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采用盐酸萃取回收污泥灰分中的磷,结果表明,优选方案为:酸浓度0.75 mol/L,液固比250 mL/g SA,反应时间120 min,磷浸出率为90.37%。pH对正磷酸盐测定有影响;酸性条件下显色时间延长对测定影响很小;取样体积应使磷含量在标线的中下部;对于含磷量高的萃取液需稀释的倍数也高,可大大降低SS的干扰,因此采用中速定量滤纸对萃取液进行前处理即可。含磷量高的灰分相当于高品位磷矿,回收价值高。  相似文献   

磷钼蓝分光光度法测定乐果含磷量方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了将有机磷转化成无机磷酸盐,进而用磷钼蓝分光光度法测定乐果含磷量的方法。研究结果表明:该方法具有较高的灵敏度最低检出限为0.0051mg/L,其λmax=720nm,乐果的含磷量在0.0637~3.1454mg/L范围内完全符合比尔定律。这种方法所需药品普通,仪器为721型分光先度计,具有成本低、简便、易行、快速的优点,特别适宜于有机磷农药含磷量的测定以及实际水样中含磷量的测定。  相似文献   

特低磷、低硫铁合金焦的试制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨叶青 《燃料与化工》2003,34(5):253-254
铁合金焦是冶金行业电炉生产铁合金用的一种专用焦,我国于1992年颁布了黑色冶金行业标准(YB/T034—92)。随着时间的推移,对铁合金焦的要求也越来越高,南非某公司希望我厂为其提供特低磷、低硫的铁合金焦,各项技术指标见表1。为了满足客户的需求,我们进行了铁合金焦的试制工作。1原料煤的选择原料煤的选择遵循两个原则:一是炼出的焦炭需达到南非某公司的要求,特别是含磷量和反应性;二是煤料在未经干燥的情况下(全水分10%~11%时),能在现有的CM2806型常规焦炉中完成结焦、推焦。由于焦炭的含磷量是由原料煤转化的,为此必须选择特低磷且灰分…  相似文献   

利用多段式接触氧化法工艺的中试装置(有12级反应槽)处理北京某污水处理厂的污水,以污泥减量为目的研究不同水力停留时间和曝气量下装置的除磷效果及12格沿程的磷变化情况,探究污泥灰分磷回收。结果表明,水力停留时间24 h相对于12 h,装置抗冲击负荷能力较好,且磷去除率高达91. 92%,优于传统生物除磷工艺,腐殖污泥磷含量74. 5 mg P/g DS,其灰分磷含量高达167 mg P/g SA,相当于高品位磷矿,采用盐酸作为浸出剂时,可快速从腐殖污泥灰分中提取90%的磷。  相似文献   

化学镀镍—磷合金中磷的含量对镀层性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用酸性化学镀镍-磷合金电解液,通过改变还原剂浓度、稳定剂浓度、pH值及操作温度,制备了含磷量为6%、8%及12%的镍-磷合金镀层。通过大量实验证明,镀层的耐蚀性、耐磨性及硬度与镀层中的磷含量有直接关系。随着含磷量的增加,镀层的耐蚀性及耐磨性提高,经400℃热处理1h后,镀层的耐蚀性下降,而耐磨性提高。通过改变镀层中的磷含量可以提高其硬度,其中含磷量为8%、400℃下热处理1h的镀层硬度最高。  相似文献   

利用多段式接触氧化法工艺的中试装置(有12级反应槽)处理北京某污水处理厂的污水,以污泥减量为目的研究不同水力停留时间和曝气量下装置的除磷效果及12格沿程的磷变化情况,探究污泥灰分磷回收。结果表明,水力停留时间24 h相对于12 h,装置抗冲击负荷能力较好,且磷去除率高达91. 92%,优于传统生物除磷工艺,腐殖污泥磷含量74. 5 mg P/g DS,其灰分磷含量高达167 mg P/g SA,相当于高品位磷矿,采用盐酸作为浸出剂时,可快速从腐殖污泥灰分中提取90%的磷。  相似文献   

改性粉煤灰处理含磷废水的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用浓硫酸固相反应法对粉煤灰进行改性用于含磷废水的净化,考察了pH值,吸附剂用量,磷初始浓度,反应时间对净化过程的影响。通过实验发现溶液pH值在4-10范围内对磷的吸附过程影响不显著,改性粉煤灰可以在较宽的pH值范围内进行脱磷处理;随着粉煤灰加入量的增加和初始溶液中磷酸根浓度的降低,磷的净化率逐渐增加。对于含磷50 mg/L的溶液,当粉煤灰的投加量为1.5%时,磷的吸附效率可达99.66%,净化后水中含磷量为0.17 mg/L。改性粉煤灰对水中磷的净化过程速度较快,5 min可达到最大净化率。改性粉煤灰对磷的吸附等温线符合Freudlich方程。  相似文献   

