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热压含碳球团自还原过程限制性环节的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传热条件一定的前提下,于900~1150℃反应温度范围内进行了热压含碳球团的自还原实验.通过分析热压含碳球团还原失重和产物气体的变化规律,阐述了热压含碳球团的自还原机理.结果表明,热压含碳球团的自还原可用多孔物料反应模型进行描述.整个过程分为两个阶段,第一阶段还原速率明显大于第二阶段.在本研究条件下,热压含碳球团自还原过程两个阶段的限制性环节均为气体通过还原产物层的内扩散.  相似文献   

本文介绍的采用测温套管从炉篦处直接插入,与炉篦同步旋转的测温技术,是一种很有前途的方法,希望有关部门组织力量进一步研究,直至工业化。  相似文献   

随着社会的高速发展,环保问题成为了人们的舆论焦点,同时也促使了新型能源的产生与应用,但是清洁能源的使用依然改变不了传统能源的主体地位与结构。主要研究了煤燃烧实验过程中着火点的确定方法,希望能对同行工作者有所帮助,希望能对我国煤炭事业的长足发展做出一份微薄的贡献。  相似文献   

刘慧敏  王春波  黄星智  张月  孙鑫 《化工学报》2015,66(12):5079-5087
选取SJS烟煤,利用高温管式炉模拟富氧燃烧,在600~1400℃温度范围内研究了O2浓度、CO2浓度及温度对砷挥发的影响,并进行了空气燃烧模式下的对比实验。对不同工况下的灰样进行FTIR表征并结合化学热力学软件模拟进行分析,结果表明:富氧气氛和空气气氛下煤中砷的挥发比例均随温度升高不断增大,并在低温区间(<900℃)和高温区间(>900℃)分别出现了砷的剧烈失重,但O2浓度和CO2浓度影响了不同气氛下砷的具体挥发行为。低温下(<900℃)O2浓度是影响砷挥发的主要因素,O2浓度越高,砷的挥发比例越大;相同O2浓度下,CO2浓度越高,砷的挥发比例越低,CO2的存在抑制了煤中砷的挥发。高温下(>900℃)CO2浓度是影响砷挥发的主要因素,富氧气氛下高CO2浓度对热量的阻碍导致相同条件下砷酸盐发生分解需要更高的温度,因此富氧气氛下砷的挥发较空气模式滞后;此外CO2在煤颗粒表面形成还原性气氛,高价态砷化合物向不稳定的低价态砷化合物转变,低价态砷化合物的快速分解导致高温下富氧气氛中砷的挥发速率较常规空气模式快。  相似文献   

一、事故经过某化工股份有限公司造气岗位共有33台造气炉,为节能降耗,通过新上一套变压吸附制氧装置,提供浓度为大于80%的氧气供造气炉使用,以提高造气炉中氧气浓度,实现造气炉中煤炭充分气化的目的。在吹风阶段提高氧气浓度,减少吹风;在制气阶段补充热量,提高效率。国内其他几家都是低压较低浓度氧,纯氧含量为40%左右,入炉氧浓度25%左右,而该公司用80%纯氧减压,入炉配比可达到35%。  相似文献   

氧弹燃烧量热法考察添加剂对煤燃烧热值的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用测量精度为0.4%的氧弹燃烧量热仪考察了产地分别为北京、大连、山东和西安的四种煤燃烧添加剂对煤燃烧热值的影响。结果显示这四种煤燃烧添加剂不含可燃物质,对所选的三种高热值煤和两种低热值煤的燃烧热值均无明显的影响,不存在所谓的煤被煤燃烧添加剂激发的非常规燃烧。  相似文献   

煤燃烧中铬与氧的反应机理研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
探索使用了高级量子化学从头计算法来研究来铬与氧的反应机理。分别优化了两个研究反应的反应物,过渡态,中间体和产物的几何构型,并且计算出反应的热效应,熵变,活化能和绝对速率常数,并与文献数据进行了比较,计算结果与文献数据比较吻合,表明量子化学计算是研究铬等痕量元素气相反应机理和计算热力学及动力学参数的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

为了探讨氧浓度对硝化纤维素材料燃烧特性的影响,采用自行设计的小尺度燃烧室,通N_2稀释降低燃烧室内的氧浓度,电加热方式点燃尺寸为200×10×0.7 mm的硝化纤维素样条,并通过相机记录燃烧图像、热电偶测温、电子天平测质量和烟气分析仪测CO浓度四种方法研究了常压下水平放置、竖直放置和不同点火位置时,硝化纤维素燃烧的火焰形态、火蔓延速度、质量燃烧速率及燃烧释放出的CO浓度峰值随氧浓度降低的变化情况。结果表明:硝化纤维素燃烧特性受氧浓度影响显著,而且氧浓度对其燃烧特性影响还与放置位置和点火位置有关。  相似文献   

对预混富氧燃烧的火焰特性进行实验研究,结果表明:富氧浓度在21%~30%的范围内变化时,随着氧含量的增加,燃烧反应速率和火焰传播速度逐渐增加,进而引起燃烧区的缩小和温度梯度的增加。并且火焰高温区逐渐缩小,最高火焰温度逐渐增高,并且最高温度点向烧嘴口方向移动。  相似文献   

Coal combustion and gasification processes in a passage of an underground gas-generator is examined at a stage of approximate steady state. The passage dimensions (cross-sectional area and the fraction of the surface covered by coal and rocks) is assumed known and is determined by mine cave-in processes. The water flow into the gasification passage is also assumed known. The problem is to determine the composition, flow rate, temperature and pressure of the air blast along the passage and at the exit from the values at the beginning of the passage. A mathematical model was developed for this process, a computer program was written, and calculations were performed to illustrate that the model corresponds to these processes.Lyubertsy. Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 21–28, March–April, 1993.  相似文献   

