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根据规模与成本的关系规律,用实例分析了炼油行业规模和成本的关系,简述了我国炼油行业规模与国外的差距,强调了炼油行业扩大规模的重要性.  相似文献   

近年来,由于石油行业的高速发展,人们对石油资源及石油产品的需求日益增大,由于石油资源紧缺,导致石油行业竞争持续加大,对于现代1000万t/a炼油项目工程的建设,建设管理与成本控制的研究就显得尤为重要。大批的技术能力强、业务素养高、实践经验丰富的中青年技术骨干的加入,使得近几年来现代大型炼油企业工程项目的管理与成本控制的发展突飞猛进。但是,现代大型炼油企业工程项目的管理与成本控制仍是当今炼油企业工程项目研究中的一项重大战略课题。  相似文献   

胡国埏 《江苏化工》1999,27(6):30-35
论述了美国1990年通过清洁空气修正案后美国汽油,质量上的变化以及环保法规对炼油工业的重大影响。环保法规加严将影响炼油工业的生产装置操作、结构、成本及产品质量和未来的投资。指出了国内炼油工业与国外的差距。  相似文献   

调整我国炼油工业结构提高炼厂规模经济性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍工厂规模及生产装置大型化是世界炼油工业发展基本趋势的基础上 ,分析了炼厂规模大型化的缺点及其制约因素 ,指出炼油厂的经济规模是规模的经济因素与市场环境的经济因素的有机结合 ,并对我国炼厂的结构调整提出了具体建议  相似文献   

我国炼油企业竞争力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了国内外炼油工业的概况,以Royal Dutch Shell、BP PLC、Total Fina Elf3家跨国公司和中国石油、中国石化、镇海炼化、广州石化4家国内典型炼油企业作为分析对象,从规模实力、盈利能力、营销能力、技术创新能力、国际化经营能力、资源控制能力方面进行了研究。提出了扩大装置规模、提高装置负荷率、降低原油采购成本、寻求产品出口、提高油品质量,以提高国内炼油企业竞争力的建议。  相似文献   

本刊讯未来几年全球炼油厂的维护成本将更加昂贵,因为炼油厂被迫进行代价较高的改造以适应新的环保法规。近几个月来国际油价始终维持在100美元/桶左右,已经侵蚀了炼油工业的利润,尤其是欧洲。炼油厂维护成本的增加或进一步冲击炼油工业的利润,一些炼油厂自2008年起开始关闭。从2000年至2008年,炼油厂停工检修成本已经增加了15%。在巴塞罗纳召开的全球炼油大会上,与会专家已就“炼油厂检修成本增加的趋势仍将持续”达成共识。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的快速发展,社会建设的步伐越来越快,石油资源耗费量也明显剧增,油价不断增高。而每年因为腐蚀而报废的炼油设备不计其数,降低了炼油设备的使用年限,增加了炼油成本。为了预防这一现象,提高炼油设备使用率,本文就炼油设备腐蚀的原因及预防措施,做了深入的分析与探讨。  相似文献   

刘延伟 《化学工业》2003,21(9):5-10
介绍了国内外炼油工业的概况 ,以 Royal Dutch Shell、 BP PLC、 Total Fina Elf 3家跨国公司和中国石油、中国石化、镇海炼化、广州石化 4家国内典型炼油企业作为分析对象,从规模实力、盈利能力、营销能力、技术创新能力、国际化经营能力、资源控制能力方面进行了研究.提出了扩大装置规模、提高装置负荷率、降低原油采购成本、寻求产品出口、提高油品质量,以提高国内炼油企业竞争力的建议.  相似文献   

