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介绍了利用现代仪器光谱学技术对煤微观结构研究的方法,综述了利用X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FTIR)、拉曼光谱(Raman)等现代仪器光谱技术在煤微观结构的分析、煤的热解过程及其热解后产物的微观结构分析的研究现状,分析了煤微观结构的变化对煤的性质及其热解过程中性质变化的影响,展望了现代分析仪器在煤化工领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

典型烟煤热解焦炭结构特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过热重实验研究了三种典型烟煤在热解条件下粒径变化对焦炭结构特性的影响,并用扫描电镜对不同反应条件下的焦炭表面结构进行了观察.结果表明,现对于毫米级的煤颗粒而言,颗粒粒径变化对于挥发分析出速率的影响并不显著,但不同煤种的焦炭结构特性差别很大.对于塑性较小的煤,随着颗粒粒径的增大容易在热解过程中破碎,而对于塑性较大的煤在热解后不易破碎,但颗粒会出现膨胀和表面蓬松等现象,掌握焦炭结构特性变化对不同煤种的高效利用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

热分析在煤燃烧和热解及气化动力学研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
论述了煤的燃烧、热解、气化反应动力学的常用的单一升温速率法、多重扫描速率法、动力学补偿效应以及分布活化能动力学模型等热分析研究方法,分析了现用热分析动力学方法的局限性;并对反应控制热分析、微热分析技术、微波热分析以及热分析技术与其他分析技术的联用,热分析技术间的联用等热分析新技术在煤的燃烧、热解、气化反应动力学研究上的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

以内蒙褐煤为研究对象,在固定床反应器上考察了催化剂对不同粒径褐煤热解过程中的各气体组分含量以及产气率的影响,通过XRD研究了热解后煤焦的微晶结构特性。研究结果表明:无论是原煤还是负载催化剂的褐煤,随着粒径增大,其热解产气率下降;对于各气体组分,CO,H2,CH4含量均随原煤颗粒粒径增大而下降,CO_2却呈相反趋势。而在粒径相同的情况下,负载催化剂的试样热解产气率稍大于原煤试样,且随着催化剂含量的增大,产气率提高,试样热解产生的CO_2和CH4含量呈增加趋势,但H2,CO含量却有所下降。对于粒径较大的试样,由于挥发分脱除不够完全,生成的煤焦碳化程度较低,使得煤焦石墨化程度也较低。此外,当粒径相同的情况下,负载催化剂的煤焦碳微晶结构越无序,则随着催化剂负载量的增加,越阻碍试样石墨化的进程。  相似文献   

神木煤显微组分热解特性和热解动力学   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
孙庆雷  李文  李保庆 《化工学报》2002,53(11):1122-1127
在高压热天平上考察了神木煤显微组分在不同热解温度、压力和升温速率下的热解行为 .并利用分布活化能模型 (DAEM)研究了显微组分的热解动力学 .结果表明 :在相同的热解条件下 ,镜质组比丝质组有较高的挥发分收率 .随热解温度升高 ,镜质组和丝质组的挥发分收率增加 .热解升温速率和压力对镜质组和丝质组的挥发分收率略有影响 .DAEM的动力学处理表明 :镜质组的归一化热解速率高于丝质组 ,热解活化能较低.  相似文献   

从煤热解机理出发,论述了煤热解催化剂的分类及其催化机理,详细阐述了不同催化剂对煤热解产物的影响,指出了催化剂研究的热点是廉价铁基催化剂和负载类催化剂,并从催化剂的制备、反应气氛、热解工艺3方面对催化效果的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

利用固定床热解炉和热重分析仪研究了沙尔湖煤显微组分的热解特性和产物产率,考察了酸洗处理对热解产物和动力学参数的影响。结果表明:经浮沉实验发现镜质组富集于S2(密度为1.4~1.5g/cm3浮选煤样)中,惰质组富集于S3(密度为>1.5g/cm3浮选煤样)中,其中S3所含硅铝酸盐类矿物显著高于S2。且碱及碱土金属(alkali and alkaline earth metals, AAEM)多以可溶性形式存在,经酸洗处理后剩余矿物质主要为石英、高岭土及硅酸盐类。在选用不同煤样进行热解特性分析发现,碱及碱土金属的存在会抑制热解主反应阶段的挥发分释放,而在二次脱气阶段,AAEM矿物质则会提高挥发分的释放速率。且在热解实验中发现,AAEM在热解中会充当煤大分子结构的交联点,降低热解焦油产率。对比不同显微组分发现,惰质组热稳定性更强,镜质组中烷烃侧链较多,芳香度较小,更易受热断裂。采用Doyle积分法确定了沙尔湖煤热解反应的动力学参数。  相似文献   

