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(1)广州华昶供应:呋喃酮乙酸酯(英国)、呋喃酮(芬美意)、反,反-2,4-庚二烯醛(英国);反,反-2,4-壬二烯醛(英国);反,反-2,4-癸二烯醛(花臣);反-2-己烯醛;反-2-庚烯醛;反-2-辛烯醛;反-2-壬烯醛;反-2-癸烯醛;反-2-十一烯醛;3-丙叉酞内酯(英);1-戊烯-2-醇(英);2-甲基丁硫醇(英);2-甲  相似文献   

以GC/MS分析辣椒香味成分,共有2-庚烯醛、1-辛烯-3-醇、叶酸、柳酸甲酯、2,4-癸二烯醛、香兰素、壬酰胺、十五内酯、十五酸、辣椒素等四十一种成分被鉴定。  相似文献   

从豆粕中浸提脂肪氧合酶粗酶液。葵花油皂化制备脂肪酸。通过单因素实验和正交实验研究了温度、时间、脂肪酸质量浓度、酶、空气流速、pH等因素对于脂肪酸氧化的影响,确定了获得较高过氧化值(79.56 mmol/kg)氧化产物的氧化工艺:酶液100 mL〔m(豆粕)∶m(水)=1∶5浸提制备〕,ρ(脂肪酸)=84 g/L,氧化温度10℃,缓冲液pH=9、空气流速0.12 m3/h,氧化时间6 h。经同时蒸馏萃取,氧化产物被降解并萃取出生成的香成分,萃取液浓缩得香味料,具有青香、油脂香香气特征,收率为320 g/kg葵花油。经气-质联机分析,香味料主要由己醛、反-2-壬烯醛、2,4-癸二烯醛、反-4-壬烯醛等C5~C11的挥发性饱和或不饱和脂肪醛组成。  相似文献   

肖玲香  黄飞  张玉顺  陶云海 《化学试剂》2019,41(10):1093-1097
标题化合物是水稻螟虫的信息素成分。从十二碳二醇出发,经单酯化和氧化得到乙酸12-氧代十二碳酯,经Wittig反应得到乙酸12顺-十七碳烯酯,再经水解和氧化得到12顺-十七碳烯醛,与甲氧基甲基三苯基氯化膦进行Wittig反应得到13顺-1-甲氧基十八碳-1,13-二烯,水解得到标题化合物,再经还原和乙酯化分别得到13顺-十八碳烯醇和乙酸13顺-十八碳烯酯。  相似文献   

采用固相微萃取法分别提取常压和加压制备的猪肉香精中挥发性成分,并结合气相色谱-质谱联用技术和气相色谱-嗅闻技术对萃取成分进行鉴定,结果显示:常压香精中共鉴定出46种挥发性成分,包括烃类5种(6.58%),醛类16种(21.2%),醇类10种(6.07%),酯类和酸类共计9种(4.98%),杂环及其它化合物6种(37.19%)。加压香精中共鉴定出38种挥发性成分,包括烃类3种(1.49%),醛类14种(9.65%),醇类6种(1.96%),酯类、酮类和酸类共计5种(2.09%),杂环及其它化合物10种(47.73%)。从两者中共同鉴定出的化合物有22种,包括α-蒎烯、壬醛、苯甲醛、反-2-壬烯醛、枯茗醛、反,反-2,4-癸二烯醛、蘑菇醇、4-萜烯醇、4-甲基-5-羟乙基噻唑、2-戊基呋喃、草蒿脑、茴香脑等。  相似文献   

