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印刷电路板的制造过程当中,对其进行质量控制是非常重要的。为了有效提高印刷电路板的成品质量,通常情况下会在不需焊接的部位使用阻焊油墨进行涂布处理,目的是保护对应的部位。从阻焊油墨的相关工艺出发,主要介绍了喷墨打印技术加成法用阻焊油墨、柔性线路板用阻焊油墨以及水溶性碱显影感光阻焊油墨等,用以确定阻焊剂的具体应用。  相似文献   

先在普通打印机上把线路图用纳米银导电油墨打印在聚酰亚胺基板上,再通过化学镀铜制得印制电路板。研究了化学镀铜时间对沉积速率的影响,以及银导电油墨的固化温度对铜镀层耐磨性、附着力、厚度、电阻率等性能的影响。施镀时间为40min时,化学镀铜的沉积速率最大(为13.58μm/h)。银导电油墨的适宜固化温度为300℃,对应的铜镀层电阻率最小(为1.889×107/m),耐磨性和附着力最佳。  相似文献   

本文介绍了PCB制造过程中所用阻焊油墨的研究现状及其发展趋势,重点介绍了可喷墨打印阻焊油墨、柔性电路板用阻焊油墨、水溶性碱显影感光阻焊油墨和LED封装用白色阻焊油墨的研究现状及趋势。  相似文献   

赵子强  熊雯 《江西化工》2020,(4):105-107
3D打印混凝土作为建筑打印施工的油墨材料,近年来受到热点关注。本文通过对3D打印混凝土的应用、研究和专利申请进行分析,对其未来发展进行展望。  相似文献   

喷墨油墨需求随家用数码打印普及而增长   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据Frost&Sullivan公司的最新报告 ,2 0 0 9年全球喷墨油墨销售额有望达到 2 5 0亿美元 ,2 0 0 2年大概为 16 0亿美元 ,产量约 4 5 0 0万升。数码摄影的普及和家用数码打印机的不断增长 ,是喷墨油墨消费增长的主要驱动力。 2 0 0 2年该领域及台式电脑打印机方面的销售额达到 15 0亿美元 ,是这类油墨最大的终端用户。Frost&Sullivan称 ,将喷墨油墨技术用到非台式电脑应用领域 ,成像质量高 ,可以将资料打印到各种承印材料上。数码打印的效果远好于传统工艺 ,固定成本低 ,市场有扩大潜力。分析家表示 ,设备成本低是喷墨油墨技术价值的关键 ,…  相似文献   

<正>哈佛研究团队在陶瓷3D打印材料方面的研发有了新进展,哈佛科学家受玻璃特性的启发,开发出一种完全不同的陶瓷成型工艺,据悉,这种工艺使用了Lewis Lab的3D打印陶瓷泡沫油墨,在应用方面可以使用于医疗、建筑等行业。目前,阻碍3D打印陶瓷行业发展的主要因素包括:1、较低的需求量(与聚合物、金属等其它材料相比);2、整个3D  相似文献   

陶瓷喷墨打印技术在我国陶瓷行业受到高度关注。和传统的陶瓷印刷技术相比,陶瓷喷墨打印技术对颜料的粒径分布、平均粒径、形貌和分散性以及油墨的制备等提出了更高的要求,国内的陶瓷墨水的进口量仍较大。本文综述了陶瓷墨水的多种制备方法,并介绍了喷墨打印相比传统印刷的优势,并对喷墨打印用陶瓷墨水制备技术进行了展望。  相似文献   

UV喷墨油墨的进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
简要介绍了喷墨打印技术的特点及原理。着重阐述了UV喷墨油墨的组成、性能要求及其发展情况,其中就墨水的各个组成成分和应用性能之间的关系及其用量等方面做了进一步说明。同时指出了UV喷墨油墨的现状和发展趋势。  相似文献   

喷墨打印相纸及打印图像质量的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
喷墨打印相纸随着数码相机的发展近几年在国内发展迅速。针对目前产品质量没有测量标准的现状,提出喷墨相纸的质量指标主要为4个,即白度、光泽度、油墨吸收性和防水性。给出了相应的测量方法。并指出相纸上油墨点的面积是衡量质量的第一重要指标,其次是点的圆度。另外对图像输出的质量介绍了一种科学的评价方法,即图像的逼真性分析。说明图像的打印墨点直径不应小于方形像素的对角线长,图像才能真实再现。  相似文献   

传送高亮度金属闪光膜光学性质的印有金属闪光染料的载体底材;使油墨中磁性粒子较好排列的浆状油墨的印刷;显示着色剂光学性能的方法及化妆品、涂料和油墨的制备方法;透明并具随角异色性涂覆或印刷的工件及其涂料和油墨;胶印油墨喷印方法及用该方法印刷的物件;生物可降解胶印油墨;用于喷墨打印墨水的纳米级无机颜料色浆;[编者按]  相似文献   

唐伟杰 《辽宁化工》2014,(12):1517-1518
环保乳化生产的油墨,是以少量的油包大量的水而形成的稳定的W/O型乳状液,并且具有良好的油墨的基本性能和印刷性能,甚至优于油性油墨的印刷性能。这样生产的油墨,含水率高,工艺简单、安全性好。用大量的水代替油,不仅有着突出的经济效益,而且社会效益也相当显著。对油墨行业起着很好的引导作用,是未来油墨行业的发展方向。所有的原料均无毒,是非常好的绿色产品。  相似文献   

