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This work systematically simulates the external mass transfer from/to a spherical drop and solid particle suspended in a nonlinear uniaxial extensional creeping flow.The mass transfer problem is governed by three dimensionless parameters:the viscosity ratio(λ),the Peclet number(Pe),and the nonlinear intensity of the flow(E).The existing mass transfer theory,valid for very large Peclet numbers only,is expanded,by numerical simulations,to include a much larger range of Peclet numbers(1 ≤ Pe ≤ 10  相似文献   

Theoretical analyses of mass/heat transfer from a neutrally buoyant particle in simple shear flow indicate that mass/heat must diffuse across a region of closed streamlines of finite thickness at zero Reynolds number, whereas spiraling streamlines allow the formation of a thin mass transfer boundary layer at small but non‐zero Reynolds numbers (Subramanian and Koch, Phys Rev Lett. 2006;96:134503; Subramanian and Koch, Phys Fluids. 2006;18: 073302). This article presents the first numerical results for mass/heat transfer at finite Reynolds and Peclet numbers. The simulations indicate that fluid particles in the flow‐gradient plane spiral away from the particle for Reynolds numbers smaller than about 2.5 while they spiral toward the particle for higher Reynolds numbers. Solutions of the Navier‐Stokes equations coupled with a boundary layer analysis of mass transfer yield predictions for the rate of mass transfer at asymptotically large Peclet numbers and Reynolds numbers up to 10. Simulations of mass transfer for zero Reynolds number and finite Peclet numbers confirm Acrivos' (Acrivos, J Fluid Mech. 1971;46:233–240) prediction that the Nusselt number approaches a finite value with increasing Peclet number. Simulations at finite Reynolds numbers and Peclet numbers up to 10,000 confirm the theoretical predictions for the concentration gradient at the particle surface at angular positions away from the flow‐gradient plane. However, the wake near the flow‐gradient plane remains too large at this Peclet number to yield a quantitative agreement of the overall rate of mass transfer with the theory for asymptotically large Peclet number. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011  相似文献   

Unsteady mass transfer between a slender bubble and a viscous Newtonian liquid in a simple extensional and creeping flow has been studied. The exact analytical solution, at large Peclet numbers, has been obtained using similarity transformations and by the method of characteristics. It was determined that when a dimensionless time (the strength of the flow multiplied by the time) is greater than 2, then steady state is, in practice, obtained.  相似文献   

A numerical method is utilized to examine the steady and transient mass/heat transfer processes that involve a neutrally buoyant liquid sphere suspended in simple shear flow at low Reynolds numbers is described. By making use of the known Stokes velocity field, the convection‐diffusion equations are solved in the three‐dimensional spherical coordinates system. For the mass transfer either outside or inside a liquid sphere, Sherwood number Sh approaches an asymptotic value for a given viscosity ratio at sufficiently high Peclet number Pe. In terms of the numerical results obtained in this work, two new correlations are derived to predict Sh at finite Pe for various viscosity ratios. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 343–352, 2014  相似文献   

Mass transfer in the continuous phase around a small eccentricity prolate spheroidal drop in an axisymmetric extensional creeping flow and at large Peclet numbers was investigated theoretically. The results show that, at very short times, the total quantity of solute transferred to or from the drop represents, at O(Ca1), mass transfer by diffusion only around a sphere. For long times, or at steady‐state, the total quantity of solute transferred is, at O(Ca1), slightly smaller than that of a spherical drop, and it decreases with an increase of the capillary number or the viscosity ratio. © 2012 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

The unsteady mass transfer from a contaminated fluid sphere moving in an unbounded fluid is examined numerically for unsteady‐state transfer. The effect of the interface contamination and the flow regime on the concentration profiles, inside and outside a fluid sphere, is investigated for different ranges of Reynolds number (0 < Re < 200) and Peclet number (0 < Pe < 105), viscosity ratio between the dispersed phase and the continuous phase (0 < κ < 10), and the stagnant‐cap angle (0° < θcap < 180°). It was found that the stagnant‐cap angle significantly influences the mass transfer from the sphere to a surrounding medium. For all Peclet and Reynolds numbers and κ, the contamination reduces the mass transfer flux. The average Sherwood number increases with an increase of stagnant‐cap angle and reaches a maximum equal to the average one for a clean fluid sphere at low viscosity ratio and large Peclet numbers. A predictive equation for the Sherwood number is derived from these numerical results. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011  相似文献   

