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为研究芳纶Ⅲ(杂环芳纶)与芳纶Ⅱ的力学性能差异,尤其是湿热老化后对拉伸强度的影响,进行了湿热老化实验。设置了在温度80℃和相对湿度85%条件下,对纤维材料老化2 500 h的实验要求,研究了Kevlar、Armos和F-12纤维的吸湿性能、拉伸强度、断裂延长率以及弹性模量随老化时间的变化情况。结果表明:经湿热老化实验后,3种芳纶的性能略均有所下降;F-12纤维综合性能优异。  相似文献   

利用人工加速氙灯老化试验机对白色和黑色聚乙烯农用地膜进行600、1 200 h人工加速老化试验,同时在甘肃定西、民勤地区进行180天自然老化试验,对比分析聚乙烯农用地膜人工加速老化和自然老化纵向拉伸性能。结果表明:人工加速老化600 h纵向拉伸性能结果与甘肃定西、民勤地区自然老化180天后的基本一致;人工加速老化1 200 h后,白色聚乙烯农用地膜已完全老化失效;老化后黑色聚乙烯农用地膜的纵向拉伸性能优于老化后白色聚乙烯农用地膜,说明炭黑有助于增强聚乙烯农用地膜的耐候性能。  相似文献   

研究了天然橡胶(NR)与对位芳纶纤维热空气老化后力学性能的变化,并对两者进行了比较。结果表明:热空气老化后,NR的拉伸强度、撕裂强度和断裂伸长率均大幅度下降,硬度有所上升;对位芳纶纤维的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率有小幅度的降低,模量略有增加;对位芳纶纤维的力学性能保持率远大于NR。当对位芳纶纤维用做NR骨架材料时,NR对对位芳纶纤维老化性能没有明显影响。  相似文献   

为了考察聚醚型聚氨酯纤维的紫外老化特性,通过扫描电镜观察、黏数测定、红外光谱、小角X射线散射、动态热力学性能测试和拉伸性能测试对纤维在人工加速紫外老化条件下的表面形貌、化学结构、有序微区结构及力学性能的变化进行了表征。结果表明,在试验设置的紫外老化条件下,聚氨酯纤维在老化初期过程表面形貌无明显变化,后期出现明显刻蚀作用,黏数在老化过程中有一定程度的下降,纤维分子C—N键和少量C—O键发生断裂,硬段结构中氢键化程度先增大后减小,老化初期分子键断裂,提高链流动性,促使纤维分子形成有序微区,老化过程中纤维有序微区结构尺寸先增大后减小,玻璃化转变温度呈先上升后下降的趋势,断裂强力和断裂伸长率随着老化时间的增加而下降。研究结果为制备环境适应性强的聚氨酯纤维提供基础数据。  相似文献   

通过人工加速老化试验研究并分析了典型汽车内饰用聚丙烯(PP)材料老化后的力学性能、热性能与流动性能变化规律以及红外光谱(FTIR)。结果表明:随着老化时间的增加,PP材料的拉伸强度及弯曲强度均先提升后降低,分别在老化920和680 h时达到峰值;悬臂梁缺口冲击强度则逐步下降。材料老化后其熔体流动性能比老化前均有所下降,但下降程度与老化时间的关系不明显,其中老化480 h的材料流动性能下降幅度最小。当老化时间为720~1 400 h时,材料的流动性能随老化时间的增加而提升。FTIR分析结果显示,材料老化后聚合碳链氧化断裂,产生羧酸类降解产物。  相似文献   

以硫化结构不同的普通氟橡胶及全氟醚橡胶为研究对象,通过动态力学分析研究其热空气老化性能,并结合常规拉伸性能测试对动态力学分析结果进行验证。结果表明,当出现明显的老化现象时,普通氟橡胶及全氟醚橡胶的力学损耗均有明显增大的趋势,同时拉伸强度会出现明显的减小。氟橡胶的硫化结构对其热空气老化性能有重要影响,在250 ℃下老化24 h后,双酚硫化普通氟橡胶的性能基本无变化,而用过氧化物硫化者出现了明显的老化现象;类似地,在315 ℃下老化24 h后,用三嗪硫化的全氟醚橡胶仍能基本保持其原有性能,而用过氧化物硫化者的拉伸性能出现了下降。将动态力学分析与常规拉伸性能的测试结合起来,能对氟橡胶的热空气老化行为做出更为立体、全面的描述。  相似文献   

