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研究新型填料GY-400在半钢子午线轮胎气密层中的应用。结果表明:当GY-400用量在20份以内时以其等量替代炭黑N660,胶料的加工性能提高,物理性能和气密性能下降;以50份GY-400替代20份炭黑N660和20份碳酸钙,胶料的加工性能提高,但物理性能稍有下降,气密性能明显提高;在生产配方中增加10份GY-400,胶料的加工性能和物理性能变化不大,气密性能明显提高,同时生产成本降低。  相似文献   

孔美  刘志鹏  李培军 《橡胶工业》2020,67(4):0282-0286
研究炭黑N660/裂解炭黑并用对溴化丁基橡胶(BIIR)气密层胶性能的影响。结果表明:裂解炭黑粒径大于炭黑N660;随着裂解炭黑用量的增大,胶料的门尼粘度提高,t10和t90总体延长,加工安全性能较好,硫化速度较慢;与纯炭黑N660胶料相比,添加裂解炭黑的胶料物理性能总体降低,炭黑N660/裂解炭黑并用比为40/20的胶料综合物理性能较好,成本降低;炭黑N660/裂解炭黑并用胶料的耐热氧老化性能和气密性较好。  相似文献   

研究新型纳米再生炭黑EN660(简称再生炭黑EN660)在商用车轮胎气密层胶中的应用。结果表明:再生炭黑EN660的理化性能符合企业标准要求;在气密层胶中以再生炭黑EN660等量部分替代炭黑N660,胶料的硫化特性、加工性能以及硫化胶的物理性能和气密性变化不大,胶料的生产工艺性能良好,成品轮胎的耐久性能满足国家标准要求,同时可降低生产成本。  相似文献   

姚翔  王莹莹  李海  常宪增 《轮胎工业》2023,43(3):0154-0158
研究纳米粘土强威粉TNK(简称TNK)在轿车子午线轮胎气密层胶中的应用。结果表明:在气密层胶中直接加入5份TNK或采用20份TNK替代10份炭黑N660,胶料的加工性能和焦烧安全性略有改善,硫化速度减慢;硫化胶的物理性能相当,气密性和耐屈挠性能提高,填料分散性改善,胶料的尺寸稳定性更好;TNK的综合性能优于市面竞品。  相似文献   

研究纳米粘土TNK在轿车轮胎气密层中的应用。结果表明:在气密层配方中,通过减小溴化丁基橡胶用量,并以纳米粘土TNK部分替代炭黑N660,胶料的门尼粘度减小,加工性能改善;硫化胶的综合物理性能略有提升;当纳米粘土TNK用量在20份以上时,胶料的气密性能提高;成品轮胎的高速和耐久性能达到国家标准要求,可降低材料成本。  相似文献   

陈林东 《橡胶科技》2019,17(5):0287-0291
研究高岭土与炭黑N660、沉淀法白炭黑对天然橡胶(NR)补强性能的差异,并考察高岭土部分替代炭黑N660在子午线轮胎气密层胶中的应用。结果表明,高岭土对NR的补强作用优于未加偶联剂的沉淀法白炭黑,接近炭黑N660,其中改性高岭土对NR的补强效果优于普通高岭土;采用少量高岭土尤其是改性高岭土等量部分替代炭黑N660,气密层胶料拉伸强度提高,加工性能和其他物理性能变化不大。在橡胶配方中用高岭土部分替代炭黑具有可行性,可降低原材料成本,同时节能降耗。  相似文献   

谢家振  谢圣武 《橡胶工业》2022,69(10):0754-0758
研究新型纳米碳材SG6和G65替代炭黑N660在丁基橡胶(IIR)内胎胶料中的应用。结果表明:炭黑N660/新型纳米碳材并用(总用量为70份)的IIR混炼胶的门尼粘度降低,加工性能提高,整体硫化速度相当;炭黑N660/SG6并用(并用比为35/35和60/10)的IIR硫化胶的各项物理性能均可达到内胎产品要求,透气率减小20%以上;以70份G65全替代炭黑N660和以80份G65增量替代炭黑N660用于IIR内胎胶料,可满足内胎产品的物理性能和气体阻隔性能要求;新型纳米碳材价格较炭黑至少低20%,可有效降低IIR内胎生产成本。  相似文献   

王仁平 《橡胶科技》2019,17(10):0575-0578
研究纳米粘土部分替代炭黑N234和炭黑N660对丁苯橡胶胶料性能的影响。结果表明:在胶料中加入适量纳米粘土替代炭黑能改善胶料的加工性能,对加工安全性和硫化速度影响不大;用7. 5份纳米粘土F100替代5份炭黑N234或10~15份纳米粘土KTC替代10份炭黑N234时,补强效果较好;纳米粘土KTC等量替代炭黑N660时的适宜用量为5~10份,用量超过15份时应增量替代。  相似文献   

