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答:使用功能如下:1)可在任何材质上喷印图案。如:金银铜铁铝板、水晶材质、木板、玻璃板、皮革、布料、石材、亚克力、有机玻璃、瓷砖、PVC、ABS、不干胶等材质上都可喷印图案。2)可在不规则曲面上喷印图片。如:手机、电话机、U盘、玻璃杯、花瓶、钢笔等。3)可喷印圆柱体物体。如:玻璃杯、花瓶、钢笔等。4)可制作绚丽多彩的户内广告、招贴及各种小型广告。5)可印制图文精美的企业标识、科室、导向牌、各种证、卡、特色名片。  相似文献   

夏、商、周三代是漆器艺术的成长时期。夏代至先商时期考古发现的漆器不多,出土的漆器有漆觚、豆、匣、盒、盘、钵、匕、勺、鼓和漆棺等。夏家店文化墓葬出现的嵌贝漆器和薄木胎漆器可谓这一时期的重要考古发现。至西周,漆器手工业发展,彩绘、嵌贝、雕饰等髹漆技术基本成熟,髹漆工艺应用领域日渐扩大,出土漆器的数量渐增,分布地域渐宽,地点亦多,漆器款式趋向多样化。器形有觚、簋、壶、罍、豆、碗、杯、盘、尊、盒、俎、案以及漆盾等等。嵌贝漆器的兴起,是西周漆器手工业发展的杰出成就。  相似文献   

振刚 《牙膏工业》2009,19(3):27-28
古印度僧人集体出行,随身常带十八样东西。哪十八样?齿木、澡豆、三衣、钵、瓶、坐具、锡杖、香炉、滤水囊、毛巾、小刀、火燧、镊子、绳床、经卷、戒本、佛像、菩萨像是也。澡豆类似香皂,用来洗脸。三衣指袈裟。钵用来盛饭。瓶用来盛水。坐具是一种长方形的布,能躺能卧。锡杖是顶端带环的棍子,用来驱赶毒蛇和猛兽,化缘的时候摇动起来,哗啦啦地响,提醒施主预备饭菜。香炉当然是焚香用的,僧人们走路走累了,就放下香炉,焚上香,挨个从炉子上跨过去,把汗味儿熏跑。  相似文献   

由北京海富展览服务有限公司主办的第九届中国国际轮胎博览会近日结束。此届的展会是历来展览面积最大的一届。展商数量将近300家,展览面积超过22000平米。展商包括中国本土企业、国外品牌驻中国的代表,以及美国、英国、德国、荷兰、印度、意大利、白俄罗斯、新加坡、韩国、中国台湾等国家和地区的境外展商。  相似文献   

一、推荐要求。(1)技术范围。煤炭、电力、钢铁、有色金属、石油石化、化工、建材、机械、纺织等工业行业,农业、交通运输、建筑、民用及商用等领域的节能低碳新技术、新工艺。《国家重点节能技术推广目录》(1~5批)已发布的或全行业普及率在80%以上的技术不在推荐范围之内。(2)技术要求。推荐技术要符合技术先进、节能效果显  相似文献   

<正>4月28日上午,河北省劳动模范、先进工作者和先进集体表彰大会在石家庄河北会堂召开。来自全省各条战线的劳动模范、先进工作者和先进集体代表以及省会各界职工代表欢聚一堂,共同庆祝即将到来的"五一"国际劳动节。省委书记、省人大常委会主任周本顺出席会议并讲话。省委副书记、省长张庆伟主持会议。省领导赵勇、付志方、梁滨、范照兵、孙瑞彬、景春华、艾文礼、王增力、张杰辉等出席会议。全国拉坯状元、河北省曲阳定瓷有限公司工艺师庞永辉获得河北省"特等劳动模范"荣誉称号。  相似文献   

写作就是写文章。笔杆子是写作的工具,特定条件下代指写作的人。写作的应用十分广泛。从群体讲,党、政、军、企、社会、科学、经济、艺术,都离不开写作;从个体讲,公务员、编辑、记者、著译人员、研究人员、教师、学生、商人,也离不开写作。坐机关的,更离不开写作。  相似文献   

