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以聚醚多元醇MN-3050D、聚醚多元醇DL-2000D、聚己内酯二醇PCL-2000和聚碳酸酯二元醇PCDL-2000为软段,分别与二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI-50)制备聚氨酯防冰涂料的A组分,以市售含氟树脂为聚氨酯防冰涂料的B组分,研究了软段组成对聚氨酯防冰涂料力学性能、吸水率、接触角、冰粘附强度的影响,并优选性能最佳的涂层评价其综合性能。结果表明:所制备的聚氨酯防冰涂料吸水率小于1%,接触角大于90°;相对于以MN-3050D和DL-2000D为软段的聚氨酯防冰涂料,以PCL-2000和PCDL-2000为软段的聚氨酯防冰涂料具有更优的力学性能和耐水性能,但冰粘附强度也更高;随着涂层厚度的增加,防冰涂料的冰粘附强度均逐渐减小。优选以PCL-2000为软段的聚氨酯防冰涂料评价其综合性能,结果显示其与混凝土的粘结强度为2.68 MPa,同时具有良好的耐老化性能和柔韧性。  相似文献   

马蕾  王贤明  宁亮 《中国涂料》2014,(1):11-14,18
介绍了防冰涂料的机理以及国内外防冰涂料的研究进展,包括低表面能、形成粗糙表面结构的超疏水涂层,同时分析了将防冰涂料与热除冰技术联合使用的可行性,讨论了防冰涂料应用存在的问题,对防冰涂料的发展趋势进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

采用HTPS(端羟基聚二甲基硅氧烷)和APTES(氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷)改性纳米SiO_2,并制备了改性纳米SiO_2/氟硅树脂-环氧树脂(M-SR)复合涂料。采用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪和扫描电镜对改性前后纳米SiO_2颗粒,以及M-SR复合涂料的结构和表面微观形貌进行了表征,并通过水接触角、水滴结冰时间和覆冰层的剪切附着强度评估了M-SR复合涂层的防覆冰效果。结果表明,经过HTPS和APTES改性后,纳米SiO_2颗粒表面的亲水基团被HTPS和APTES中低表面能的甲基取代,纳米SiO_2表面能更小,疏水性能更佳。随着改性纳米SiO_2颗粒含量的增加,M-SR复合涂层的疏水性增强,纳米SiO_2颗粒含量为50%的M-SR复合涂层综合性能最优,水接触角168.1°,水滴结冰时间279 s,覆冰剪切粘附强度小于5 kPa,是较为理想的防覆冰材料。  相似文献   

固体表面冰的形成和累积引起了一系列的安全问题同时造成了巨大的经济损失。因此,防冰对减少冰灾和经济损失具有重要意义。通过喷涂方法在基质上喷涂碳黑纳米粒子、聚二甲基硅氧烷 (PDMS)以及十七氟葵基三乙氧基硅烷 (PFDTES)的混合液制备了一种具有防冰性能的碳黑/PDMS超疏水涂层。碳黑使涂层具有微纳粗糙结构,PDMS作为粘合剂增加涂层的牢度,PFDTES赋予表面较低的表面能。所制备的涂层具有优异的超疏水性能,使水滴在表面结冰的时间延迟到160 s,是普通玻璃结冰时间的5倍多。同时,冰的粘附强度也大大的减小。此外,涂层还展现出优异的自清洁性能、耐酸、碱、盐腐蚀和耐紫外灯照射性能。  相似文献   

超浸润涂层是近年来防覆冰涂层的研究热点。本文探究了仿荷叶的超疏水涂层和仿猪笼草的超光滑涂层的设计与制备方法,阐述了2种涂层在防结冰机理上的不同和性能上的差异。超疏水表面通过增大水接触角减少水滴附着,延长结冰时间,其防覆冰效果与表面粗糙尺度相关,纳米尺度级表面可以克服高湿环境易结冰的缺点;超光滑涂层通过流动、化学均一的液体润滑层抑制水和冰在表面的积聚,防结冰、疏冰性能优异。纳米级粗糙结构有利于形成稳定的液体层,减小润滑层的损失。最后展望了超浸润防覆冰涂层的研究方向。  相似文献   