对硫酸铁热改性珍珠岩微粉的磷吸附特性进行了研究,发现溶液pH值对磷吸附有显著影响,pH值为5.0时吸附量(3.96 mg/g)最大,溶液磷去除率达98.68%;搅拌时间对磷的吸附影响较小,搅拌10 min与搅拌24 h的磷吸附量没有显著差异;在100 mg/L的磷溶液中,改性珍珠岩微粉用量在5.0~50.0 g/L范围内,其磷吸附量随用量的增加先快速增加,达最大值后缓慢降低;当模拟污水磷浓度为50 mg/L时,添加25 g/L改性微粉的磷去除率达99.3%,污水残磷浓度为0.35 mg/L,含磷量符合国家城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB 18918)的一级A类排放标准(≤0.5 mg/L)。硫酸铁热改性珍珠岩微粉在酸性、高磷废水的快速除磷处理中具有一定的应用潜力。  相似文献   

对硫酸铁热改性珍珠岩微粉的磷吸附特性进行了研究,发现溶液pH值对磷吸附有显著影响,pH值为5.0时吸附量(3.96 mg/g)最大,溶液磷去除率达98.68%;搅拌时间对磷的吸附影响较小,搅拌10 min与搅拌24 h的磷吸附量没有显著差异;在100 mg/L的磷溶液中,改性珍珠岩微粉用量在5.0~50.0 g/L范围内,其磷吸附量随用量的增加先快速增加,达最大值后缓慢降低;当模拟污水磷浓度为50 mg/L时,添加25 g/L改性微粉的磷去除率达99.3%,污水残磷浓度为0.35 mg/L,含磷量符合国家城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB 18918)的一级A类排放标准(≤0.5 mg/L)。硫酸铁热改性珍珠岩微粉在酸性、高磷废水的快速除磷处理中具有一定的应用潜力。  相似文献   

采用生物膜序批式反应器(BSBR)在厌氧阶段COD仅为100 mg/L的条件下对模拟废水中的低浓度磷酸盐(2.5 mg/L)实现高效去除和高倍富集。结果表明:好氧出水磷浓度<0.5 mg/L且回收液的磷浓度最高达到了59.53mg/L,磷回收效率为58.63%,碳源消耗(回收每克磷消耗COD的量)为56.27±2.6 mg-P/mg-COD。高通量测序结果表明,当进水磷浓度由10 mg/L降至2.5 mg/L后,变形菌门的丰度从82.1%降至41.9%,拟杆菌门的丰度则从9.6%升至49.1%。在属水平,反应器稳定运行后,生物膜内优势群属主要为Flavobacterium(32.98%)。通过对DO、HRT和好氧厌氧进水体积比的优化,提高溶解氧和延长HRT有利于提高磷回收液浓度和磷回收效率并且降低碳源消耗。  相似文献   

用磷表分析法代替磷钼酸喹啉容量法测定磷石膏中的水溶磷和非水溶磷,分析方法简单,经与传统容量法对照,结果准确、可靠,降低了分析成本,能满足生产控制分析需求。  相似文献   

There is incomplete understanding, based on a single comprehensive study, of the relationship between empirical extractants of soil-test P (STP) and fundamental measurements of soil-P status such as inorganic (Pi) and organic (Po) fractions, P adsorption and relevant ancillary soil attributes. Consequently, we assessed these relationships for the extractants Morgan, Mehlich-3, Olsen, Bray-1, lactate–acetate, CaCl2 (1:2 and 1:10 soil:solution) and resin. Multiple regression analysis indicated that STP extracted with Morgan and CaCl2 related dominantly with the most labile resin Pi fraction, Mehlich-3 and Olsen with labile NaHCO3 Pi, Bray-1 with moderately labile NaOH Pi and lactate-acetate with relatively stable Ca-bound HCl Pi, for example. Especially for Morgan and CaCl2 (1:2), and except for Bray-1, the best relationship of STP with adsorption characteristics was with equilibrium P concentration in solution (EPC). Buffering capacity (EBC) and binding energy (k) did not have significant effects, as indicated by regression, whereas the effects of clay and oxalate-extractable Fe (Feox) were generally negative and Alox and organic carbon (OC) positive. Principal component analysis (PCA) highlighted many similarities in the extractants. However, regression of STP against soil-P pools, integrated as principal component scores, inadequately revealed relationships, which were better facilitated by PCA ordinations. For ordinations of STP with P fractions, eigenvalues for the first two axes explained 88.6% of the variance. Closest associations were residual Pi with HCl Pi, CaCl2 (1:10) and to a lesser extent Morgan with OC and clay, and Mehlich-3 and Olsen with NaHCO3 Pi and resin Pi. For ordinations of STP with P adsorption, eigenvalues for the first two axes explained 97.8% of the variance. The STP extractants grouped in specific, but distinctly different, combinations. For example, strongest inverse relationships were EBC to EPC and Morgan, and k to resin and Olsen, and to OC and clay, indicative of weak P bonding on these surfaces. These distinctions are consistent with, and provide a rationale for, the relevance of Morgan as an environmental P test vis-a-vis other extractants of STP.  相似文献   