2,4-癸二烯醛在肉味香精中作用机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2,4-癸二烯醛是亚油酸降解的产物,在不同油脂以及不同肉味香精的挥发性成分中都能检测到2,4-癸二烯醛的存在,它对肉的特征香气的形成具有一定的作用.主要介绍了2,4-癸二烯醛的理化性质、氧化降解过程及其对肉香味形成的作用,并对其副作用加以阐述,最后对其作用机制的研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取与GC-MS联用方法对煎鸡蛋中挥发性成分进行提取与分析,考察萃取头、萃取温度和吸附时间对分析结果的影响,得到优化的顶空固相微萃取条件为:黑色萃取头(75μm Carboxen/PDMS),吸附温度75℃,吸附时间70 min。在优化的条件下分析,共鉴定出50种挥发性风味成分,其中,醛类16种(40.588%)、含氮化合物14种(23.639%)、醇类8种(7.156%)、烃类3种(4.800%)、酚类及杂环化合物3种(1.755%)、酮类3种(0.868%)及含硫化合物3种(0.563%)。鉴定出含量较高(相对质量分数大于2.5%)的物质有:2,5-二甲基吡嗪、3-甲基丁醛、2-甲基吡嗪、壬醛、苯甲醛、反,反-2,4-癸二烯醛、辛醛、2-甲基丁醛、反-2-癸烯醛、3,7-二甲基-1,6-辛二烯、1-辛烯-3-醇。  相似文献   

<正>(1)上海志浦化工有限公司供应:2-甲基-3-甲硫基呋喃、吡嗪基乙硫醇、反,反-2,4-癸二烯醛、反,反-2,4-壬二烯醛、双(2-甲基-3-呋喃基)二硫醚、4-甲基-4-巯基-2-戊酮、3-甲基-2-丁硫醇、2-甲基四氢呋喃-3-酮、硫代乳酸、2-乙酰基吡啶、2,3,5,6-四甲基吡嗪、4-甲基-5-乙酰氧乙基噻唑、2,4,5-三甲基噻唑、四氢噻吩-3-酮、香兰素、3-巯基-2-丁醇、二糠基二硫、甲基(2-甲基-3-呋喃基)二硫醚、2-乙酰基噻唑、呋喃酮乙酸酯、2-乙酰基吡嗪、4-甲基-5-羟乙基噻唑、二丙基二硫醚、2,3,5-三甲基吡嗪、糠基  相似文献   

徐士琪  白佳伟  杨文熙  刘玉平  孙宝国 《精细化工》2019,36(9):1857-1862,1873
草果是一种天然香料植物,为了确定干草果中的关键香气成分,采用溶剂萃取结合溶剂辅助风味成分蒸发的方法提取了干草果果壳和干草果种仁中的挥发性成分,使用气相色谱-质谱-嗅觉检测器联用仪对所得提取物进行了分析,鉴定出22个香气活性成分;通过与标准品的香气特征、质谱、保留指数进行比对,对它们进行了定性。以2-辛醇和2-异丙基苯酚为内标,对22个香气活性成分(OACs)进行了定量分析,结果表明,OACs在干草果种仁中的含量大于在干草果果壳中的含量。计算了OACs的香气活性值;根据香气活性值,确定出了干草果中的19种关键香气成分。其中,反-2-癸烯醛、1,8-桉叶素、芳樟醇、反-2-十二烯醛、辛醛、反-2-辛烯醛、癸醛、β-蒎烯、正己醛、α-松油醇、香兰素是果壳和种仁共有的关键香气物质,它们使得二者香气具有相似之处;而(E,E)-2,4-癸二烯醛、壬醛、橙花醇、香叶醇、香叶醛、乙酸香叶酯、反式橙花叔醇、4-松油醇是导致二者香气有所不同的主要成分。  相似文献   

以天然产物中含有的大量组分油酸为初始原料合成了2种鳞翅目螟蛾科昆虫性信息素组分顺-9-十八碳烯-1-醇乙酸酯与顺-9-十八碳烯醛,并通过NMR、IR对中间体和目标化合物的结构进行了表征。结果表明,油酸经四氢铝锂还原后,再经乙酸酐酯化得到的顺-9-十八碳烯-1-醇乙酸酯和经氯铬酸吡啶■盐(PCC)氧化得到的顺-9-十八碳烯醛的总收率分别为88.0%和66.0%。该合成方法原料廉价易得、合成路线短、收率高,解决了PCC氧化反应中Cr~(3+)残留问题,实现了2种昆虫性信息素的简便合成,具有较高的可行性。  相似文献   

