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目的评价微柱凝胶卡式法(microtubes gel test,MGT)检测红细胞不规则抗体的效果。方法分别采用MGT和传统试管抗人球蛋白法(test tube Coombs test,TT-Coombs’T)对2011年9月~2012年12月在河北省大名县人民医院输血治疗的1 147例患者的血清样本进行不规则抗体筛查,并以TT-Coombs’T作为"金标准",对MGT进行敏感性、特异性评价;采用MGT对不规则抗体检测为阳性的样本进行进一步的抗体鉴定。结果 MGT及TT-Coombs’T测定1 147份样本不规则抗体的结果均为阳性的为10份,阴性为1 137份,阳性率为0.87%,MGT的敏感性和特异性均为100%;经MGT进一步鉴定,10份不规则抗体中Rh系统抗体9份(抗-E 5份,抗-c 2份,抗-D 1份,抗-C 1份),MNS系统抗体1份(抗-M)。结论微柱凝胶卡式法检测红细胞不规则抗体敏感性和特异性好,其操作较传统试管法简便、快捷,且操作和结果的判读易于标准化,影响因素少,更适用于临床输血前不规则抗体筛查试验。  相似文献   

目的分析1例受检产妇交叉配血不合及患儿新生儿溶血病(HDN)发生的原因,初步探讨产妇Rh缺失型D--形成的遗传背景。方法对产妇、其夫及患儿标本进行ABO及Rh血型鉴定,对产妇及患儿标本进行血型抗体检测,并对产妇家系作血型调查。结果产妇为Rh缺失型D--,产生IgG的多凝集抗体。结论产妇为Rh缺失型D--,产生IgG的多凝集抗体,是造成其交叉配血不合及患儿HDN发生的原因;产妇Rh缺失型D--形成,有一定遗传因素的影响。  相似文献   

新生儿溶血病以ABO血型系统HDN最为常见,其中又以O型母亲分娩的A型或B型新生儿发生的HDN最为多见,黄疸为其主要症状,少数病情严重患儿可发展为胆红素脑病,因此,早期HDN检测,对防止胆红素脑病的发生具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的筛选特异性强、效价高、亲和力高的用于血型鉴定的国产微柱凝胶卡抗A、抗B及抗D抗体试剂。方法按《中国生物制品规程》2000版中《抗A、抗B血型定型试剂(单克隆抗体)制造及检定规程》的要求,对4家公司的抗A、抗B及抗D抗体试剂进行特异性、效价、亲和力检测。结果 3批抗A、抗B单克隆抗体试剂及3批抗D抗体试剂的特异性、效价和亲和力检测结果均符合《中国生物制品规程》2000版中《抗A、抗B血型定型试剂(单克隆抗体)制造及检定规程》的要求,选择成本相对较低的上海血液生物医药有限责任公司生产的抗A、抗B试剂和英国Millpore公司亲和力更好、效价更高的抗D抗体试剂,用于制备国产微柱凝胶卡。结论 3批抗A、抗B、抗D单克隆抗体试剂均合格,已选择更优的试剂用于制备国产微柱凝胶卡。  相似文献   

