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用接触角法测量聚合物共混体系的表面性能   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用接触角的方法研究了聚合物HDPF、PET及其共混物HDPE/PET的表面自由能、极化度以及与不同液体一水和甘油间界面张力的大小。  相似文献   

高度法和压力法测定粉末接触角的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粉体接触角的测定有着十分重要的理论和实际应用意义。根据Washburn方程,在渗透法测定粉末接触角的基础上,引入相对接触角的概念,并设计了测定石墨粉相对接触角的试验装置,以苯作为参比液,用高度法和压力法分别测定了25℃下蒸馏水对石墨粉的相对接触角,它们分别为83.50°和83.74°。试验结果表明,压力法和高度法均可用于粉末接触角的测定。  相似文献   

应用OWRK法对热熔胶及其常用原料、卷烟包装用纸等材料进行接触角和表面能研究.结果表明:普通条盒包装白卡纸和软包硬化白卡纸的正面表面能分别为44.7和31.5 mN/m;热熔胶常用原料中主体树脂表面能为25.4~30.8 mN/m,增粘树脂的表面能为42.0~61.4 mN/m,合成的热熔胶表面能为37.6~55.9 ...  相似文献   

张鹏 《粘接》2022,(5):108-111+121
探讨了5种标准灭菌方法对3种硅表面涂层的影响:聚乙二醇(PEG)、聚甲基丙烯酸磺基甜菜碱(pSBMA)和聚2-甲基丙烯酰氧乙基磷酰胆碱(pMPC)。对高压釜、干热、过氧化氢(H2O2)等离子体、环氧乙烷气体(EtO)和电子束(E-beam)处理的涂层进行分析,以确定聚合物在灭菌过程中可能发生的降解。灭菌后,接触角有显著变化,H2O2引起的最大变化Δ-PEG、pSBMA和pMPC分别采用高压釜和干热处理。在PEG硅上使用高压釜和EtO,在pSBMA硅上使用电子束,在pMPC硅上使用EtO处理,发现涂层厚度变化小于5%。H2O2处理使所有涂层的厚度至少减少30%。酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)显示,在所有灭菌方法后,pMPC硅的蛋白质吸附量显著增加。PEG硅上的电子束和pSBMA硅上的干热处理在每个涂层子集中表现出最大的蛋白质吸附。总的来说,数据表明高压釜和EtO处理非常适合PEG硅,而E-beam最适合pSBMA硅。EtO处理对pMPC硅的影响最小。H  相似文献   

经过表面处理的BHB250Y型填料在液液萃取中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了规整填料的形状和特点,提出了合理改进方法,对填料表面进行光滑处理,应用于液液萃取单元操作中,采用新填料,提高了分离效率,解决了原来因分离物系中含有固体颗粒和杂质而堵塔的难题。结果表明,新填料到达了提高产量、提高分离效率以及克服堵塔的效果,带来了很好的经济和环境效益。  相似文献   

介绍了一类新型表面活性剂———Gemini表面活性剂。这类表面活性剂具有特殊的分(离)子结构,其分(离)子由两(或三)条疏水链、两个亲水基和一个连接基组成。综述了Gemini表面活性剂在固液界面的吸附及增溶作用,其在固液界面的吸附及增溶作用与固体表面的性质及其分(离)子结构有很大关系。  相似文献   

本发明提供含有以下成分(A)和成分(B),或成分(A’)、成分(B’)和成分(D)的碳纤维用上浆剂。成分(A):分子中含有1个或其以上环氧基,表面能为17~34mJ/m^2的环氧化合物、成分(B):分子中含有1个或其以上环氧基,表面能为35mJ/m^2或其以上的环氧化合物;成分(A’):分子小含有2个或其以上环氧基,表面能为17~34mJ/m^2的环氧化合物;成分(B’):分子中含有2个或其以上环氧基,表面能为35mJ/m^2或其以上的环氧化合物;以及成分(D):以铵离子作为对离子,以烯化氧加成量为10mol或其以下的芳氰基作为疏水基的阴离子表面活性剂。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of hysteresis of contact angle is an important topic subject to a long time of argument.A simple hydrostatic model of sessile drops under the gravity in combination with an ideal surface roughness model is used to interpret the process of drop volume increase or decrease of a planar sessile drop and to shed light on the contact angle hysteresis and its relationship with the solid surface roughness. With this model, the advancing and receding contact angles are conceptually explained in terms of equilibrium contact angle and surface roughness only,without invoking the thermodynamic multiplicity. The model is found to be qualitatively consistent to experimental observations on contact angle hysteresis and it suggests a possible way to approach the hysteresis of three-dimensional sessile drops.  相似文献   

A modified drop shape method has been developed to allow the simple determination of the surface free energy of a mineral glass. Our approach is based on the study of the profile of a large sessile drop of glass. The drop is formed by heating a glass cylinder settled on a horizontal solid plane.

