安全保障能力和饮用水品质."十三五"期间,上海2035年城市总体规划提出确保水资源供给安全,健全城乡供水体系,提高入户水质,至 2035年全市供水水质达到国际先进标准,满足直饮需求.为改善黄浦江供水系统水质,2016年12月黄浦江上游太浦河金泽水库建成通水,日供水规模351万m3 ,供水覆盖上海西南五区670万人口.  相似文献   

宋惠莹  董天明  辛东平 《广州化工》2013,(13):178-179,220
饮用水安全关系到广大人民群众健康、生命安全和社会和谐稳定,保障饮用水安全是环保工作的首要任务。本文从水源地环境禀赋、污染状况、环境监管以及环境风险,对广州市典型乡镇饮用水水源地环境现状进行调查评估,并提出保障乡镇饮用水水源水质的对策和建议,为水源地环境管理提供技术支持。  相似文献   

上海2040年规划提出,要将上海建成国家经济中心和卓越的全球城市,要成为国际金融、贸易、航运、科技创新中心和文化大都市,而饮用水水质安全与质量是卓越"全球城市"定位的重要衡量指标。本文针对上海市城市规划定位、上海供水水质现状,提出上海城市供水进一步改善水质、实施市政优质饮用水的必要性和技术途径,特别针对地方水质标准制定和实施市政直饮水的技术保障措施进行了系统阐述。  相似文献   

随着城镇化和水厂集约化发展,供水管网规模逐步扩大,输配距离增加,停留时间延长,水质在管网输配过程中发生一定程度的恶化。面对高品质饮用水的供水目标和要求,亟需加强供水管网水质安全保障能力。在"十二五"水专项供水管网水质安全多级保障与漏损控制技术研究与示范的研究成果基础上,通过协同管网多级消毒、冲洗、修复,集成供水管网水质调控技术,有效保障供水管网运行安全,为供水企业提供管网运行维护和管理的措施及依据。  相似文献   

二次供水安全保障体系的建立和完善是全面建立城市饮用水安全保障体系的重要组成部分。文章根据课题的研究目标,针对上海市居民二次供水水质保障中存在的突出问题,研究二次供水水质评估技术、二次供水设施设计与优化布局技术、二次供水水质监测技术体系并进行工程示范,示范点水质数据稳定,符合饮用水国标要求,有力地支撑了上海市二次供水水质的安全保障。  相似文献   

正水质监测是饮用水安全保障的基础工作,也是一项重大的民生工程。2006年,新的《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)颁布实施。新国标的水质指标由35项增至106项,大幅增加了有机物、消毒副产物、毒理学和微生物指标等内容,新国标的实施对检测方法提出了更高的要求。为有效支撑新国标的全面实施,“十一五”期间,水专项“水质监测关键技术及标准化研究与示范课题”课题基于城镇供水行业的需求,对  相似文献   

为了更好地保护饮用水源水质质量,保障人民群众的饮用水安全,需要重视饮用水源的水质监测。通过分析2017-2019年利川市城区饮用水源的水质监测结果,表明利川市城区饮用水源总体满足地表水Ⅲ类标准,水质状况总体良好。同时探讨了目前可以开展的水源地保护的措施,从政府和群众的角度出发,为饮用水源地的保护提出了一定的建议。  相似文献   

蒋增辉  李青松 《净水技术》2011,30(5):130-133
构建科学合理的水质安全管理检查方法,不断完善和发展供水水质督查体系是安全饮用水保障领域的重要课题.通过对净水关键环节、水质控制制度的建立和实施、水质标准执行、水质突发事件、净水材料和药剂、水质投诉处理等的研究,提出了水质安全管理检查的流程和具体内容,认为水质安全管理检查应列入供水水质督察体系中,为城市供水水质安全管理提...  相似文献   

根据水源地检测的需要,建立了采用车载PT/GC/MS技术对水源水中73项挥发性有机物水质指标(70种挥发性有机物)的应急测定方法.结果显示,测定方法具有良好的线性范围、重复性和准确度,适用于地表水和自来水的应急监测,扩展了《生活饮用水水质标准》(DB31/T 1091—2018)中挥发性有机物指标体系,提高了水源地水质监测安全保障能力,为实现饮用水直饮目标提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   

