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<正>自"十一五"以来,工信部陆续公布了过剩和落后产能企业名单,每年涉及淘汰产能的企业数以千计。然而,如今"十二五"即将收官,过剩行业和落后产能仍比比皆是,化工行业也不例外。如若将比重过大的落后产能带入"十三五",势必影响行业做大做强。就当前整个化工行业来说,己经进入了一个全面过剩时代。但凡国内能够生产的大宗化工产品,基本都存在过剩状况。实际上,国家为淘汰过剩和落后产能制定了许多措施,尽管  相似文献   

冯刚 《中国水泥》2014,(9):16-18
一、湖南省水泥协会对国家遏制新增产能、化解水泥产能过剩矛盾的态度 遏制新增产能、化解水泥产能过剩矛盾,是国家加快提升我国水泥工业的整体技术装备水平,提高水泥行业经济效益,促进水泥产业健康有序发展的有力措施,湖南省水泥协会坚决贯彻落实好国家遏制新增产能、化解水泥产能过剩矛盾的一系列文件精神,积极向国家、省政府有关部门反映我省水泥行业发展动态、水泥产能过剩情况和违规建设水泥项目情况,真正使我省水泥行业化解产能过剩取得实效。  相似文献   

2014年1月9日,山东省政府常务会议原则通过了《化解产能严重过剩矛盾的实施意见》。根据《意见》,轮胎被列入产能严重过剩行列,明确规定今后山东省将不再核准、备案产能严重过剩行业的新增产能项目,坚决防止低水平重复建设,合理控制产能规模,并要全面清理违规项目,力争用五年时间,有效化解轮胎等行业的过剩产能问题。我们应该为山东省政府叫停轮胎新增产能项目喝彩。  相似文献   

王立彬 《四川水泥》2013,(10):44-44
<正>严格建设项目用地预审管理,对产能严重过剩行业新增产能项目,一律不予受理用地预审申请,已受理的一律不予通过预审申请,从源头上遏制产能严重过剩行业新增使用土地。为遏制产能过剩项目建设,推动产业结构优化升级,国土资源部通知要求严禁为钢铁、水泥、电解铝、平板玻璃、船舶等产能严重过剩行业新增产能项目提供用地空间和配置矿产资源。记者11月18日从国土资源部获悉,为贯彻落实党中央、国务院对化解产能严重过剩矛盾的要求,国土资源部已正式  相似文献   

随着经济增速的放缓,化工产品出现了产能过剩的情况,面对激烈的市场竞争,化工企业转型升级迫在眉睫。本文从企业角度进行浅析,希望化工企业从技术入手,并加强管理和人才队伍建设,构建企业的可持续发展之路;最后提出具有一定规模的化工企业可通过设立研发中心,推动企业的进一步转型升级。  相似文献   

记者从山西省经信委了解到,山西将严格控制“两高”和产能过剩行业新上项目,严把项目审核管理关、项目审批程序关。原则上年内不再审批、核准、备案包括煤化工在内的“两高”和产能过剩行业扩大产能项目。  相似文献   

<正>各省、自治区、直辖市环境保护厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团环境保护局:为贯彻落实《国务院关于化解产能严重过剩矛盾的指导意见》(国发〔2013〕41号,以下简称《意见》),现就有关工作要求通知如下:一、全面排查产能严重过剩行业环保情况各省级环保部门要组织对行政区内的钢铁、水泥、电解铝、平板玻璃、船舶行业的在建项目和建成项目进行梳理排查,掌握行业产能情况和企业环保基本情况,包括企业环评审批和验收情况,选址建设  相似文献   

<正>经认定的在建违规项目,建设单位应在认定后一年内向有审批权的环保部门报送环境影响报告书,由环保部门依法补办环评审批手续。对于在建违规产能过剩项目,环保部近日明确表示,这些建设环评"可先上车后补票。"环保部说,环保部门将对这些项目进行认定,只有经认定的项目才可在一年内申请报审批送环评报告书。环保部公开发布《关于在化解产能严重过剩矛盾过程中加强环保管理的通知》(以下简称通知),通告要求全面排查产能严重过剩行业环保情况。  相似文献   