超疏水涂层应用广泛,尤其在解决陶瓷表面自清洁、防覆冰等方面具有重要的应用价值。本文采用石墨烯与甲基硅树脂为主要原料制备超疏水涂料,结合喷涂和热处理技术在陶瓷基体表面制备了石墨烯超疏水涂层。实验对该涂层的显微结构和基团组成进行测试分析,探究了石墨烯超疏水涂层的自清洁性能和防覆冰功能,并通过长期户外实验,考察涂层的耐候性。结果表明:当甲基硅树脂溶液添加量为150μL、热处理温度为200℃时,制备的石墨烯涂层具备最佳的超疏水性能。采用该超疏水涂层修饰的陶瓷表面,具备优异的自清洁和防覆冰功能,以及长期户外耐候性。  相似文献   

近日,海洋化工研究院合成了一种含氟硅的超低表面能丙烯酸树脂,利用该树脂制备的清漆涂层表面水接触角可达120°以上,具有优异的憎水效果;将该树脂配制成色漆,喷涂制得的涂层表面具有超疏水效果,水接触角达到150°以上,滚动角小于10°。当水滴接触到该涂料表面时,会因为涂层的憎水作用而滑落,使涂层表面不存留水分,起到防冰作用。该技术突破了以往超疏水涂层施工工艺复杂、强度差等缺陷,采用普通的高压空气喷涂,真正满足了大面积施工的要求,涂层机械性能优良。  相似文献   

施仁  雷胜 《电镀与涂饰》2023,(22):23-29
风电叶片、电缆等表面结冰会严重影响风力发电机的正常运行,研究有效的防冰和除冰技术具有十分重要的应用价值。本文选用聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)溶液和纳米炭黑颗粒,采用简单的喷涂法在陶瓷片表面制备出兼具超疏水性和光热效应的PVDF/炭黑复合涂层,其表面对水滴的接触角高达165.0°,滚动角低至4.1°。通过静态结冰和光热除冰试验发现,该涂层不仅能有效延缓水滴在陶瓷表面结冰,而且在红外光辐射下表面温度迅速升高,展现出优异的防冰和除冰性能。  相似文献   

针对低温雨雪天气中大量水汽凝聚在电线表面造成覆冰导致电线不胜重荷而断裂的问题,北京志盛威华化工有限公司采用互穿网络(IPN)合成技术,日前研发出ZS-611防冰雪涂料。该涂料涂层光滑仰角大、弹性好、附着力高,对抗覆冰粘附性能好;加入的特殊表面活性物质以及纳米稀土氧化物,让各组分产生相互作用和协同效应,使涂层具有表面能低、耐腐蚀性好、与基体结合力大、减阻防结蜡等性  相似文献   

概述了涂料防冰的原理,重点论述了低表面能涂料在输电线上的应用,并介绍了新研发的氟硅防冰涂料FB-01的制备及性能.检测结果表明,由甲基丙烯酸酯类单体、乙烯基三乙氧基硅烷、含氟甲基丙烯酸酯类单体等原料制得的含氟硅清漆,可有效降低冰和衬底表面的附着力,具有一定防冰效果.  相似文献   

Waterborne anti-icing coatings were prepared by embedding silicone oil microcapsules in latex paints. The long-term hydrophobicity and ice adhesion strength of the coatings were examined with a QUV accelerated weathering tester and a pull-off adhesion tester. The effects of silicone oil content and pigment/binder (PB) ratio on the long-term hydrophobicity and the ice adhesion strength of the coatings were investigated. A higher silicone oil content and a PB ratio close to the critical pigment volume concentration favor long-term hydrophobicity of the coatings. An obvious decrease in ice adhesion strength was achieved for coatings with a PB ratio of 5.0 and a silicone oil content of 4.2%. For coatings with the same surface roughness, a higher water contact angle (WCA) led to lower ice adhesion strength. However, for coatings with different surface roughnesses, the ice adhesion strength was found to be dependent on surface roughness rather than on WCA.  相似文献   