热氧老化对聚碳酸酯结构和性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分别在90~120℃环境下,对聚碳酸酯(PC)进行人工热氧加速老化实验.研究PC老化后的结构性能变化和热氧老化机理.结果表明:在低于120℃温度条件下,老化120 h后,PC仍显示强而韧的性能,但断裂伸长减小;在120℃温度条件下,老化24 h后,PC拉伸断裂伸长消失;PC的热氧降解过程主要是以热诱导氧化降解反应,降解反应引起端基、侧基从主链断裂脱落,导致内部缺陷,力学性能随之下降.  相似文献   

低温等离子体处理对芳纶/环氧界面性能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在采用低温等离子体对芳纶纤维进行表面处理后,用扫描电镜观察处理前后的纤维表面,测试了纤维的拉伸性能,并用单纤维抽拔法对芳纶纤维/环氧树脂的界面性能做了定量的表征。实验结果表明:经低温等离子体处理后,芳纶纤维表面变得粗糙,拉伸强度随处理时间延长而下降,纤维初始模量和断裂伸长率略有下降,而芳纶/环氧界面的粘结强度有所提高。  相似文献   

研究了紫外光吸收剂、热稳定剂、光稳定剂等复合助剂对聚甲醛(POM)耐候性能的影响,并对改性前后的POM进行了人工加速老化测试和评价。结果表明:经人工加速老化500,1 000 h后,改性POM的拉伸强度、弯曲强度、悬臂梁缺口冲击强度保持率分别达到104.0%和106.0%,106.0%和107.0%,68.9%和62.2%;老化前后改性POM颜色基本没有变化,远优于未经耐候改性POM的相应性能。  相似文献   

采用熔融纺丝制备聚甲醛(POM)纤维,研究了POM纤维在热烘箱、紫外老化箱中进行热氧老化和紫外老化,采用单纤维强力仪、扫描电子显微镜对老化过程中纤维的力学性能、表面结构形貌进行了分析。结果表明:在热氧老化过程中,前4 d纤维拉伸强度下降速度最快,从1 050 MPa下降到649 MPa;在紫外老化过程中,老化2~7 d时,纤维拉伸强度下降最快,从958 MPa下降到414.9 MPa;随着老化时间的增加,POM纤维的拉伸强度逐渐降低,但下降趋势变缓;在老化初期,纤维表面形成沿纤维轴向的微裂纹,并随着老化时间的延长,微裂纹逐渐变大,且出现垂直于纤维轴向的裂纹,严重破坏了POM纤维的结构与性能。  相似文献   

以氙灯作为辐照光源,对外径分别为110 mm和63 mm的两种规格聚乙烯燃气管进行了人工气候加速老化试验,通过测试聚乙烯燃气管试样在不同累积接受能量下的氧化诱导时间、拉伸性能、熔体流动速率(MFR)等3项重要性能指标的变化,探讨人工气候加速老化对聚乙烯燃气管物理力学性能的影响规律。结果表明,在接受能量为3.5 GJ/m2时,聚乙烯燃气管试样表面发生严重老化,其氧化诱导时间均小于10 min;当接受能量达到4 GJ/m2时,试样氧化诱导时间急剧衰减,均小于5 min,其表面几乎完全老化。随着接受能量的增加,所有试样的拉伸屈服强度和断裂伸长率的变化幅度均较小,与无色条试样相比,表面带有黄色色条试样的断裂伸长率发生锐减,所有试样的MFR未发生较大变化。  相似文献   

对玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂(UP/GF)基层合板进行了人工紫外加速老化试验,分析了试样紫外老化前后的巴氏硬度、质量保持率以及拉伸、弯曲性能的演变规律。结果表明,随紫外老化时间的增加,试样的巴氏硬度呈先上升后下降的趋势;紫外老化最初的168 h内,质量损失率占整体质量损失的近50%,之后保持在一个相对平稳的状态;其拉伸强度和弯曲强度在紫外老化前期有所上升,在紫外老化168 h开始下降;从傅立叶变换红外光谱图中可以看出,试样中没有新的物质产生,只是化学结构发生了变化;紫外老化后,UP含量明显减少,在拉伸断裂过程中,有明显的玻璃纤维从UP树脂中拔出而留下凹槽空洞。  相似文献   

The investigations of this article are showing the bonding performance after aging of hybrid fusion bonds in combination with a laser pre-treatment. The investigated materials are a galvanized steel (HX340 LAD Z100MB) and two glass fiber reinforced Polyamide 6 materials. In order to achieve a structural strength of the fusion bond a laser pre-treatment is used. The investigation is focusing on the changes from the laser pre-treatment to the galvanized surface by analyzing the steel surface with a scanning electron microscope, energy disperse X-ray spectroscopy, micro sections and surface roughness measurements. The composition of the applied thermoplastic materials is not in the focus of the article which is why different manufacturers for the fiber reinforced thermoplastic material have been chosen. The aging of the samples is done by a climate change (PV1200) and a salt spray (PV1210) test in order to evaluate different aging mechanisms. Furthermore the investigation is providing a crucial finding by showing the impact of a batch change on the achievable lap-shear strength by comparing two batches from the same manufacturer. The results of the laser surface pre-treatment show that the zinc coating of the steel adherend is reduced significantly and does not provide a closed coating. The climate change test after 100 cycles showed no decrease of lap-shear strength compared to the reference when the highest investigated pre-treatment intensity is applied to the surface. The salt spray test showed a corrosion of the pre-treated area for laser pre-treatment settings which generate a low amount of oxygen on the surface. The pre-treatment settings generating a more oxidized surface (medium and high intensity) showed only a minor influence on the achievable lap-shear strength after 90 cycles.  相似文献   

采用半预聚法制备了一种新型脂肪族喷涂聚脲,讨论了其耐腐蚀、耐黄变和耐老化等性能.结果表明,该聚脲具有优良的力学性能和耐老化性能,拉伸强度≥20 MP a、断裂伸长率≥400%,人工气候老化1500 h力学性能保持率≥89%,与未老化样片相比△E≤2,臭氧老化1500 h后表面无可见裂纹,且在高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)护套...  相似文献   

The potential of acetylation of plant fibers to improve the properties of composites was studied. The chemical modification of oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB), coconut fiber (Coir), oil palm frond (OPF), jute, and flax using noncatalyzed acetic anhydride were investigated. Proof of acetylation was indicated by the increase in weight percent gain (WPG). Acetylation at a reaction temperature of 120°C had resulted in the reduction in the tensile properties (stress, modulus, and elongation at break) of EFB and Coir composites. However, at 100°C, the acetylated samples exhibited improved properties. The mechanical properties of acetylated EFB- and Coir-fiber-reinforced polyester composites was evaluated at different fiber loadings. The tensile strength and modulus were improved, but elongation at break was slightly reduced upon acetylation, particularly at high fiber loading. Impact properties were moderately increased for those composites with fiber loadings up to 45%. Acetylation exhibited a low moisture absorption, comparable with glass-fiber composites. Acetylated EFB and Coir composites showed superior retention of tensile and impact properties after aging in water up to 12 months.  相似文献   

