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比较了几种不同形式气柜的优缺点,中国石化沧州分公司炼油厂选用了卷帘型干式气柜对瓦斯气进行回收和储存。该气柜主要借助于一种柔性的橡胶密封材料将气柜侧板和活塞密封连接。介绍了该气柜的设计参数、结构和运行原理,详述了瓦斯自动放散管的作用。讨论分析了气柜运行事故隐患,并提出相应的防范措施,最后针对气柜运行过程中存在的问题提出了整改措施。  相似文献   

吴海登  王婷 《聚氯乙烯》2022,50(1):23-24
对氯乙烯气柜进行了密闭排水改造,完善了 SIS系统和氯乙烯气柜报警及监控系统,提高了氯乙烯气柜运行的安全性.  相似文献   

李文仁  蒋冠杰  吕桂菊  张福全 《化工机械》2003,30(5):289-291,288
介绍了橡胶膜密封干式气柜的组装工艺和质量控制 ,旨在充分肯定橡胶膜密封干式气柜的优越性和取代水密封湿式气柜及稀油密封干式气柜的必要性  相似文献   

李建达  刘毅  崔贵勇 《乙烯工业》2012,24(4):36-39,8
柔性膜密封式气柜是一种先进的新型贮气设施,以大庆炼化分公司30 000 m3新型橡胶膜干式气柜为例,从气柜的主要组成、工作原理、气柜安装、安装质量控制、试运转和调整、严密性试验方面对橡胶膜干式气柜安装技术进行了阐述。  相似文献   

卷帘密封干式气柜由于其运行平稳、安全可靠、使用寿命长而受到业内人士的青睐,容积由几千立方米到十万立方米的气柜,部分已采取了这种结构形式。卷帘密封干式气柜的施工,关键在于密封膜的安装,密封膜的安装质量将直接影响气柜的密封性及气柜的使用寿命。根据我公司施工卷帘密封干式气柜的经验,对密封膜的施工方法和质量要求做一介绍,以供广大同行们参考。  相似文献   

于景臣 《小氮肥》2009,37(8):24-25
通化化工公司800kt/a合成氨装置生产所用气柜容积2500m^3,另有1台1000m^3气柜贮存合成弛放气,供家属区生活使用。2003年,由于生产用气柜钟罩多处泄漏,决定更换钟罩,进行气柜大修,对气柜水槽进行局部处理,整个施工时间需要35d。为了减少对生产的影响,决定利用生活气柜代替生产气柜进行生产。  相似文献   

正1存在问题目前,通常在气柜冷冻部分加装电极棒,通过观测电极棒上的指示灯指示气柜的高低。但是此方法只能用于分段指示气柜高度,并不能模拟显示真实高度,且因气柜水封内的水具有腐蚀性,常导致电极棒损坏而不能及时指示气柜的高度,严重影响了生产效率。针对该情况,部分企业采用视频监控的方法来获得气柜的高度,但是仍不能  相似文献   

介绍了30万t/a PVC系统湿式氯乙烯气柜结构、工作原理及运行现状,分析了气柜原设计及联动运行中存在的问题.根据氯乙烯气柜的实际情况,对其本体的硬件设施和工艺进行了优化改造,提高了氯乙烯气柜安全性能,使其运行更加稳定可靠,为PVC生产提供了安全保障.  相似文献   

介绍了橡胶膜密封煤气柜的特点,以5万m~3煤气柜为例,对湿式气柜、稀油密封煤气柜和橡胶密封煤气柜进行分析比较。橡胶膜密封煤气柜具有结构合理、运行能源消耗低、运行管理方便等优点,在焦化行业将有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文以钢水槽湿式气柜制安为研究对象,对气柜制安施工工艺进行优化,确保气柜在制安过程中减少变形,从而保证了施工质量。  相似文献   

通过测定发泡剂在固定体积的密闭容器下的发气气体的压力变化,可以计算得到发泡剂的发气量,同时也可以通过测定固定体积的密闭容器内发气的气体压力,得到发泡剂的起发温度、突跃温度、终止温度、最高发气量等参数,从而可以监控发泡剂发气的整个过程。建立了固定体积密闭容器下的气体压力与发泡剂的发气体积之间的函数关系式,可以将固定体积密闭容器下测定的发泡剂的发气气体压力转换成排水集气法测定的发泡剂的发气量;也可以将排水集气法测定的发泡剂的发气量曲线(随温度变化),转变为密闭容器下压力曲线(随温度变化);并选取偶氮二甲酰胺(ADC)进行试验,验证了公式的可行性。  相似文献   

蒋程程  蔡永梅  谢禹钧 《当代化工》2014,(12):2555-2557
LNG罐式集装箱是运输液态天然气的设备,较比CNG(压缩天然气)装置,它具有更大的单车运输量。LNG罐式集装箱装载的介质为低温,易燃。对其结构的安全分析是十分重要,必须对设备的各个部分强度进行详尽的分析。对LNG罐式集装箱罐体实际承载情形进行了模拟,通过有限元结构应力分析,给出了LNG罐式集装箱罐体的应力分布,分析了关键部位的强度储备,并提出了罐体改进设计的方案。  相似文献   