Building on the work of Yang et al. in 2011, the finite difference method and the Boussinesq approximation were applied to solve the time‐dependent Navier‐Stokes, convection diffusion and continuity equations in spherical coordinates. An idealized condition, the mass transfer from a neutrally buoyant sphere in a horizontal simple shear flow with natural convection was numerically simulated for the first time in this work. In the hybrid transfer case, the outwardly spiraling streamlines enhanced the transfer process, but the counter‐gravity spiraling streamlines near the sphere hindered the natural convection and the spatial dilution action weakened the natural convection transfer process. These competing effects led to nonmonotonic behavior of the Nusselt number with Reynolds number. Results from these previously undocumented cases were summarized into correlations for predicting Nusselt numbers at finite Reynolds numbers for various Grashof and Prandtl numbers. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 2816–2827, 2018  相似文献   

振荡热管内的振荡及传热传质特性   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
马永锡  张红  苏磊 《化工学报》2005,56(12):2265-2270
通过分析振荡热管内部气液两相系统的受力和传热传质过程,对振荡热管进行了合理的简化和假设,建立了详细的理论模型.以n型单液塞振荡热管为例,采用显示差分法求解建立的控制方程,并预测传热传质特性和液塞的振荡行为,结果显示:液塞在毛细管路内的运动既有宏观振荡又有局部振荡,振荡的幅度和频率在增大和减小中交替变化,没有固定的周期;液塞两侧气泡间的压差是其振荡的主要驱动力,当振荡热管非水平工作时,需考虑重力的影响,与其他力相比,毛细阻力对液塞振荡的影响可以忽略;液膜短时间内的干涸是诱发新一轮振荡以及强化传热的源动力.  相似文献   

紧凑式换热器开孔翅片流动传热特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄钰期  俞小莉 《化工学报》2009,60(9):2161-2170
对锯齿翅片和波纹翅片的不同开孔方式建立了多种三维模型,结合数值仿真方法和已有经验公式,分析开孔翅片的流动传热特性,研究翅片开孔的强化传热机理,比较不同开孔方式对流场和温度场的影响,并通过已有的实验拟合公式对仿真结果进行校验。结果表明,对锯齿形翅片,不同开孔参数对流动、散热都有不同的影响。当孔径达到一定范围后,再增加开孔尺寸并不能显著提高换热性能,却仍会导致流动阻力大大增加。对波纹形翅片,不同的开孔位置也会对空气侧流动阻力和传热性能产生显著影响。开孔位于波纹顶峰的翅片比开孔位于波纹腰部的翅片传热性能大约提高1.1%~3.8%,而空气侧压降增加了5.8%~16%。  相似文献   

付磊  唐克伦  文华斌  王维慧  付伶 《化工进展》2012,31(11):2384-2389
结合化工行业中使用的某型号管壳式换热器的结构图和工艺参数,对换热器的结构进行了合理的简化,利用ANSYS参数化建模方法建立了管壳式换热器的参数化模型。在ANSYS FLUENT14.0数值模拟软件中对换热器的流体流动以及耦合传热进行了数值模拟,得到管程和壳程流体的流速分布、压降情况、温度场变化的细节信息。该工作对于设计传热效率高、流体阻力小的换热器进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

袁宝强  王沛丽  杜文静 《化工学报》2016,67(Z2):136-141
圆形管束菱形受热面在流动与传热方面表现出传热能力强、流动阻力大、吹灰方便等特点。以此为基础,提出了一种基于椭圆管束的菱形受热面。椭圆管束菱形受热面保持了圆形管束菱形受热面传热能力强和吹灰方便的特点,同时显著降低了烟气侧流动阻力。采用数值模拟方法,分析了叉排椭圆管束不同迎风角下的流动传热特性,与叉排圆形管束进行了对比,给出了各特征参数随Reynolds数的变化规律。模拟结果表明,迎风角为0°的叉排椭圆管束菱形受热面较圆形管束传热效果好,流动阻力小,综合性能高。  相似文献   