用氮气冲洗、Sep PakC18固相萃取柱吸附和冷有机溶剂捕集提取烟熏腊鸡肉的挥发性成分,用色谱-质谱联用法测定结构,用气相色谱(FID检测器)法进行定量分析。结果表明,烟熏腊鸡肉的主要香气成分为11个酚及其衍生物,以及N 异丙基甲亚磺酰氨基 2 环己烯 2 酮、5 甲基 4 异丙烯基 4 己烯醛、4,6 二甲基 3 苯甲烯氨基 2 (1H)吡啶酮、3 (2,2 二甲基亚丙基)二环[3,3,1]壬烷 2,4 二酮、2,6 二叔丁基 4 羟基 4 甲基 2,5 环己二烯 1 酮、2,6 二叔丁基 4 亚甲基 2,5 环己二烯 1 酮、二苯胺、十八醛、6 甲氧基 1 吲哚 2 基 3,4 二氢 β 咔啉和2,5 二苯基 3 (2 糠酰)吡咯,其中酚及其衍生物主要提供烟熏香,烟熏腊鸡肉的挥发性成分与新鲜鸡肉的挥发性成分是不同的。  相似文献   

鸡肉及其酶解液挥发性风味成分的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究酶解对鸡肉挥发性风味成分的影响,采用SPME法提取鸡肉及其酶解液中的挥发性风味成分,用气相色谱-质谱联用技术进行分离鉴定。结果显示:鸡肉酶解液共鉴定出63种挥发性风味成分,包括醛类19种、醇类7种、酸类2种、酮类6种、酯类2种、醚类2种、酚类3种、烃类8种、杂环化合物14种。水煮鸡肉的挥发性风味成分共19种,包括醛类11种、醇类3种、酮类1种、酯类1种、烃类2种、杂环化合物1种。两者共同鉴定出的物质有:己醛、辛醛、壬醛、(E)-2-辛烯醛、苯甲醛、苯乙醛、(E,E)-2,4-癸二烯醛、对甲氧基苯甲醛、1-辛烯-3-醇、右旋萜二烯。  相似文献   

Some frying by‐products of medium polarity, so‐called medium‐polarity materials (MPM), produced during domestic deep‐frying of French‐fried potatoes in edible vegetable oils, have recently been isolated and linearly correlated to % total polar materials and % polymerized triglycerides. The in vitro oxidation of low‐density lipoproteins in a dose‐dependent manner by MPM has also been reported. In the present study, the MPM constituents were identified after extraction of MPM from the oils, subsequent purification by RP‐HPLC, and GC‐MS analysis. The main constituent of MPM was trans,trans‐2,4‐decadienal, a compound that has previously been reported to be formed during peroxidation of linoleic and arachidonic acid. 2,4‐Decadienal was also quantified in oils and fats used for frying in restaurants in Athens, Greece, by direct injection of oil sample solutions in HPLC. For the most commonly used frying oils, 2,4‐decadienal concentration ranges were 0.3–119.7 mg/kg for sunflower oil, 13.3–92.7 mg/kg for cottonseed oil, 4.1–44.9 mg/kg for palm oil, and 2.0–11.3 mg/kg for vegetable cooking fats. Considering the common catering practices of frying, 2,4‐decadienal was more likely to be found in sunflower oil after deep‐frying of potatoes. Comparing the amounts of this aldehyde found in oils from restaurants to the amounts previously found for domestic frying (up to 30 mg/kg after the 8th successive frying session in sunflower oil), the probability of consuming a level of 2,4‐decadienal in restaurant‐prepared food that is higher than the level in home‐fried food was determined to be approximately one third.  相似文献   