为了有效控制SO2的排放量,有必要研究不同温度下燃煤排放SO2含量的测试方法。介绍了烟气分析法用于测试燃煤可释出SO2含量时的试验方法,其中包括间歇式烟气分析法和连续式烟气分析法。通过分析烟气分析法的精确度及重现性,分析该方法的优缺点,并验证其可行性。结果表明:烟气分析法的精确度和重现性不佳,但是可以及时反映燃煤排放SO2的真实情况。因此在完善测试装置后,烟气分析法作为燃煤SO2的测试方法值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

为了研究高硫煤的高温燃烧特性,采用Ca(OH)2作为主固硫剂,镁助剂、锰助剂、铁助剂和钠助剂为固硫助剂,选用全硫含量为4.04%的攀枝花高硫煤为研究对象,在最佳钙硫物质的量比为1.7的条件下,采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和X射线荧光分析仪(XRF)对固硫灰渣进行表征,揭示固硫产物的生成机理,进而得出固硫灰渣与固硫率的关系,采用热重分析法对煤样的燃烧特性和反应动力学进行分析研究。结果表明,固硫率与固硫灰渣中SO3含量呈正相关,与Ca/S物质的量比呈负相关。添加剂的加入使煤样的燃点略有提高,燃烧由一段燃烧变成两段燃烧,煤样燃烬时间缩短。通过对煤样低温段和高温段的动力学分析发现,燃烧速率随平均表观活化能的增大而增大,添加剂的加入使煤样的整体燃烧性能提高。  相似文献   

A method is proposed for calculating the limiting conditions for the diffusion combustion of hydrogencontaining gas mixtures. The method allows one to determine the concentration of inert diluent at the combustion limit for a given nozzle velocity and diameter of the burner. The calculation results are compared with the corresponding experimental data.VNIIPO, 143900 Balashikha. Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 42–46, March–April 1994.  相似文献   

A new type of coal gas fueled chemical-looping combustion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hongguang Jin  Masaru Ishida 《Fuel》2004,83(17-18):2411-2417
A new type of coal gas fueled chemical-looping combustion is experimentally investigated by means of a fixed-bed reactor operated at elevated pressure. Chemical-looping combustion may be carried out in two successive reactions between two reactors, a reduction reactor (coal gas with metal oxides) and an oxidation reactor (reduced metal with oxygen in the air), which may lead to a breakthrough in clean coal technology by simultaneously allowing efficient use of energy and greenhouse gas control. We have experimentally examined the kinetic behavior between solid looping materials and coal gas in a high-pressure fixed bed reactor. On the basis of the development of suitable material and the good reactivity with the fixed bed reactor, we have identified that the coal gas fueled chemical-looping combustor has much better reactivity than natural gas combustors, and this phenomenon is completely different from direct combustion with natural gas. The promising results obtained here will be valuable for the design of a practical reactor.  相似文献   

G3520 C瓦斯内燃发电机组的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了G3520 C瓦斯内燃发电机组的工作原理、结构特点和各组成系统的特征,在晋城矿区的应用,取得了较好的经济和社会效益,但同时也要求应用电厂具有合适的配套设备和优化的系统集成,因此,对应用条件要求较严格。  相似文献   

A stationary model of filtration combustion of a gas with allowance for conditions at the entrance to the porous body and conditions of heat exchange with the gas phase surrounding the burner and with the heat exchanger is proposed and numerically analyzed. Ranges of parameters where the regime of gas combustion with a narrow reaction zone near the outer surface of the porous body are determined. Mechanical stresses arising in the porous body owing to high temperature gradients and gas pressure in the pores are estimated. The rate of gas combustion and the radiative heat flux from the burner surface are plotted as functions of process-dependent parameters. __________ Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 18–29, January–February, 2009.  相似文献   

王建  曹雄 《山西化工》2009,29(2):39-42
从瓦斯的理论分析和实验研究、预防煤矿瓦斯灾害新技术的研究动向和煤矿瓦斯的灾害评价3个方面,介绍了国内煤矿瓦斯的研究现状,指出了研究方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, we developed a new method for preventing the spontaneous combustion of a coal stockpile covered by pulverized coal. This technique is based on the numerical-simulation analysis of endothermic/exothermic balance in coal stockpile. Depth and height are confirmed to be the main factors influencing the endothermic/exothermic balance in coal stockpiles and the hot-spot region is easily formed at a coal stockpile height of 1-1.5 m and a depth of 2-3 m, where there is the highest tendency for spontaneous combustion. The numerical simulation and the 120-day application test both confirm that the diffusion process of oxidation can be prevented and the coal oxidation reaction can be hindered by covering the surface of the hot region with pulverized coal. As a result, the coal spontaneous combustion is prevented effectively.  相似文献   

The pulsed combustion of coal has been studied in a small fluidized-bed reactor. The effect of combustion temperature and coal rank on the organic composition of the off-gas was investigated. Results are presented for the combustion of an anthracite, a medium-volatile bituminous coal and a high-volatile bituminous coal at 700, 800 and 900°C. The analytical techniques used include on-line FT-i.r., O2 monitoring, FID and off-line g.c.-m.s. using Tenax as adsorbent. About 120 hydrocarbons were found, of which over 80% have been identified. Overall combustion characteristics such as oxygen consumption, total amount of unburned hydrocarbons and swelling properties of the coal have been related to the composition of the organic substances in the off-gas. The distribution of the polycyclic aromatics, from benzene to chrysene, and of alkylated derivatives is discussed in detail. Oxygen-containing compounds have also been analysed, although detailed discussion would be premature.  相似文献   

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