加压富氧燃烧被认为是一种更加高效清洁的第2代富氧燃烧技术而备受关注。热解作为煤燃烧的第1步,不同的热解条件(压力、气氛、升温速率等)将直接影响煤焦的物理和化学结构,导致其燃烧反应性的差异,目前加压富氧燃烧条件下,煤焦反应性与结构性质之间的关联研究鲜见报道。自主设计并建立了一套加压聚光光热快速升温试验平台,最大升温速率可达80℃/s,选用红沙泉(HSQ)和五彩湾(WCW)2种准东煤,制备了不同压力(常压~1.5 MPa)及热解气氛(N_2、CO_2)下的煤焦,采用比表面积分析仪、拉曼分析仪、热重分析仪等表征手段考察了压力及热解气氛对煤焦的结构特性及其燃烧反应性的影响。结果表明,在惰性N_2气氛下,HSQ和WCW煤在压力1.5 MPa时的煤焦产率较常压下分别增加了3.54%和10.49%;在CO_2气氛下,HSQ煤在压力1.5 MPa时的煤焦产率较常压下降低了16.40%,煤焦产率在2种气氛下随压力的改变呈相反趋势。N_2气氛下,随着压力从常压增至0.4 MPa, HSQ/WCW煤焦的比表面积增加,从24.20/14.85 m~2/g增至26.27/46.19 m~2/g,但压力继续增至1.5 MPa时,HSQ/WCW煤焦的比表面积呈下降趋势,从26.27/46.19 m~2/g降至21.21/39.46 m~2/g;相同压力下,CO_2气氛下制备的煤焦孔隙结构更发达,常压和1.5 MPa压力时,CO_2气氛下制备的HSQ煤焦比表面积分别为N_2气氛制备煤焦的6.46和9.03倍,这也是CO_2气氛下制备的HSQ煤焦燃烧反应性优于N_2气氛煤焦的主要原因。随着压力增加,2种气氛下,2种煤焦拉曼光谱分峰拟合计算得到的I_((GR+VL+VR))/I_D值均逐渐下降,煤焦的化学结构趋于更加稳定,这也使得高压下制备煤焦的燃烧反应性下降。但相同压力下,CO_2气氛下制备的HSQ煤焦I_((GR+VL+VR))/I_D值低于N_2气氛制备的HSQ煤焦,高压下由于CO_2与焦炭的气化反应增强,消耗更多的无定形碳,2种气氛的I_((GR+VL+VR))/I_D差异更明显,但由于物理孔隙结构差异的主导作用,使CO_2气氛下制备的HSQ煤焦燃烧反应性更好。可见,煤焦的燃烧反应性受其物理结构和化学结构的共同影响。  相似文献   

二次反应对煤热解产品组成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
煤的热妥是煤炭转化过程中的第一步,通过热解可以产生高质量的热解煤气及珍贵的液体产品。然而在实际过程中,对热解产品的组成有不同的要求。因此,研究煤热解二次反应对实际过程有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

流化床铁基载氧体辅助富氧燃烧下传统石英砂床料被铁基载氧体替代,铁基载氧体扩展了传统床料的“热载体”的功能,另承担了“氧载体”的角色,为调节炉内氧分布与煤燃烧过程匹配提供了新思路。本文在热重实验平台探究了10%O2/90%CO2气氛下分析纯Fe2O3、赤铁矿及钢渣三种铁基载氧体辅助无烟煤焦燃烧特性及动力学。结果表明,相较于纯无烟煤焦燃烧,铁基载氧体辅助燃烧下无烟煤焦的燃烧特性得到显著改善,其中燃烧速率提高29%以上,燃尽温度降低65℃以上,综合燃烧指数提升2倍以上,活化能与指前因子同步增加且表现出“补偿效应”。三种铁基载氧体中分析纯Fe2O3对无烟煤焦燃烧特性的改善略优于赤铁矿和钢渣,钢渣可作为流化床铁基载氧体辅助富氧燃烧的床料替代石英砂。  相似文献   