Two series of polyacrylate-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) copolymers, namely, polyacrylate-b-PDMS and polyacrylate-g-PDMS with three different molecular weights of PDMS blocks or side chains, were synthesized for formation of hydrophobic surfaces for anti-icing. The main purpose of this paper was to investigate the relationship between ice adhesion strength and the surface structure of the copolymers, and to find out how the prepared PDMS-containing polyacrylate copolymers are potentially used for anti-icing. The microphase-separated structure and the surface chemical composition were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and ice adhesion strength was measured using a universal testing machine in a pull off mode. Results suggested that microphase separation appeared clearly in all the copolymers, especially for the block ones. The PDMS chains aggregated on the top of the polymer surfaces caused by microphase separation could weaken the interaction between the polymer surface and water, mainly hydrogen bond, which was demonstrated because of decrease of water contact angle hysteresis. Then, ice adhesion strength was decreased by the contribution of PDMS in the block copolymers or the graft copolymer with longer PDMS side chains. It is suggested that the polyacrylate-b-PDMS or polyacrylate-g-PDMS copolymers would have practical applications in preparation of anti-icing coatings.  相似文献   

高速动车组在北方冬季运行时,车下重要组成部分转向架容易在风雪天气下发生覆冰,对制动效果和信号传输均带来不利影响,威胁车辆运行的安全和平稳性。抗结冰涂料可以通过降低材料表面能实现抗结冰功能,本文通过设计性能实验综合分析比较了当前市面存在的几种不同品牌的抗结冰涂料的疏水性、着冰力等性能,之后结合工艺配套性等因素选用其中性能优异的某种涂料做实车性能测试。综合测试结果表明抗结冰涂料的使用可有效降低冰对涂层的附着力,更有利于冰层的融化和脱落。最后,综合实验结果探讨了这类涂料在轨道车辆上的应用前景。  相似文献   

An icephobic and superhydrophobic surface was made by the sputtering of fluoropolymer material (PTFE or Teflon®) on anodized aluminum alloys. The study of this superhydrophobic coating under atmospheric icing conditions showed a 3.5 times reduction of its ice adhesion strength. To evaluate the longevity of such coated surfaces and to assess their potential outdoor applications, their durability was studied after several icing/de-icing cycles. However, these coatings showed weak stability after several icing/de-icing cycles. Plasma argon pretreatment of the anodized aluminum surface was used before sputtering to increase adhesion strength between the anodized aluminum surface and Teflon-like coating. Ice adhesion and contact angle measurements of the pretreated Teflon-like coating indicated clearly that the instability was associated with the low cohesion strength of the Teflon-like film. In order to improve the cohesive strength of the coating, the input power of the discharge was increased during the sputtering process. XPS, SEM, and contact angle analyses showed that an increase in input power renders the Teflon-like coating more stable. The results of ice adhesion measurement showed low variation in ice adhesion strength on such surfaces after 15 icing/de-icing cycles. This coating also showed an excellent stability under UV irradiation and condensation.  相似文献   

