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本公司聚酯生产装置中共有20余台刮板冷凝器,在近几年的生产过程中,其中2套装置的6台刮板机多次出现过卡阻、声音异常、异常振动,轴承损坏导致设备不能正常运行等现象;再结合几次年度聚酯装置停车大检修期间发现的刮板内部轴承生锈和磨损等的现象;对以上轴承故障等现象进行技术改造和优化,从而降低轴承生锈磨损,甚至损坏的故障。  相似文献   

如何降低乙二醇消耗一直是聚酯生产过程中所必须解决的问题。文章阐述了间歇生产装置降低乙二醇消耗的经验与做法。首先从影响乙二醇消耗的关联图出发,通过分析,抓住主要因素:乙二醇精馏残渣和甲醇残渣中乙二醇含量过高。从而采取了改进措施。并将正交试验原理引入乙二醇精馏操作之中,优化了操作条件,使得精馏残渣中乙二醇含量大大降低,达到历史最好水平。  相似文献   

重点介绍刮板冷凝器在聚酯终缩聚生产过程中存在的一些问题,通过对刮板传动系统、密封系统、控制系统的改进与优化,提高了生产效率,降低了设备故障风险,实现了设备高效、稳定、长周期运行。  相似文献   

简要介绍了聚酯5釜装置中预聚Ⅰ釜、预聚Ⅱ釜和终聚釜3个反应釜刮板冷凝器系统的构成及各设备的作用,并简述了刮板冷凝器系统中大气腿堵塞的几个主要原因、几种现象及如何通过预防措施减少刮板冷凝器大气腿堵塞次数,从而消除由于大气腿堵塞而造成的生产安全隐患,避免由此带来的经济损失。  相似文献   

为了进一步降低刮板运输电机的损坏率,更好的保护刮板运输电机运行安全和运行稳定性,本文基于当前刮板运输电机常见故障,同时对故障产生的原因进行了分析,基于此提出了一系列防范措施,从而有效降低刮板运输机损坏几率,提升生产经营效率。  相似文献   

间苯二甲酸生产技术及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了间苯二甲酸(IPA)的生产技术,重点介绍了空气液相氧化法生产IPA,其工艺分3个阶段, 即粗IPA的制备,精IPA制备、母液及残渣的处理。IPA主要应用在酸改性共聚酯、不饱和聚酯及表面涂料方面。预计在今后几年中,IPA在共聚酯方面的应用将得到迅速发展。  相似文献   

对聚酯产品端羧基值含量高产生原因进行分析,仔细分析聚酯工艺全过程,每个控制环节对聚酯产品羧基含量的影响,通过研究确定稳定羧基含量生产优化控制方案,从而使得聚酯产品羧基含量降低且指标稳定.  相似文献   

对吉玛公司聚酯生产线中的真空技术进行了全面分析,指出采用刮板冷凝器是清除缩聚反应器排出的工艺尾气中的低聚物的较好解决方法。文中提出了刮板冷凝器的设计程序和计算式.并对刮板冷凝器与喷射泵组合的技术做了简单介绍。  相似文献   

正该项目位于上海市金山区卫六路1259号,由上海炼升化工股份有限公司投资建设,本项目对已建的一套年产5000吨芳烃聚酯多元醇生产装置进行改造,以上海石化涤纶部PTA装置产出的PTA残渣替代对苯二甲酸生产芳烃聚酯多  相似文献   

本文介绍了利用对苯二甲酸二甲酯和聚酯生产中的残渣与多元醇混合,在催化剂作用下,进行酯交换和缩聚反应,生成聚酯型树脂的实验方法,并论述了其技术经济的合理性和应用价值  相似文献   

针对目前涤纶纺丝车间的清板作业现状,分析了智能铲板机器人的优势及代替人工作业的可行性,并结合生产实际,使用智能铲板机器人进行为期两个月的清板作业跟踪研究。结果显示,与传统的人工铲板相比,智能铲板机器人能够提升9.9%的保板率,有效减少纺丝断头,提升产品质量。  相似文献   

The extent of solvent-induced shrinkage, swelling, and crystallization of polyester is found to be dependent on the initial morphology of the material. However, the nature of the interaction of the nonaqueous solvents with the aromatic and the aliphatic ester residues of poly(ethylene terephthalate) is found to be independent of morphology and only dependent on the differences in the stereochemical nature of the given solvent and polyester residue.  相似文献   

PTA装置中氧化残渣的分离利用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
展江宏 《聚酯工业》2000,13(2):24-28
论述了PTA氧化残渣分离利用的具体工艺。用脱离子水作萃取剂 ,萃取液经苯乙烯阳离子交换树脂交换吸附后所得的催化剂溶液可回用于PTA氧化装置。萃取、过滤后的混合二元酸经酯化、缩聚合成的聚酯漆制备工艺合理、操作简便 ,产品性能优良 ,耐酸、碱、盐的腐蚀 ,耐热性好 ,可用于家具装饰及化工设备防腐  相似文献   

