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目的观察依达拉奉联合法舒地尔治疗缺血性脑卒中的临床疗效。方法对治疗组88例患者,对照组40例患者均给予脑梗死常规治疗,治疗组在此基础上加用依达拉奉联合盐酸法舒地尔,观察记录2组患者治疗前后症状、体征,神经功能缺损程度评分等各项指标。结果本研究中,2组患者接受治疗后均有明显疗效,但治疗组在神经功能缺损程度评分、有效患者例数和总有效率上均明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论依达拉奉联合法舒地尔治疗缺血性脑卒中可清除自由基,使脑梗死区域缺血半暗带的神经细胞功能得以恢复,减轻神经功能的损伤,有效的治疗缺血性脑卒中,效果明显,且无明显不良反应,适合在脑梗死临床治疗上推广。  相似文献   

Z Zhong 《Fuel》2005,84(17):2267-2274
Coals may be blended at mines to meet contractual criteria set by the client. In formulating a blend, the criterion that is hardest to meet is often the handlability because it is difficult to predict. Most research on coal handling treats coal handlability as a property to be measured for a given material, and there appear to have been very few attempts to predict the consequences of blending choices, or to use such information to optimise coal blends for the different contractual requirements. This paper presents what is believed to be the first study to explore the causal relationships in coal blending, to use these to predict the handlability of a blend, and to establish the basis needed to optimise blending choices. The ultimate goal of this work is an algorithm that can be used in on-line real time choices in coal blending operations, either at mines or at power stations.  相似文献   

从完善设备结构、提高管束清洁度、减少辐射段热量损失、改善燃烧环境以及生产调优等五方面论述了提高裂解炉热效率的有效途径。旨在为同行改善裂解炉效能,节能降耗提供借鉴。  相似文献   

提升固定床煤气炉技术层次和应用价值的途径:一是采用连续气化工艺,提高单位产能,提高原料转化利用率,优化煤气质量,开发多元化气化剂生产专用工艺气体;二是提高气化装置的自动化水平,提高生产运行的稳定性、经济性、安全性和环保性。  相似文献   

孟丽芳 《山东化工》2006,35(3):26-28
通过多年生产实践,对双氧水生产用屏蔽泵常见故障进行了系统分析,并对屏蔽泵的安装、使用维护提出了整改措施及注意事项。  相似文献   

Experiments made to determine the relation of incorrect die regulation to drier and kiln losses which might be attributed to the die, and to determine a method whereby the operator might check the die performance and so regulate the die as to reduce to a minimum the losses due solely to incorrect die adjustment are described and the results discussed.  相似文献   

聚氨酯弹性体耐热形变性能的改善   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
简述通过改变聚合物多元醇结构 ,选择适当多异氰酸酯和扩链剂 ,在聚氨酯分子内引入杂环 ,用其他树脂进行改性 ,加入填料 ,以及改变工艺条件等改善聚氨酯弹性体耐热形变性能的方法  相似文献   

对江西松香工业进行分析,提出江西松香工业的发展对策:调整产业结构,合理利用现有松林资源,推进松香工业发展,形成规模经济,带动江西林产工业经济的发展。  相似文献   

A new physicochemical model was built to describe the phenomena occurring during wet-spinning of polyacrylonitrile, in order to relate the integral time of coagulation to the major variables of the spinning bath. According to this model, counterdiffusion of solvent and coagulant leads the system to overcome the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions, so that precipitation of polymer occurs, at a distance from the fiber axis variable with time. This causes a moving-interface dope-coagulated polymer to build up. The integral time required by this interface to reach the fiber axis, i.e., the coagulation time, is related, by simple equations to initial radius, to temperature via diffusional coefficients, to “bath hardness” (i.e., coagulant content), and to thermodynamic phase equilibrium conditions.  相似文献   

杨松银 《广东化工》2011,38(3):172-173,171
作为工程的现场管理者,项目施工前应该首先了解工程中要做什么事,由谁去完成它,什么时间去完成它及如何组织去完成它?概括起来为"做什么,怎么做",即"DO WHAT,AND HOW?",然后根据自身条件去选择最优的方法,合适的人力,购买合格的材料,使用实用的机器,制造安全良好的施工环境,然后树立施工人员的责任心,掌握各道工序及控制点,施工时协调各方问题即可安全、保质、保量,如期完成工程。  相似文献   

化肥工业在循环经济中持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙先良 《化工进展》2005,24(2):117-121
论述了建立生态工业园区是循环经济的主要模式;介绍了以废物制取有机肥和燃料、CO2综合利用、废塑料制氨、废热发电,开发控释肥等是循环经济的实施途径;对化肥工业在循环经济中持续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

The cells of the immune system, particularly the T lymphocytes, have two main features that distinguish them from the cells of other tissues. They proliferate after activation and have the ability to move in tissues and organs. These characteristics compel them to develop metabolic plasticity in order to fulfil their immune function. This review focuses on the different known mechanisms that allow T cells to adapt their metabolism to the real-life circumstances they operate in, whether it is to exit quiescence, to differentiate into effector cells, or to participate in immune memory formation. Some of the metabolic adaptations to environmental variations that T cells are likely to undergo in their immune monitoring function are also discussed.  相似文献   

