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扬子烯烃厂充分发挥装置规模优势和技术优势,实施乙烯联合装置新老区资源整合,优势互补,积极优化生产,消除装置”瓶颈”,提升了乙烯联合装置总体生产水平。去年,生产创造了装置有大修年份的历史新纪录;装置实现”八连冠”安全目标。在日前中石化集团公司暨股份公司乙烯同类装置的业务竞赛考核中,扬子乙烯装置再度获得同类装置达标考核竞赛第一名。  相似文献   

李江波  蔡龙  梅胜  薛静 《山东化工》2023,(12):167-169
延安石油化工厂S-Zorb装置自投产以来,存在能耗指标偏离设计值,装置收率低,运行周期短等问题,与同类装置对比发现,装置在运行过程中能源消耗方面存在的问题和不足。通过对装置运行进行分析,找出问题原因,进行工艺优化,从而实现降低装置能耗,提高产品收率和延长运行周期的目标。  相似文献   

综述了我国洗衣粉装置的发展历史、现状及发展趋势,并提出了相关建议。分阶段回顾了我国洗衣粉装置的发展历程,从洗衣粉喷粉装置和浓缩粉装置两方面综述了我国洗衣粉装置的现状,指出了我国洗衣粉装置发展趋势,并对我国洗衣粉装置的发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

本实用新型公开了一种橡胶胶粒定量上料装置,包括下装置壳与上装置壳,下装置壳与上装置壳之间通过两个连接管固定连接,下装置壳、上装置壳、以及两个连接管之间共同设有椭圆形的装置腔,下装置壳的后端设有用于提供动力的驱动机构,装置腔的内部设有与驱动机构配合的上料机构,下装置壳的外部设有与驱动机构配合的送料机构。本实用新型结构合理,可以通过传动链条外侧的多个料斗对橡胶胶粒进行定量运输,并通过上装置壳一侧的出料管将胶粒排出,也可以在对橡胶胶粒进行运输的同时带动传送带转动,进而将定量运出的胶粒运至合适的位置(申请专利号:CN202022290106.3)。  相似文献   

周召贵 《大氮肥》2003,26(3):167-168
分析原空分装置存在问题,总结装置的改造情况,装置改造后操作灵活,能耗降低,自动化程度高,证明在小空分装置中增加自动化设施是可行的。  相似文献   

哈尔滨石化分公司气体分馏装置通过增加装置操作弹性,对重点设备日常睑修条件在设计中给予充分考虑,优化装置工艺操作、保证装置检修施工质量等措施,使气分装置连续平稳运行5年,实现了装置的长周期运行的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

段国鹏 《广州化工》2023,(4):171-173+185
化工装置实现长周期运行是确保装置满负荷运转的前提。国内某27万吨/年高压低密度聚乙烯装置自建成投产以来,由于设备、工艺、设计等原因,造成装置多次停工,不仅危及装置的平稳运行,而且造成物耗、能耗增加,给装置效益造成巨大损失。本文从装置长周期运行的因素进行了分析研究,找到了各个单元设备存在的问题,产生的原因,提出了有效的解决措施。  相似文献   

陈洪鹏 《轮胎工业》2020,40(4):0240-0243
介绍新型I形走向布置的轮胎成型机胎面格栅车传送装置的开发。新型传送装置采用模块化设计,由格栅车进车装置、升降装置和移出装置组成,水平传送方向呈I形,进车方向与移出方向相同。相对传统L形走向布置的格栅车传送装置,新设计结构更简单,布局更合理,工作效率更高。  相似文献   

扬子石化芳烃联合装置干气回收制氢评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾伟 《山东化工》2002,31(5):23-26
通过分析制氢装置的原料选择以及芳烃联合装置改造后管网氢气的平衡,阐明利用芳烃干气进变压吸附装置进行提纯氢气,可降低制氢装置氢气生产成本,从而提高制氢装置经济效益。  相似文献   

氧化沥青装置试生产总结韩占武,宋荣儒(呼和浩特炼油厂)关键词沥青,氧化,生产1概述我厂氧化沥青装置由中石化洛阳工程公司设计,本装置与原有的沥青成型装置配套,形成一套完整的沥青生产装置。该装置以我厂研究所提供的"关于二连减粘渣油,脱油沥青调合沥青吹风氧...  相似文献   

智能工厂可配置的多层次建模方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
齐瑞超  荣冈  冯毅萍  胡云苹 《化工学报》2013,64(12):4354-4365
工厂仿真模型通常被分为宏观和微观两类,宏观的仿真模型如ERP层模型,微观的仿真模型如PCS层模型,MES层模型介于宏观和微观之间。前人研究中建立某一层次的仿真模型通常都有重用率低和扩展性差的问题,为此提出一个用于工厂建模和仿真的四层框架:模型实体结构/模型库层、模型抽象层、工厂模型层、智能工厂仿真系统层。运用这种对工厂拓扑网络进行抽象的建模与仿真方法可以构建可扩展和易配置的仿真模型。本文使用此方法建立了智能工厂多层次仿真系统,最后通过3个案例说明方法的有效性和可靠性,为工厂建模和仿真提供了指导。  相似文献   