2014年12月南水北调中线工程通水后,京津冀区域,特别是京津特大城市群,形成了"南水北调来水和本地水资源互联互调"的多水源供水新格局.南水北调中线工程在一定程度上缓解了京津冀区域严重缺水的局面.与此同时,其供水安全保障也面临了巨大挑战.2017年国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(简称"水专项")设置了"多水源格局下城市供水安全保障技术体系构建"科研项目,以保障北京市多水源格局下的安全供水为核心,优化、集成既有水专项相关研究成果.探明丹江口水源超长距离输送过程中水质变化规律,突破南水北调中线原水水质预警技术、生态型水源地保护管理技术.以多水源水质水量变化和水厂工艺适应性为约束条件,形成基于水源-水厂-管网联动的水质安全保障集成技术;以智慧供水建设为切入点,建设多层次、全方位预警决策和风险管控平台,构建基于在线监测和智能决策的大型管网节水节能、水质提升的优化调度技术,进而全面提升北京市供水安全保障.  相似文献   

陈典坤  杨显 《净水技术》2022,41(2):34-39,110
2016年以来,太湖水体总磷(TP)浓度上升且在2017年暴发大面积蓝藻,严重威胁了太湖水环境安全。2020年“引江济太”新建工程———新孟河延伸拓浚工程和新沟河延伸拓浚工程正式启用,将在已投入使用的望虞河引水工程基础上进一步提高进出太湖水量,为改善太湖水环境提供新的解决方案。文中通过建立太湖二维水动力-水质模型,模拟并分析“引江济太”新建工程中,太湖梅梁湾在不同季节盛行风下TP和总氮(TN)的迁移扩散规律。模拟结果表明,在夏半季与冬半季盛行风向作用下,不同引排量水对梅梁湾水域TP和TN的浓度影响与分布趋势存在差异性,当引排水量增加时,区域水体水质提升。  相似文献   

Away from traditional supply option of building dams, we need to adopt new supply options that can be incorporated into urban development and at household-level technology, including rainwater harvesting and wastewater reclamation. While technological advancements have made them possible, economic arguments and to larger extent a lack of political leadership have been keeping these options at pilot stage. The Kogarah Council is amongst a few NSW municipalities who have embarked on a comprehensive review of its water management practices. This journey has resulted in changing the Council's focus from traditional drainage pits and pipes to a much broader approach to water cycle management. In 2003 the Kogarah Council became the first one in Sydney to adopt TWCM principles into its Sustainability Management Plan. “Reduction in per capita water demand in Kogarah” was identified as a key sustainability indicator in the plan. At the same time, the Council recognised that while it had a statutory responsibility for managing stormwater, a successful partnership with the Sydney Water Corporation (responsible for water and wastewater) was vital to bringing together data, resources, and knowledge to develop and implement TWCM projects. The project developed a TWCM strategy for the Beverley Park catchment to identify priority projects in the catchment that produce the most cost-effective water savings. The Council has since endorsed the strategy and is committed to three priority projects identified for implementation in 2004/05: participation in Sydney Waters “Every Drop Counts” Business Program, the Beverley Park Water Reclamation Project, and the Rainwater Tanks in Schools Project. The first project will enhance the on-going water efficiency roll-outs from the Sydney Water Corporation, and the other two projects focus on creating new water sources. By 2005/06, the implementation of these projects will save up to 150 ML of drinking water every year in Kogarah. This paper presents an insight into this innovative project and provides the current status of the three priority projects.  相似文献   

《水污染控制技术》是高职环境监测与治理技术专业的一门专业技能学习领域课程。介绍了《水污染控制技术》课程的地位及性质,针对传统教学模式存在的缺陷,结合区域经济和企业发展的总体需求,以不同性质的污水作为处理对象,采用"项目导入,工学结合"的教学模式,以"任务驱动"为教学手段进行教学改革,注重"过程考核"方式。提出了教学改革过程中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

徐静  武淑文  高红武  李然  贾黎春 《广州化工》2012,40(18):168-169
《水污染治理技术》是高职高专环境监测与治理技术专业的主干核心课程之一。文章通过分析目前教学过程中存在的一些问题,结合自身教学体会,在改革教学手段、加强教学条件建设和拓展实习渠道等方面进行了改革初探。  相似文献   