文章第二部分讨论了集装箱无气喷涂工艺条件、操作要点和自动喷漆工艺特点,以及集装箱涂膜的干燥与固化。指出集装箱涂料的水性化、涂装环境和三废处理设备的现代化,以及涂装技术适应环保型涂料的应用等是集装箱涂装的发展方向。  相似文献   

基于PLC和触摸屏设计了一套气体控制系统。其包含的气体加热装置为内含加热棒的容器。该容器上安装有压力与温度传感器。当触摸屏设置的目标控制参数与检测到的值存在偏差,可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)将进行比例积分微分(PID)运算与脉宽调制(PWM),并将转换后的控制信号分别输出到气压电磁阀与固态继电器(控制加热棒),最终实现气体压力与温度的调节。经试验证明,该系统控制精度高,人机界面简洁美观,具有良好的可扩展性,在聚合物气辅挤出实验中运行稳定。  相似文献   

Tower Head-Piece Filter as a New Separation System in the Spray Drying Up to now spraying plants for detergents have consisted in a tower-like drying container with spraying elements for introduction of the drying material and means for injection of a heated drying gas. Separators for dried fine material and gas were installed apart and connected by exhaust passages. In this paper a technical concept is reported which enables the direct agglomeration of the fine material in the drying tower. The separator covers the whole flow cross-section of the drying container. It is constructed of porous filter tubes which are outside loaded. Fine material, deposited on the filter tubes, is shaken off by pushes of compressed air and enters the drying section, then the spraying section and is finally removed by material flow.  相似文献   

随着能源结构的变化和环境污染问题的日益加剧,汽车工业的研究重点开始转向清洁能源领域,采用天然气为能源的汽车已经越来越受到人们的欢迎,而作为天然气的盛装载体——气瓶的发展必将会迎来全新的挑战.借助有限元分析软件,对车用压缩天然气钢质内胆环向缠绕气瓶进行了有限元分析,得出了各工况下复合材料气瓶应力分布关系,为复合材料气瓶的优化设计提供了思考和借鉴.  相似文献   

针对石油天然气中二氧化碳对输送管线和容器的腐蚀,采用化学镀的方法,在常用输送管线材料内壁形成Ni-P合金镀层.利用扫描电镜、X-射线衍射仪和电化学测试仪对镀层的表面形貌、相组成及电化学特性进行了分析.并在模拟油气田环境的腐蚀试验箱中进行了对比腐蚀试验.结果表明,管线材料经化学镀Ni-P合金镀层后,抗二氧化碳腐蚀作用有明显提高.  相似文献   

The utilization of industrial off-gases as raw material requires a detailed knowledge on their time-depending composition, especially with regard to trace components. Within the framework of the HüGaProp project (Hüttengas Properties) a measuring container and the analytical methods for the characterization of trace components in the three raw metallurgical gases was developed. The mobile container is deployed in the project Carbon2Chem® to characterize the available off-gases at a steel mill and provide fundamental data to determine the required gas cleaning as well as the background for the further process design.  相似文献   

We devised an atmosphere controlling facility to gain a longer life span for mango. A membrane module made of polyethersulfone/polydimethylsiloxane (PES/PDMS) composite membrane was applied to selectively permeate CO2 from the gas mixture of the fruit container. To design the membrane separation system, two models were introduced into our mathematical simulations: (1) an equilibrium model giving the optimal membrane area, the compositions of CO2 and O2 in the fruit container, feed flow rate and pressures on both the feed and permeate sides of the module, and (2) a dynamic model simulating the change in the gas composition of the fruit container with time. The pressure build-up in the bore side of the hollow fiber was also discussed using the Hagen-Poiseuille equation. The best membrane module configuration was obtained based on the pressure build-up analysis. That was (1) the vacuum pressure should be set at 0.1 bar, (2) the hollow fiber inner diameter should be 0.45 mm, and (3) the vacuum should be applied at both ends of the hollow fiber bore sides.  相似文献   

The results of the constituent aging study (CAS) are given, where low‐temperature (T<64 °C) aging experiments were performed on over 1100 closed‐container samples of various combinations of the components of the plastic‐bonded explosive PBX 9501. Experiments were performed on the various combinations both in the absence and presence of free‐radical stabilizers. The product gases were identified and quantified as a function of aging time. The gas data show diverse chemistry between CAS samples and initial linear increases in product gas formation. Temperature analysis of the initial production rates of gas products shows straight Arrhenius plots. The extracted activation energies and frequency factors for the formation of the individual gas products yield a single linear kinetic compensation plot suggesting a common degradation pathway for PBX 9501 and combinations of constituents that contained nitroplasticizer (a eutectic mixture of bis‐2,2‐dintropropyl acetal and bis‐2,2‐dintropropyl formal).  相似文献   

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