玻纤/碳纤维复合芯热老化是影响新型电力输电导线服役寿命的关键因素。本研究对输电导线玻纤/碳纤复合芯进行了人工加速老化试验,重点研究了老化过程中复合芯质量和机械性能变化,并利用复合芯微观组成变化对老化机理进行了分析。人工加速老化试验结果表明,在160℃进行了6000h高温热老化试验后,复合芯的质量、弯曲强度和拉伸强度保持率分别为96.5%,90.5%与81.5%,新型导线用复合芯表现出优异的耐热老化行为;复合芯的热老化行为与小分子分解速率和氧气扩散反应速率相关,长期热氧老化会腐蚀树脂基体,在复合芯表面形成疏松的玻纤层,进而影响到复合芯的机械性能。  相似文献   

韩露  马芳武  陈实现  蒲永锋  沈亮 《化工学报》2019,70(3):1171-1178
通过拉伸实验和老化实验,研究了玄武岩纤维含量对BF/PLA拉伸性能、抗冲击性能及耐老化性能的影响规律,通过DSC实验得到BF/PLA复合材料的结晶度,分析其耐老化原因。随着质量分数增加,其拉伸强度增加可达到141 MPa,弹性模量达到5 GPa,达到峰值后又减小。质量分数达到30%时,缺口冲击强度和非缺口冲击强度分别达到6.7 kJ/m2和20.76 kJ/m2。DSC实验结果表明,随着玄武岩纤维含量的增加,聚乳酸复合材料的结晶度由34.6%增加到54.6%,而结晶度的增加可以减缓聚乳酸的降解速度。当质量分数达到60%时,老化实验后的弹性模量可以保持降解前的77%,延缓降解速度较为明显。经分析,拉伸强度与玄武岩纤维质量分数呈二次多项式关系,而弹性模量与玄武岩纤维质量分数之间呈线性关系。这种函数关系不受材料力学性能下降的影响。  相似文献   

The tensile tests of three‐dimensional (3Dim) and four‐directional (4Dir) carbon fiber braided/epoxy resin composites and carbon fiber woven plain fabric laminated/epoxy composites after heat accelerated aging at 150 and 180°C for 60, 120, and 180 h were carried out respectively. The reason of the changes of tensile property of these composites after different aging period of time at different high temperature was explained. The results of two‐way ANOVA analyzing indicate that the aging time has a significant effect on tensile strength of these composites. With the increase of accelerated aging period of time at high temperature, the tensile strengths of these composite samples decreased compared with that of composite samples without aging. However the decrease of tensile strength of 3Dim and 4Dir braided composites is less than that of laminated composites. One of the reasons is after aging for a long time at high temperature, the resin is damaged and becomes brittle which make the bonding force between fiber and resin decrease. Another reason is the structure of reinforcement of composites. After aging, the structure of 3Dim and 4Dir braided/epoxy resin composites still keeps the integrity which makes the 3Dim and 4Dir composites have less tensile performance degradation (3Dim and 4 Dir: three‐dimensional and four‐directional). POLYM. COMPOS., 2012. © 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

We explored the environmental aging behavior of banana‐fiber‐reinforced phenol formaldehyde (PF) composites. The composites were subjected to water aging, thermal aging, soil burial, and outdoor weathering. The effects of chemical modification and hybridization with glass fibers on the degradability of the composites in different environments were analyzed. The extent of degradation was measured by changes in the weight and tensile properties after aging. Absorbed water increased the weight of water‐aged composites, and chemical treatments and hybridization decreased water absorption. The tensile strength and modulus of the banana/PF composites were increased by water aging, whereas the strength and modulus of the glass/PF composites were decreased by water aging. As the glass‐fiber loading was increased in the hybrid composites, the increase in strength by water aging was reduced, and at higher glass‐fiber loadings, a decrease in strength was observed. The tensile properties of the composites were increased by oven aging. The percentage weight loss was higher for soil‐aged samples than for samples weathered outdoors. The weight loss and tensile strength of the glass/PF composites and banana/glass/hybrid/PF composites were much lower than those of the banana/PF composites. Silane treatment, NaOH treatment, and acetylation improved the resistance of the banana/PF composites on outdoor exposure and soil burial. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 2521–2531, 2006  相似文献   

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