王纵 《净水技术》2011,(4):66-69
为确保连云港城市供水安全,连云港市第三水厂进行了改造,计划在2012年供水高峰前建成通水。连云港市第三水厂二期及深度处理工程设计规模分别为10万m^3/d和20万m^3/d。该文对项目的净水工艺进行了比选,并对主要净水工艺设计进行了介绍。  相似文献   

对2007-2010年黄浦江上游水源地水质调查数据进行分析后认为:NH3-N和CODMn污染主要来自其上游的淀山湖及省界来水,淀山湖、拦路港斜塘及黄浦江上游主干水质污染程度有逐年降低趋势,淀山湖尤为明显,黄浦江几大支流依据污染程度排序为大泖港〉园泄泾〉斜塘〉太浦河;黄浦江原水中的NH3-N和CODMn可以通过臭氧+生物活性炭的深度处理工艺有效降低,使出厂水水质达标;移动源污染(船舶)已成为黄浦江水源地最难以控制的污染源之一,并成为原水供应最主要的风险;建议将黄浦江上游水源地区域内外发生的突发性水污染事件分为四级,并提出相应的分级标准。  相似文献   

Sustainability or “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” [1] remains a relatively new concept for the water industry. The challenge is to develop sustainable recycled water projects that meet the needs of a water business as the responsible service authority, while at the same time meeting the individual needs of a particular community. The community consultation model that has been adopted by Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water to assist in the implementation of our urban Water Quality Improvement Program is widely considered to be a water industry benchmark. The integration of this tried and tested consultation model with our recently adopted Recycled Water Strategy is now providing us with a framework for informing and educating local communities and other key stakeholders about recycled water. The model also encourages local stakeholders to play a major role in identifying and evaluating opportunities for potential sustainable recycled water projects to meet the needs of their particular community. The successful elements of the model that have been further developed include community newsletters, information packages and public workshops. Initial newsletters and an information workshop seek local community input into identifying potential projects. Subsequent information packages and workshop(s) provide further information for interested individuals and/or organisations in the development of project proposals. Local community input into prioritising the criteria used to assess project proposals are also sought, usually through these workshop(s). Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water has challenged the perceived ‘we know what's best for you’ culture by providing key stakeholders with the opportunity to have informed input during the decision making process. This is allowing us to develop sustainable recycled water projects that take into consideration the needs of individual communities and key stakeholders. It is also assisting us to build strong relationships with our customers through educated and informed communities.  相似文献   

水污染控制工程是环境工程专业的一门核心主干课程,课堂教学效果直接关系到环境工程专业人才的培养质量。对于任课教师来说,改进教学思路和方法,提高该课程的课堂教学效果,是一项非常重要的工作。本文就如何提高《水污染控制工程》的课堂教学效果进行了探讨,总结了一些有助于提高水污染控制工程课堂教学效果的思路和具体做法。  相似文献   

课程设计是本科生教学实践环节的一个重要组成部分。本文针对水污染控制工程课程设计教学中存在的问题,结合课程设计的特点,从课程设计题目的选定、指导教师授课方式的改进以及考核制度的建立等方面提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

The City of White Rock purchased the water utility on October 30, 2015, from EPCOR Utilities Inc. The City of White Rock‘s water utility provides safe and clean drinking water to its residents. The drinking water is obtained from the Sunnyside Uplands Aquifer. To ensure water supplied is of the highest quality, the City collaborated with the RES‘EAU-WaterNET, to conduct research to evaluate and identify technologies that are capable of providing a significant reduction of arsenic and manganese, to improve water quality. The City submitted a grant application to the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) for the construction of a water treatment plant to reduce arsenic and manganese in drinking water. The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia provided funding from the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) to the City of White Rock for the “Arsenic and Manganese Water Treatment Project. The City awarded a contract for the Design Build for a Water Treatment Plant to provide a major reduction in arsenic and manganese in drinking water. The Design Build project utilized the scientific findings from the research conducted. The construction of the plant started in March 2018, and the project is expected to be completed by March 2019.  相似文献   

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