李钰冰  杨茉  陆廷康  戴正华 《化工学报》2019,70(z2):130-137
以火灾为背景,对一个带有质热源的方腔进行了研究。针对不同Ra,浮升力比Nc,SrDf,探讨了腔内流体的传热传质规律及其非线性特性。结果表明,存在临界Rac使流体流动由导热驱动流动转变为对流驱动流动,随着Ra增大质热源表面传热传质强度增加,流体由稳态流动转为振荡流动。当Nc>-1时,对流传热系数和对流传质系数增大,流体由稳态转化为倍周期振荡,最后转化为混沌。增大SrDf可增强传热传质能力。  相似文献   

秦梦雪  杨昭 《化工进展》2016,35(Z1):41-47
以某液氧煤油火箭发动机冷却系统设计计算为基础,基于计算流体力学(CFD),并采用三维流固耦合算法对以水作为第三流体的冷却循环系统进行了计算和分析。比较了冷却剂入口温度、流量和冷却通道内压力损失等因素对冷却通道内流动换热的影响。结果表明:冷却剂流量增加0.01kg/s,推力室壁面整体温度和喉部温度降低分别降低9K和15K左右,冷却剂出口干度降低0.011左右;当冷却剂流量较低时,入口温度变化对换热效果几乎无影响,而当冷却剂流量较高时,入口温度每增加10K,冷却剂出口干度增加0.009左右;冷却剂流量每增加0.01kg/s会导致冷却通道压力损失增加54kPa左右;入口温度每增加10K,冷却通道压力损失将减少24kPa左右。由此,本文得出冷却剂流量的最佳范围12~14.4kg/s,入口温度的范围为300~350K。  相似文献   

利用Fluent软件对网状孔板纵向流换热器壳程流体流动及换热进行了三维数值模拟,得到了壳程流体温度场、速度场及压力场等细观信息。根据模拟的结果,揭示了网状孔板强化壳程流体换热的机理,分析了壳程流体沿轴向流动及换热的性能,总结了近壁区流场及温度场的特点。  相似文献   

郭崇志  林桥 《化工进展》2011,30(10):2131
针对目前管壳式换热器中微小流路建模和分析的缺失,采用“分段建模,整体综合”的模拟方法成功地开发了小间隙流路A和E的建模技术,建立了既包含主体流路(B、C),也包含微小泄漏流道(A、E)的全流路管壳式换热器流动与传热模型,得到了与实际换热器相适应的几何模型。通过应用CFD软件Fluent进行分段模型的流动与传热研究,对各流道在折流空间中对传热和流动的影响进行了分析讨论。同时,采用整体综合技术,将数值模拟获得的局部流动与传热数据综合整理得到了换热器传热和阻力系数的整体法关联式。并将模拟结果与几种著名的壳程计算方法(Donohue、Kern和Bell-Delaware,流路分析)进行了对比,结果发现数值模拟与Bell-Delaware法和流路分析法的结果吻合良好,最大偏差小于20%。  相似文献   

张尚  杨剑  王秋旺 《化工学报》2020,71(z2):24-31
颗粒堆积床作为反应器和分离器等的重要组成广泛应用于实际化学工业生产中。基于传统的有序堆积结构,提出了一种新型格栅支撑有序堆积结构,通过采用新型格栅支撑结构可以快速构建有序颗粒堆积床,其中包括格栅支撑简单立方、格栅支撑体心立方、格栅支撑疏松面心立方和格栅支撑密实面心立方颗粒堆积结构。对4种颗粒堆积单元通道内的流动换热进行模拟研究后发现,不同堆积形式的格栅支撑颗粒堆积床流动换热性能不同;在相同的面心立方堆积形式下,使用不同的格栅支撑结构,其流动传热也有明显差异;与传统有序堆积结构相比,在换热相差不多的情况下,格栅支撑有序堆积结构的压降减小,所以其综合换热效率有明显提升。  相似文献   