The logistic model has proven very useful in relating dry matter production of warm season perennial forage grasses to applied nitrogen. A recent extension of the model coupled dry matter and plant N accumulation through a common response coefficient c. The objective of this analysis was to apply the extended logistic model to cool season Gulf annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and to establish a common response coefficient c between accumulation of dry matter and plant N. Analysis of variance established the validity of this hypothesis. The model accurately described response of dry matter, plant N removal, and plant N concentration to applied N, with an overall correlation coefficient of 0.9954. Furthermore, the model closely described the relationship between yield and plant N removal, as well as between plant N concentration and plant N removal. The logistic equation is well-behaved and simple to use on a pocket calculator. It can be used to estimate yields and plant N removal in evaluation of agricultural production and environmental quality.  相似文献   

结合ASM1和二沉池模型组成活性污泥模拟系统,将某污水处理厂的常规检测数据转化为活性污泥系统模型所需的组分数据,然后调整模型参数,使污水处理厂出水指标最接近于污水处理厂实际数据,从而确定适合该污水处理厂的模型参数,最后对该污水处理厂的工艺参数进行了模拟改造。  相似文献   

蔡伟瞬  张立明 《广东化工》2012,39(14):117-118
文章结合广东省饶平县BOT模式建设运营城镇污水处理厂的实践,分析了BOT模式在城镇污水处理厂建设运营中存在的问题,并针对性地提出建议意见,以期对我国城镇污水处理厂建设有所裨益。  相似文献   

庄芹仙 《化学工程》1997,25(1):59-62
以乙烯装置的离线模拟系统和合成氨装置的在线模拟系统为例,分析探讨了离、在线模拟系统的功能特点差异,以及系统中数据校正模型、基础工况模型的开发技术及应用效果。  相似文献   

The scaling up of a pilot plant fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) model to an industrial unit with use of artificial neural networks is presented in this paper. FCC is one of the most important oil refinery processes. Due to its complexity the modeling of the FCC poses great challenge. The pilot plant model is capable of predicting the weight percent of conversion and coke yield of an FCC unit. This work is focused in determining the optimum hybrid approach, in order to improve the accuracy of the pilot plant model. Industrial data from a Greek petroleum refinery were used to develop and validate the models. The hybrid models developed are compared with the pilot plant model and a pure neural network model. The results show that the hybrid approach is able to increase the accuracy of prediction especially with data that is out of the model range. Furthermore, the hybrid models are easier to interpret and analyze.  相似文献   

汽油产品质量先进控制与工程应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对催化裂化装置主分馏塔汽油产品质量先进控制系统,从实时控制应用出发,建立了塔顶塔段汽油产品质量先进控制的简化收态空间数学模型。使用实测状态变量反馈和可测干扰变量前馈的状态反馈预测控制方法,提高控制系统的性能及抗干扰能力,使模型的适应范围大大增强,并且不需要对实际运行装置进行测试建模,减少对生产过程的干扰影响。  相似文献   

In this work, a mathematical model of an industrial fixed bed reactor for the catalytic hydrogenation of pyrolysis gasoline produced from olefin production plant is developed based on a lumped kinetic model. A pseudo-homogeneous system for liquid and solid phases and three pseudo-components: diolefins, olefins, and parraffins, are taken into account in the development of the reactor model. Temperature profile and product distribution from real plant data on a gasoline hydrogenation reactor are used to estimate reaction kinetic parameters. The developed model is validated by comparing the results of simulation with those collected from the plant data. From simulation results, it is found that the prediction of significant state variables agrees well with the actual plant data for a wide range of operating conditions; the developed model adequately represents the fixed-bed reactor.  相似文献   

Equations describing the yield response to a limiting nutrient (the Mitscherlich equation) and the effect of plant density on yield are combined into a single model for the yield response surface as a function of both plant density and rate of application of a nutrient. As an example, the model was applied to data from an experiment studying the response of soybeans to phosphorus in which between-plot variation in plant density was large. The model gave a good fit and thus considerably improved the definition of the phosphorus response.  相似文献   

The paper describes an approach to apply the formal technique of model checking to the verification of logic controllers within the safety analysis of processing plants. In order to investigate plant safety in an early design phase in which only basic information is available, we set up plant and controller models in a qualitative and modular fashion. In a first step, the computer-controlled plant is partitioned into functional units, named modules, and the communication between different modules is represented graphically in a so-called process control event diagram (PCED). The PCED can be transformed into a formal model in which the behaviour of each module is described in terms of logical expressions for the modules’ input, state and output variables. Based on the formal model, the method of model checking can be applied to determine algorithmically whether the system fulfils a set of given safety requirements. Specifically, we use the tool symbolic model verifier (SMV) to determine whether the plant can reach states that are, in some sense, critical for the plant operation. The whole approach is illustrated by application to an industrial computer-controlled tube reactor.  相似文献   

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