Ice accretion on aircraft leads to difficulties in aircraft flight control due to weight increase and change in weight distribution. Conventionally these difficulties are overcome using anti-icing or de-icing products, such as freezing depressants and heating devices. A more cost effective way to solve these problems would be to use ice repellent surfaces (ice-phobic). As a first step in this direction the relationship between water wettability and ice adhesion was investigated. Using the appropriate chemistry and tailoring the surface roughness a variety of polycarbonate-coated surfaces were created: these included ultra-hydrophilic and ultra-hydrophobic surfaces and surfaces with surface properties in between the extreme ultra-surfaces. Ice adhesion tests and contact angle measurements indicated that the higher the contact angle the lower is the adhesion of ice. The best results were obtained in the case of ultra-hydrophobic surface treatment that led to an 18 fold decrease in ice adhesion compared to the untreated aluminum surface.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the interfacial shear strength between ice and rubbers. Different rubber materials containing only a polymer and curing agent (peroxide) were tested with regard to surface wettability and interfacial shear strength. The effect of different grades and amounts of carbon black filler was also studied. The wettability was determined from contact angles, using water and diiodomethane as test liquids, measured on carefully cleaned and mirror smooth rubber sheets. The test showed that there is a correlation between ice adhesion and rubber substrate wettability. Below a water contact angle of 90°, the interfacial shear strength of ice decreases linearly with increasing contact angle. For contact angles above 90°, the interfacial shear strength of ice stays practically the same. The presence of high surface energy additives such as reinforcing carbon black (e.g. N220 ISAF) significantly increases the interfacial shear strength. The highly hydrophobic behaviour of different plant surface textures was also investigated regarding ice adhesion strength. The combination of a submicrometer textured surface and a hydrophobic surface characteristic showed an abrupt decrease in the adhesion force of a water droplet at measured macroscopic contact angles above approximately 150°. Despite this water repellency, the ice adhesion strength is not nil. However, it was among the lowest values experienced in the test.  相似文献   

输电线路覆冰灾害及其预防现已成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。对比了几种防冰涂料在输电线上的应用,分别测试其接触角、涂层表面张力、户外覆冰量等并考察了其在户外的实际应用效果。  相似文献   

Wetting of hydrophobic polymer surfaces commonly employed in electronic coatings and their interaction with surfactant-laden liquids and aqueous polymer solutions are analyzed using a contact angle hysteresis (CAH) approach developed by Chibowski and co-workers. In addition, a number of low surface tension acrylic monomer liquids, as well as common probe liquids are used to estimate solid surface energy of the coatings in order to facilitate a thorough analysis of surfactant effects in adhesion. Extensive literature data on contact angle hysteresis of surfactant-laden liquids on polymeric surfaces are available and are used here to estimate solid surface energy for further understanding and comparisons with the present experimental data. In certain cases, adhesion tension plots are utilized to interpret wetting of surfaces by surfactant and polymer solutions. Wetting of an ultra-hydrophobic surface with surfactant-laden liquids is also analyzed using the contact angle hysteresis method. Finally, a detailed analysis of the effect of probe liquid molecular structure on contact angle hysteresis is given using the detailed experiments of Timmons and Zisman on a hydrophobic self-assembled monolayer (SAM) surface. Hydrophobic surfaces used in the present experiments include an acetal resin [poly(oxymethylene), POM] surface, and silane, siloxane and fluoro-acrylic coatings. Model surfaces relevant to the literature data include paraffin wax, poly(methyl methacrylate) and a nano-textured surface. Based on the results, it is suggested that for practical coating applications in which surfactant-laden and acrylic formulations are considered, a preliminary evaluation and analysis of solid surface energy can be made using surfactant-laden probe liquids to tailor and ascertain the quality of the final coating.  相似文献   

This work developed a method to enhance the durability of anti-icing performance of a coating to endure abrasion and UV exposure, through grafting functional polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to TiO2 particles and further reacting with polysilazane (PSZ) pre-polymer. This method remarkably improved the anti-icing properties of PSZ-based coatings evaluated by freezing delay time and ice removal shear strength. After either surface abrasion for 50 cycles or UV exposure for 100 h, the modified coatings exhibited ice shear strength increase by only 10.44 and 6.44 kPa respectively, significantly lower comparing to that of the coatings containing 30% TiO2 with no PDMS modification (29.69 and 11.88 kPa, respectively). Such strengthened durability of anti-icing performance is attributed to the PDMS molecules bridging PSZ rigid segments and TiO2 compositions, which formed a hydrophobic cross-linking network structure. The durable anti-icing technique developed herein shall appeal to many outdoor applications of facilities and infrastructures.  相似文献   

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