The experimental parameters, in particular the size of the glass drop, leading to the accurate characterization of the surface free energy, have been determined by using mercury as a model of a high surface free energy liquid. It has been shown that the ratio between the diameter of the drop and the capillary length, (γ/ρμ)1/2, must be of the order of 10.

In this paper, practical details and results of measurements are presented for a series of four different glasses. A clear relationship between glass composition and surface free energy is observed. In particular, tin oxide reduces significantly the surface free energy of zinc phosphate glass. The coalescence of glass particles is probably related to glass surface and glass/polymer interfacial free energies. A discussion on how this may impact glass/polymer blend processability is presented.  相似文献   

Contact Angle Hysteresis and Hysteresis Tension on Rough Solid Surface   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observation and measurement were conducted to investigate contact angle and its hysteresis on rough surface. The experimental results indicate that the increase in solid surface roughness enlarges advancing contact angle and decreases receding contact angle, resulting in enhanced hysteresis. It was observed that when Young's contact angle θY < 90°, as the roughness of solid surface increased the extent of the decrease in  相似文献   

Examples of experimental contact angle data for varying drop and bubble volumes on different solids whose surfaces are smooth and homogeneous, rough and homogeneous, smooth and heterogeneous, and covered with unstable organic films are presented. The ideas and theoretical models as proposed in the literature for the interpretation of contact angle/drop (bubble) size relationships are critically reviewed. It is shown that major factors affecting the contact angle variation with drop (bubble) size such as surface heterogeneity, roughness, and stability, have been identified in the literature. However, there is still a need for experimental work with well-defined and well-characterized solid surfaces. Theoretical models that have been proposed in the literature are still inadequate. Advanced modeling of liquid behavior at heterogeneous and rough surfaces is required to understand further, and to predict, the contact angle/drop (bubble) size relationships at imperfect surfaces.  相似文献   

Examples of experimental contact angle data for varying drop and bubble volumes on different solids whose surfaces are smooth and homogeneous, rough and homogeneous, smooth and heterogeneous, and covered with unstable organic films are presented. The ideas and theoretical models as proposed in the literature for the interpretation of contact angle/drop (bubble) size relationships are critically reviewed. It is shown that major factors affecting the contact angle variation with drop (bubble) size such as surface heterogeneity, roughness, and stability, have been identified in the literature. However, there is still a need for experimental work with well-defined and well-characterized solid surfaces. Theoretical models that have been proposed in the literature are still inadequate. Advanced modeling of liquid behavior at heterogeneous and rough surfaces is required to understand further, and to predict, the contact angle/drop (bubble) size relationships at imperfect surfaces.  相似文献   

为获得较为准确的粒状发射药的表面性能参数,采用接触角测量仪测量了粒状发射药在不同实验操作条件下的接触角,讨论了躺滴法测量发射药接触角操作过程中测试面的选取、测试面的处理方式、所用液滴体积、液滴与发射药测试面的接触时间等因素对接触角测定值的影响。依据实测数据确定了较为稳定的实验操作条件:用磨平的粒状发射药侧面作为接触角测试面,对测试面采用细砂纸打磨后再用丙酮擦拭、晾干的处理方式,所用液滴体积不大于1μL,取液滴与测试面的接触时间为8s时的接触角值作为测试结果。  相似文献   

以典型舱门橡胶密封件为研究对象,基于自制的密封接触特性试验装置,研究不同直径表面缺陷对硅橡胶密封件表面接触特性的影响。结果表明:缺陷直径对接触面积和平均接触压力影响较大,缺陷直径越大,接触面积越小,平均接触压力略有增大;缺陷直径对缺陷周围接触效果影响较大,直径越大,接触特性越差;表面缺陷对密封件密封性能影响显著。  相似文献   

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