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在平板玻璃熔窑中广泛使用硅砖耐火材料,由于受Na_2O浸蚀,所以在高温下的蠕变和熔蚀是一个问题,即使在低温下,浸蚀物熔入玻璃,也会使玻璃制品中夹有杂质而影响玻璃质量.本研究考察了硅砖对Na_2O的吸收、玻璃相的状态和玻璃相状与硅砖组成的关系等.  相似文献   

玻璃熔窑炉顶所承受的多种应力与所熔制的玻璃组成、熔窑的设计、熔炉的操作条件以及出料率等密切相关。 在一般情况下,以硅砖作为炉顶材料,然而有些玻璃如硼硅酸盐玻璃其需要的熔制温度超过1600℃,因而硅砖的利用受到限制,特别当存在较多气焰带起的料粉时,在这温度范围  相似文献   

在对使用了40多年的焦炉炭化室炉墙实施热修时拆下的一块硅砖样品进行了试验研究。研究表明:炭化室炉墙上的硅砖在使用40多年后,主体结构依然致密均匀,强度没有降低。硅砖在使用过程中,煤中的碳组分会渗入到砖的气孔中使砖成为所谓的"硅碳砖",碳的含量约为5%,这对硅砖和炼焦传热效率的提高都是有利的。煤中的灰分对砖的炭化面会造成熔蚀,但这种熔蚀非常缓慢,且渗透力差,不能成为硅砖损坏的原因。  相似文献   

孙仕忠 《中国玻璃》2004,29(4):45-48
由于硅砖相对低廉的价格和高纯的化学成分,非常适用于玻璃熔窑的各种工作状态。现在和未来,硅砖仍然是玻璃熔窑碹的主要耐火材料。但是影响硅砖碹寿命的主要因素是其最高工作温度为1620℃,抗碱侵蚀较弱,容易形成“鼠洞”。  相似文献   

为了延长焦炉的使用寿命,解决因反复加热冷却造成的焦炉衬砖的损毁,对焦炉用砖的反复加热冷却与损毁的关系进行了调查研究,对焦炉用硅砖、堇青石砖、高铝砖、熔融硅砖的抗热震性进行了比较评价,认为熔硅砖的抗热震性最好,堇青石砖的尺寸稳定性最好。  相似文献   

石家庄焦化厂现有两座两分下喷复热式焦炉,于1979年10月投产使用,现已服役已达22年.在炭化室特别是机侧炉头部位出现剥蚀、麻面、裂缝,甚至出现熔洞等. 我厂一直沿用传统的湿法喷补及抹补的维修方法,其缺点是:修补时硅砖砌体接触面急剧变冷引起砌体的加深损坏;不能与原砌体牢固结合,易脱落,修补质量差; 使用周期短,材料消耗大.  相似文献   

主要针对熔制硼硅酸盐玻璃时对锆刚玉砖、镁砖、硅砖的侵蚀情况进行实验分析.为合理选择熔窑耐火材料提供参考.  相似文献   

继第Ⅰ、Ⅱ部分之后,本文对玻璃窑顶硅砖在服役过程中出现异常缺陷,如在局部掏成“鼠洞”、由于烧损形成熔滴(滴)和机械式“抽签”等问题进行了系统研究。通过对不同损毁的残砖形貌的观察和进行化学、矿物学和物理性能的测定,分析每种残砖的相变和化学迁移过程。指出了造成缺陷的原因,讨论了损毁机理和影响条件,对解决和防止类似问题有着实际意义。  相似文献   

该发明属于一种生产耐碱玻璃纤维用玻璃球的方法及其窑炉。采用石英砂、锆英砂、金红石、方解石、萤石及硝酸钾、纯碱或再引入部分熟料作为原、辅料,经粉碎,配制混合料,熔制,冷却、澄清,制球,最后经退火处理而制得高氧化锆耐碱玻璃球;而熔制玻璃液的窑炉为含换热室,内、外大碹、小炉及燃气喷口,烟道,胸墙,前、后脸墙,流液洞,澄清池及喂料嘴的双碹窑炉;该窑炉采用无缩孔电熔锆刚玉砖及优质硅砖作熔化池及双碹等的内衬或砌体。而具有熔制温度稳定、波动小,玻球质量高、其拉丝率可达86%以上,原材料及能耗低,环境污染小并可降低生产成本10%左右。克服了背景技术窑内温度波动大、温差大,玻球质量差,生产成本较高等弊病。  相似文献   

该发明属于一种生产耐碱玻璃纤维用玻璃球的方法及其窑炉。采用石英砂、锆英砂、金红石、方解石、萤石及硝酸钾、纯碱或再引入部分熟料作为原、辅料,经粉碎,配制混合料,熔制,冷却,澄清,制球,最后经退火处理而制得高氧化锆耐碱玻璃球;而熔制玻璃液的窑炉为含换热室,内、外大碹、小炉及燃气喷口,烟道,胸墙,前、后脸墙,流液洞,澄清池及喂料嘴的双碹窑炉;该窑炉采用无缩孔电熔锆刚玉砖及优质硅砖作熔化池及双碹等的内衬或砌体。其熔制温度稳定,波动小,玻球质量高,其拉丝率可达86%以上,原材料及能耗低,环境污染小并可降低生产成本10%左右。克服了背景技术窑内温度波动大、温差大、玻球质量差、生产成本较高等弊病。  相似文献   