本刊 《中国水泥》2014,(7):36-37
本刊北京消息:2014年6月29日,中国水泥协会常务副会长兼秘书长孔祥忠接受中央电视台记者采访,针对水泥行业上半年经济运行情况,以及中国水泥行业未来转型升级问题谈了如下个人观点:一、产能严重过剩导致水泥行业必须转型升级。表现特征:产品市场竞争激烈,行业效益下滑。转型升级手段:1、贯彻国务院2013年41号文件精神,坚决遏制新增产能,不因水泥投资项目核准权下放,而无视水泥产能严重过剩情况下的新增产能项目核准。  相似文献   

5月10日,国家发改委、工业和信息化部联合下发《关于坚决遏制产能严重过剩行业盲目扩张的通知》(发改产业【2013】892号)。《通知》明确要求:严禁核准产能严重过剩行业新增产能项目,要求各主管部门停止审批一切新建项目,同时停止一切违规拟建、在建项目。众所周知,近年来水泥产能释放速度很快,而水泥需求的增长已经不能满足产能的增长,所以才导致了严重的产能过剩。那么,截至目前,全国水泥行业究竟还有多少在建的新建线呢?下面我们将从华东(山东、安徽、江苏、浙江、福建、江西)、  相似文献   

Trends in nitrogen (N) and phosphate (P) balance for several crops were calculated for the nation and by prefecture for 5-year periods from 1985 to 2005. Prefectural chemical N and P fertilizer applications for paddy rice and upland crops declined but applications for vegetable crops increased during the period like as national trends. Prefectural chemical N and P applications for tea, orchard and forage remained unchanged in line with national trends. Manure N and P applications for each crop did not follow the trends for chemical fertilizer. Although chemical fertilizer application declined, N and P crop withdrawal for paddy rice, upland crops and tea increased as a result of optimizing fertilizer timing and placement. Nitrogen and P balance for each crop indicated a surplus; P surplus was larger than N surplus, because of higher P input and lower crop P withdrawal. Chemical N fertilizer determined N surplus except for forage, which was determined by manure application. Therefore N surplus on paddy rice, upland crops, orchard and tea declined and increased on vegetables. Forage recorded an N deficiency in two 5-year periods nationally because of low manure input. Because P balance was also determined by chemical P fertilizer, the P surplus for paddy rice and upland crops declined and the P surplus for vegetables increased during the period. Total P surplus was reduced on paddy rice and upland crops. Trends for chemical fertilizer, manure and N and P balance varied widely among prefectures, especially for P. Crop withdrawal of N and P varied relatively little. Although prefectural trends did not always follow the national trend, we could conclude that the negative environmental effects of Japanese crop production have diminished recently, and an improvement in N and P balance in vegetable production can be expected.  相似文献   

为了更好地利用生产工艺的余热,对所属车间和工艺系统产生的热量和生产、生活的热需求进行了系统的调研工作。经过调查,整个化工厂现有正常生产的工艺系统可回收的中低温余热折成标煤,每年节省100632t,相当于其自身消耗生活蒸汽的8倍,充分说明化工厂具有极大的余热回收再利用潜力。  相似文献   

剩余焦炉煤气利用途径   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张建隽 《河北化工》2009,32(6):25-27
炼焦企业在生产过程中产生大量的剩余焦炉煤气,经济有效地对其进行利用,可以保护环境,回收资源,提高企业的经济效益。对剩余焦炉煤气作燃气、生产化工产品、生产纯氢及生产直接还原铁等利用途径进行了综述。炼焦企业应结合实际情况、因地制宜地选择剩余焦炉煤气的利用方式。  相似文献   

二羟基丙酮生产研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二羟基丙酮是一种重要的化工、生化原料,广泛应用于化妆品、精细化工、制药和食品工业等方面.近年来由于迅速升温的生物柴油投资热,造成副产物甘油的大量过剩,从而使二羟基丙酮逐渐成为一个研究的热点.本文介绍了二羟基丙酮的生产方法及其应用研究的进展,并对其前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