目的探讨孕妇IgG类红细胞血型不规则抗体对早期诊断Non-ABO-HDN的意义。方法筛查4200份孕妇血清中红细胞血型不规则抗体,阳性者检测抗体特异性、免疫球蛋白类型及效价;对检测出IgG类不规则抗体者,分娩时取脐血(或新生儿血)检测血清(浆)游离抗体,并进行红细胞直接抗球蛋白试验和红细胞放散试验,以诊断其是否发生HDN。结果4200份孕妇血清中检出红细胞血型不规则抗体44份(阳性率为1.05%),其中20份孕妇血清的抗体为IgG类或IgG及IgM混合抗体,脐血(或新生儿血)检测结果,10名婴儿发生了Non-ABO-HDN,1名发生了宫内死胎。致病的抗体特异性分布为:抗-D2例、抗-c1例、抗-E2例、抗-cE1例、抗-M4例(其中1例并有抗-A)。结论孕妇体内IgG类的Rh血型系统的抗体及抗-M易引起non-ABO-HDN,检测孕妇IgG类红细胞血型不规则抗体对早期诊断Non-ABO-HDN、鉴别引发HDN的抗体型别、评估HDN的严重程度及制定治疗方案均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的比较微柱凝胶法与试管抗人球蛋白法检测静注人免疫球蛋白(intravenous immunoglobulin,IVIG)中抗A、抗B血凝素滴度的效果。方法分别采用微柱凝胶法与试管抗人球蛋白法检测34批IVIG样品以及1批IVIG抗A、抗B血凝素最大效价国际标准品(07/310)中的抗A、抗B血凝素滴度,并分析两种方法检测结果的相关性、灵敏度和重复性。结果两种方法检测抗A、抗B血凝素滴度的结果均呈高度正相关性(r值分别为0.809 4和0.834 9,P均0.05);微柱凝胶法的灵敏度比试管抗人球蛋白法高约2个滴度;微柱凝胶法较试管抗人球蛋白法具有更好的重复性。结论微柱凝胶法与传统的试管抗人球蛋白法相比,具有高度相关性、更高的灵敏度和更好的重复性,可用于IVIG中抗A、抗B血凝素滴度的测定。  相似文献   

三种常用交叉配血方法检出IgG型抗体能力的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的比较微柱凝胶法、抗人球蛋白法和凝聚胺法检出IgG型抗体的能力。方法选用IgG抗-D血清致敏O型RhD阳性红细胞悬液,以未致敏的O型RhD阳性红细胞悬液倍比稀释,用微柱凝胶法、抗人球蛋白法和凝聚胺法分别进行检测;用生理盐水分别将IgG抗-D血清和IgG抗-AB血清倍比稀释后分别加入O型RhD阳性红细胞和AB型红细胞,用上述3种方法分别进行检测。结果3种方法对致敏红细胞的最低检出效价为微柱凝胶法1∶8,抗人球蛋白法1∶32,凝聚胺法1∶32;对IgG抗-AB血清的最低检出效价为微柱凝胶法1∶16,凝聚胺法1∶32,抗人球蛋白法1∶64;对IgG抗-D血清的最低检出效价为微柱凝胶法1∶128,凝聚胺法1∶64,抗人球蛋白法1∶16。结论微柱凝胶法对致敏红细胞和IgG抗-AB血清的检出能力均低于抗人球蛋白法和凝聚胺法,对IgG抗-D血清的检出能力高于抗人球蛋白法和凝聚胺法。3种方法用于交叉配血均存在阳性漏检现象,选择合适的检测方法是保证输血安全的基础。  相似文献   

目的对输血患者中血型不规则抗体检出情况进行分析,探讨不规则抗体筛检及抗体鉴定在临床输血中的意义。方法收集2006年11月~2007年9月,在山西省临汾市人民医院院输血治疗的患者标本3115份,应用盐水法、RhD初筛试验凝聚胺法检测不规则抗体,抗体筛检阳性标本进一步以微柱凝胶抗人球蛋白法鉴定,分析抗体的特异性。结果凝聚胺法检出不规则抗体22份,微柱凝胶抗人球蛋白法检出24份,其中抗-E抗体占20.8%,抗-c抗体占25.0%,抗-D抗体占12.5%,抗-P1抗体占12.5%,抗-Jkb抗体占29.2%。阳性标本中,Rh系统占62.5%,其他系统占37.5%。结论输血前对受血者进行常规的抗体筛检试验,对预防溶血性输血反应,提高临床用血的安全性和有效性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