A discussion is presented of the preparation of the sample specimen and the polishing, etching, and identification of phases when the technique is applied to basic and silica refractories. This method shows the relationship of high-iron slag to tridymite and cristobalite in the silica brick and it aids in the explanation of the bursting of chrome-magnesite brick by iron oxide.  相似文献   

Abstract During the burning of silica refractories, spots or areas of dark cream to a reddish-brown color may develop in some of the brick or shapes. This is often called mottling, and its occurrence during the manufacture of the product cannot be definitely controlled. Questions occasionally arise as to whether the colored brick are of as good quality as the uniformly cream-colored brick. No records are available to show or indicate that color as such has been a cause of shorter life or failure in service. Data are presented that were obtained from testing the mottled and light-colored brick, and these show that there is no practical difference between them; consequently, color alone should not be a criterion for judging quality. The traces of iron present in the silica used are a necessary constituent in the formation of the color. The light-colored product, however, contains the same quantity of iron. It is not entirely clear as to how the iron is present in the two types. Unknown conditions during manufacture are such that the traces of iron may be influenced to form either the light or mottled brick, but the process cannot be controlled. A considerable amount of experimental work is presented which shows the nature of the color behavior with comments on certain conditions that cause the color formation.  相似文献   

The data in this report were obtained during the years of 1923, 1924, and 1925. Among the topics studied were the effects of color in silica brick resulting from the lime, iron oxide, and alumina content of the brick and from varying drying and firing conditions. The effect on color of sulfur gases from coal and the time-temperature relations are also discussed. The lime-alumina ratio, the, iron oxide content of the brick, and setting and firing conditions are concluded to be the most significant factors related to the color of the product.  相似文献   

The microstructures that are developed when iron oxide reacts with excess silica at elevated temperatures are described. Compacts of powdered quartz and iron oxide were heated to various temperatures and under selected conditions of oxidation to determine the effect of these parameters on microstructure. The results show that temperature has a small but measurable effect on the geometry of the silica and liquid phases. The oxidation level does not have an effect on the geometry of the phases in this system other than to reduce the liquid content by introducing magnetite as a secondary phase. The strength of silica brick in the presence of high liquid contents probably arises from the interfacial-energy relations which maintain considerable solid-to-solid contact at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Fire-clay brick in the open hearth are normally subjected to medium temperatures and to the action of slag containing high percentages of iron and lime. Temperatures near the maximum of the open hearth itself may exist due to failure to reverse the draft and for that reason brick of high refractoriness are used. Resistance to spalling action is not of primary importance because the temperature change is small. The indications obtained from a laboratory test were that brick having a high alumina content would resist the slag action better than ones higher in silica.  相似文献   

显微结构分析表明:焦炉炭化室用后硅砖中或多或少存在残余石英,而燃烧室由于温度较高,其硅砖中的石英逐渐经亚稳方石英转变为鳞石英.焦炉用后硅砖的相变过程只限于石英和亚稳方石英的转化,随着石英和亚稳方石英逐渐转变成鳞石英,硅砖结构趋于稳定.炭化室用后硅砖表面出现碳沉积并石墨化,对硅砖起到保护作用,并有利于提高炭化室的热导率.  相似文献   

Silica refractory has excellent high-temperature performance, but its apparent porosity is relatively high. In this work, samples obtained before and after creep testing of silica brick (1550 °C, 50 h), from used silica checker brick (existing only tridymite and amorphous) and from used dome brick (existing only cristobalite and amorphous) were investigated using a three-dimensional structure model based on X-ray computed tomography (CT). The results show that the porosity of silica brick was high but consisted mainly of interconnected pores, with a very small proportion of closed pores (smaller after long-term use). During the use of silica brick, the morphology and phase transformation caused large particles to rupture, and the mineralizer became liquid at high temperature. The broken particles and interconnected pores provided channels for the migration of the liquid in the brick at high temperature. The silica brick presented a homogeneous ceramic structure during long-term operation. Tridymite or cristobalite presented a solid frame leading to an excellent creep performance of the silica brick (the creep rate of the checker brick was ?0.16% at 1550 °C for 50 h). Results were discussed, compared with literature and a model for the transformation of the silica brick from a refractory structure to a homogeneous ceramic structure was established in this paper.  相似文献   

分析了残砖各段带的化学成分变化及相组成变化 ,指出硅砖的损毁机理是相变和蚀损。高纯致密的优质硅砖可以提高玻璃窑的使用效率和使用寿命  相似文献   

近几年中国硅砖的内在质量和外观质量都有了显著提高 ,已达到或接近世界先进水平。中国硅砖年产量超过30万t,占世界产量的 70 %以上 ,并大量出口到日本、美国、加拿大等国家与地区 ;中国硅砖生产厂家与国外厂家的技术、贸易合作发展良好。加入WTO后 ,应进一步扩大与世界各国的科技合作和经贸合作 ,进一步提高和稳定我国硅砖产品的质量。  相似文献   

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