一、特约通信员二、特约编辑只要你:1、热爱陶瓷及相关艺术。2、有一定的活动能力,有事业心、责任心。3、有一定的写作及编辑能力。4、有一定的自由活动时间。5、在本地区或行业中有一定的影响力和号召力。  相似文献   

《临床医学诊疗丛书》分为内科、外科、妇科、护理、全科、骨科等分册。各分册分别设主编、副主编、编委会委员。欢迎医疗卫生机构的领导、专家学者、科室主任、临床医务工作者参与丛书的编写工作。  相似文献   

阿桑 《中华手工》2005,(2):108-110
位于嘉陵江畔的磁器口,是重庆市著名的千年古镇。二00五年春末,来自巴渝的近百名民族工艺美术大师汇聚古镇现场献艺。在他们的灵巧的手下,版画、剪纸、陶艺、根雕、蜀绣、面人、糖关刀、笋壳雕、布贴、竹杆模型、折纸等精美作品活灵活现,撩人回眸。  相似文献   

油樟和樟树化学型中的芳樟、龙脑樟是中国特色樟科树种,总面积约8万公顷,主要分布在四川宜宾、四川广安、江西赣州、广西南宁、湖南新晃等地。樟树叶油中的1,8-桉叶素、芳樟醇和天然龙脑是重要的出口产品,也是医药、香精香料和日化行业的主要原料。本文综述了樟树资源特征、分布,介绍了油樟油、芳樟油、龙脑樟油的化学组成和生物活性,樟树油的主要产品及其提取、分离、纯化技术,以及质量控制、分析检测方法和存在的技术瓶颈;分析了樟树产业现状及其在医药、香料日化、食品等行业中的应用,阐述了樟树产业在应用基础研究、终端产品研发、国家、省级相关规划、标准化原料基地建设、樟树定向培育技术等方面存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议与对策,为樟树资源化学加工利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Biosorption may be simply defined as the removal of substances from solution by biological material. Such substances can be organic and inorganic, and in gaseous, soluble or insoluble forms. Biosorption is a physico‐chemical process and includes such mechanisms as absorption, adsorption, ion exchange, surface complexation and precipitation. Biosorption is a property of both living and dead organisms (and their components) and has been heralded as a promising biotechnology for pollutant removal from solution, and/or pollutant recovery, for a number of years, because of its efficiency, simplicity, analogous operation to conventional ion exchange technology, and availability of biomass. Most biosorption studies have carried out on microbial systems, chiefly bacteria, microalgae and fungi, and with toxic metals and radionuclides, including actinides like uranium and thorium. However, practically all biological material has an affinity for metal species and a considerable amount of other research exists with macroalgae (seaweeds) as well as plant and animal biomass, waste organic sludges, and many other wastes or derived bio‐products. While most biosorption research concerns metals and related substances, including radionuclides, the term is now applied to particulates and all manner of organic substances as well. However, despite continuing dramatic increases in published research on biosorption, there has been little or no exploitation in an industrial context. This article critically reviews aspects of biosorption research regarding the benefits, disadvantages, and future potential of biosorption as an industrial process, the rationale, scope and scientific value of biosorption research, and the significance of biosorption in other waste treatment processes and in the environment. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Over the last years, different nanomaterials have been investigated to design highly selective and sensitive sensors, reaching nano/picomolar concentrations of biomolecules, which is crucial for medical sciences and the healthcare industry in order to assess physiological and metabolic parameters. The discovery of graphene (G) has unexpectedly impulsed research on developing cost-effective electrode materials owed to its unique physical and chemical properties, including high specific surface area, elevated carrier mobility, exceptional electrical and thermal conductivity, strong stiffness and strength combined with flexibility and optical transparency. G and its derivatives, including graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), are becoming an important class of nanomaterials in the area of optical and electrochemical sensors. The presence of oxygenated functional groups makes GO nanosheets amphiphilic, facilitating chemical functionalization. G-based nanomaterials can be easily combined with different types of inorganic nanoparticles, including metals and metal oxides, quantum dots, organic polymers, and biomolecules, to yield a wide range of nanocomposites with enhanced sensitivity for sensor applications. This review provides an overview of recent research on G-based nanocomposites for the detection of bioactive compounds, providing insights on the unique advantages offered by G and its derivatives. Their synthesis process, functionalization routes, and main properties are summarized, and the main challenges are also discussed. The antioxidants selected for this review are melatonin, gallic acid, tannic acid, resveratrol, oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and curcumin. They were chosen owed to their beneficial properties for human health, including antibiotic, antiviral, cardiovascular protector, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective, neuroprotective, antiageing, antidegenerative, and antiallergic capacity. The sensitivity and selectivity of G-based electrochemical and fluorescent sensors are also examined. Finally, the future outlook for the development of G-based sensors for this type of biocompounds is outlined.  相似文献   