磷作为一种不可再生资源,在现代工农业生产中起着重要的作用。但污水中大量P元素的排放,对环境造成了一定的影响。采用除磷脱氮工艺处理污水,不但可以有效回收磷,而且可以解决水体富营养化问题。  相似文献   

In Sweden, subsurface transport of phosphorus (P) from agricultural soils represents the primary pathway of concern for surface water quality. However, there are mixed findings linking P in leachate with soil P and limited understanding of the interactive effects of applied P sources and soil test P on P leaching potential. Identifying soils that are susceptible to P leaching when manure is applied is critical to management strategies that reduce P loadings to water bodies. Intact soil columns (20 cm deep) from five long-term fertilization trials across Sweden were used in leaching experiments with simulated rainfall to explore the interactive effects of dairy cow (Bos taurus L.) manure application, soil test P and cropping system. Strong relationships were observed between ammonium lactate-extractable P in soil and dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentrations in leachate, although regression slopes varied across soils. For three soils, application of manure (equal to 21–30 kg P ha?1) to the soil columns significantly increased DRP leaching losses. The increase in DRP concentration was correlated to soil test P, but with wide variations between the three soils. For two soils leachate P concentrations after manure addition were independent of soil P status. Despite variable trends in P leaching across the different soils, P concentrations in leachate were always moderate from soils at fertilization rates equivalent to P removal with harvest. Results clearly stress the importance of long-term P balance to limit P leaching losses from Swedish agricultural soils.  相似文献   

工业含磷废水除磷研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在常温条件下,以低廉的氯化镁、碳酸氢铵作沉淀剂加入到含磷废水中除磷时,得到的一次处理液因含磷高无法达标排放。本文利用聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)作复合混凝剂,对其进行进一步除磷研究,实验研究证明,加入复合混凝剂的效果优于单独使用,并可使处理后的废水达到国家二类水排放标准。  相似文献   

介绍了三氯化磷生产过程中五氯化磷的生成原理,通过一起大量处置五氯化磷案例,描述了五氯化磷在生成过程中的现象,提出了处置过程中的注意事项及安全处置的建议。  相似文献   

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems - Grasslands are a globally important use of land for food and fibre production, which often require the addition of phosphorus (P) fertiliser to maximise plant...  相似文献   

黄磷产品中除了主含量磷以外,还含有其他杂质,如:有机杂质、砷、铅、硫等。为了解决目前工业黄磷国家标准中磷含量的测定方法中的有机物的干扰问题,通过探索,可以采用磷钼酸喹啉重量法测定黄磷中的磷含量。该方法是利用混合酸来溶解黄磷样品,通过进一步的水解,使黄磷样品中的磷完全转化成正磷酸,根据分析测定后得到的磷钼酸喹啉的质量求出单质磷的含量。由所获得的分析数据来看,该方法的可靠程度较高,可以应用于黄磷中磷含量的测定。利用附加的分析方法,还可以同时解决黄磷样品中其他微量杂质的分析检测工作。  相似文献   

计算流体力学技术(CFD)是进行流场计算、分析和预测的专用工具,在科学实验及工业中应用广泛。为了了解黄磷电炉内部流场温度分布、气体走向、炉体温度分布情况,应用CFD技术,对黄磷电炉进行分析、简化,选择合适的模型进行仿真模拟,实现电炉内部流场的重现,对黄磷电炉中的放大、改造、设计有指导意义。  相似文献   

The paper deals with the synthesis and characterization of seven polypyromellitimide samples having varying contents of phosphine oxide and ether linkages in the backbone with pendant maleimido groups. Curing characteristics and thermal stability of polymers were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic thermogravimetry. It was observed that an increase in pendant maleimido groups resulted in an increase in the heat of polymerization. Char yield also increased with increase in phosphorus content. Conductivity and dielectric parameters were also evaluated. The mechanism of conduction was found to be a combination of electronic and ionic type.  相似文献   

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