王红秋 《化工进展》2020,39(11):4401-4407
介绍了现阶段炼油向化工转型的两个主要途径——原油最大化生产化工原料和原油直接蒸汽裂解生产化工原料,阐述了各工艺的发展现状和特点,并从供需两个层面分析了我国炼化行业的总体市场态势。结论认为,随着烯烃、芳烃产能的快速增长以及来源路线的多元化、低成本化,“炼油向化工原料转型”的矛盾将会显现;企业在炼化产业一体化、基地化、智能化升级的同时,还是要以效益最大化为指导思想,充分结合自身特点、定位、物流以及区域市场环境等因素进行综合考虑,如何最大程度地降低原料端成本、提升产品端价值以及生产过程的效率才是目前及未来一段时间我国炼化行业转型的发展趋势,也是我国炼化行业面临的巨大挑战。  相似文献   

综述了近几年国内炼油行业的用水状况及所采取的主要节水管理和技术措施,分析了国内炼油用水水平与国外先进指标存在的差距和主要问题,并对国内炼油行业节水技术和发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

油田地面集输管线在输送原油过程中,存在比较严重的结垢趋势,影响原油的正常流动和输送成本的提高,结垢严重时堵塞管线,甚至更换管线.通过对水力空穴射流清垢技术研究,在长庆油田进行了7条井组输油管线的清垢,能彻底清除附着在输油管壁的坚硬、酸不溶硫酸钡锶垢,清垢过程具有安全、彻底、速度快、无环境污染等特点,对油田集输管线清垢有...  相似文献   

硫酸钙结垢及其防治技术应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘洁  袁建军 《天津化工》2010,24(2):10-14
在制盐、海水淡化、石油开采、盐湖资源综合利用等工业化生产中常常遇到硫酸钙垢的问题,垢层的不断积累不仅影响传热效率,造成热能损失,产量降低,而且增加生产成本的同时延长了生产周期。因此研究一种有效合理的除垢方法用于工业化生产具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

李红斌  郑金印 《当代化工》2011,40(4):423-426
油田开发中后期为缓解原油产量递减,一般采取井网加密和实施增产措施,对加密新井进行经济可行性分析势在必行。通过对加密新井的投资和边际成本的分析,应用边际分析法原理和油气田建设项目经济评价方法,建立了加密新井经济产量边界分析模型。并结合油田开发数据,分析了加密新井经济产量边界与油价、含水率之间的关系,为油气田有效控制加密新井投资和实施精细化管理提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

The process of immobilizing enzymes is a major cost factor in the utilization of heterogeneous catalysts on an industrial scale. We have developed a new strategy, based on plant genetic manipulation, for the production of foreign peptides associated with the oil body in plant seeds. Seeds of transgenic rapeseed can be produced on a large scale at relatively low cost. Furthermore, oil bodies are readily isolated from seeds by floatation centrifugation. In this paper, we describe some physical and operational properties of an oil body—fusion protein complex and its suitability as a heterogeneous catalyst. Oil bodies from rapeseed, corn, and flax aggregate at pH 5, which facilitates their recovery by floatation. Oil bodies from transgenic rapeseed, carrying the reporter gene β-glucuronidase or the pharmaceutical peptide, hirudin, also aggregate in the same range. This aggregation is reversible. Oil bodies are resistant to a wide range of pH, with some lysis occurring (<10%) at the extremes. They are resistant to shearing forces, such as stirring. The thermal and pH stabilities, as well as the catalytic activity of β-glucuronidase expressed on the oil body surface, are comparable to those of free β-glucuronidase enzyme.  相似文献   

JS-1型常低温除油清洗剂的制备与应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
瞿军  何玉生 《清洗世界》2000,16(2):47-49
研制了一种以表面活性剂、低浓度碱液和有机溶剂为主要成分的新型常低温除油清洗剂 .该清洗剂具有去除油污能力强 ,使用温度低 ,对金属腐蚀小 ,环境污染小 ,成本低等特点 .  相似文献   

Following earlier experimental work, with a laboratory scale centrifugal molecular still (Model CMS-5), application of a pilot-plant continuous still (Model CMS-15) is described for the processing and production of a high-boding silicone diffusion pump oil. Technical and commercial viability is illustrated by a cost comparison with attempted conventional methods of production  相似文献   