Liquid silicone rubber (LSR) is an elastomer molded into critical performance components for applications in medical, power, consumer, automotive, and aerospace applications. This article reviews process behavior, material modeling, and simulation of the (LSR) injection molding process. Each phase of the LSR injection molding process is discussed, including resin handling, plastication, injection, pack and hold, and curing; and factors affecting the molding process are reviewed. Processing behavior of LSR is marked by transient interactions between curing, shear rate, temperature, pressure, and tooling. Therefore, current LSR models for curing, viscosity, pressure, and temperature are discussed. Process dynamics and material modeling are combined in LSR injection molding simulations with applications in mold design, troubleshooting process-induced defects, and management of shear stress and non-uniform temperatures between LSR and substrates during overmolding. Finally, case studies using commercial simulation software are presented, which have shown cavity pressure and flow front advancement within 3% of experimental values. Optimization of LSR materials, data collection, model fitting, venting, and bonding remain areas of continued interest.  相似文献   

Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a semicrystalline thermoplastic and electroactive polymer with piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties, thermal stability, elasticity, and chemical resistance. PVDF exits in five different phases (α, β, δ, γ, and ε-phase). Unique properties of this polymer enhances its use in chemical, biomedical, and electronic industries such as supercapacitors, transducers, actuators, and batteries. Carbon nanotube (CNT) is used as reinforcement to exploit full potential of PVDF in energy, electronics, and membrane technology. The nanofiller affects morphology, piezoelectric, pyroelectric, electrical, dielectric, thermal, and mechanical properties of PVDF-based nanocomposite. CNT content and chemical modification influence properties as well as application of PVDF.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA), B (CgB), and C (CgC), the family members of the granin glycoproteins, are associated with diabetes. These proteins are abundantly expressed in neurons, endocrine, and neuroendocrine cells. They are also present in other areas of the body. Patients with diabetic retinopathy have higher levels of CgA, CgB, and CgC in the vitreous humor. In addition, type 1 diabetic patients have high CgA and low CgB levels in the circulating blood. Plasma CgA levels are increased in patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, and heart failure. CgA is the precursor to several functional peptides, including catestatin, vasostatin-1, vasostatin-2, pancreastatin, chromofungin, and many others. Catestatin, vasostain-1, and vasostatin-2 suppress the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in human vascular endothelial cells. Catestatin and vasostatin-1 suppress oxidized low-density lipoprotein-induced foam cell formation in human macrophages. Catestatin and vasostatin-2, but not vasostatin-1, suppress the proliferation and these three peptides suppress the migration in human vascular smooth muscles. Chronic infusion of catestatin, vasostatin-1, or vasostatin-2 suppresses the development of atherosclerosis of the aorta in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Catestatin, vasostatin-1, vasostatin-2, and chromofungin protect ischemia/reperfusion-induced myocardial dysfunction in rats. Since pancreastatin inhibits insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells, and regulates glucose metabolism in liver and adipose tissues, pancreastatin inhibitor peptide-8 (PSTi8) improves insulin resistance and glucose homeostasis. Catestatin stimulates therapeutic angiogenesis in the mouse hind limb ischemia model. Gene therapy with secretoneurin, a CgC-derived peptide, stimulates postischemic neovascularization in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice, and improves diabetic neuropathy in db/db mice. Therefore, CgA is a biomarker for atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. CgA- and CgC--derived polypeptides provide the therapeutic target for atherosclerosis and ischemia-induced tissue damages. PSTi8 is useful in the treatment of diabetes.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2023,49(20):32343-32358
The many branches of nanoscience have made significant strides and advancements during the past ten years, as has the entire scientific community. Zirconia nanoparticles have several uses as adsorbents, nanosensors, nanocatalysts, and other types of nanomaterials. Their outstanding biomedical uses in dental care and drug delivery, as well as their intriguing biological characteristics, such as their anti-cancer, anti-microbial, and antioxidant activity, have further encouraged researchers to investigate their physicochemical properties using various synthetic pathways. Due to the popularity of zirconia-based nanomaterials, the current research comprehensively examines several synthesis techniques and their effects on the composition, dimensions, forms, and morphologies of these nanomaterials. In general, there are two methods for creating zirconia nanoparticles: chemical synthesis, which uses hydrothermal, solvothermal, sol-gel, microwave, solution combustion, and co-precipitation processes; and a greener method, which uses bacteria, fungi, and plant components. The aforementioned techniques have been evaluated in the present review for achieving particular phases and shapes. A thorough analysis of zirconia-based nanomaterial's uses is also included in the review. Furthermore, comparisons with their equivalent composites for various applications as well as the influence of particular phases and morphologies have been added. The final portion includes the summary, future outlook, and potential application.  相似文献   