幂律油墨在纸张中渗透深度的计算与实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用一维渗流方程导出了印刷过程中幂律油墨渗透深度随印压和印刷速度(印压时间)的变化关系,由渗透深度测量值和所推幂律油墨渗透深度公式计算了幂律油墨在几种型号纸张中渗透率与纸张孔隙度的比值(渗孔比). 改变印压和印刷速度,由幂律油墨渗孔比,利用幂律油墨渗透深度公式对油墨渗透深度进行了估算,结果与实验测量值吻合得很好.  相似文献   

The properties of a thickener for nylon carpet inkjet printing are presented in this work. A water-based ink was prepared from polyacrylate-based thickener. The physical and chemical properties of the polyacrylate-based thickener used for preparing the inkjet printing ink, as well as its printing effects on carpet, were investigated. Before printing, the properties of the ink, including its surface tension, electrolyte resistance, storage stability, and percentage removal, were investigated. After printing, the efficiency of coloration of printed carpet and the fastness of printed carpet were studied. The results concerning the surface tension and percentage removal of printing ink show that the polyacrylate-based thickener printing ink is suitable for nylon carpet inkjet printing. Meanwhile, its storage stability and electrolyte resistance make it suitable for printing. The efficiency of coloration of printed carpet and the fastness of printed carpet satisfy the requirements of application at appropriate ink concentration and viscosity.  相似文献   

油墨废水处理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国油墨行业得到了飞速发展,油墨废水的排放量也相应地急剧增加,废水一旦进入水体,会对水环境造成严重的污染,严重威胁着人类的生产生活和自然界的生态平衡,对油墨废水的处理必不可少。简单介绍了油墨的种类和油墨废水的成分,综述了近年来国内外关于油墨废水处理技术的研究现状,并展望了未来发展方向。  相似文献   

For the first time, the use of ionic liquids as additives for printing inks in order to improve the wettability of the printing base by the ink is presented. The aim of this work was to study the influence of ionic liquids on the selected properties of water‐based printing ink and the prints. The contact angles of the printing inks on the printing base were measured. Modified flexographic inks were laboratory printed on polypropylene plastic film. The impact of small amounts of various ionic liquids on printing ink colour was examined in terms of the optical density of the full‐tone area, the colour parameters (L*, a*, b*, CIE), the total colour difference, and the gloss of the dried ink film. The influence of ionic liquids on the ink contact angle, the optical density, and the L*a*b* coordinates is discussed. In general, the investigated ionic liquids improve the wettability of water‐based flexographic printing ink, with an acceptable total colour difference. The optical density is increased for printing inks containing ionic liquids in comparison with the original flexographic printing ink, Process.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the quality of lines and disperse ink in printing patterns on different untreated polyester fabric constructions. The lines running in the weft and warp directions were printed on polyester fabric constructions, and printing accuracy was assessed. Ink spreading is one of the important factors that influences the ink distribution. Thus, in order to acquire satisfactory ink‐jet printing products, it is essential to control the spreading of ink on the polyester fabric. To meet these conditions, a series of chemicals (disperse dye 5.01 wt%, PVP‐K30 0‐2 wt%, DEG 5‐20 wt%, water 64.17‐79.17 wt%, etc) with different mass fractions was used to prepare disperse ink. The jetting behaviour of ink was related to its surface tension and viscosity, which was characterised by an automatic surface tensiometer and rotational viscometer. Line profile was used to evaluate the printing effect. Low field nuclear magnetic resonance and three‐dimensional super depth digital microscopy were used to reveal the relationships between the state of water, ink diffusion behaviour and printing sharpness. The results showed that increasing ink viscosity or decreasing free water content is advantageous to improve the sharpness of the printing pattern. The effects of fabric structural parameters on line image quality are discussed. The printing quality was closely related to the weight and structure of fabric. The heavy weight fabrics had accurate print pattern sharpness. The fastness test results showed that the ink printing pattern had good colour fastness.  相似文献   

喷墨打印技术的发展现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张伟 《染料与染色》2005,42(6):9-12
简要介绍了喷墨打印技术的发展现状。目前主要有两类喷墨打印技术:连续喷墨打印和脉冲喷墨打印技术。前者可设计成双重或多重弯曲系统;后者可分为热喷墨、压电喷墨、阀门喷墨、静电喷墨过程,描述了喷墨打印用墨的最新发展。水性、溶剂性、热熔性、紫外固化和反应性墨是目前主要的喷墨打印用墨。  相似文献   

发展中的数码喷墨用UV固化油墨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用UV固化油墨于数码喷墨 ,是 1种新兴喷印技术。文章针对数码喷印技术、油墨成分及其油墨的相应要求进行了阐述 ,文中涉及了现有的成型产品 ,并对UV固化油墨的发展趋势进行了展望 ,有助于人们了解这项新技术和新产品  相似文献   

A combined experimental and computational study of the transfer of transparent index‐matched silica‐particle inks between two flat plates is presented for gravure printing applications. The influence of printing speed and initial ink droplet size on the ability to accurately transfer ink during the printing process is explored systematically. Smooth interface volume of fluid simulations show the same trends as the ink transfer observed in experiments over a wide range of printing speeds and for inks having different silica particle loadings. Our calculations indicate that for ink droplets with characteristic dimensions in the vicinity of 10 μm, which are of particular interest for gravure printing applications, ink transfer improves significantly due to the diminishing effect of gravity, and the increased importance of capillary forces at small length scales. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 1419–1429, 2017  相似文献   

沈斌 《山西化工》2009,29(5):47-49
介绍了环保油墨的类型,分析了纯植物油油墨设计过程中遇到的问题,提出了相应的改进措施。纯植物油油墨是一种环保、性能优良、使用效果好并且节能的新型油墨。  相似文献   

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