Nanocomposites of high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) were prepared by melt blending method. The flame retardant and smoke suppression mechanism of MWNT on HIPS were intensively investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, cone calorimeter method, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the addition of MWNT has no marked effect on the degradation mechanism of the nanocomposites, but it significantly reduces the smoke production rates, total smoke release, smoke factor, heat release rates and mass loss rates of the material and forms a considerable volume of residue after burning. The flame retardant and smoke suppression mechanism are due to the formation of residue with featured?structure during combustion. The fine morphology of the residues for the composites showed that the residues of HIPS/MWNT nanocomposites assume a two-layer structure in sub-microscale and micro network structure in nanoscale. The two-layer structure includes a thin skin layer at the surface of the residue and an expanded cellular layer beneath the skin layer. It is the skin-cellular layer structure which considerably enlarges the thickness and volume of residue. Both the skin layer and cellular layer are constituted of MWNT, which are interconnected to form a network-like structure in nanoscale. It is a well combination of the skin-cellular layer and the nanoscale network structure that acts as a good insulation barrier to reduce flammability and smoke production of the composites.  相似文献   

Since the world economy has been confronted with an increasing risk of supply shortages of critical raw materials (CRMs), there has been a major interest in identifying alternative secondary sources of CRMs. Bauxite residues from alumina production are available at a multi‐million tonnes scale worldwide. So far, attempts have been made to find alternative re‐use applications for bauxite residues, for instance in cement / pig iron production. However, bauxite residues also constitute an untapped secondary source of CRMs. Depending on their geological origin and processing protocol, bauxite residues can contain considerable amounts of valuable elements. The obvious primary consideration for CRM recovery from such residues is the economic value of the materials contained. However, there are further benefits from re‐use of bauxite residues in general, and from CRM recovery in particular. These go beyond monetary values (e.g. reduced investment / operational costs resulting from savings in disposal). For instance, benefits for the environment and health can be achieved by abatement of tailing storage as well as by reduction of emissions from conventional primary mining. Whereas certain tools (e.g. life‐cycle analysis) can be used to quantify the latter, other benefits (in particular sustained social and technological development) are harder to quantify. This review evaluates strategies of bauxite residue re‐use / recycling and identifies associated benefits beyond elemental recovery. Furthermore, methodologies to translate risks and benefits into quantifiable data are discussed. Ultimately, such quantitative data are a prerequisite for facilitating decision‐making regarding bauxite residue re‐use / recycling and a stepping stone towards developing a zero‐waste alumina production process. © 2018 The Authors. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

High rates of lime and fertilizer-P are characteristically required to obtain high crop yields on highly weathered acid soils. Much of the agriculture in the southern tropical belt, where acid soils predominate, is carried out by resource-poor, semi-subsistence farmers who are unable to purchase large quantities of lime and fertilizer. There are, however, a number of reports that additions of organic residues to acid soils can reduce Al toxicity (thus lowering the lime requirement) and improve P availability. The literature regarding these effects is sparse and disjointed and an integrated overview of the probable mechanisms responsible and their implications is presented and discussed. During decomposition of organic residues, a wide range of organic compounds are released from the residues and/or are synthesized by the decomposer microflora. The two most important groups in relation to Al toxicity and P availability are soluble humic molecules and low molecular weight aliphatic organic acids. Both these groups of substances can complex with phytotoxic monomeric Al in soil solution thus detoxifying it and they can also be adsorbed to Al and Fe oxide surfaces consequently blocking P adsorption sites. During residue decomposition, there is often a transitory increase in soil pH and this induces a decrease in exchangeable and soil solution Al through their precipitation as insoluble hydroxy-Al compounds. It also confers a greater negative charge on oxide surfaces and thus tends to decrease P adsorption. The increase in pH has been attributed to a number of causes including oxidation of organic acid anions present in decomposing residues, ammonification of residue N, specific adsorption of organic molecules produced during decomposition and reduction reactions induced by anaerobiosis. There are also mechanisms specific to either Al detoxification or improved soil P status. For example, regular applications of organic residues will induce a long-term increase in soil organic matter content. Complexation of Al by the newly-formed organic matter will tend to reduce the concentrations of exchangeable and soluble Al present. As organic residues decompose, P is released and this can become adsorbed to oxide surfaces. This will, in turn, reduce the extent of adsorption of subsequently added P thus increasing P availability. The practical implication of the processes discussed is that organic residues could be used as a strategic tool to reduce the rates of lime and fertilizer P required for optimum crop production on acidic, P-fixing soils. Further research is, therefore, warranted to investigate the use of organic residues in the management of acid soils.  相似文献   

聚酯生产线原有的TiO_2系统采用两次球磨、一次离心分离工艺,配制效果较好,但是配制能力有限,无法满足全消光聚酯切片生产的需要。通过提高溶液浓度、改变原有工艺管线、改变配制流程等,使配制TiO_2能力由原来的2.4 t/d提高到6.6 t/d,所配制的TiO_2溶液质量能满足生产需要。通过改变TiO_2添加系统,由单泵运行变为双泵运行,添加能力大幅提升,满足了生产全消光聚酯切片时对TiO_2添加量的需要。经过诸多改进后该聚酯生产线可生产附加值高的全消光聚酯切片。  相似文献   

黄斌  杨晓兵 《大氮肥》2004,27(5):299-301
门式耙料机电气控制复杂,工作环境恶劣,故障频繁,将PLC与变频技术相结合,对门式耙料机进行改造,减少了设备,简化外部接线,新增部分功能,完全能满足工艺操作的需要.  相似文献   

我国聚酯产业链发展现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析我国聚酯及聚酯原料对苯二甲酸、乙二醇、对二甲苯的生产和需求的现状及发展趋势。提出聚酯生产能力应放慢增长速度;加快其产业链上下游一体化发展进程。以促进该产业整体均衡、健康地发展。  相似文献   

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