A small scale biodiesel production facility based on the Mcgyan process is simulated in HYSYS and a follow-up techno-economic analysis is performed. Two feedstocks are analyzed: a soybean oil and waste cooking oil analogs. It is found that the soybean oil based process is not economical at such small scales, whereas the waste oil case has an NPV of $618K with an internal rate of return of 80%. The economic feasibility of a distributed system of small scale biodiesel production facilities in Greater London using waste vegetable cooking feedstock is also investigated. It is found that this system is feasible with a total of 20 installed facilities and an NPV of $1.1MM. A scheme is then implemented which reduces the total capital expenditure per facility based on the mass production of similar facilities. As expected, this scheme reduces the total capital cost of the system. Finally, a Monte Carlo scheme is implemented to study how the variability in economic parameters affects the system. It is found that the system is most sensitive to the sale price of biodiesel but that in all cases a positive NPV is returned. These analyses support the feasibility of small scale locally based biofuel production from locally sourced feestocks.  相似文献   

Precoat-bodyfeed filtration of virgin olive oil was investigated on an industrial filter-press plant. Several chemical parameters of the unfiltered oil were measured and the relationship with filtration performances was investigated by Principal Component Analysis. Further, Linear Discriminant Analysis was applied to develop a predictive model for oil filterability. Principal Component Analysis allowed the construction of latent variables which were used to separate oil groups and to select variables for Linear Discriminant Analysis. The developed linear model gave an overall correct recognition of about 88%, good enough for a convenient filterability prediction of oil at industrial scale.  相似文献   

The majority of off-colored cottonseed oils can be bleached to a prime color with 4% by weight or less of activated alumina in a single operation. Increasing the amount of alumina beyond 4% makes it possible to bleach the most difficult-to-bleach off-colored cottonseed oils. Although additional research is required to establish the process and optimize conditions, results of a preliminary cost study indicate that this method should be competitive on a large scale with rerefining followed by conventional earth bleaching. A flow sheet is given. Investment and operating costs are reported for bleaching for six months annually in plants having daily capacities of 100,000, 500,000, and 1,000,000 lb of cottonseed oil, prime and/or off-colored, in batches of 6,000, 30,000, and 60,000 lb, respectively. It is estimated that alumina bleaching of off-colored oil, with solvent extraction of oil from spent alumina, would cost as little as 0.4¢/lb in the largest plant, 0.5¢/lb in the medium plant, and 1.2¢/lb in the small plant. These costs are calculated on the basis of the use of 4% alumina by weight of oil for off-colored oil during one-fourth of the season, in combination with 1%, 2%, or 4% of alumina for prime oil during three-fourths of the season. Costs could be lowered by reducing oil losses and losses of alumina in regeneration, increasing filtration rates, and lowering alumina price as a result of additional research on its preparation. Lowered cost would make the method more attractive forprime oils as well. Presented at the AOCS meeting in New Orleans, La., 1962. A laboratory of the So. Utiliz. Res. & Dev. Div., ARS, U.S.D.A.  相似文献   

Biodiesel was produced at small scale by transesterification of used frying oil(UFO) recovered from Moroccan pastry shops and fish frying restaurants. Biodiesel was first synthesised at laboratory scale in order to optimize the transesterification parameters. The cost of the final product was also optimized using low-cost raw materials.The UFO and the produced biodiesel were characterized with several techniques including gas chromatography,1H NMR,13 C NMR, FTIR, and TGA–TDA techniques.1H NMR gas chromatographic analyses of the final product confirmed that the transesterification in the chosen experimental conditions was completed. These results were confirmed by TGA–TDA analysis used as new techniques to monitoring triglyceride conversion. The biodiesel did not contain any trace of glycerol, and it did meet the international standards. The transesterification at low cost in small scale conditions was performed at 60 °C using 1.2% of KOH and a methanol/oil molar ratio of 6:1. A yield of 80.8% was achieved. The properties of the produced biodiesel were found to be as good as those of biodiesels obeying to European standards. The biodiesel production was also performed at small-scale for individual utilisation. Thus, the product was tested in a kerosene stove for heating and non-modified commercial diesel engine producing electricity.  相似文献   

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