李晓颖 《云南化工》2019,(1):127-128
环境保护已经成为了我国在发展经济的过程中需要遵循的基本原则,特别是化工企业在进行生产过程中产生废料对环境的污染十分严重,必须进行无害化处理,达到排放标准。但是,传统的管理方案已经无法适应当前企业的发展需求,为了能够让环保工作切实为企业的发展做出贡献,需要采用先进的管理办法,完成对管理方法的有效探讨,创建环境友好型社会。  相似文献   

标准方差概念在光谱分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用案例教学方法演示在光谱分析技术中如何运用标准方差评价光谱测试模式、测试条件和样品前处理方法,使学生掌握将基本概念从单一指标拓展应用到图谱向量的思路和方法,培养科学思维方式与拓展应用基本概念的能力。  相似文献   

Current models suggest that among short-lived mammals, such as rodents, older adults are less attractive to the opposite sex and spend less time associated with the opposite sex than do younger adults. The objective of this study was to test two hypotheses in three different age groups of meadow voles. The first hypothesis is that 3- to 5 month old voles produce scents that are more attractive to opposite sex conspecifics than those of 7- to 12 month old and 14- to 18 month old voles. The second hypothesis is that 3- to 5 month old voles spend more time than either 7- to 12 month old or 14- to 18 month old voles investigating the scents of an opposite sex conspecific. The first experiment shows that when choosing between two conspecifics, females prefer the odor of the older male within each pair and that males prefer the odor of the 7- to 12 month old females to those of either 3- to 5 month old or 14- to 18 month old females. Thus, the data did not support the first hypothesis. The second experiment shows that the 14- to 18 month old males spent more time investigating female odors than did either the 3- to 5 month old or 7- to 12 month old males and that 7- to 12 month old females spent more time investigating male odors than did the 3- to 5 month old and 12- to 18 month old females. These data did not support the second hypothesis. Overall, older adult male meadow voles are more interested in and attractive to females than are younger adult males. The present data raise questions as to whether current models predict the age-related effects on the behavior of short-lived mammals.  相似文献   

G.M. Crippen 《Polymer》2004,45(2):509
Series approximations of the three-dimensional structure of protein conformations can provide insightful ways to detect and manipulate global features and those local to contiguous segments of the chain. Discrete cosine transforms have proven to be very useful in the past, and now wavelet transforms appear to have additional advantages. Here the emphasis is on a new generalization of the discrete Haar transform for chains of arbitrary length, as opposed to the customary powers of 2. This can be used to define a true, concrete conformation space, where different conformations correspond to points in the space, and a measure of distance between points corresponds to the customary root-mean-square deviation after optimal pairwise superposition (rmsd). Examples are given of how to do this to high accuracy. The key is to devise a rule for placing individual conformers in a standard position relative to the coordinate system, rather than superimposing them on a pairwise basis.  相似文献   

G.M. Crippen 《Polymer》2003,44(15):4373-4379
Series approximations of the three-dimensional structure of protein conformations can provide insightful ways to detect and manipulate global features and those local to contiguous segments of the chain. Discrete cosine transforms have proven to be very useful in the past, and now wavelet transforms appear to have additional advantages. Here the emphasis is on a new generalization of the discrete Haar transform for chains of arbitrary length, as opposed to the customary powers of 2. This can be used to define a true, concrete conformation space, where different conformations correspond to points in the space, and a measure of distance between points corresponds to the customary root-mean-square deviation after optimal pairwise superposition (rmsd). Examples are given of how to do this to high accuracy. The key is to devise a rule for placing individual conformers in a standard position relative to the coordinate system, rather than superimposing them on a pairwise basis.  相似文献   

The 1988 Amundson Report on research needs in chemical engineering encouraged the pursuit of frontier areas in chemical engineering with the warning, however, that attention to core areas must be preserved. Indeed, the strong core base in chemical engineering during the latter half of the 20th century enabled chemical engineers to contribute extensively to many areas outside of the traditional. The depth of such involvement has led researchers to confront questions much more engaging to the field of application. This effort has led to adopting and cultivating expertise more native to the field of application than to secure chemical engineering as a discipline. It therefore seems appropriate to ask if the warning voiced in the Amundson Report needs to be reiterated. If chemical engineering research must leave a strong trail of fundamental understanding through developed methodologies to ensure continuing progress, then this article yields considerable scope for discussion.  相似文献   

热力学和动力学可用于水泥基材料尤其是水泥浆体设计中。热力学的应用便于选择水泥浆体需要的化学组分,使得该材料具有宏观孔隙的特殊相组合,而动力学的应用,一方面可以提高早期水泥水化过程中的水化率,另一方面可以调节该材料的宏观孔隙的分布。对于含有水化硅酸钙的水泥浆体,控制晶核形成和生长的速率有助于改变细观孔隙的分布。因此,应用热力学和动力学研究水泥基材料的物理化学特性,可以大大改善这些材料的微观结构和最终的物理力学性质。  相似文献   

为适应社会对应用技能型电子技术人才的需求,应从以下几个方面着手:一是基础理论与实用技术有机结合;二是加强动手能力训练;三是提高解决实际问题能力;四是依据社会岗位需求设立科学合理的课程体系;五是加强师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

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