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中国化工报 《橡胶科技》2020,18(10):0555-0555
正从2020年9月1日起,三角轮胎股份有限公司(简称三角轮胎)先后在吉林、黑龙江、辽宁等地连续举办多场冬季轮胎发布会,向市场推出最新升级和上市的冬季轮胎产品,2020年三角轮胎的冬季轮胎销售季全面开启。每年9月至次年1月是冬季轮胎的销售旺季。近年来,随着人们安全意识的提升,越来越多的驾乘者认识到冬季轮胎的好处,国内市场对冬季轮胎的需求呈逐年增长态势。  相似文献   

朱永康 《橡胶科技》2016,14(3):32-32
正据爱尔兰产业咨询机构"研究与市场"公司发布的报告预测,2015—2019年世界丁苯橡胶(SBR)市场将以7.36%的复合年增长率增长,到2020年世界SBR市值有望达到231亿美元。SBR广泛应用于轮胎、鞋类、聚合物改性、胶粘剂等领域。轮胎行业是SBR的最大市场。轮胎行业对SBR需求上升是推动SBR市场发展的主要因素。随着欧盟、日本和韩国轮胎标签法规的实施,环保、耐用、抓着力大、滚动阻力小、节能减排的绿色轮胎越来越受到青睐,溶聚丁苯  相似文献   

朱永康 《橡胶科技》2016,14(3):44-44
正据史密瑟斯·拉普纳(Smithers Rapra)公司新近发布的研究报告,全球非轮胎用弹性体市场呈稳步增长趋势。报告指出,2013年全球非轮胎用弹性体总消费量为1 320万t,2014年为1 350万t,预计2013—2020年全球非轮胎用弹性体总消费量以年均3.1%的速度增长,到2020年达到1 630万t。从区域来看,亚太地区对非轮胎用弹性体的需求增长速度高于世界平均水平,但是与该地区新  相似文献   

欧债危机悬而未决,世界经济增长乏力,化工行业走势不稳,许多企业选择向外扩张,满足增长需求。目前,中国已成为全球第二大汽车市场。 据数据显示,至2020年,中国车辆将从7500万辆增加到2.15亿辆。汽车产量的增长将带动轮胎产业的快速发展。此外,市场需求也已经发生改变,对高性能轮胎和子午线轮胎的需求正在日益增长,新的轮胎必须具备节能、舒适和安全的特性。  相似文献   

艾丰 《橡胶科技》2014,12(11):59-59
国际市场研究及咨询机构TechSci公司预测,2014~2019年,阿根廷轮胎市场将以10%左右的复合年增长率递增。 低下的机动车使用率,加上可支配收入上升,以及中小企业部门日益增多,正在扩大汽车在阿根廷的普及率,,从而预示着这个南美国家轮胎市场光明的未来。 2012年,阿根廷轮胎市场(特别是乘用车部门)的增长受到国内不利经济状况的冲击,进而影响了该国对轮胎的需求。尽管如此,2013年乘用车销量依然出现了强劲的反弹,增长率高达两位数,从而提振了轮胎市场。目前,世界上主要的汽车制造商,例如福特、通用汽车、依维柯、奔驰、标致-雪铁龙、雷诺、丰田、大众、菲亚特和本田,均已进入阿根廷汽车市场开展业务。从区域需求份额来看,潘帕斯平原、西部干燥大草原和潘佩阿纳斯山脉地区占该国轮胎需求的60%以上。  相似文献   

2015年1月23日,由中国汽车工程学会汽车经济发展研究分会主办,轮胎世界网承办的"汽车-轮胎跨界发展高峰论坛——2015年汽车市场对轮胎市场影响分析"在京举行。与会专家针对国家宏观政策对汽车和零部件市场的影响、2015-2016年国内汽车市场发展趋势、自主品牌汽车市场发展前景、商用车对全钢子午线轮胎的需求、乘用车对半钢子午线轮胎的需求、后市场对替换轮胎的需求、工程机械市场对轮胎的需求、轮胎电商的发展趋势  相似文献   

<正>国外市场研究机构Research and Markets于日前发布最新研究报告称,2015年日本轮胎市场规模有望超过260亿美元(约合人民币1624.4亿元)。报告中认为,小型和Mini型客车的需求增长以及对高品质轮胎的需求增长将在未来几年影响日本轮胎市场的发展。其中,轿车轮胎市场仍然是日本轮胎市场中占主导地位的细分市场,其次是轻型商务车和重型商务车轮胎市场。出口方面,欧洲、北美和中东是日本主要的  相似文献   