A demineralized North Dakota lignite was loaded with 2.9 wt% Ca by ion exchange. Chars were prepared by pyrolysis in N2 at 1275 K and residence times between 0.3 s and 1 h. Major differences were observed in their subsequent reactivities in 0.1 MPa air. X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out to obtain information on the state and dispersion of the Ca species on the various chars. The results clearly indicate that CaO is the predominant species responsible for catalysis of lignite char gasification. It is concluded that pyrolysis residence time also has a profound effect on CaO dispersion. Thus, a correlation was established between a fundamental physical property (catalyst dispersion) and the observed gasification behaviour of lignite chars prepared under different pyrolysis conditions.  相似文献   

This study used micro-Raman spectroscopy, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), and gas chromatography–flame ionization detector/thermal conductivity detector (GC–FID/TCD) to analyze the structure and pyrolysis reactions of nine typical coals and chars from Xinjiang. The study fitted 10 Gaussian bands of typical Xinjiang coal and investigated the changes in coal structure during coalification and pyrolysis. The results indicated that the reduction degree of CO structures in coal during coalification had a rough linear relationship with the Vdaf (dry ash-free volatile matter) content. During coalification, the condensation of aromatic rings is accompanied by a continuous decrease of CO structures, while the contents of cross-linking and substitution structures decrease persistently relative to the large aromatic ring structures. The influence of coal type on char yield for typical Xinjiang coal is within 15 wt.%; the influence on tar yield is within 8.5%, with a greater impact on the yield of alkanes and phenols in tar; the influence on CO yield in pyrolysis gas is within 6.3%. The relative content of large aromatic ring structures in coal is relatively stable during pyrolysis, while the relative content of small aromatic ring structures declines as coal transforms into char. The study inferred that small aromatic rings might decompose and transform into tar after pyrolysis reaction, which also resulted in a high selectivity of phenolic products in tar from most coal pyrolysis above 40%. This study revealed the structural changes and pyrolysis product distribution of nine typical coals and chars from Xinjiang, providing useful information for their utilization.  相似文献   

H.P. Tseng  T.F. Edgar 《Fuel》1985,64(3):373-379
The combustion behaviour of bituminous and anthracite coal char has been studied for temperatures ranging from 425 to 900 °C. The combustion reaction was carried out in a thermogravimetric analyser at 1 atm. A wide range of oxygen partial pressures, from 5×10?4 to 10?1 MPa was used. For bituminous char, below 600 °C the intrinsic reaction order and activation energy are 0.75 and 29.0 kcal gmol?1, respectively, while above 650 °C, the intrinsic reaction order and activation energy are 0.3 and 45.2 kcal gmol?1. For anthracite char, below 600 °C the intrinsic reaction order and activation energy are 0.9 and 32.8 kcal gmol?1, while above 650 °C, the intrinsic reaction order and activation energy are 0.3 and 43.6 kcal gmol?1. The changes in the reaction order and activation energy in the temperature ranges above and below 600 °C imply that the dominant reaction mechanism is different for these two temperature ranges.  相似文献   

A phenol-formaldehyde resin (PFR) and a bituminous coal (SH) were pyrolyzed at various temperatures. The structure and the char-NO reactivity were analyzed in order to examine the effect of pyrolysis temperature on the micro-structure of the resulting char and further on the reactivity towards NO. Micro-structure of the char samples was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. It was indicated that the micro-structure of PFR char and coal char experienced remarkable changes during pyrolysis, which resulted in the decrease of phenolic OH, aromatic hydrogen and more ordered structure. The pyrolysis temperature showed a weak impact on the reactivity of PFR char but comparatively remarkable impact on that of coal char at lower reaction temperature. Mineral matter in coal char presented a weak effect on the reactivity. This paper was presented at the 7 th China-Korea Workshop on Clean Energy Technology held at Taiyuan, China, June 26–28, 2008.  相似文献   