建筑陶瓷装饰技术的现状及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
俞康泰  刘儒平 《陶瓷学报》2006,27(3):304-308
简要介绍了建筑陶瓷领域、日用陶瓷和工艺美术陶瓷领域装饰技术的最新进展,着重介绍了引领陶瓷装饰技术发展和最新潮流的意大利、西班牙在这方面的水平和成果,他们为开放的中国从世界陶瓷大国尽快过渡到世界陶瓷强国提供了借鉴和方向。装饰技术的总体水平包括设计、装饰技法、装饰工艺、装饰材料和装饰机械装备等几大方面,其中设计是龙头,它应包括产品的图案设计、造型设计、色彩的搭配、产品的应用及展示设计等多个方面;装饰技法包括平面装饰和立体装饰、平铺和点缀、多种装饰材料的交替和组合应用等;装饰工艺包括布料(多管布料、多次布料、随机布料、微粉和干粒布料),丝网印刷(平面丝网印刷、辊筒印刷、胶辊印刷),各种施釉工艺,抛光,柔抛,釉抛和半釉抛工艺,磨边和水刀切割,拼花工艺等;装饰材料有各种色料、成釉、金属釉、干粒、印油、渗花液、喷墨印刷用耗材等;装饰机械装备包括各种装饰机械和工模具。  相似文献   

针对油田套管损坏情况日益严重的现状,进行了套管损坏类型、特点及套损机理研究,形成了配套完善的套损防治技术体系。完善了从钻井、完井、固井及开发生产全过程的套损预防与保护系列技术,形成了以修胀套、爆炸整形、打通道、套管加固、取换套、侧钻为主的系列套管修复技术以及以工程测井为主的套管状况检测系列技术。并由实践认识到:只有坚持预防为主,研、防、治并举,建立适合不同油藏类型、不同开发阶段、不同开发方式的套损综合防治模式,才能解决油田套管损坏问题。  相似文献   

张军  贾悦  刘博  张则俊  安静  蔡贤明 《化工进展》2020,39(z2):372-378
集输过程中的含油污泥具有成分复杂、含液率高、乳化胶结稳定等特性,占油田危险废物新增量的约60%,是污染防治的重点。近年来,学者们开展了大量“调质-固液分离”减量化技术降低其环境风险和处置成本,但仍存在需要针对含油污泥不同来源优选相匹配的减量化调质方法和装置的难题。为此,本文回顾了氧化、破乳、絮凝、干化/半干、超声波、微波等化学与物理调质方法,离心机、叠螺机、压滤机3种固液分离装置研究进展,通过分别对各种调质方法及装置的对比分析,重点阐述了其作用机理、优缺点、适用对象。其中化学调质方法中破乳氧化、加酸更适用于高含聚油泥;表面活性剂破乳需加热,可与超声波相结合;有机和无机絮凝剂配合可提高罐底泥中油回收效果;干化/半干化法受经济效益制约。在文献基础上,认为未来应加强生物表面活性剂、生物电化学系统、椭圆叠螺机、基于固液分离装置数值模型基础上的设计与优化软件、多学科相结合的减量化耦合技术研究。  相似文献   

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