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以轴箱弹簧产品为例,研究了填胶量及硫化温度对轴箱弹簧的硫化内压以及刚度等性能的影响。结果表明,随着填胶量的增加,硫化内压增大,橡胶的交联程度及致密度增大,产品刚度增大;随着硫化温度的升高,硫化内压先迅速增大后有所降低,对产品的刚度影响不明显。  相似文献   

橡胶履带压注成型整体硫化工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于目前传统的橡胶履带制造方法都存在需分段硫化且第一模需通冷却水及第二模橡胶接头部位硫化程度不致等问题,故很容易产生橡胶裂口等质量缺陷。本文介绍了橡胶履带压注成型整体硫化工艺,该工艺将外层胶、挤出挂胶钢帘线缠绕成的环状钢帘布与传动筋板等配件一起预成型于压注式圆形活络橡胶履带内模腔内,再用注塞模将外层胶从压注室经压注孔通过平板硫化机压注到模腔内,最后硫化成产品。该工艺成型后只需硫化一次就能出成品,橡胶履带带体胶料物性均匀一致,克服了传统工艺的缺点。  相似文献   

孙滔  程志  易伟球  刘鹏  林胜  李斌 《橡胶工业》2022,69(2):0127-0132
以采用注压成型工艺生产锥形橡胶弹簧为例,研究硫化内压对锥形橡胶弹簧外观质量和物理性能的影响。结果表明:锥形橡胶弹簧硫化时胶料用量增大,硫化内压增大,锥形橡胶弹簧的压缩高度和垂向刚度增大,但胶料用量过大会影响产品外观质量;硫化内压增大,锥形橡胶弹簧的耐屈挠疲劳性能、抗蠕变性能以及金属-橡胶粘合强度提高,产品综合性能改善。  相似文献   

简单介绍了药用卤化丁基橡胶瓶塞用注压硫化工艺生产时对胶料配方、生产设备和模具的要求。以及工艺参数的调整原则和产品的特性等。  相似文献   

注压是橡胶模型制品制造工艺之一,系从塑料加工中移植过来。它与传统的橡胶模压工艺相比,具有以下不同点:(1)胶坯不是预先放置于模腔内,而是向模腔内注射胶料;(2)自动化程度高,进出模都不依赖于手工操作;(3)飞边较少,有助于减少耗胶,降低成本;(4)采用高温(160~190℃)硫化,从注射到脱模的整个过程只要一分钟时间。  相似文献   

研究注射模硫化成型工艺在轨道减震器中的应用,并与传统高压模硫化成型工艺进行对比。结果表明:与采用高压模硫化成型工艺相比,采用注射模硫化成型工艺可以缩短产品硫化时间,提高生产效率;增大产品内压,提高橡胶硫化均一程度,增大橡胶-金属粘合强度;减小产品疲劳试验后垂向静刚度、垂向动刚度和动静刚度比的变化,使用过程中产品性能更为稳定。  相似文献   

硫化机硫化软胎外胎的温度分布比硫化罐硫化外胎的窄,后充气有硫化效应,过硫化严重时,胎面胶性能下降,帘布层间粘合强度增大,粘合强度保持率降低,耐久性能和里程下降,改进后的硫化工艺节省设备投资200万元,生产效率提高15%。  相似文献   

研究注射模硫化成型工艺在轨道减震器制备中的应用,并与传统高压模硫化成型工艺进行对比.结果 表明:与采用高压模硫化成型工艺相比,采用注射模硫化成型工艺可以缩短产品硫化时间,提高生产效率;增大产品内压,提高橡胶硫化均一程度,增大橡胶-金属粘合强度;减小产品疲劳试验后垂向静刚度、垂向动刚度和动静刚度比的变化,使用过程中产品性...  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to compare mass- and mole based diffusion flux models, convection, fluid velocity and pore structure models for methanol synthesis process. Steady-state models have been derived and solved using least-squares spectral method (LSM) to describe the evolution of species composition, pressure, velocity, total concentration and diffusion fluxes in porous pellets for methanol synthesis. Mass diffusion fluxes are described according to the rigorous Maxwell Stefan model, dusty gas model and the more simple Wilke model. These fluxes are defined with respect to molar- and mass averaged velocities. The different effects of choosing the random- and parallel pore models have been investigated. The effects of Knudsen diffusion have been investigated. The result varies significantly in the dusty gas model. The effectiveness factors have been calculated for the methanol synthesis process for both mass- and mole based pellet models. The values of effectiveness factors for both mass- and mole based pellet models do not vary so much. The effect of Wilke-, Maxwell–Stefan- and dusty gas mass diffusion fluxes on the reactor performance have been studied. Steady-state heterogeneous fixed bed reactor model is derived where the intra-particle mass diffusion fluxes in the voids of the pellet are described by Wilke-, Maxwell–Stefan- and dusty gas models. Furthermore, the total computational efficiency of the heterogeneous fixed bed reactor model is calculated with several closures for the intra-particle mass diffusion fluxes. The model evaluations revealed that:
The mass- and mole based pellet models are not completely consistent. However, the small deviation (less than 2%) between mass- and mole based pellet models is due to the model equations are not fully consistent. If one pellet model is to be chosen for the methanol synthesis process, the optimal diffusion flux model is the Maxwell–Stefan model.  相似文献   

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