Trans,trans‐2,4‐decadienal is a by‐product of frying oil that is also transferred to fried food. This aldehyde has been found and quantified both in frying oils and fumes generated during frying. Furthermore, it has been reported that 2,4‐decadienal has cytotoxic and genotoxic effects and promotes LDL oxidation. In the present work trans,trans‐2,4‐decadienal was detected directly in fried potatoes (french‐fries). Moreover, the influence of frying conditions (deep‐frying, pan‐frying), the oil type (olive oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, palm oil and a vegetable shortening) and the degree of thermal deterioration (eight successive frying sessions without replenishment) on the production of 2,4‐decadienal in oil and potatoes was studied. The isolation of the aldehyde was performed by methanol extraction, while the identification and quantification was performed by RP‐HPLC. The quantity of trans,trans‐2,4‐decadienal produced during successive pan‐frying demonstrated a peak at the third and fourth frying session. The highest concentration of trans,trans‐2,4‐decadienal was detected in potatoes fried in sunflower oil, and the lowest in olive oil. The quantity of trans,trans‐2,4‐decadienal in fried potatoes decreased during successive deep‐frying at the seventh frying session or remained stable, except for cottonseed oil. The quantity of trans,trans‐2,4‐decadienal in fried potatoes was considered to be dependent on the oil used, on the frying process and, to a lesser extent, on the oil deterioration. In all cases tested, the highest concentration of trans,trans‐2,4‐decadienal was detected during deep‐frying. The unsaturation degree of the frying oil was considered to promote the formation of trans,trans‐2,4‐decadienal. Considering the quantity of 2,4‐decadienal found in french‐fries and in the respective frying medium, direct quantification of 2,4‐decadienal is required in order to make an estimation of intake from french‐fries.  相似文献   

同时蒸馏萃取/气-质联用分析黑龙江香菇香味成分   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在3个萃取时间下(2、4、6 h),用极性色谱柱DB-WAX,同时蒸馏萃取/气-质联用分析了黑龙江产香菇的香味成分,鉴定出137种成分,包括含氧杂环、含硫类、含氮杂环、苯酚类、醛类、酮类、醇类等。对比萃取率、萃取物气味特征及气-质联用分析结果,确定最佳萃取时间为6 h,此时萃取率0.51%,鉴定出相对质量分数较高的香味成分为3,5-二甲基-1,2,4-三硫杂环戊烷(4.20%)、二甲基二硫醚(3.07%),1,2,4,6-四硫杂环庚烷(3.33%)、甲基(甲硫基)甲基二硫醚(2.34%)、1,3,5-三硫杂环己烷(2.22%)、1-(2-噻吩基)乙酮(2.21%)、1-辛烯-3-醇(2.03%)。  相似文献   

Volatile compounds released by disturbed and calm female and male Lygus lineolaris were collected and analyzed. Six major compounds were present in samples from disturbed bugs and from calm females: (E)-2-hexenal, 1-hexanol, (E)-2-hexenol, hexyl butyrate, (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate, and (E)-2,4-oxohexenal. (E)-2-hexenal was lacking in volatiles collected from calm males. Hexyl butyrate accounted for approximately 68% and 66% of volatiles released by agitated and calm females, and 87% and 88% of volatiles released by agitated and calm males, respectively. Blends released by disturbed insects differed quantitatively from blends released by calm insects, with amounts of compounds increasing 75–350 times in samples from disturbed insects. In static air bioassays, both females and males were repelled by natural volatiles collected from females and by five-component [(E)-2,4-oxohexenal excluded] and six-component synthetic blends at doses of 1 and 10 bug-hours, indicating that these volatiles may serve an alarm or epideictic function, as well as a possible role as defensive allomones. Adults also avoided hexyl butyrate, (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate, (E)-2-hexenol, and (E)-2,4-oxohexenal, but not 1-hexanol and (E)-2-hexenal when compounds were assayed individually in static air bioassays at doses equal to 1 bug-hour. When tested over 1 day in two-choice cage trials, adults did not prefer untreated bean plants over bean plants surrounded by vials releasing up to 8.1 mg/hr (=234 bug-hours) of the five-component synthetic blend. Therefore, the volatiles produced by disturbed adults would not be useful as a repellent for L. lineolaris.  相似文献   

Volatile and phenolic compositions of olive oil obtained from the cv. Halhali were investigated in the present study. Fruits were harvested at the optimum maturity stage of ripeness and immediately processed with cold press. Simultaneous distillation/extraction (SDE) with dichloromethane was applied to the analysis of volatile compounds of olive oil. Sensory analysis showed that the aromatic extract obtained by SDE was representative of olive oil odour. In the olive oil, 40 and 44 volatile components were identified and quantified in 2010 and 2012 year, respectively. The total amount of volatile compounds was 18,007 and 19,178 μg kg?1 for 2010 and 2012, respectively. Of these, 11 compounds in the 2010 and 12 in the 2012 harvest presented odour activity values (OAVs) greater than 1, with 1‐octen‐3‐ol, ethyl‐3‐methyl butanoate, (E)‐2‐heptenal and (E,Z)‐2,4‐decadienal being those with the highest OAVs in olive oil. The high‐performance liquid chromatographic method coupled with diode‐array detection was used to identify and quantify phenolic compounds of the olive oil. A total of 14 phenolic compounds in both years were identified and quantified in olive oil. The major phenolic compounds that were identified in both years were hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, elenolic acid, luteolin, and apigenin. Antioxidant activity of olive oil was measured using the DPPH and ABTS methods.  相似文献   