研究与60份炭黑N660相比,15份废旧轮胎裂解炭黑(CBp)/45份炭黑N660并用对轮胎溴化丁基橡胶(BIIR)气密层胶性能的影响。结果表明:与炭黑N660相比,CBp的灰分含量和筛余物含量大,DBP吸收值略小;与60份炭黑N660填充的BIIR胶料相比,15份CBp/45份炭黑N660并用填充的BIIR胶料的硫化特性变化不大,拉断伸长率减小,300%定伸应力和拉伸强度增大,耐热空气老化性能无明显变化,气密性相当,即采用15份CBp替代15份炭黑N660的BIIR气密层胶在保证使用性能的前提下,有效降低了生产成本。  相似文献   

张玲艳 《轮胎工业》2013,33(1):33-37
研究有机蒙脱土(OMMT)和纳米陶土两种粘土在全钢载重子午线轮胎气密层胶和胎圈护胶中的应用。结果表明:在气密层胶配方中采用粘土替代部分炭黑N660,胶料的门尼粘度减小,门尼焦烧时间延长,其中含OMMT的胶料t90缩短,物理性能下降,加入偶联剂Si69后压缩疲劳温升显著降低,含纳米陶土的胶料物理性能和气密性变化较小,压缩疲劳温升显著降低;在胎圈护胶配方中采用10份OMMT替代等量炭黑N234,胶料的门尼粘度减小,t90缩短,生热降低,物理性能提高,但拉断永久变形较大,耐磨性能变差。  相似文献   

关于科研开发效率的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者从认识论和方法论的角度出发,对提高科研开发效率提出如下看法:1.当代的经济竞争,实质是科技产业化能力的竞争。2.研究开发应是从投入到产出的完整系统。3.产业部门的研究开发要面向市场。4.只有充分利用专利保护,才能在国际竞争中赢得主动。5.要保持竞争优势,须把信息工作提到新水平。  相似文献   

Cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive phytocannabinoid, has recently emerged as a potential cytotoxic agent in addition to its ameliorative activity in chemotherapy-associated side effects. In this work, the potential interactions of CBD with docetaxel (DOC), doxorubicin (DOX), paclitaxel (PTX), vinorelbine (VIN), and 7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin (SN−38) were explored in MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma cells using different synergy quantification models. The apoptotic profiles of MCF7 cells after the treatments were assessed via flow cytometry. The molecular mechanisms of CBD and the most promising combinations were investigated via label-free quantification proteomics. A strong synergy was observed across all synergy models at different molar ratios of CBD in combination with SN−38 and VIN. Intriguingly, synergy was observed for CBD with all chemotherapeutic drugs at a molar ratio of 636:1 in almost all synergy models. However, discording synergy trends warranted the validation of the selected combinations against different models. Enhanced apoptosis was observed for all synergistic CBD combinations compared to monotherapies or negative controls. A shotgun proteomics study highlighted 121 dysregulated proteins in CBD-treated MCF7 cells compared to the negative controls. We reported the inhibition of topoisomerase II β and α, cullin 1, V-type proton ATPase, and CDK-6 in CBD-treated MCF7 cells for the first time as additional cytotoxic mechanisms of CBD, alongside sabotaged energy production and reduced mitochondrial translation. We observed 91 significantly dysregulated proteins in MCF7 cells treated with the synergistic combination of CBD with SN−38 (CSN−38), compared to the monotherapies. Regulation of telomerase, cell cycle, topoisomerase I, EGFR1, protein metabolism, TP53 regulation of DNA repair, death receptor signalling, and RHO GTPase signalling pathways contributed to the proteome-wide synergistic molecular mechanisms of CSN−38. In conclusion, we identified significant synergistic interactions between CBD and the five important chemotherapeutic drugs and the key molecular pathways of CBD and its synergistic combination with SN−38 in MCF7 cells. Further in vivo and clinical studies are warranted to evaluate the implementation of CBD-based synergistic adjuvant therapies for breast cancer.  相似文献   

通过美拉德反应制备玉米肽-麦芽糊精糖基化产物,再通过反溶剂法制备糖基化产物与α-生育酚共组装纳米粒子,系统地研究了制备参数对于复合粒子的影响。结果表明,糖基化产物浓度、玉米肽与α-生育酚质量比、pH对于复合粒子的粒度与ζ电位有重要的影响。采用动态光散射、ζ电位观察发现,通过调节制备参数,荷载α-生育酚的玉米肽-麦芽糊精糖基化产物可以形成平均粒度为80~100 nm的纳米粒子,其表面电荷分布在-23~-32 mV之间。与玉米肽、玉米肽/麦芽糊精混合物相比,玉米肽-麦芽糊精糖基化产物对于α-生育酚具有更高的荷载效率以及更好的pH稳定性。  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that amyloid and tau protein are of vital importance in post-ischemic death of CA1 pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus. In this review, we summarize protein alterations associated with Alzheimer’s disease and their gene expression (amyloid protein precursor and tau protein) after cerebral ischemia, as well as their roles in post-ischemic hippocampus neurodegeneration. In recent years, multiple studies aimed to elucidate the post-ischemic processes in the development of hippocampus neurodegeneration. Their findings have revealed the dysregulation of genes for amyloid protein precursor, β-secretase, presenilin 1 and 2, tau protein, autophagy, mitophagy, and apoptosis identical in nature to Alzheimer’s disease. Herein, we present the latest data showing that amyloid and tau protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease and their genes play a key role in post-ischemic neurodegeneration of the hippocampus with subsequent development of dementia. Therefore, understanding the underlying process for the development of post-ischemic CA1 area neurodegeneration in the hippocampus in conjunction with Alzheimer’s disease-related proteins and genes will provide the most important therapeutic development goals to date.  相似文献   