Packed beds of particles are widely used in chemical industrial production as core units of fixed bed reactors, dryers, filters and other equipment. Based on traditional structured packed beds, this paper proposes some novel grille-support structured packed beds. The novel grille-support packed beds can be quickly constructed by using the new grille, including grille-support simple cubic (G-SC), grille-support body center cubic (G-BCC), grille-support loose face center cubic (G-LFCC) and grille-support compact face center cubic (G-CFCC) packing. In this paper, the flow and heat transfer characteristics of grille-support structured packed beds are numerically studied. Results show that, the packed beds with different packing forms have diverse flow and heat transfer performance. Under the same face center cubic packing form, the flow and heat transfer could be also significantly different with disparate grilles. It is also revealed that, compared with the traditional structured packed bed, the pressure drop of the grille-support structured packed bed is reduced while the heat transfer coefficient is similar, so the overall heat transfer efficiency is notably improved.  相似文献   

谢瑶  李剑锐  胡海涛 《化工学报》2021,72(Z1):203-209
印刷电路板式换热器(printed circuit heat exchanger,PCHE)作为一种新型高效微通道换热器,将其应用在LNG浮式储存与气化装置(FSRU)上具有非常大的潜力。对超临界甲烷在PCHE通道中的流动和传热特性进行了数值模拟,结果表明:传热系数随温度先增大后减小,并在准临界温度(202~212 K)处达到峰值;压降随温度先保持不变,然后在准临界温度附近急剧上升,之后随温度增大的趋势变缓;当温度在准临界温度附近时,低质流密度下增大热通量会恶化传热;不同压力下传热系数均在准临界温度处达到峰值;温度低于准临界温度时,压力对压降的影响可以忽略,温度高于准临界温度时,压降随压力增大而显著降低;压力由6.4M Pa提高到8.5 MPa时,传热最大降低32.5%,压降最大降低28.5%;开发的换热和压降关联式平均误差分别为5.6%和4.2%。  相似文献   

申宇  潘振海  吴慧英 《化工进展》2020,39(7):2548-2555
为揭示方肋微通道热沉内流动沸腾的传热传质机理,本文基于耦合VOF方法与“饱和界面”相变模型对微通道内单个气泡绕流加热方肋的传热传质过程进行了数值研究。通过分析该过程中气泡增长速率与方肋壁面传热系数的变化,重点讨论了初始气泡体积和入口雷诺数Re对相变传热效率和流动结构的影响。结果表明:在气泡流经加热方肋过程中,气泡与方肋表面之间形成一层薄液膜,该薄液膜的相变蒸发极大强化方肋表面的换热效果,换热系数较相同条件下的单相流动提升6倍以上。此外液膜厚度随Re增大而变厚,液膜热阻相应增大,液膜蒸发对换热的促进作用随Re增大而降低。最后考察了气泡体积对方肋壁面换热的影响,结果表明:初始体积大的气泡具有更薄的液膜厚度及更大的蒸发面积,表现出更高的相变传热效率;而小气泡对壁面温度影响较小。  相似文献   

内插扰流元件是一种可操作性强的管内强化传热方式,其强化传热机理主要是在管内诱导产生了二次流。在均匀壁温热边界条件下,对内插不同形状涡产生器管内层流流动与传热特性进行了数值分析。研究发现:在扭带基础上裁去部分面积相同的条件下,管内插等腰梯形涡产生器的换热能力最强,直角梯形涡产生器次之,矩形涡产生器的换热能力最差,管壁上的局部Nusselt数的峰值所在圆周位置及其大小与涡产生器形状有关,而不同形状的涡产生器对管内流动的阻力系数影响较小。插入涡产生器后,管内二次流强度参数Se和平均Nusselt数Nu均随Reynolds数Re的增大而增大,二者随Reynolds数Re的变化规律具有一致性。平均Nusselt数Nu与二次流强度参数Se呈幂函数相关,内插涡产生器管内的二次流强度决定了其对流换热强度。  相似文献   

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