The addition of 0.02% ascorbyl palmitate (AP) reduced color development of frying fat (animal fat/vegetable oil [A-V] shortening) and vegetable oil (partially hydrogenated soybean [V-S] oil) in simulation studies. It also reduced peroxide values, development of conjugated diene hydroperoxides (CDHP) and their subsequent degradation to volatile compounds, such as decanal and 2,-4 decadienal, indicating that AP has the ability to inhibit thermal oxidation/degradation of frying fats and oils. A commercial french fry fat had lower CDHP values compared to A-V fat in simulated studies, and fried chicken oil had lower CDHP values than the V-S oil. Peanut oil had higher thermal stability than the other fats and oils.  相似文献   

Cod liver oil (CLO) with no added antioxidants (REF), 200 mg/kg ascorbyl palmitate (AP), and/or 800 mg/kg tocopherol concentrate (TOH) were stored in sealed bottles with a small headspace of air at 25°C in the dark. A binary mix of TOH +AP affected the sensory perception of CLO by leading to a more grass/cucumber-like and less herring oil-like impression, whereas TOH alone had no effect. This was caused by the different influence of the antioxidants with regard to formation of volatile oxidation products. TOH+AP promoted formation of, e.g., hexanal, 2-hexenal, and 2,6-nonadienal and inhibited formation of, e.g., 2,4-heptadienal. TOH affected the proportions of trans, cis-and trans,trans-2,4-heptadienal that were formed and inhibited formation of, e.g., 1-penten-3-ol, whereas formation of acetic acid and some other volatiles was inhibited by both antioxidants. The total amount of volatiles increased during the experiment, and with REF were significantly higher (P<0.05) than with TOH. The PV increased during the first 2 wk of storage. PV levels were in the order of TOH>REF>TOH+AP. The observed effects could partly be explained by hydrogen donation from TOH to peroxyl radicals, but the mode of action for AP was unclear.  相似文献   

Black cumin and hazelnut oils were subjected to a heating process in a microwave oven for a duration of 2, 4, 6 and 8 min at a constant frequency of 2450 MHz and a power of 0.45 kW. The ultraviolet absorption and volatile products of the oils were investigated in detail during the processes. The experimental evidences obtained show that K232 and K270 parameters reach values of 4.69 and 1.30 for black cumin oil, 3.22 and 1.75 for hazelnut oil, respectively with the increment of heating time. The headspace SPME method was used to analyze volatile compounds extracted from black cumin and hazelnut oils being exposed to the microwave heating process. The SPME–GC/MS method allowed the detection of 17 identified volatile compounds (hexanal, α‐thujene, α‐pinene, sabinene, β‐pinene, 2‐heptenal, α‐terpinene, limonene, p‐cymene, γ‐terpinene, E‐2‐octenal, nonanal, 4‐terpineol, thymoquinone, E,E‐2,4‐decadienal, α‐longipinene and isolongifolene) in black cumin oils. Of the products, hexanal, 2‐heptenal, E‐2‐octenal, nonanal and E,E‐2,4‐decadienal were determined to be the predominant volatile oxidation products. In fact, the hexanal was found as a major volatile oxidation compound and reached a local maximum point of 7.41 × 106 AU at the end of heating. On the other hand, only 8 volatile oxidation products (hexanal, heptanal, 2‐heptenal, nonanal, E‐2‐decenal, E,Z‐2,4‐decadienal, E,E‐2,4‐decadienal and E‐2‐tridecenal) were identified in hazelnut oils as a consequence of the heating process. Based on the experimental evidence observed, it is reasonable to conclude that the nonanal content dramatically increased at the end of heating and reached a value of 9.22 × 106 AU.  相似文献   

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