朱永康 《橡胶科技》2018,16(6):26-26
正据美国轮胎制造商协会(USTMA)的最新数据显示,2017年美国高性能轮胎需求连续第8年上升,在原配轮胎和替换轮胎市场中高性能轮胎出货量占比分别达到56%和45%。2017年,在美国替换轮胎市场中,H级及以上的轮胎出货量同比增长9.1%,达到9 200万条,占替换轮胎总出货量的45%,而2016年该占比为41%。其中,H级轮胎出货量同比增长11.7%,达到4 880万条;V级轮胎出货量同比增长8.4%,达到2 580万条;Z级轮胎出货量同比增长3.6%,达到  相似文献   

陈维芳 《橡胶科技》2020,18(10):0550-0555
评述2020年世界轮胎75强排行榜(按企业2019年度与轮胎制造有关的销售额排名)。2020年度轮胎企业排名变化较大;2019年轮胎销售额下降,世界轮胎行业进入下降通道,营业利润同比小幅增长,但赢利后劲不容乐观;世界轮胎行业投资额有所增长,但行业投资信心不足;研发费用继续增长。预测2020年世界轮胎需求放缓,利润水平大幅下降,轮胎投资有减少趋势,轮胎行业未来发展不确定性增大。  相似文献   

中国化工报 《橡胶科技》2020,18(10):0598-0598
正近期不少轮胎企业发布调涨公告,国内轮胎市场迎来涨价潮。据统计,截至2020年8月31日,已经有山东银宝轮胎集团、三角轮胎股份有限公司(简称三角轮胎)、建新轮胎(福建)有限公司、宁夏神州轮胎有限公司、中国台湾正新轮胎有限公司等10余家轮胎企业开启涨价模式,价格涨幅在1%~5%。业内资深人士表示,轮胎企业接连调涨报价主要是原材料成本上升以及下游需求恢复所致,在轮胎价格上涨带动下,轮胎板块有望盘出谷底。  相似文献   

An investigation was performed of the changes that occur in a typical epoxy-coated aluminium system due to exposure to water. The adhesion of the epoxy coating upon exposure to water was evaluated for different exposure temperatures and periods. The adhesion test results showed an initial loss of adhesion of the coating but after this the adhesion improved again and even significantly exceeded adhesion prior to exposure. The amount of adhesion improvement and the speed with which adhesion improvement occurred was found to be larger for higher exposure temperatures. The changes that occur in the epoxy-coated aluminium system due to exposure to water were investigated using a number of different analytical techniques. Based on this, a model was proposed for the processes that take place during exposure and which can explain the adhesion test results. First, the adhesion of the epoxy coating is lost upon exposure due to the accumulation of a significant amount of water at the interface. The water at the interface causes formation and growth of a thin oxyhydroxide layer underneath the epoxy coating. After some time, this oxyhydroxide layer re-establishes contact with the epoxy coating and forms a new, water-stable bond, hence explaining the improvement of the adhesion after its initial loss.

The temperature-dependence observed in the adhesion test results is explained by the fact that at a higher exposure temperature, more water accumulates at the interface, the oxyhydroxide layer grows faster and also attains a larger limiting thickness.  相似文献   

<正> BASF will invest in a dispersions plant inDaya Bay Petrochemical Industrial Park inHuizhou, Guangdong province, southernChina.With an annual capacity of 100 000tons, the new plant will produce XSB dispersionsfor the paper industry and acrylicdispersions for industries such as coatings,construction, printing packaging andadhesives.BASF announced August 16th.The facility will benefit from local avail-  相似文献   

The application of automation in production is discussed with regard to continuous and batch processes. Batch processes are more difficult to automate because the parameters of the system vary with time.  相似文献   

Some of the more extensive programs directed to the control of salmonellosis in domestic animals, which have been conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, are identified. These have been singularly successful, insofar as the economics of production is concerned. However, they fall short of meeting the present market demand for food free from all of the 900–1,200 odd serotype species ofSalmonella considered potentially infectious for man. The increasing incidence of salmonellosis in man, and the identification of domestic animals as a major reservoir of various species ofSalmonella, has made it necessary to broaden the objective of existing programs, expand the research effort, and intensify testing schedules in many of the existing regulatory control programs. The activities of a special salmonella task force set up to coordinate research with the needs of the various regulatory agencies specifically concerned are reviewed. Data developed by the Animal Health Division in a market survey of feed and feed ingredients as carriers of salmonella are presented. The more pressing problems and the current programs within other Divisions are discussed, insofar as the findings to date may serve to identify future needs. Presented at the AOCS-AACC Joint Meeting, Washington, D.C., April, 1968.  相似文献   

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