应用微柱凝胶法鉴定ABO及RH(D)血型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 应用微柱凝胶法全自动血型鉴定系统(以下简称微柱凝胶法)鉴定ABO及RH(D)血型。方法 选取100份正常献血者标本和100例住院患者标本,采用试管法和微柱凝胶法进行ABO和RH(D)血型鉴定,并选取14份已知ABO血型的亚型标本和10份弱D抗原的标本,采用两种方法进行比较。结果 在正常献血者和患者的ABO及RH(D)定型中,两种方法获得的结果均一致。采用单抗试剂,微柱凝胶法可检出14份亚型标中的9份;试管法可检出14份亚型中的10份。采用人血清抗体,微柱凝胶法可检出14份亚型中的6份;试管法可检出其中的7份。结论 在鉴定正常的ABO及RH(D)血型时,两种方法的结果差异无显著意义,微柱凝胶法可取代传统的试管法用于常规的ABO和RH(D)血型鉴定。  相似文献   

目的对本地区142名新生儿溶血病患者进行血清学检测,评价直接抗人球蛋白试验、游离抗体试验和抗体释放试验在该病诊断中的价值。方法对2005年1月~2007年6月各医院送检的高胆红素血症新生儿血液标本进行"三项试验"。结果142名新生儿溶血病患者中,血型分布规律为:B>A>AB>O,54.22%为B型,43.66%为A型,二者差异有显著意义。直抗试验阳性率为76.76%,释放试验阳性率为100%,游离试验阳性率为50.70%。释放试验阳性的A型患者中,抗-AB检出率为47.17%,B型患者中的检出率为53.03%,二者差异无显著意义。结论释放试验敏感度最高,是判定新生儿溶血病最有力的证据,在本地区,B型新生儿可能更易患新生儿溶血病。  相似文献   

在400℃、5MPa H2下对实验室获得的胜利煤液化中油在硫化的NiMo/Al_2O_3、NiMo/MCM-48和NiMo/Betonite催化剂上的脱硫和脱氮性能进行研究.结果表明胜利煤液化中油在不同催化剂上脱硫和脱氮性能差异显著,所有催化剂的脱氮性能均远大于脱硫性能,催化剂的载体性质对脱硫和脱氮活性有显著影响且影响规律不同;脱氧性能NiMo/Betonite>NiMo/Al_2O_3>NiMo/MCM-48;降芳烃能力NiMo/Al_2O_3>NiMo/MCM-48>NiMo/Betonite.  相似文献   

The hydrodesulphurization (HDS) of thiophene at atmospheric pressure, hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) of 2,6 diethylaniline (DEA) and of 1,2,3,4 tetrahydroquinoline (THQ) at 70 atm in a dynamic flow microreactor - these molecules being present alone or mixed in the feed - and finally HDN of mixtures of quinoline (Q) at 70 atm or of phenanthridine (Ph) at 140 atm with DEA in a batch reactor were the test reactions used to compare the performances of (Ni)---Mo---S catalysts supported on MgAl2O4 and NiAl2O4 with a classical Ni---Mo---S/γ Al2O3 commercial catalyst. Some of the catalysts supported on NiAl2O4 appeared to be superior to the commercial one, whereas those supported on MgAl2O4 were found to be less active. HDS of thiophene, as well as the amount of carbon monoxide adsorbed at 0°C by sulphided catalysts permitted the prediction of the order of HDN activity of the catalysts for the conversion of some nitrogen-containing molecules. A strong inhibiting effect of molecules like Q, THQ or Ph (or some of their products formed during the process) on the HDN of DEA has been found and attributed to the competitive adsorption of these molecules on the supported active phase.  相似文献   

Hexamethylenetetramine dinitrate (HDN) is a rather weak explosive but is used as a precursor for the synthesis of RDX, one of the most important secondary nitramine explosives. HDN has limited application because of its hygroscopic character. This paper reports on the synthesis and characterization of HDN in high yield and purity by the reaction of hexamine with nitric acid at temperatures below 15 °C. It was characterized by FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) measurements. The thermal characteristics of HDN were determined by DSC and TG/DTA. The DSC curve of HDN shows an endothermic peak at 170.5 °C corresponding to the melting point of HDN, followed by two exothermic peaks at 174.0 °C and 200.5 °C due to the decomposition. The differences in the thermal behavior of HDN samples, which were thermally aged at 50 °C, 100 °C, and 150 °C in a nitrogen atmosphere were examined. Additionally, some quantum chemical properties of the nitration of hexamethylenetetramine were calculated.  相似文献   

The hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) of piperidine, decahydroquinoline (DHQ) and orthopropylaniline (OPA) has been studied over NiMo(P)/Al2O3 catalysts at 593 K and 3.0 MPa in order to understand the effect of phosphorus on the elementary HDN reaction steps. Phosphorus exhibited a negative effect on the HDN of piperidine and DHQ, both on the C-N bond cleavage reaction and on the subsequent hydrogenation reaction of alkene to alkane. A P/Al2O3 catalyst showed no HDN activity at all, neither with piperidine, nor with DHQ. A positive effect of phosphorus was observed in the HDN of OPA, where hydrogenation of the aromatic ring is needed and is rate limiting. It is suggested that introduction of phosphorus to NiMo/Al2O3 catalysts on the one hand decreases the available support surface area, and as a consequence the dispersion of the Ni-Mo-S phase and thus the capacity for C-N bond breaking and olefin hydrogenation. On the other hand, phosphorus induces either new or more active sites for the hydrogenation of aromatics.  相似文献   

A series of Re-containing catalysts supported on activated carbon, with Re loading between 0.74 and 11.44 wt.% Re2O7, was prepared by wet impregnation and tested in the simultaneous hydrodesulphurisation (HDS) and hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) of a commercial gas oil. Textural analysis, XRD, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and surface acidity techniques were used for physicochemical characterisation of the catalysts. Increase in the Re concentration resulted in a rise in the HDS and HDN activity due to the formation of a monolayer structure of Re and the higher surface acidity. At Re concentrations >2.47 wt.% Re2O7 (0.076 Re atoms nm−2) the reduction in the catalytic activity was related to the loss in specific surface area (BET) due to reduction in the microporosity of the carbon support. The magnitude of the catalytic effect was different for HDS and HDN, and depended strongly on the Re content and reaction temperature. The apparent activation energies were about 116–156 kJ mol−1 for HDS and 24–30 kJ mol−1 for HDN. This led to a marked increase in the HDN/HDS selectivity with decreasing temperature (values >3 at 325 °C), due to the large differences in the apparent activation energies of HDS and HDN found for all catalysts. A gradual increase in the HDN/HDS selectivity with increased Re loading was also found and related to the observed increase of catalyst acidity. The results are compared with those obtained for a series of Re/γ-Al2O3 catalysts.  相似文献   

γ-Al2O3 supported Co (0–4.5 wt%) Mo (9.0 wt%) sulfide catalysts were prepared in the presence and the absence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) activity of these catalysts was studied in the model reaction of 2,6-dimethylaniline (DMA) at 300 °C under 4 MPa. The CoMo/Al2O3 catalysts prepared with the EDTA showed higher HDN of DMA than those prepared without EDTA. The maximum of 36% increase in rate constant of HDN of DMA was observed over the catalyst with 3% Co prepared using EDTA. The FT-IR spectroscopy of adsorbed CO on CoMo catalysts showed that EDTA addition promoted the formation of catalytically active “CoMoS” phase as evidenced from increases in intensity of band at 2070 cm−1, which is maximum for 3% Co loaded catalysts. The HDN and hydrodesulfurization (HDS) activity of 3% Co loaded catalyst prepared using EDTA was tested and compared with those catalyst prepared without EDTA in a trickle bed reactor using heavy gas oil derived from Athabasca bitumen in the temperature range 370–400 °C and 8.8 MPa. Improved HDN and HDS conversion of heavy gas oil was obtained for the catalyst prepared with EDTA.  相似文献   

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