关于我国氮肥磷肥产能过剩的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张萍  沙慧 《河南化工》2010,27(13):17-20
我国的氮肥、磷肥产能与预测的国内市场需求对比表明,产能将大量长期过剩,而且是在低化肥利用率情况下的过剩。建议不能用增加出口的办法消化过剩的产能,要加快淘汰落后产能,转变发展方式,依靠技术进步和自主创新,提高发展的质量和效益。  相似文献   

硫酸在活性白土制造工艺过程中的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了模拟湿法工业生产活性白土优惠工艺条件下,无回酸和有回酸两种民政部下的硫酸的分布,指出了硫酸的利用率在20%以下,约有80%的硫酸以游离态存在于土酸土里。同时给出了各种土酸水的化学组成,为湿法活化制造活性白土的工艺改进、土酸水的中性化治理和进上步综合利用,提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Due to its intricate internal biological structure the process of anaerobic digestion is difficult to control. The aim of any applied process control is to maximize methane production and minimize the chemical oxygen demand of the effluent and surplus sludge production. Of special interest is the start‐up and adaptation phase of the bioreactor and the recovery of the biocoenose after a toxic event. It is shown that the anaerobic digestion of surplus sludge can be effectively modeled by means of a hierarchical system of neural networks and a prediction of biogas production and composition can be made several time‐steps in advance. Thus it was possible to optimally control the loading rate during the start‐up of a non‐adapted system and to recover an anaerobic reactor after a period of heavy organic overload. During the controlled period an optimal feeding profile that allowed a minimum loading rate of 6 kg COD m?3 d?1 to be maintained was found. Maximum loading rates higher than 12 kg COD m?3 d?1 were often reached without destabilizing the system. The control strategy resulted simultaneously in a high level of gas production of about 3 m3biogas m?3reactor and a methane content in the biogas of about 70%. To visualize the effects of the control strategy on the reactor's operational space the data were processed using a data‐mining program based on Kohonen Self‐Organizing Maps. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

舒尊启  杜震宇 《玻璃》2013,40(4):29-31
我国平板玻璃的产量占全球产量的65%左右,已成为名副其实的平板玻璃制造大国。但产品质量低下、产能过剩、恶性竞争、行业亏损等困扰着平板玻璃的发展。CVD化学沉积法在平板玻璃镀膜经过10多年的发展,已到了成熟发展期,红杉科技公司开发生产的CVD镀膜装置可提供交钥匙工程服务,是一家成熟可靠的CVD技术及成套装备供应商。  相似文献   

针对当前生产负荷下工艺空气压缩机出口工艺空气有一定量的富裕(放空),考虑正常生产时空分停用5L空气压缩机,利用工艺空气压缩机富裕气作为空分5L空气压缩机后续装置的气源,达到节能目的。  相似文献   

We calculated the residual nitrogen (N) from agricultural production on national and regional scales in Japan for 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005 and tested the suitability of the N concentrations applied in agricultural production systems using residual N and excess water as indicators of negative effects on groundwater. Chemical fertilizer application declined consistently during the period from 1985 to 2005, while the application of livestock manure peaked in 1990 and declined thereafter. Crop production remained relatively constant, and surplus N on farmland (total input minus total output of N) declined during this period. Although the disposal of excreta N increased, the residual N from agricultural production (surplus N plus disposal of excreta N) declined consistently during this period. However, this trend was not consistent at the regional level because residual N was largely affected by the movement of chemical fertilizer and livestock excreta, which varied with each farm and region. A comparison of residual N per farmland area in 1985 and 2005 indicated that regions were becoming bipolarized, i.e., certain regions exhibited reduced residual N while others exhibited the opposite trend, primarily due to an intensification of livestock production. A significant correlation was observed between residual N in excess water (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration within the regions), and the percentage of observation wells exceeded >10 ppm of N from 2000 to 2005. Although this correlation had a large dispersion, residual N levels in excess water indicated the risk of water contamination by N.  相似文献   

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