液滴运动过程中的形状变化对液滴的蒸发、燃烧等过程有重要影响,表面张力是影响其形状变化的因素之一。为研究表面张力对液滴形变的影响规律,采用低浓度的表面活性剂(十二烷基苯磺酸钠SDBS)配制表面张力为30~72mN·m-1的水溶液。利用不同外径的针管得到3~5mm粒径的液滴。高速摄像机(PhantomV211,1000pps,800×600pixel)对这些液滴在自由落体过程中的形变规律进行了可视化实验研究,得到了关于Eötvös数(Eo)的半经验关系式。实验结果表明,液滴在自由落体过程中会形成周期性振动形变,振动周期和振幅随表面张力增大而减小。进一步研究发现,初始时液滴形成并断裂所引起的瞬态冲量使液滴内部动量传递进而表现出周期性振动形变。  相似文献   

Strong and durable adhesive bonds may be made between polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and either cyanoacrylate (CA) or epoxy adhesives, if the PTFE surface is modified by the use of a “primer” such as triphenylphosphine (TPP) or diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM). The primer mixes with the PTFE surface, and the modified surface is then capable of forming an interphase, tens to hundreds of nanometers thick, where interpenetration of the adhesive and adherend occurs. Using CA adhesives, PTFE/CA/PTFE block compression shear bond strength (ASTM D4501-85) of over 10 MPa can be achieved, with failure occurring cohesively. Initial work with epoxy adhesives indicates that the use of DDM primer gives adhesive bonds comparable in strength with those produced by modification of the fluoropolymer surface by sodium naphthalenide.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the water molecule from a variety of viewpoints. Water can involve different isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen, it can form differently shaped isomer molecules, and, when frozen, it occupies space differently than most other substances do. The tool for conducting the investigation of all this is called 'Algebraic Chemistry'. This tool is a quantitative model for predicting the energy budget for all sorts of changes between different ionization states of atoms that are involved in chemical reactions and in changes of physical state. The model is based on consistent patterns seen in empirical data about ionization potentials, together with rational scaling laws that can interpolate and extrapolate for situations where no data are available. The results of the investigation of the water molecule include comments, both positive and negative, about technologies involving heavy water, poly water, Brown's gas, and cold fusion.  相似文献   

Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a rare autoimmune disorder, distinct from multiple sclerosis, causing inflammatory lesions in the optic nerves and spinal cord. An autoantibody (NMO IgG) against aquaporin-4 (AQP4), a water channel expressed on astrocytes is thought to be causative. Peripheral production of the antibody is triggered by an unknown process in genetically susceptible individuals. Anti-AQP4 antibody enters the central nervous system (CNS) when the blood brain barrier is made permeable and has high affinity for orthogonal array particles of AQP4. Like other autoimmune diseases, Th17 cells and their effector cytokines (such as interleukin 6) have been implicated in pathogenesis. AQP4 expressing peripheral organs are not affected by NMO IgG, but the antibody causes extensive astrocytic loss in specific regions of the CNS through complement mediated cytotoxicity. Demyelination occurs during the inflammatory process and is probably secondary to oligodendrocyte apoptosis subsequent to loss of trophic support from astrocytes. Ultimately, extensive axonal injury leads to severe disability. Despite rapid advances in the understanding of NMO pathogenesis, unanswered questions remain, particularly with regards to disease mechanisms in NMO IgG seronegative cases. Increasing knowledge of the molecular pathology is leading to improved treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is associated with various symptoms, such as depression, pain, and fatigue. To date, the pathological mechanisms and therapeutics remain uncertain. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of myelophil (MYP), composed of Astragali Radix and Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix, on depression, pain, and fatigue behaviors and its underlying mechanisms. Reserpine (2 mg/kg for 10 days, intraperitoneally) induced depression, pain, and fatigue behaviors in mice. MYP treatment (100 mg/kg for 10 days, intragastrically) significantly improved depression behaviors, mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity, and fatigue behavior. MYP treatment regulated the expression of c-Fos, 5-HT1A/B receptors, and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) in the brain, especially in the motor cortex, hippocampus, and nucleus of the solitary tract. MYP treatment decreased ionized calcium binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba1) expression in the hippocampus and increased tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression and the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the striatum. MYP treatment altered inflammatory and anti-oxidative-related mRNA expression in the spleen and liver. In conclusion, MYP was effective in recovering major symptoms of ME/CFS and was associated with the regulation of dopaminergic and serotonergic pathways and TGF-β expression in the brain, as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant mechanisms in internal organs.  相似文献   

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