The burning behavior of polyethylene in the counterflow of oxidizing air has been studied numerically with a coupled model describing feedback heat and mass transfer between gas‐phase flame and polymeric solid fuel. A 2‐dimensional elliptic equation in axisymmetric formulation (revealing the cylindrical shape of the polymer sample used in the experiment) has been employed to simulate heat transfer in solid fuel, and a set of 1‐dimensional hyperbolic equations has been used to determine the solid‐to‐gas conversion degree of the pyrolysis reaction. Four sets of products compositions and two modifications for the kinetic parameters of solid fuel pyrolysis reaction have been taken into account. Gas‐phase formulation is presented by set of 1‐dimensional conservation equations for multi‐component flow with detailed kinetic mechanism of combustion. The profiles of temperature and species concentrations in the flame zone have been calculated and compared with the results of experimental study of combustion of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene. Higher hydrocarbon composition (dodecane) has been found to show the best agreement between the temperature and species concentration profiles with the measurements, especially for the low‐level mass fractions of the by‐product components—propylene, butadiene, and benzene.  相似文献   

用非等温热重法考察了神华煤焦及其显微组分富集物焦的水蒸气气化反应,分析了升温速率、水蒸气分压改变对煤焦及其显微组分富集物焦气化反应性的影响。利用最大反应速率和半衰期两种方法评价了所选样品的气化反应性。结果表明:对神华煤而言,在相同的气化反应条件下,当升温速率和水蒸气分压发生改变时,其气化反应性顺序均为,镜质组富集物焦〉原煤焦〉惰质组富集物焦。  相似文献   

Samples of four types of wood and pure cellulose, both untreated and impregnated with salt (Na2CO3, K2CO3, NaCl, KC1), were pyrolysed. Two experimental systems with different geometries and secondary reaction patterns were used, viz. a McBain thermogravimetric balance and a Gray-King retort. The substrates were pyrolysed under a stream of nitrogen in the thermobalance and in some of the Gray-King runs, using a modified retort. Salt impregnation was found to modify weight loss rates and to increase the charcoal yield in the presence of an inert carrier gas in both experimental systems. Longer residence times of volatiles in the hot zone gave rise to larger charcoal yields from untreated substrates. However, long residence times of volatile matter over Na2CO3-impregnated cellulose were found to be detrimental to char formation. These results indicate that primary volatiles may undergo secondary reactions through competitive pathways, either polymerizing to form char or cracking to form lighter volatiles. Long residence times of light volatiles appear to enhance the latter pathway in the presence of Na2CO3.  相似文献   

陈兆辉  敦启孟  石勇  高士秋 《化工学报》2017,68(4):1566-1573
在连续进料量为1.2 kg·h-1的输送床反应器中考察了热解温度和反应气氛对不连沟次烟煤快速热解的影响。N2气氛下,随着煤热解温度升高,焦油产率先增加后减小,600℃时达到最大值10.3%;对应的半焦产率下降,气体产率以及气油比增加。高温促进了煤挥发分的释放以及挥发分在气相中的二次反应,部分产物从固相和液相产品转化为气相产品,氢气、甲烷和乙烯等气体组分的产率明显增加。700℃下,H2气氛能够抑制挥发分二次反应的发生,起到稳定自由基和加氢的作用,显著提高焦油产率和油品品质,同时有利于甲烷的生成。CO气氛在一定程度上同时提高了轻质和重质焦油产率。CO2和水蒸气能够促进焦油的二次反应,特别是重质焦油的裂解,具有一定的提质作用,但会导致焦油产率下降。CH4气氛促进了重质焦油组分的生成,使得热解焦油产率提高。  相似文献   

The kinetics of coal pyrolysis may be influenced either by chemical reaction or by transport processes, the latter becoming rate-determining at increasing heating rate, particle size and pressure. Quantitative data are reported for those parameters which cause pyrolysis to become transport-controlled. The experiments have been performed with three different coals in H2 and N2, at heating rates ranging from 103 to 104 K s?1, pressure from 0.1 to 150 bar and particle size from 0.063 to 0.8 mm.  相似文献   

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